Director's growth history

3595.2280 Fighting wits and fighting strength

What is a sore spot?What Fang Yuan said just now hit Zhai Xinwen's sore spot.But after all, Zhai Xinwen has been in the officialdom for decades, and his expression quickly returned to normal: "There must be mobile quotas, but this year there are only 5. I have never mentioned this matter. Obviously, the 5 All the places are for emergencies, so they can’t be given to the No. 5 High School.” Fang Yuan said, “I think there are more than five places, right?”

At this time, Zhai Xinwen looked calm: "Generally, 10 maneuvers are reserved in previous years. This year, because the number of positions for senior teachers in middle schools is too small, only 5 are reserved. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I will not move easily."

Fang Yuan said: "Director, this matter has not been studied at the meeting, so it is not appropriate." Zhai Xinwen smiled slightly: "Okay! If you think it is necessary, I agree to hold the office meeting of the Director." Fang Yuan was stunned, looked at Zhai Xinwen, I couldn't believe what Zhai Xinwen said.Zhai Xinwen said: "Why don't we hold a director's office meeting tomorrow to study this issue. I believe, Xiaofang, you will definitely win more places."

is not that right?When it came to the director's office meeting, Fang Yuan was confident that he could win the support of more than half of the votes.But even if Fang Yuan got a satisfactory number of senior professional titles, what good would it be?The teachers in Dongzhou No. 5 High School got benefits, but under the condition that the total number of places remained unchanged, this meant taking up several places from other schools, and the principals of all the schools in the city must be offended.You, Fangyuan, have the power to force us to reduce the number of places for higher vocational schools. When these schools have troubles, we can't control them.Seeing that Zhai Xinwen's attitude became more enthusiastic, Fangyuan thought more, and soon understood Zhai Xinwen's sinister intentions.Those who win the hearts of the people win the world; those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world.If I lost the support and support of the majority of principals in the Eastern State education system, then I would almost be doomed.This time, Fangyuan deeply felt Zhai Xinwen's formidable skills: If you don't want a quota, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will not be easy to explain, and more importantly, your prestige will be quickly damaged; Life will be tougher in the education system.

Fang Yuan realized that although he had always thought that he had the upper hand in the fight against Zhai Xinwen; now he realized that if he hadn't relied on his deep background, 10 of them might not be Zhai Xinwen's opponent.What should I do? 3 places, there is definitely no way to explain it to the teachers; I will definitely make myself lose my wife and lose my army when I go to the director's office to study.But now, if he shows weakness, his momentum will be suppressed by Zhai Xinwen at once, just like Sun Hongjun was subdued by Zhai Xinwen at the Teacher's Day celebration dinner.

Fang Yuan said: "It's okay if you don't know how to study. Director, Dongzhou No. 5 has only given 3 places, which is indeed too small. I still hope that from your flexible quota, you can allocate a few places to Dongzhou." State No. 5 High School." Zhai Xinwen smiled, lit a cigarette, and took a slow puff: "Xiao Fang, every mobile quota is a life-saving straw for me, the director. Last year, Mayor Zhou Called me, a teacher who meets the promotion requirements, the family is particularly difficult, and needs an increase of more than 700 yuan. After investigation and research, this mobile quota has played a vital role. Last year, I included the mobile quota 2 of them were given to you in Dongzhou No. 5, so that there are 7 places in the end. The remaining 8 places all have a thrilling story. Even so, it is still not enough! This year I only have 5 places. I am very worried that because there are too few left, it may be difficult to cope with some special situations in the future."

Fang Yuan believed that what Zhai Xinwen said was true.But if you allocate 4 or 5 quotas to yourself at the beginning, and then explain that the total number of quotas in the city this year is less than last year, it is better to say.This extremely small number of 3 places really makes people feel a lot of pressure.Now, if I give up halfway, my prestige in the Education Bureau and in the school will be greatly reduced.Fang Yuan said: "Dongzhou No. 5 High School's college entrance examination results are good. The teachers have put in a lot of hard work, which also proves the excellence of the teachers of No. 5 Middle School. I don't know if this reason is sufficient?"

Zhai Xinwen looked at Fangyuan and said flatly, "Aren't the teachers in No. 3 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School excellent?"

Fang Yuan was speechless.Obviously, this reason of mine can only be public to public, but it is not indispensable.It seems that we have to think of another way!Fang Yuan stood up: "Director, I understand the situation, thank you for explaining so much."

Zhai Xinwen also stood up: "Long live the understanding." Fang Yuan walked to the door of the director's room, put his hand on the handle, and was about to open the door.Zhai Xinwen put his hand gently on the back of Fangyuan's hand: "Xiao Fang, my mentor is your father-in-law, we are a family! We have always cooperated very well before, who made us spiritually , distanced from action? What caused the gap between us? Have you thought about these issues? I always hope that the two of us will be more closely united, so the future of Dongzhou education will be better .”

Fangyuan's heartstrings were touched.In fact, the conflict between the two has a lot to do with the school-choice students in No. 5 Middle School.But now, Fang Yuan didn't want to explain anything, and was too lazy to say more.

Fang Yuan said: "Director, in my dreams, I hope that Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will develop well, and I also hope that Dongzhou Education will develop well."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Being an official will benefit one side. As the director of the Education Bureau, I am responsible for the development of Dongzhou education and for the people of Dongzhou. It is a heavy responsibility on my shoulders to provide Dongzhou education that the people are satisfied with. Xiaofang, we have a common goal of struggle and a common desire to run Dongzhou education well, why can't we unite together?"

