Director's growth history

3554.2239. Being cruel to relatives

Fangyuan parked the car outside the gate of Chunxiao Company.When it was time for lunch, Fang Yuan was surprised to find that some employees of Chunxiao Company were walking towards the cafeteria, and many employees even walked out of the company's gate and went into small restaurants and restaurants.Chunxiao’s meal costs only 1 yuan for breakfast, and 2 yuan for lunch and dinner. It should be said that it is definitely cheaper than the meals outside.Because Chunxiao Company has a subsidy, for each meal, the breakfast subsidy is 3 yuan, and the lunch subsidy is 6 yuan.Only when employees eat well can they work well.Now, employees don’t eat the company’s food, which seems to save the company money, but the consequences cannot be ignored: the more they hate the company’s food, the more they hate the company. Centrifugal force will be generated, resulting in the continuous decline of employees' loyalty to the company.

Fang Yuan watched, full of worries about the company's development.This eldest sister, like her father Fang Jingcai, is also a person who is not successful enough and has more than bad things!It turns out that when she wasn't in charge of the canteen, the company was doing well; now that she is in charge of the canteen, the company's employees don't want to eat company meals anymore.

Fang Yuan called Zhang Qiao: "Sister-in-law, are you at the company?" Zhang Qiao said: "I eat at the small restaurant outside the door." Fang Yuan said: "It seems that the company's food is really hard to eat." Zhang Qiao "Ah" and said, "Director Fang, I just want to eat outside today." Fang Yuan said, "Sister-in-law, don't lie to me, I already know. You give me your meal card, I will It’s in the Passat near the door.” Zhang Qiao said, “Okay, I’ll send it right away.” Fang Yuan said, “Don’t say anything, you are the only one who knows.” Zhang Qiao said, “Got it.”

From afar, Fang Yuan saw Zhang Qiao running towards him.Fang Yuan opened the door on one side and waited for Zhang Qiao to get into the car.Fang Yuan looked at Zhang Qiao who was out of breath, and said, "Sister-in-law, since when did the food not go well?" Zhang Qiao showed embarrassment.Fang Yuan said: "If my eldest sister is not competent, I will fire her directly and let her go home to take care of my parents." Zhang Qiao said: "Director Fang, you'd better ask Mr. Kong about this matter." Fang Yuan With a wry smile: "I fully understand. You give me the meal card, and I'll try the company's meal." Zhang Qiao said: "If you pass by like this, you will definitely be recognized right away. Wait a moment, I'll go back to the company I'll find you some work clothes, and I'll find you some big sunglasses." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

Soon, Zhang Qiao brought clothes and sunglasses.Fang Yuan changed clothes in the back seat and put on sunglasses.Zhang Qiao looked at Fang Yuan and said, "Director Fang is unstoppably handsome even in this suit. Our company has a lot of little girls, so be careful not to be targeted." Fang Yuan said, "The little girls in the company Girl, I don’t like any of them. I’m leaving, so go and eat outside.” Zhang Qiao said, “Okay, I really can’t accompany Director Fang anymore. If I eat with you, will I I was suspected of being the informer." Fang Yuan said, "It's not that serious."

Fang Yuan didn't force her anymore, put on her sunglasses, locked the car, Fang Yuan entered the company, and walked into the cafeteria.In the cafeteria, there are still some employees who come in to eat. After all, the food here is very cheap.But it was obvious that the hygienic conditions in the restaurant were really not good, many flies were flying around in the air, making Fang Yuan feel nauseated.I went to the cooking place, punched my card, and when I wanted to get the tableware, I saw that the tableware was really dirty.After looking for it, I couldn't find clean tableware, so I had to barely pick up stainless steel dinner plates, bowls and spoons.There are two kinds of rice, steamed buns and rice; as for vegetables, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, almost no eggs; fried cabbage with meat, the meat is all fat.There is a kind of pickles, which are shredded pickles mixed with peppers.Even if it was a work meal, whether Fangyuan was in the Education Bureau or Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, he had never had such a bad meal!Such a poor meal, Fang Yuan can only recall from his college life in Dongzhou Normal University.

Picked up the steamed bun and took a bite, hey, it didn't come off!Is this made of rubber or flour?Taking another mouthful of tomato {, Fang Yuan almost spit it out.In addition to the salty taste, in addition to the sour taste of tomato, there is also a smell of rust!My mother, this uses less oil, and if the rust in the big iron pan enters the dish because of the lack of oil, after it cools down, it will taste like this now!Even Dongzhou Normal University never had this taste, but only in my hometown in Northeast China, when I was living in junior high school, when I boiled cabbage gangzi in clear water, I had this taste!The more Fang Yuan thought about it, the angrier he became, and he stood up suddenly: "Let the canteen manager come and see me!"

This loud voice stunned everyone who was eating at once.A cook in a white coat came over, "Who are you? What are you shouting for?" Fang Yuan said, "I am the boss of Chunxiao Company! You, hurry up and ask all the canteen staff to come here, and ask Fang Juan to come over immediately I!"

