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3558.2243 Catholic wedding

Fang Yuan left Song Sisi's house safely.Several thorny problems seemed to be solved, and when I went to Song Sisi's house again, I felt much more at ease.Fangyuan suddenly felt that while the dense and complicated sex actually brought him pain, it also greatly enriched his work experience. When encountering problems, he did not panic and dealt with them calmly, and he was often able to find a way to solve the problem.In recent times, I have used specific strategies such as "kill the chicken to show the monkey", "leverage strength to fight strength", "slap a sweet date" and other specific strategies skillfully and smoothly, and have received good results.

Arriving at Song Sisi's villa, he gently knocked on the door, and a warm body with a slight floral fragrance threw himself into Fang Yuan's arms. The refreshing French high-quality perfume and Song Sisi's familiar scent made Fang Yuan slightly intoxicated. drunken addiction.Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui were standing on the other side of the living room, looking at Fangyuan with a smile on their faces.This made Fangyuan feel a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said hello: "Uncle, aunt!" Zhu Rui said: "Sisi is really shameless, how can she hug Fangyuan directly in front of mom and dad?"

Fang Yuan suddenly felt something was wrong, Song Sisi had hugged herself like this many times before, also in front of Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui, but why did Zhu Rui say that today.

Song Sisi didn't speak, the right and obligation to answer naturally fell on Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan said: "I don't mind my uncle and aunt hugging each other face to face." Zhu Rui looked at Song Dacheng and said, "Dacheng, you've been outside these days, and I'm really scared at home. It's all right now, seeing that you're back safely, I'm relieved." Saying that, he really hugged Song Dacheng.Song Dacheng was really not used to it: "Don't, old couple, this look is not good." Fang Yuan said: "Old couple, long absence is better than newlywed."

Two couples of lovers embraced tightly in the living room of Song Dacheng's villa.Like a daughter, like a mother!For some reason, Zhu Rui really let go, and Song Dacheng, who has always been domineering, was melted by this warm spring water.

Zhu Rui is ready for dinner.Six courses, plus Ping An Noodles.Zhu Rui said: "Da Cheng came home and the matter was resolved satisfactorily. Our family gathered together to suppress Da Cheng's surprise. Xiao Fang, how about some Moutai?" Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

During the banquet, Song Dacheng talked about how he went to Fujian and Guangdong to deal with bad agents this time.Generally speaking, several cases have been properly resolved due to the fact that he brought his legal counsel with him and resolutely followed the path of handling according to law, coupled with Song Dacheng's relatively strong social skills and businessman friends all over the country.The headquarters of Dongzhou Dacheng also promptly announced the handling opinions and final results on the company website and various agents, which not only greatly restored the reputation of Dacheng, but even won more customers.Turning the crisis into a new opportunity for the development of the enterprise, Fangyuan's thinking has freed Dacheng from the crisis and re-emerged vigorous vitality.Although Song Dacheng worked the hardest, Fang Yuan deserved the most credit.

Song Sisi sat beside Fang Yuan like a little bird, her eyes never left Fang Yuan.Because of love, so love; because of worship, so love more; because pregnant with Fangyuan's child, so very special love.This is actually the common psychology of most female friends, but few people summarize and summarize it.

Zhu Rui didn't know why, but also looked more at Fangyuan and less at Song Dacheng.From time to time, she would pick up food for Fangyuan, as if she would not be able to eat enough if she didn't pick up food, and finally made Song Sisi jealous: "Mom, what Fangyuan eats, I'll pick it up for him. You took away my job, What am I doing?" Zhu Rui smiled lovingly and said, "Okay, don't grab, don't grab."

Comparing Zhu Rui and Song Dacheng with Kong Shufang and Kong Zitian, Fang Yuan suddenly felt that although he had received a lot of favors in terms of career development in the Kong family, he had never received such respect and attention.Fangyuan said: "Auntie, Sisi, I have my own hands, so I can pick whatever I want to eat. If you do this, I will be spoiled." Zhu Rui said: "I am right now, Xiao Fang. One hundred people are satisfied. The only regret is that you can't marry my family Sisi openly. But in my heart, I have long regarded you as my son-in-law. Now Sisi, even if you want to marry someone else, I would not agree."

