Director's growth history

3609.2292 Ming Yuyun shocked the audience with his opening

Wang Guodong and his party were warmly welcomed by Dacheng at the headquarters of Dacheng.Song Dacheng, Zhu Rui, and Song Sisi led the middle-level and above cadres of the company to greet them at the gate of the company, and put up a banner: Warmly welcome Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and all leaders to inspect Dacheng Company.What Fang Yuan was most concerned about was the issue of taking pictures. As expected, Dacheng Company not only had photographers, but also videographers. It seemed that they were well prepared!

On behalf of Dacheng Company, Zhu Rui delivered a short warm welcome speech.Wang Guodong said: "Xiao Fang, let me introduce you." Wang Guodong's words woke up many people, and Fang Yuan was the only person on the scene who was familiar with both the enterprise and the government.

Fang Yuan was a little embarrassed, but also generous.Fangyuan introduced Wang Guodong, Ming Yuyun, Zhou Pengyou, Yu Zonghang, Zhang Pingping to Zhu Rui and other party and government cadres in Dongzhou City; he also introduced to Wang Guodong and others the management of Dacheng Company above the vice president.Then, a group of people were invited into the company's conference room, and everyone sat down in their own seats.Fang Yuan decided to sit in the back row.There are quite a number of leading cadres above the level at the scene, and it is meaningless to squeeze yourself in the front row.As a human being, it is better to keep a low profile.But Wang Guodong didn't give him a chance: "Xiao Fang, you sit in the front too." Fang Yuan had to sit on the edge of the front row.The moment he sat down, Fangyuan noticed that Song Dacheng, Zhu Rui, and Song Sisi were all focused on him, Zhu Rui and Song Sisi even had smiles on their faces, one was kind and kind, and the other was full of love .Ni Runqing, who has been through the wind and moon, looked at Fangyuan, full of doubts: Does this family also have a special relationship with Fangyuan?

Wang Guodong said: "Mr. Song, Mr. Zhu, leaders of Dacheng Company. Today, Secretary-General Ming of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor Zhou of the Municipal Government, and responsible comrades from the Development and Reform Commission, Finance Bureau, Economic Commission, and Commerce Bureau and other departments came to Dacheng Company. Research. At present, the world economy is experiencing a new crisis. The two companies in the United States have gone bankrupt successively, a large number of financial companies have been affected and closed down, and tens of thousands of financial workers have lost their jobs. The country is heavily in debt, and the country is almost bankrupt. Some people say that when the US economy sneezes, all countries in the world catch a cold; The situation and new problems, first of all, the downturn in the real estate market has brought about a decline in the prosperity index of many industries such as cement, steel, glass, building materials, construction, and transportation; A large number of foreign trade companies and export processing enterprises in cities dominated by foreign trade have encountered operating difficulties, and many enterprises have closed down. The direct impact of the above two phenomena is the rise in unemployment and the difficulty in increasing government tax revenue. In this round of international financial When the crisis broke out, when many companies went bankrupt, Dacheng successfully overcame the difficulties and achieved transformation and development. I specially asked for a tax payment form of Dacheng for the previous 9 months from the Finance Bureau, which included Dacheng The company's tax payment situation in the first nine months from January this year to the present. In February, the tax revenue dropped significantly. In March and April, almost a very small amount of tax was paid. In May, it recovered, and by June it had returned to the level of January. 1 , August, and September, the monthly tax revenue has increased by more than 9%. The tax payment situation cannot represent the entire business situation of the enterprise, but at least the clues can be seen. This shows that Dacheng Company encountered difficulties in operation from February to The two months of March and April were difficult. After three months of transformation and development, the situation was quickly reversed, and the level before the crisis was restored and vigorous vitality. Therefore, I rushed here with comrades from relevant departments today. Dacheng Company has learned and learned. I hope that relevant departments will come to Dacheng Company not to go through the motions, but to go deeper, summarize and extract the good experience and good practices of Dacheng Company, and provide a good example for enterprises in the city There are too few Dacheng companies. I hope that more Dacheng companies will emerge in Dongzhou. In this way, Dongzhou's economy will be prosperous, labor and employment will be guaranteed, people's lives will be stable, and the society will be harmonious and stable. Secretary-General , Mayor Zhou, comrades, I speak from one family, let’s talk about it too.”

Zhou Pengyou said: "Secretary Wang, I will follow your instructions. I will work with relevant departments such as the Commerce Bureau to summarize Dacheng's successful experience and promote it to other companies." Yu Zonghang, director of the Development and Reform Commission, said: "The Municipal Development and Reform From the successful experience of Dacheng Company, we will explore a healthy economic operation model for Dongzhou under the economic crisis of the United States and the European Union, and ensure the stable and rapid development of Dongzhou's economy and society." Hua Xinshu, director of the economic committee, said: "I will arrange the city's For production-oriented enterprises, it is very necessary to visit and study Dacheng Company. From what I know so far, state-owned and private enterprises in Dongzhou are generally facing severe shrinkage of orders, insufficient market demand, idle production capacity, and some employees are laid off. Or unemployment, corporate loan difficulties, difficult operations, etc. Dacheng Company is self-reliant, turned losses into profits, and revived. These experiences are worth learning and learning from.” Zhang Ping, director of the Bureau of Commerce, said: “As a large foreign trade exporter, Dacheng Company has Dongzhou City has made outstanding contributions to the economic development. The Municipal Bureau of Commerce will make good use of the current support policies for small and medium-sized import and export enterprises, especially the export tax rebate policy, so that more foreign trade import and export companies, including Dacheng, can recover. achieve new developments.”