Fangyuan felt the power of Zhai Xinwen transmitted from the back of his hand.Fang Yuan looked up at Zhai Xinwen and said, "Director, I said a long time ago that I will support anything that is beneficial to the development of Dongzhou education. If the decision made by the Director is beneficial to Dongzhou education, I will do the same as before. , firmly support you."

Zhai Xinwen smiled kindly: "Okay, just based on your words, I will give one of the mobile places to the No. 5. Also, for the sake of my mentor, I will take out another place. In this way, I Only 3 mobile places are reserved. Although the situation will be more difficult, I am willing to release my sincerity and exchange my sincerity for yours, and look forward to our sincere cooperation."

God!Two quotas have been added at once! Although Fang Yuan was not very satisfied with the 5 places, it was already a pleasant surprise.At the critical moment, Zhai Xinwen is really generous!Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Director." Zhai Xinwen pressed the back of Fang Yuan's hand vigorously and said, "It's very difficult to make this decision, but I still have to make this decision because I have always had confidence in you."

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you." Zhai Xinwen said: "The conversation between us today is top secret and cannot be shared with anyone. If another person finds out about this matter, then I will take back my promise. The quota is also taken back.” Fangyuan said: “I understand.” Zhai Xinwen said: “The Municipal Teaching and Research Office will have 6 quotas for senior titles every year, 2 for high school, 2 for junior high school, 2 for elementary school and kindergarten. Maybe there is something to do there .”

Fangyuan's eyes lit up.Heh, the teaching and research section is my private plot!Fang Yuan once again expressed his gratitude.

Zhai Xinwen personally sent Fang Yuan out of the bureau chief's office.Fang Yuan remembered another thing: "Director, I took out the 2 yuan and didn't spend a single penny." Zhai Xinwen said, "Then go through the normal procedures and enter the account." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Director, for your concern." Zhai Xinwen Said: "I have a heart for you!"

Fang Yuan was speechless, feeling ashamed.

Fangyuan went upstairs and returned to her office.He called Dai Lianghua to discuss with Dai Lianghua how to deal with the 2008 professional title review.

Zhai Xinwen returned to his office and immediately picked up the phone: "Director Kong, come to my office."

Kong Lili soon appeared in front of Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen said: "Fang Yuan is back, did you know?" Kong Lili said: "I know, I saw that Fang Yuan and Wang Xingbang went downstairs together. Obviously, Wang Xingbang went to Fangyuan's office and came down with Fang Yuan again." Zhai Xinwen said: "I know the situation." Kong Lili said: "You trust Wang Xingbang so much!" Zhai Xinwen said: "Everyone has the right to see others. Xingbang is the director of the office and serves the bureau leaders. This is normal." Kong Lili said : "I think some people want to step on two boats." Zhai Xinwen said: "Is it so easy to step on two boats? Lili, let's put this matter aside for now. I feel that the personnel department has an inner ghost."

Kong Lili said: "How could it be?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Fangyuan actually knew that I had a mobile quota. The only ones who knew about it were you, me and Chu Guoxiang. I am worried that Chu Guoxiang will not be able to do so in the future." used."

Kong Lili said: "Guoxiang has always been very steady in her work. Shouldn't she be? I'll ask her." Zhai Xinwen said: "Don't be impulsive. Impulsiveness will cause trouble. Lili, we just need to know who Fangyuan met today. , that’s enough.” Kong Lili said: “Yes, you’re the best!” Zhai Xinwen said, “I gave Fangyuan 5 out of 2 mobile places.” Kong Lili was shocked: “How can this be possible? Xinwen, you The person I hate the most is Fang Yuan, so why give him 2 places?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Fighting without breaking is our bottom line. If the fighting breaks, the fish will die, and we don't know what the result will be. I The situation must be controlled on a basis that can be controlled. I can't tear myself apart with Fang Yuan, after all, Fang Yuan's background is too deep." Kong Lili said: "You have the support of Mayor Song and Mayor Deng, what are you afraid of him doing? Zhai Xinwen said: "We can't do things that hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred ourselves. I'm not afraid of anyone, I just hope that Fangyuan can be used by me." Kong Lili said: "Don't have illusions." Zhai Xinwen said: "Whether it's fantasies or real needs, the struggle between me and Fangyuan must be controlled within an appropriate range. Have you heard? This time Fangyuan accompanied Ma Lianghe from the Federation of Trade Unions to Hangjiang and to the Shanghai stock market. A total of 4 members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee met with Fangyuan and Ma Lianghe. Mayor Song kept his word in Dongzhou, but looking at Qingjiang Province, he was probably just an ordinary department-level cadre. It is understood that Ma Lianghe went to the provincial capital for the sake of However, Ma Lianghe had too few contacts, so he asked Fangyuan. As soon as Fangyuan came forward, he helped introduce four standing committee members, including Cui Liang, the former secretary of the municipal Party committee. Fangyuan's background and energy really made him People are afraid!"

Kong Lili said: "I heard recently that Fang Yuan and Song Sisi of Dacheng Company are ambiguous. Song Sisi even flew to Qiandao Lake in person to date Fang Yuan! I wonder if we can take care of Fang Yuan's handle on this matter?" Zhai Xinwen said: "If the people do not promote, the officials will not be investigated. Fang Yuan has seen such rumors a lot, so what can he threaten him? Besides, what is the nature of the difference between Fang Yuan and Song Sisi, between us? Even the Commission for Discipline Inspection Don't care, should we take care of it?" Kong Lili said: "But I feel that the recent news about Fang Yuan and Song Sisi in the Education Bureau has dealt a big blow to Fang Yuan's prestige." Zhai Xinwen said: "Thank you Lili for always caring about me. .Fang Yuan’s background is too deep, so it’s difficult to deal with it for the time being. Then, the insider of the personnel department must be found out, this is the most urgent task.”

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