Director's growth history

3576.2261, Fangyuan can't see the way

Hangjiang, Qingjiang Hotel.

When Ma Lianghe's car arrived at Qingjiang Hotel, Zhang Shangang, director of the Dongzhou City Federation of Trade Unions Office, was already waiting here.Zhang Shangang shook hands with Ma Lianghe enthusiastically: "Chairman, you have worked hard all the way." Ma Lianghe said: "Shangang has worked even harder!" Zhang Shangang said: "This is what I should do." Ma Lianghe said: "Everything is arranged. Have you done it?" Zhang Shangang said: "Some preparatory work has been done. Chairman, let's go upstairs and rest." Ma Lianghe nodded.Zhang Shangang shook hands with Fangyuan again: "Secretary Ma, welcome!" Fangyuan said, "Thank you Director Zhang."

Fang Yuan sighed: It can be seen that Ma Lianghe is already preparing in advance, and the preparation is very sufficient.This Zhang Shangang should be Ma Lianghe's absolute confidant.Of course, there is no power in vain in the world. With Zhang Shangang's performance, according to Ma Lianghe's habits of life and work, he should at least recommend Zhang Shangang to be the vice chairman of the city's labor union in the future.

Fangyuan once again enjoyed the treatment of a single room, and it was arranged next to Ma Lianghe.But Zhang Shangang's room was not such a luxurious suite.Fang Yuan felt a little extravagant, but Fang Yuan couldn't say it out loud.In fact, on the way to Hangjiang, Fangyuan still didn't understand what Ma Lianghe was going to do.Ma Lianghe and Fang Yuan chatted along the way, but Ma Lianghe didn't say a word about what they were doing in Hangjiang, and Fang Yuan couldn't ask.

Ma Lianghe said: "Shangang, let's rest for a while, and then you arrange a car, and we go to the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions." It will be arranged soon." Zhang Shangang said: "Don't worry, Chairman, I have come to Hangjiang for two days. In addition to completing the work arranged by the Chairman, I have devoted a lot of energy to researching famous restaurants with taste and characteristics in Hangjiang." Ma Liang He said, "I've always been at ease when you handle things." Turning his face, he said to Fang Yuan, "Xiao Fang has a rest. In half an hour, we'll go to the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and pay a visit to Chairman Xia Han Chun Xia."

For Fang Yuan, the itinerary of this road is not tiring at all.And Ma Lianghe might really be old, with a haggard look on his face.Resting for half an hour can shake Ma Lianghe's spirits, and when he visits Xia Hanchun, he will look young and energetic.Of course, during this half an hour, whether there will be a special injection that can make people feel refreshed, this is beyond Fang Yuan's knowledge.Of course, you must take a shower. Along the way, although the whole process is air-conditioned, it is still necessary to take a shower to wash away fatigue and even the slightest smell on the body.

From Qingjiang Hotel to the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the distance is very short.The Federation of Trade Unions is located in the northeast of the West Lake, with an elegant and fresh environment, bathed in the humid air of the West Lake, and surrounded by green trees, just like being in a natural oxygen bar.Ma Lianghe chose to arrive at the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions at 11 o'clock, which is very meaningful.

After registering at the entrance of the building and making phone calls, Ma Lianghe and Fangyuan entered the building of the Federation of Trade Unions.Ma Lianghe was familiar with the road, entered the elevator, and directly pressed the floor where Chairman Xia Hanchun was.At this time, Ma Lianghe was completely different from when he got off the bus at Qingjiang Hotel just now. His spirit was shaking, his spirit was high, and he looked very young, which surprised even Fang Yuan: what kind of power is this, making Ma Lianghe seem 10 years younger all of a sudden? age?

The floor where Chairman Xia Hanchun was located was quiet and somewhat orderly.Fang Yuan had this feeling before on Wang Guodong's office floor, but the majesty here is more serious.Ma Lianghe came to the door of Room 08 and knocked gently on the door.A thick baritone voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Ma Lianghe pushed the door open and entered with a bright smile on his face.Fang Yuan was emotionally affected, and she also smiled.Ma Lianghe said: "Hi, Chairman Xia."

