Director's growth history

3611.2294. The most difficult thing to guess is the human heart

During the survey, Wang Guodong fully affirmed Dacheng's fine process management and excellent humanistic management.In particular, Dacheng Company took the lead in establishing trade unions in private enterprises, which has taken a good lead for the private enterprises in the city.Wang Guodong encouraged Song Dacheng, Zhu Rui and Song Sisi to make persistent efforts to make Dacheng bigger and stronger, and strive to be listed within two years.At the same time, Wang Guodong asked the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions to establish a trade union in Dacheng Company that can truly represent the interests of the broadest range of people, and set a good example for the city's private enterprises.Wang Guodong also asked other departments to pay more attention to the development of Dacheng Company, and to study the experience of Dacheng Company's revival, so as to lay the foundation for more Dacheng Companies to emerge in the city.

Wang Guodong always had a smile on his face, talked cordially with the leaders and employees of Dacheng Company, and also took photos with the leaders and employees of Dacheng Company very cooperatively, showing Wang Guodong's image of being close to the people.There is a picture, Wang Guodong is standing in the middle, Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui are on the left and right; outside, there are Ming Yuyun and Zhou Pengyou; on the far side, next to Ming Yuyun is Song Sisi; next to Zhou Pengyou is Fangyuan.This is a group photo that is very suitable for hanging.During filming, Zhou Peng asked Fang Yuan in a low voice: "Xiao Fang, are you free tonight?" Fang Yuan said, "There is no arrangement at the moment." Zhou Peng said, "Well then, come to my house for dinner today, okay? ? Your aunt has been preparing these days." Fang Yuan said: "I'm afraid of causing trouble to Mayor Zhou." Zhou Pengyou said: "There are no outsiders for today's dinner, just our family of three, plus you, four people. You don't want There are other arrangements, okay?" Fang Yuan calmed down and said, "Okay."

Wang Guodong and his party are leaving Dacheng Company.The leaders of Dacheng Company sent Wang Guodong and others to the gate.Wang Guodong shook the hands of Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui respectively, and said: "Thank you Mr. Song and Mr. Zhu for doing so much work for our research. In the future, if you encounter any difficulties in the development of the enterprise, you can come to me directly, or find Mayor Zhou." Song Dacheng said gratefully: "Thank you, Secretary Wang! We must follow the direction guided by Secretary Wang, and strive to go public within three years, and make greater contributions to Dongzhou's economic and social development." Wang Guodong turned around and told the Development and Reform Commission Director Yu Zonghang said: "Director Yu, the National Development and Reform Commission should provide more guidance on the preliminary work of Dacheng Company's listing. If there is one more listed company in Dongzhou, the economy will improve a lot. Your Development and Reform Commission must shoulder the burden." Yu Zonghang said: "Yes, In accordance with the instructions of Secretary Wang, we must strengthen the guidance and cultivation of Dacheng Company, and promote the listing of Dacheng Company in accordance with the basic requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission for listed companies. After reforms such as the establishment of a modern enterprise management system and the establishment of a labor union, Dacheng Company already has It has a very good foundation. If a modern financial management mechanism is established, the economic benefits will be more stable, and the economic scale will be further expanded. I believe that Dacheng will be able to be listed on the Shanghai or Shenzhen stock market in less than three years." Wang Guodong After thinking for a while, he said, "Director Yu, regularly report to me about the listing of Dongzhou enterprises." Yu Zonghang said, "OK."

Wang Guodong shook Song Sisi's hand again recently, and said, "Mr. Song, your report today showed me the image of a beautiful and intelligent female entrepreneur." Song Sisi smiled and said, "Thank you, Secretary Wang, for your compliment." Wang Guodong said meaningfully: "A person with a grateful heart is a normal person. Gratitude is a reward, not an injury. I wish Mr. Song happiness!" Song Sisi felt it with her heart, said "thank you", and just stood there in a daze.

Wang Guodong left, Ma Lianghe followed Wang Guodong, and Fang Yuan took the Coster minibus this time.In the car in front, no one in the minibus would know what Ma Lianghe and Wang Guodong were talking about.