The cooks stood in a row, and Fang Juan also came.Seeing Fang Yuan's angry face, Fang Juan didn't know what happened: "Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry?" Fang Yuan said, "Apart from you, who else can make me so angry?" In the company, you call me Director Fang, who asked you to call me Yuanyuan? I am the boss's boss, who authorized you to call me by my nickname?" Fang Juan was also a little scared: "Speak up if you have something to say. Anyway, we are a family!" Fang Yuan said: "Can a family hurt me like this? Can a family treat Chunxiao Company like this? Look at you, what kind of food are you cooking here? Come, try it yourself Taste! At noon today, you, including you Fang Juan, each serve a portion of scrambled eggs with red pepper, a portion of sautéed cabbage with fat meat, and two steamed buns per person. Let me eat them all! What are you doing in a daze? Now Just serve the vegetables and rice, and start eating now!"

This meal is really too bad to eat.Especially after it is cold, the rust smell is very strong and disgusting.Two or three cooks felt nauseous and wanted to vomit after eating a few mouthfuls. Fang Yuan said, "Don't vomit, eat all of them! Whoever vomits today will be fired!"

But the command is useless.Three or four people vomited first, and the rest were tempted and stimulated, and couldn't take it anymore.Although Fang Juan didn't vomit, she frowned.Fang Yuan pointed at these cooks: "You people, you can eat the food you cook yourself, but you still dare to make it and let my employees eat it. Your conscience is eaten by dogs?"

Kong Shuanghua rushed over, as did the deputies and middle managers of several companies.

Fang Yuan said: "Now, I have three things to announce. The first thing is that Fang Juan was dismissed from her position as the canteen administrator." Fang Juan was very wronged: "What's wrong with me? I am saving money for our own family. I What's wrong? Why do you fire me?" Fang Yuan said: "My parents are getting old, you can take care of them at home. The salary is quite a lot and you pay a penny, but you don't want to interfere or interfere in any company affairs in the future. .”

Fang Juan looked at Kong Shuanghua bitterly.Kong Shuanghua groaned in his heart.

Fang Yuan said: "The second thing I announced is that all the cooks in the company will be dismissed. The relevant procedures will be handled by the Human Resources Department. My request is that all labor contracts be terminated and all legal procedures be sorted out. Leave no tail."

Fangyuan scanned the audience again, and said: "The third thing I announced is that the company's cafeteria will hire professional chefs from Jingu Hotel to help cook. Breakfast is free, and lunch and dinner are 1 yuan. The company's subsidy standard is 5 yuan for breakfast. RMB, 9 RMB for lunch! All expenses, the company’s financial department will come up with a plan. Tonight, the professional chefs of Jingu Hotel will cook for everyone!”

All the employees stood up, and some employees shouted excitedly: "Long live Boss Fang!"

Fangyuan waved his hand: "Let everyone eat well and eat comfortably, so that everyone can work harder. I can't even eat well, and I can't eat enough. I'm sorry everyone! Please forgive me! This kind of thing will never happen in the future." Returned!"

Fang Yuan bowed deeply to all the employees.Warm applause went to Fangyuan.What lovely people the staff are!Their requirements are not very high, as long as we think about him a little bit and do a little bit for them, they will be very grateful!Such a good thing, why don't we do it?Do!And be sure to do it well!

At noon that day, Fang Yuan didn't eat.He summoned all the cadres above the middle level of the company, held an emergency meeting, and once again announced the removal of Fang Juan from the post of administrator of the canteen, and the dismissal of everyone in the company's canteen.Fangyuan said solemnly: "The first leader and department leaders should take this as a warning. In the future work, we will respect our employees more and love our employees more. We respect employees, and employees will respect us, cadres The relationship with the employees will be harmonious; we love the employees, the employees will be grateful to the cadres, they will be able to devote themselves to their work with more enthusiasm, and the cadres will be more supported and supported by the majority of employees! Regarding the company canteen, free is easy to cause It’s a waste, so employees still need to take a little money. But the company decided to increase the subsidy so that every employee can have a good meal and a full meal. After today’s meeting, I contacted Jingu Hotel, and the other person came Afterwards, Mr. Kong and Mr. Zhang were in charge of negotiating with Jingu, not only to allow Jingu to make a little money, but also to ensure that each of our employees had a good meal and enough food, so we didn’t have to go out to eat every day. Okay, today’s meeting Just stop here."

Soon, Si Yushi rushed to Chunxiao Company.After Fangyuan took the lead, he told Si Yushi about the situation, and Si Yushi said, "Okay, brother, I will definitely arrange the best chef to come over and make sure that brother is satisfied." Fang Yuan said: "Sister-in-law, talk to Shuanghua and Mr. Zhang. I have something to go to the Education Bureau in the afternoon."

Fang Yuan hurriedly left Chunxiao Company, found a restaurant and ate a plate of dumplings.While eating, Song Sisi called: "Fang Yuan, my father came back from other places. I'll come over tonight, I have a lot of things waiting to discuss with you at home!" Fang Yuan said, "Okay, I'll go over tonight." Before going out, my mother called. On the phone, Fang's mother was already crying: "Yuanyuan, how can you tell me how you are! No matter how wrong Juanzi is, she is also your sister! Come here after get off work today , Why don't you accompany your sister. If your sister has something wrong, how can I live? The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, watching Juanzi cry, my mother's heart is also hurting!"

Fangyuan suddenly had a dilemma: After get off work today, should I go to Song Sisi's house or the dormitory in the railway community?

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