Xia Hanchun stood up: "Xiao Ma, are you here?" Ma Lianghe said: "Yes! I have wanted to come and visit you for a long time!" Xia Hanchun said: "The trade unions are one family, Xiao Ma, why are you so polite?" Ma Lianghe Said: "I really respect Chairman Xia." Xia Hanchun said: "I know this one, Fang Yuan, a provincial model worker, the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Fang Yuan said: "Hello, Chairman Xia." Ma Lianghe said: " Chairman Xia, you really have a good memory!" Xia Hanchun said: "I can remember not many people in Dongzhou, Xiao Ma, you are one, and Xiao Fang is also one."

Fang Yuan suddenly felt flattered.I don't know why it feels like this.Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng both praised Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan didn't feel that way.Fangyuan said: "Thank you, Chairman Xia." Ma Lianghe said: "Chairman Xia, I am here to report to you today on the work of the Dongzhou Federation of Trade Unions." He said: "I also ask Chairman Xia to provide more guidance, criticism, and guidance." Xia Hanchun said: "Okay, let's encourage each other."

Ma Lianghe gave a brief report to Xia Hanchun on the work of Dongzhou Federation of Trade Unions.In particular, Ma Lianghe proposed to prepare a pilot project for private enterprises to establish trade unions in Dongzhou City, where there are many private enterprises, and has reached a preliminary intention with Dacheng Company.Ma Lianghe said: "Comrade Fangyuan witnessed the whole process of my discussion with the chairman and general manager of Dacheng Company." Xia Hanchun looked at Fangyuan.Fangyuan said: "Yes, Chairman Xia. Chairman Zhu and General Manager Song of Dacheng Company are very willing to cooperate with the Dongzhou City Federation of Trade Unions and establish an enterprise trade union according to the requirements of the Federation of Trade Unions." Xia Hanchun was very interested: "Xiao Ma , your pilot project is very meaningful. If the pilot project is successful, it will be of great value to be promoted in the whole province. Qingjiang is a province with private enterprises as the mainstay. How to better promote the harmony between enterprise managers and workers, and better Safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers, in the new era and background of reform and opening up, is an important issue before our trade unions at all levels. You should boldly carry out this pilot project. What kind of policy support does the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions need to provide? Said, I have a green light all the way here." Ma Lianghe said: "Thank you Chairman Xia for your strong support. I especially want to ask Chairman Xia to go to Dongzhou at a convenient time to guide our pilot work and contribute to other aspects of the work of the Dongzhou Federation of Trade Unions. Conduct all-round guidance." Xia Hanchun said: "When the time is right, I will go even if you don't invite me." Ma Lianghe said: "I will definitely work hard to make this time ripen earlier." Xia Hanchun said: "good."

Fangyuan seemed to understand the reason why Ma Lianghe asked him to follow him to Hangjiang.

Ma Lianghe said: "Chairman Xia, it's already noon, I sincerely invite you to have a simple working meal." Xia Hanchun said: "Okay, Xiao Ma's invitation, I will not refuse. You go downstairs and wait for me, I'll make a few phone calls and invite a few people to accompany me." Ma Lianghe said, "Thank you Chairman Xia for your kindness."

Ma Lianghe and Fang Yuan left Xia Hanchun's office lightly.Xia Hanchun was at the door, and shook Fangyuan's hand: "Xiao Fang, you know the door of my office. If you come to Hangjiang to do business in the future, you have to come and visit me! Don't think I'm old, my heart is just like yours. Young." Fang Yuan was a little apprehensive: "Chairman Xia, if you have the opportunity to go to Hangjiang, you must visit." Xia Hanchun said: "Okay. Next time you come, Xiaoma may not come with you." Fang Yuan said: "Yes."

All the way down the stairs, neither of them spoke.In Zhang Shangang's car downstairs, Ma Lianghe let out a long breath and asked, "Shangang, is the hotel arranged?" Zhang Shangang said, "It's arranged." , thank you for accompanying me to Hangjiang. Your role is even greater than I imagined!"

Fangyuan was like falling into the fog, and he couldn't understand the meaning of Ma Lianghe's words at all.

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