Zhu Rui and Song Dacheng happily returned, only to find their daughter standing there the whole time.Zhu Rui walked over: "Sisi, what are you doing?" Song Sisi said: "What did Secretary Wang mean just now?" Song Dacheng said: "People must be grateful. Whoever helped us, we can't forget." Song Sisi said: "Gratefulness is repayment, and it must not be harm. What does this mean?" Zhu Rui said: "I can understand. Secretary Wang is reminding that it is right to repay Fang Yuan, but you must not hurt Fang Yuan." Song Sisi Said: "But I seem to be hurting Fangyuan!" Zhu Rui was taken aback: "When did you hurt Fangyuan?" Song Sisi said: "The secretary general of the municipal party committee seems to deliberately point out that there is a relationship between me and Fangyuan. The leaders here know about the relationship between me and Fangyuan, will it have a negative impact on Fangyuan's progress?" Song Dacheng said: "Yes, definitely. Let's go, let's talk about these things in the office." Song Sisi Tears flowed down my face: "I never thought of hurting Fangyuan. If I really hurt Fangyuan, Fangyuan no longer likes me, what should I do?"

The daughter's affection for Fang Yuan made Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui look at each other and sigh with emotion.

Fang Yuan returned to the Education Bureau.As soon as he sat down, Zhou Yujie knocked on the door and came in: "Secretary Fang, are you back?" Head: "Okay." Zhou Yujie froze for a moment, then laughed happily: "That's great, that's great! I'll call my mother right away and ask her to leave work early to prepare. My mother cooks delicious food , I believe you will love it very much!"

At this moment, Zhou Yujie lost the restraint of a young girl, and even Fang Yuan didn't know why Zhou Yujie was so happy!However, now Fang Yuan doesn't want to make any further complications on the issue of men and women.Although Zhou Yujie is very good, she is a real lady of the family, and her character, character, and personality can be called the best partner, but her wife Kong Shuanghua, after two years of marriage, has already shown the demeanor of the wife of a leading cadre, and can even The big belly accommodates Song Sisi's existence outside of marriage.With such a good wife, what else can I ask for?

Fang Yuan said, "Is Mayor Zhou looking for me?" Zhou Yujie pouted, "You only see my father! Why, can I treat you to dinner?" Fang Yuan said, "Of course. It's just that there have been rumors recently. Too many, and I'm a married man. In order not to get you into this vortex, I think it's better to keep a distance between us and be careful." Zhou Yujie said: "It's actually a normal relationship. He is regarded as a big brother who can be trusted. However, some people just hate it and take these messy things as interest all day long." Fang Yuan said: "This is society, this is life. I have read Mark Twain's novel "Election Campaign" The Governor? The end of this novel is very interesting. Your faithful friend, once a decent man, is now the Mark Twain of perjurers, thieves, murderers, drunken lunatics, bribers and blackmailers. This It fully demonstrates that being deliberately discredited and slandered by man-made rumors is not a Chinese characteristic, but it is the same in all countries in the world. Whether in business or politics, such things are indispensable. Shengyuan milk powder was revealed to contain hormones, which caused small The child developed abnormally after drinking it. Finally, the National Ministry of Health hired the most famous expert group in the country to conduct an inspection and found that Shengyuan milk powder was qualified. Afterwards, a former assistant to the president of Menglu and the general manager of a planning company in Beijing The manager deliberately published this false statement to smear Shengyuan. Of course, the Menglu side firmly refuses to admit that the person who spread the rumors is a Menglu person. This is self-deception, talking nonsense with open eyes, and treating ordinary people as idiots."

Zhou Yujie said: "So, the relationship between you and Song Sisi, the beautiful general manager of Dacheng Company, is clear?" Zhou Yujie looked at Fangyuan intently with her big beautiful eyes.It can be seen that she really wants to get a real answer.

Fang Yuan was distressed and helpless: "Why, you also care about such things? In my eyes, you have always been very arrogant." Zhou Yujie said: "I am sure about what kind of things happen between others and Song Sisi. I don’t care. But what’s the relationship between you and Song Sisi? I care about my brother, can’t I?” Fang Yuan said: “I helped Dacheng Company break out of the sea of ​​suffering, and Song Sisi is really grateful to me. This is our relationship. "Zhou Yujie said: "I have grown from an ordinary teacher, to the head of the school youth league committee, to the city education bureau youth league committee to preside over the work. It is the result of your hard work, brother. I am also very grateful to you. What should I do?"

