Director's growth history

3607.2290. Life is Actually So Complicated

Early the next morning, Fang Yuan went to school first as a habit.Standing in the school's communication room, watching the teachers walk into the campus one after another, Fang Yuan nodded as a greeting.Yu Yalun entered the school gate in Fangyuan's original Audi A6, saw Fangyuan standing there, got out of the car hurriedly, and came to Fangyuan's side: "Principal, it's so early!" Fang Yuan said: "Recently, those who are late and leave early How is the situation?" Yu Yalun said: "Basically none." Fang Yuan said: "Management should be combined with leniency and strictness. You can't be loose or strict. Secretary Yu, in the near future, I will definitely leave 5 Middle. I don’t know why, but I have a deep nostalgia for No. 5 Middle School.”

Yu Yalun pondered Fangyuan's words carefully, his eyes lit up.Suddenly, she saw the promise of presiding over the top 5 schools in the Eastern State.But what he said has a different flavor: "Principal, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School cannot do without you now. You are sitting in No. 5 Middle School, the school is united and cohesive, and everyone is full of energy." Fang Yuan said: "The iron-clad camp Running soldiers. I can’t stay in the school forever, right?” Yu Yalun said: “Yes. The principal has a bright future, and he will definitely work in a higher leadership position in the future.” Fang Yuan said: “Secretary Yu, accompany me on campus let's go."

Yu Yalun's heart was inexplicably flustered, and he didn't know whether it was worry or expectation.Even his face was slightly red.I am four or five years old!If he walked around the campus with Fang Yuan, no one would gossip about it, would he?

Carefully accompanying Fangyuan, walking on the playground, Yu Yalun's heart was always fluttering.Accompanied by this successful and attractive man, Yu Yalun couldn't help but think of his own man, a mediocre office worker who worked as a deputy chief clerk in the city government building.Alas, people are better than people, and people are pissed off.He's a man in his 30s, not even a section chief, let alone a deputy director.If my husband is a man like Fang Yuan, then do I still need to be as cautious as a little daughter-in-law entering her in-law's house like now?At that time, not only did I have honor on my face, but I was afraid that I would not be sent to the school, and I would just change to a powerful section chief in the Education Bureau. Husband and wife are honored!At that time, whoever dares to wear small shoes for me, Yu Yalun, will really not know how to die.Yu Yalun suddenly felt it was ridiculous: what was he thinking about?Taking a sneak peek at Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan's attention was not on her, and Yu Yalun felt extremely disappointed.

Fang Yuan's eyes wandered around the playground, and even saw a building outside the playground.what is he looking atYu Yalun was very curious, but didn't have the courage to ask.Fang Yuan is the superior, and he is the subordinate. It is more in line with the rules to wait for Fang Yuan to ask something before answering.Sure enough, Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Yu, don't you think our school is a bit small now?"

ah?How small is such a big school?Yu Yalun said: "Principal, our school is one of the largest schools in Dongzhou." Fang Yuan said: "But there is no classroom to accommodate more students!" Yu Yalun said: "Yes, there are still a lot of ideas. Students who enter Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School cannot get in." Fang Yuan said, "If I want to expand the school, Secretary Yu, do you think where is the most suitable place to build this new teaching building?"

Expand the school?Yu Yalun never thought about this question.Yu Yalun looked at Fangyuan with a dazed gaze.Fang Yuan said: "The biggest difficulty of our school now is that the scale is too small." Yu Yalun followed Fang Yuan's meaning and said: "I know that many schools in Hangjiang and Ninghai have more than 100 classes." Ignoring Yu Yalun's words, he pointed to a building outside the school and said, "If there, expand a teaching building, add a gymnasium, and build a library and science and technology complex. Move the entire high school into that new building, we will How many classes will there be in your school?" Yu Yalun quickly calculated, and said: "There will be 72 classes, an increase of 36 classes compared to now." Fang Yuan said: "If the school reaches such a scale, I believe that there will be 5 classes in the east. In the future, there will never be any school in the state that surpasses No. 5 Middle School. The best students in the city will be concentrated in No. 5 Middle School. Secretary Yu, the principal of No. [-] Middle School must be the most popular principal in the city in the future."