The cadres were busy expressing their opinions, while Fang Yuan listened carefully to what the directors and deputy mayor Zhou Peng had to say, and believed that every word said by these old officials who had been in the officialdom for many years was well thought out.It's just that Fang Yuan's experience is still limited by age, and Fang Yuan can't digest the deep meaning contained in the words of the directors and Zhou Peng.

Wang Guodong said: "What we think is certainly an important aspect, but I think that listening to Dacheng's ideas is more vivid and has the power to guide our work than we do behind closed doors. Mr. Song, Mr. Zhu, Would it be up to Dacheng Company to introduce how the enterprise came back to life?" Zhu Rui said: "Dacheng and I only know superficially about the specific work, and it was all done by my family Sisi. Of course, she can't do it alone, after all, she It's a woman."

Fang Yuan feels that she needs to have a good psychological quality now.Otherwise, a heart attack is perfectly normal.My aunt Zhu!Don't talk too much, if you talk nonsense, it will kill people.

Song Sisi was more obedient, and took over the conversation: "Thank you mother for your praise. I think that although Dacheng Company has experienced life and death, fortunately, in the most critical time, there will always be people and people who can save Dacheng Company." Dear city leaders, I think that the experience of Dacheng Company’s recovery from the dead is a typical case, but it is still lacking in generality. I think that there are three important reasons for the recovery of Dacheng Company: the first is the critical moment Encountered key people and events. Dacheng Company’s foreign trade orders have decreased significantly this year. At this time, Mayor Zhou and Director Zhang of the Commerce Bureau gave the tent production order to assist the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan to Dacheng Company with production capacity. Dacheng Company was saved at the most critical time. Therefore, my father and mother and I are very grateful to Mayor Zhou, Director Zhang and the leaders of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce for their help at the critical moment. The second reason is that Dacheng Company implemented the corporate Internal reform. The leading idea of ​​the reform is to establish a modern enterprise management system in Dacheng Company, and implement process reengineering, mechanism improvement, and sound system for the internal management of the enterprise in accordance with the ISO9000 international quality system standard. The overall goal is to establish a system that meets China's national conditions, A modern enterprise management system that maintains the basic bottom line of family leadership."

Wang Guodong glanced at Fangyuan, thoughtful.Song Sisi glanced at Fangyuan, full of affection.

Song Sisi said: "So my father no longer served as the chairman and general manager, and my mother served as the chairman, who did not participate in the specific management of the company. I started to serve as the general manager of the company and was fully responsible for all aspects of Dacheng's affairs. In the past few days In the past year, I learned some theories of industrial and commercial enterprise management and began to combine them with the actual enterprise management practice, and I gained a lot."

Wang Guodong said: "Mr. Song said modestly that the revival of Dacheng Company is not universal. I think I cannot agree with this opinion. Now, many family businesses cannot be revived when they encounter a crisis. The root cause is that they have not established a modern enterprise management system. ;Many family businesses fail to grow bigger and bigger, because these family businesses have always stayed at the level and level of family management. In the early stage of business development, family management can unite people's hearts and form a united effort; The quality of many members simply cannot meet the needs of development. In my opinion, the establishment of a modern enterprise system in a family business is indeed a new topic worth exploring.”

Yu Zonghang, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said: "Secretary Wang is right. Dacheng Company has indeed given us some questions and provided us with valuable experience. The National Development and Reform Commission will further pay attention to and support the development of Dacheng Company, and set up a task force for establishing a modern enterprise management system. Dacheng Company, learn from Dacheng’s experience, and discuss with Dacheng Company a more scientific management system.”

Wang Guodong said: "Okay, I support the National Development and Reform Commission to take this as a research topic. I hope that the research can produce fruitful results, guide the private enterprises in the city to establish a more scientific management mechanism, and form a sound operation situation of healthy and sustainable development. Mr. Song, you continue .”

Song Sisi said: "Leaders, Dacheng's ability to get back on the right track has a lot to do with the soundness and perfection of sales channels. Whether an enterprise can survive does not depend on how many products it produces, but on how all the products it produces can be fully sold. Selling out in time, the best situation is that the supply exceeds the demand, and the order is delayed for several years. Thank God, there is a noble person who helped us to effectively expand the sales channels, and to form a mechanism for the return of goods and the payment of raw materials, so that At present, the supply of all kinds of products of Dacheng Company is in short supply. This is our third experience.”

Hua Xinshu, secretary of the economic committee, asked: "Mr. Song, can you introduce your sales channels?" Song Sisi shook her head: "I'm sorry, this involves our business secrets, and we have no comment. After all, there are many textile enterprises in Dongzhou City. , There are also many apparel companies. If we do not have our own sales tricks, or if our sales tricks have become popular products that everyone uses and everyone can use, I am very worried that our company will encounter the sales of the products we produce again. The problem of not going out."

Wang Guodong knew several tricks of Dacheng Company, because Fang Yuan had already explained them to him in general.Hua Xinshu looked at Wang Guodong.Wang Guodong knew Hua Xinshu's intention, and he hoped that Wang Guodong, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, would force Dacheng Company to make a statement and provide some genuine products.Wang Guodong was about to say a few words when Ming Yuyun, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General, suddenly said, "Mr. Zhu, Mr. Song, the noble person you are talking about is Comrade Fang Yuan, the deputy secretary and deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau who came here today."

Ming Yuyun's voice was not high, but just a few words were enough to shock the audience!

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