Fang Yuan felt a headache.Fang Yuan looked at Zhou Yujie and criticized, "If you are grateful to me, then put all your thoughts into your work and make achievements at work, that is the best way to thank me. Yujie, I'm your brother, that's fine. But if you have other ideas, I can tell you clearly that there will be no result between us, I will not agree, and neither will your parents. I don't want to harm you, not at all." Zhou Yujie laughed He said: "I just regard you as my brother! Are you thinking wrong?"

There was a playful light in her big sly eyes, Zhou Yujie turned around flamboyantly, and left Fang Yuan's office, making Fang Yuan feel a little bit confused: Does Zhou Yujie have other ideas?Is it my own wishful thinking?Could it be that I was thinking wrong?

The landline rings.Fang Yuan picked it up, and it was Zhai Xinwen who called: "Xiao Fang, are you back?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes." Zhai Xinwen said, "Come here, I have something to discuss with you." Fang Yuan said, "Okay, Director .”

When he came to Zhai Xinwen's office, he was invited to sit on the sofa again.This is Zhai Xinwen's special courtesy to Fang Yuan.Generally speaking, when Zhai Xinwen sees people from the Education Bureau, he always asks him to sit on the chair opposite the big desk, and invites him to the sofa only if he is around him.Zhai Xinwen poured Fang Yuan a cup of tea and sat down too: "Xiao Fang, I called my mentor to congratulate him." Fang Yuan nodded.Zhai Xinwen said: "I told my heart. The teacher said that he will be in Hangjiang for the next few days and has no time to go back to Dongzhou. I have an idea and I will discuss it with you." Fang Yuan said: "Please tell the director." Zhai Xinwen said: "I would like to ask you to accompany me to Hangjiang to congratulate the teacher, do you think it is okay?"

This was another problem facing Fang Yuan.Obviously, it was Zhai Xinwen showing his favor to him and Confucius Tian.Perhaps, Zhai Xinwen knew all about the meal he had with Song Yunsheng; this morning, Zhai Xinwen also knew about the news that he accompanied Wang Guodong to inspect Dacheng Company.Zhai Xinwen's actions have always been carefully calculated.This time, let me accompany you to Hangjiang, what other purpose is there?

Seeing that Fangyuan was still in deep thought, Zhai Xinwen added: "Of course, going to Hangjiang is not just about visiting my mentor. Visiting the mentor is the main thing, and I have also arranged other itineraries, including visiting the leaders of the Provincial Department of Education and visiting the Provincial Teaching and Research Office The leadership of the Provincial Educational Science Institute. The Provincial Department of Education has launched the selection of provincial-level modern educational technology experimental schools. The dust will probably settle early next year. We have to start early and prepare early. For this matter. I am going to recommend several middle schools including Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to participate in the provincial review. The Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau jointly selected green schools in Qingjiang Province. I would also like to recommend Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School Some schools in the province participated in the evaluation. You are the deputy director in charge of teaching, and the modern educational technology experiment is a job in charge of the teaching and research section. Therefore, the two of us went to Hangjiang not only to congratulate the teachers, but also to do our work."

Zhai Xinwen sent out two big gifts in one go.Even if Fang Yuan didn't want to go with Zhai Xinwen, but for the sake of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, Fang Yuan had to go with Zhai Xinwen.Fang Yuan said, "When are you leaving?" Zhai Xinwen said, "How about tomorrow?" I don't know if Sun Hongjun's knowledge of this matter will further deepen his misunderstanding with Fangyuan?There are also a few dishonest guys, seeing that they have teamed up with Fang Yuan, do they dare to make such a fuss?Don't treat my tiger, Zhai Xinwen, as a sick cat.Yes, I have serious disagreements with Fang Yuan, but those who know the current affairs are the best.In this world, there are no eternal friends and enemies, only eternal interests!

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