Fang Yuan's words always made Yu Yalun's heart twitch.Yu Yalun said: "Now, demolition is very difficult. Those buildings on the opposite side are really dilapidated and not commensurate with the image of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. If it can be demolished and relocated, it will become the new teaching place of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." The development potential of No. 5 Middle School will definitely increase a lot, and the future prospects will be even brighter.” Fang Yuan said, “I’m going to go back to the Education Bureau and report my thoughts to Director Zhai and Secretary Sun.” Yu Yalun blurted out: "I fully support the principal in this matter. I will also express my support to the bureau leaders."

Fangyuan's cell phone rang.Fang Yuan glanced at it, and immediately picked it up respectfully: "Secretary Wang, hello. I'm Xiao Fang." Wang Guodong's tone was very calm: "Come to my office now." Fang Yuan said: "I'll hurry over. "

The other party's phone hung up.Fang Yuan said to Ya Lun: "Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee is looking for me. I'm leaving first." Yu Ya Lun personally sent Fang Yuan to the car and returned to his office.Sitting there and thinking for a while, Yu Yalun called Zhai Xinwen: "Director, I am Yu from No. 5 Middle School." Zhai Xinwen said, "You are less than, what's the matter?" Yu Yalun said: "Director Fang came to school this morning. Let me accompany him around the playground. Director Fang proposed an idea, saying that he wanted to demolish the old buildings outside the playground and build a teaching building, a gymnasium, a library and a science and technology center. I don’t know if the director Know about this?"

Zhai Xinwen was shocked, but his tone remained calm: "I don't know much about this matter, please introduce it to me in detail." Yu Yalun said: "That's all I know. Just now, Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee called Director Fang , called Director Fang away." Zhai Xinwen said "Oh" and said, "Youyu, you did a good job. Work hard."

Zhai Xinwen hung up the phone, feeling ups and downs in his heart: Last night, Song Yunsheng and Deng Yuncong celebrated the promotion of Confucius Tian, ​​and Fang Yuan was also present, which is enough to show that the estrangement caused by the Dongzhou Xingang Railway Extension Line has been covered up or resolved at least to a certain extent; Today, Wang Guodong called Fangyuan away, which at least shows that Wang Guodong still trusts Fangyuan.It seems that in order to control the Education Bureau, you still need to cooperate with Fangyuan instead of confrontation!Fortunately, I took precautions and released two medium and high indicators, otherwise I would really get stuck, and I'm afraid my life would be difficult!Save some kindness for others, so that we can meet each other in the future.Fortunately, I didn't make up my mind to kill them all. If I really listened to Kong Lili, I'm afraid I would have become a scapegoat and a victim before killing others.This time, Confucius Tian was transferred to the executive vice president of the Provincial Party School. If he was promoted to the Deputy Office, he would probably have to study and continue his studies at the Provincial Party School!The people Confucius Tian came into contact with in the future were of a high level, and the people he had the most frequent contact with should be Guo Feng, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Bei Zhenlong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization.These are the key people who decide their own destiny.Of course, there is no chance of direct contact with Secretary Guo and Minister Bei of the Provincial Party Committee. With Confucius Tian, ​​a close relationship with Confucius Tian can build a new bridge.

Zhai Xinwen immediately called Kong Zitian, but the blind voice status was displayed: Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable.Zhai Xinwen felt his heart sink: Did Confucius change his phone number?Called several times in succession, but the voice is still blind.Zhai Xinwen didn't know that Confucius Tian was already on the plane from Dongzhou to Hangjiang at this time.

Fangyuan met Wang Guodong.Wang Guodong looked at the quartz clock on the wall and said, "Xiao Fang, this morning, I'm going to take comrades from several departments to Dacheng Company to take a look. You can arrange the work at hand and accompany me to investigate." Fang Yuan said : "Okay, Secretary Wang. I'll make a few calls." Wang Guodong nodded.Fangyuan came to the outside room, and the first phone call was to Song Sisi: "This morning, Secretary Wang is going to take people to Dacheng Company for inspection and research, and we will make arrangements immediately." Song Sisi said, "Okay! Do you want to arrange a meal at noon?" Fangyuan said: "Be prepared with both hands. Also, prepare your camera and take a few more photos. If you have a chance to take a group photo, you must take a photo." Song Sisi said: "I will arrange for the general manager's office to implement it."