Song Sisi blushed a lot: "Mom, what nonsense are you talking about? I never thought of marrying someone else. I only love Fangyuan. Besides, I am already Fangyuan's person, and I have Fangyuan's." Baby, how could I marry someone else?"

An indescribable feeling welled up in Fangyuan's heart.Fang Yuan was at a loss as to how to solve this problem.

Zhu Rui said: "Actually, I still hope that you and Xiao Fang can truly become a couple. Chinese law does not allow it. How about you go to the country? In those countries, it is allowed." Song Sisi said: "I don't I believe in Buddhism. I believe in Buddhism now, and I know that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. If I want to change my religious belief, I am not willing." Song Dacheng said: "I heard that it is possible to go to a Catholic or Christian church. To hold a ceremony in this country to prove the legal validity of the marriage. However, it is not allowed in China. Xiao Fang, would you like to hold such a Western-style wedding for Sisi?"

Fangyuan's heart was very tangled.Such entanglements made Fang Yuan feel unspeakably uncomfortable.I am indeed ashamed of Song Sisi, but the current law is like this, and polygamy is absolutely not allowed.However, outside of government agencies, where the power of the Commission for Discipline Inspection cannot reach, how many entrepreneurs have three wives and four concubines, living in groups of wives and concubines?Who cares?No one cares!From a legal point of view, this is definitely a violation of the "Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China", but neither the police nor the courts care about it, and the procuratorate rarely files cases because of this.Perhaps, women's federations at all levels often accept such complaints. The original partner came to the women's federation to accuse the husband of having a mistress outside and accusing the husband of being unfaithful in love and marriage.But if the Women's Federation reminds her that in this case, she can choose to divorce, 98% of the original spouses will ask the Women's Federation to uphold justice and ask the Women's Federation to assist her and drive her mistress away from her husband.In fact, the Women's Federation has no such right, at most it can only persuade and coordinate.Some experts have already expressed some opinions on forums at the Beijing level, saying that from the perspective of eugenics, wealthy families should have more children, including having more children with different women, which can ensure that these children have a healthy life from childhood to adulthood. Those who can receive a good education can get a better living environment.Instead of being extremely common and illegitimate, it is better to let this universality become legal.The views of these experts have been strongly opposed by relevant interest groups represented by the Women's Federation.The population department also pointed out that if a rich man can openly allow him to marry n women as wives, then there will be more men of the common class who cannot marry Wife, this will seriously affect social order, harmony and stability.

All in all, at the current legal level, the problem between Fangyuan and Song Sisi cannot be resolved in China.Of course, if you go to South Africa, this problem is relatively easy to solve.Zuma, the president of South Africa, doesn't mind turning her into another wife when he meets a suitable girl.However, China is not South Africa, and South Africa is not China.

Looking at Song Sisi's expectant eyes, Fangyuan nodded in a strange way: "If the conditions permit and the time is right, I will not object to holding a Catholic wedding in a suitable place in a foreign country." Song Dacheng was overjoyed: "Xiao Fang, Your reply really makes me so happy. I've been scolded by my old lady recently, even when I'm on a business trip, they don't let me go. Now, with your words, I can give my old lady a job. This matter ah , leave it to me. Before Sisi's baby is born, I must plan this matter well."

Song Sisi couldn't help the excitement in her heart, hugged Fangyuan again, and said emotionally: "Brother, I'm so happy and happy that you answered like this."

There were tears in Zhu Rui's eyes: "It's better to have an explanation than no explanation! The proof of the West is also the proof, and the proof of China is also the proof."

Do I need to get a Western certificate?Fang Yuan suddenly felt that he seemed to have got into a cover, a cover that was difficult to untie.

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