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3569.2254 Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite

Wang Guodong is a person who has been in the officialdom for a long time, and his judgment of the situation in Longwan District is quite profound and accurate.Although Dou Dangji is gone, Dou Dangji's absolute advantage in the Standing Committee of the District Committee will not change greatly because of Dou Dangji's absence.Once Luo Dianzhang's idea is rejected by the Standing Committee, then Luo Dianzhang's prestige will plummet, and no one will listen to what he says. It's better like now, at least everyone still listens to the hello.

Wang Guodong hoped from the bottom of his heart that the matter of Dou Dangji would be resolved as soon as possible.It can't be delayed anymore, the more it is delayed, the more problems will be caused; the more it is delayed, the more problems will be found.Dou Dangji and Lu Yaxiong, two gangsters in Dongzhou successively, were not the result of active investigation by the Municipal Committee and the Commission for Discipline Inspection, but were caused by accidental events. This is not the credit of the Municipal Committee, but the fault of the Municipal Committee.As the secretary of the municipal party committee, I have to take responsibility.The originally optimistic political prospects are now cast a shadow.Although Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee expressed his support for him, Wang Guodong couldn't tell whether this was Secretary Zhao's temporary appeasement or sincere support.After all, Secretary Zhao is not the only one in the Provincial Party Committee, and the 13 members of the Standing Committee will not have one voice.It is difficult for him to make a palace chapter, but is it easy for Wang Guodong?Recently, Song Yunsheng has also been acting impatiently, which is also affecting his control over the Dongzhou party and government organs.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and this saying applies everywhere.It's not easy for anyone!

Fangyuan is in Qiandao Lake, and I really want to study with peace of mind and prepare for the doctoral exam.However, the number of phone calls every day is as innumerable as a cow's hair.The education bureau, the teaching and research section, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and Dongzhou No. 68 Middle School, all big and small things, were passed on to Fang Yuan's ears by phone.Some documents have to be sent by e-mail, please review and approve them.Even so, it is possible to better understand the situation and grasp the situation, but it also makes it difficult for Fang Yuan to spare more time to review and study.

Similarly, Fang Yuan does not want to be a loner, and needs to communicate with model workers.For the activities arranged by the trade union, they must also participate in the whole process.This is not only support for Ma Lianghe, but also an important means to avoid being isolated.Whether it is a real model worker in the front line, a semi-real model worker who has become an entrepreneur, or a model worker who is already in an important leadership position, everyone is willing to contact Fangyuan.Some entrepreneurs and model workers even arranged some other activities in addition to the activities arranged by the trade union, and they were willing to invite Fangyuan to participate.It's not that Fangyuan is so popular, but many people think that Fangyuan is very important.First, Fang Yuan is the deputy director of the Education Bureau and the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. In the future, if his relatives and children want to go to school, Fang Yuan will inevitably be troubled.Now, through such activities, first establish a friendly relationship with Fangyuan and become friends, and it will be easier to talk and do things in the future.Second, Fang Yuan is the youngest department-level cadre in Dongzhou. Entrepreneurs like to make friends with potential stocks in the officialdom.When the other party is still a potential stock, the investment is the least, and the return will be the most generous in the future.Looking at Dongzhou, it seems that there is no higher-quality potential stock than Fangyuan. If you don't take advantage of the opportunity of recuperation to make friends in advance, should you wait until Fangyuan becomes the deputy mayor or mayor before making friends?At that time, not to mention the higher cost of making friends, the most important thing is that if you want to make friends, you may not be able to make friends.

The enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and model workers made it difficult for Fang Yuan to refuse, and he was also tired of coping.Fang Yuan seemed to be the most popular companion among the model workers besides Ma Lianghe.The meals in the nursing home should be pretty good, but whether it's at noon or at night, Fangyuan is often called out by these entrepreneurial model workers who can pay the bill, to taste delicious food and enjoy the beautiful scenery.Ordinarily, this model worker recuperation is the most relaxed and comfortable moment, and there is no need to have any burden on the mind. However, in a few days, several circles have slowly formed: the first-line model worker circle, the official model worker circle, and entrepreneurs. Model worker circle.There can still be close interaction between the circle of official model workers and the circle of entrepreneurial model workers, while the real front-line industrial workers, such as conductors on buses, such as factory workers, such as salespersons in shopping malls, gradually become convalescents. solitary bird.

Fang Yuan has been exposed to the so-called circle theory for a long time, and watched all these deduction and development calmly, but her heart is still very painful.Everyone is a model worker, and should be treated equally, but the Federation of Trade Unions, from the chairman to the section chief, seems to be more willing to strike up a conversation with entrepreneurs and model workers.Is this the naked social reality?Is this also the epitome of a big society in the circle of model workers?

On the second day of National Day, Fangyuan received a call from Song Sisi: "Fangyuan, I miss you so much. I want to go to Qiandao Lake with my mother to see you."

Although Fangyuan met Song Sisi and Kong Shuanghua almost every day via video, Fangyuan treated Song Sisi and Kong Shuanghua equally, and treated her equally from the bottom of her heart, but as a pregnant woman, Song Sisi was more dependent on the man she loved.

Fangyuan didn't want Song Sisi to come: "Sisi, I will go back on the 11th. The company needs you and aunt, how can I leave?" Song Sisi said: "My dad is at home, so don't worry about the company. how it works." Fang Yuan said: "But, there are 30 model workers who came with me, with many eyes and many tongues." Song Sisi said: "I really miss it so much, I can't help it. Otherwise, It's okay if you come back. I can't sleep at night now, so I long for you to hug me. Only when I snuggle in your arms can I sleep very soundly. "

Fang Yuan actually misses women too.I don't know if Su Ruihan has further developed his obsession with sex, but in the blink of an eye, Fang Yuan hasn't touched any woman for more than ten days.The entrepreneur Model Worker also arranged such a program, but Fang Yuan resolutely rejected it.Reason told Fang Yuan that this was a road of no return.He already has Su Ruihan, the most beautiful woman in Dongzhou, the very beautiful Song Sisi, and an increasingly virtuous Kong Shuanghua, Fang Yuan no longer has any thoughts of touching other women.

Fangyuan said: "You can't come. However, I can try to ask for leave to go back. I don't know if it will work, but I will try." Song Sisi said: "Honey, I really miss you so much. You If you don’t let me go, then come back quickly.”

Fangyuan found Ma Lianghe and expressed his homesickness.Ma Lianghe said: "Our recuperation this time is to completely relax and let the model workers recuperate well. If you go back, I don't need to think about it. How can you get a good rest if you have endless work to deal with? Let’s stay. In another seven or eight days, our recuperation will be over. You know, Secretary Wang Guodong personally instructed you to come to recuperate. Secretary Wang told me in person that we must let you come and rest. Good. To avoid the recurrence of the hospitalization in August. Therefore, I cannot agree to your request for leave."

Fangyuan returned to his room helplessly, and called Song Sisi: "Sisi, I'm going to ask for leave, but the chairman didn't agree." Song Sisi said, "Then my mother and I must go." In eight days, I will return to Dongzhou." Song Sisi said: "No, I miss you so much. Besides, I also need to recuperate now! Qiandao Lake has a good environment, green mountains and green waters, and a natural oxygen bar. I will recuperate there It’s fine for a few days.” Fang Yuan said, “Yes, you really should come here. However, it’s really not convenient for me to see you, because I have too many eyes and too many tongues.” Song Sisi said, “We will always find a way. Me and Mom is going to book a plane ticket now. By the way, husband, you have never let me go, are there other women in your place?"

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