Seemingly there was no more calls to make, Fang Yuan returned to Wang Guodong's office.Wang Guodong said: "It's still early, sit down and let's chat." Fang Yuan sat obediently on the sofa.Wang Guodong asked: "How is Xiao Fang's recovery this time?" Fang Yuan said: "He is recovering very well. Chairman Ma of the Federation of Trade Unions found a master who taught me Taijiquan and Baduanjin. I still feel quite healthy." Effective." Wang Guodong said: "I heard that Ma Lianghe is conducting a pilot project of establishing trade unions in private enterprises in Dacheng Company. How far has it progressed?"

Fang Yuan blurted out: "The progress is going well, and the two parties have reached a consensus." Wang Guodong said: "Can you introduce it?" Fang Yuan reported to Wang Guodong the basic process of Dacheng Company's trade union election.Wang Guodong listened quietly to Fangyuan's words, and asked, "Is this what you thought?" Fangyuan said, "Yes. Chairman Ma once communicated with me. Originally, he wanted direct elections, one person, one vote, but I think it must be consistent with the Chinese Communist Party. Due to the national conditions, we cannot break through China’s election method. Representatives elect trade union committee members, and committee members elect trade union leaders. This not only takes into account representativeness, but also allows the boss’s opinions to be represented to a certain extent.” Wang Guodong nodded, stood up, Find out the phone book and dial a number: "Chairman Ma, this is Wang Guodong. I will go to Dacheng Company to take a look this morning. You can tell me about the establishment of a pilot labor union in Dacheng Company."

Put down the phone.Wang Guodong returned to the sofa and sat down again: "Principal Kong went to Hangzhou to take up his post today, right?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes." Wang Guodong said, "It only took two days from appointment to appointment. Originally, I I am also planning to ask Principal Kong to come out, but I know someone must be earlier than me."

Fang Yuan seemed to understand why Wang Guodong came here by himself today.As a secretary of the municipal party committee, his political literacy is constantly tempered.Going to Dacheng Company shows that Wang Guodong is very aware of the relationship between Dacheng Company and Fangyuan, and that Song Sisi is familiar with the matter; mentioning Confucius Tian means that he also knows about Song Yunsheng's dinner last night, and he must know that Fangyuan will attend; let Ma Lianghe accompany him, What is the meaning here?I believe it will not be in vain, there must be his important purpose.

Wang Guodong took out a small box and said to Fang Yuan: "Principal Kong is the most well-known expert leader in Dongzhou, and I respect him very much. I sincerely congratulate him on his promotion this time. I had a meal to celebrate, but I still prepared a small gift. This is an inkstone, it is a symbol of a teacher, and it is also very suitable for scholars like Principal Kong to write calligraphy and cultivate their morality. Although it is not valuable, it contains my respect for Principal Kong. Please send the respect and blessings to Principal Kong from Xiao Fang.”

Fang Yuan took the inkstone and said, "On behalf of my father-in-law, thank you Secretary Wang. I believe that my father-in-law will be able to understand Secretary Wang's intentions." Wang Guodong smiled: "Send goose feathers from thousands of miles away." Wang Guodong didn't say anything.Wang Guodong looked at the quartz clock and said, "Did you say hello to Dacheng Company?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes." Wang Guodong said, "Let's go, I think the car is already waiting below."

In the compound of the Municipal Party Committee Building, a Toyota Coaster minibus and a black Audi A8 were parked there.Seeing Wang Guodong and Fang Yuan going down the stairs side by side, many people came up to greet him and shook hands with Wang Guodong one after another.There were also people who knew Fang Yuan and came over to say hello and shake hands with Fang Yuan.Fangyuan knew a few of them: Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee Ming Yuyun, Deputy Mayor Zhou Pengyou, Director of the Commerce Bureau Zhang Ping, and Director of the Finance Bureau Sun Yizhi.A few others introduced themselves. One is Yu Zonghang, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, and Hua Xinshu, chairman of the Economic Commission.Reporters from several TV stations and newspapers also gathered nearby, and Fangyuan saw two more acquaintances: Ni Runqing, the head host and reporter of Dongzhou TV Station, a beautiful woman, and Ren Xiaoai, a reporter from "Dongzhou Evening News"!

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