Director's growth history

3616.2299 There are bound to be twists and turns in good times

I don't know whether it's Wang Xingbang's good contact or Fangyuan's face. Zhai Xinwen and his party had the honor to call on Xi Guangrong, director of the Provincial Teaching and Research Office, Lin Qinglin, deputy director of the Provincial Teaching and Research Office in charge of high school, Huang Jiyin, deputy director of the Provincial Teaching and Research Office in charge of junior high school, and provincial teachers. Wu Jiguang, deputy director of the teaching and research section in charge of primary school.Fangyuan also met his master, Mao Xiuzhu, a high school Chinese teaching researcher of the Provincial Teaching and Research Office; met Chen Xinfeng, a junior high school Chinese teaching and researcher of the Provincial Teaching and Research Office who once gave him the first prize in the first provincial quality course competition.

The invitation to the dinner was also very smooth. Not only several directors, Mao Xiuzhu, and Chen Xinfeng attended, but also many teaching and research staff from other disciplines and school stages, who were in Hangjiang, also happily accepted Fangyuan's invitation.At the dinner, whether Xi Guangrong, Lin Qinglin, Huang Jiyin, or Wu Jiguang, they all gave enough to the Dongzhou Education Bureau.These most powerful experts in primary and secondary education put down their bodies and chatted happily with Zhai Xinwen, Fang Yuan and others.During the banquet, Wang Xingbang and Su Quanshun divided the gifts into grades according to their positions and put them in the cars of the leaders and staff of the teaching and research section.For the teaching and research staff without a car, this evening, Wang Xingbang and Su Quanshun will take them home one by one, and send gifts to the downstairs of each teaching and research staff.

Fangyuan and Zhai Xinwen returned to the hotel by taxi, while Wang Xingbang and Su Quanshun estimated that it would be late at night.Back on the floor, Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Fang, come to my room." In the room, closing the door, Zhai Xinwen said: "Today we are a great success! Director Xi, Director Lin, Director Huang, and Director Wu all expressed I will come to Dongzhou in the near future, and the teaching and research work of all school stages in our city will reach a new level. Xiao Fang, you have made another contribution!" Fang Yuan said: "It is the sincerity of the director general, which has impressed several directors." Zhai Xinwen Said: "I know very well in my heart how much face I have."

Hey, talking to Zhai Xinwen is really tiring and tiring.The key is to distinguish clearly which sentence is a temptation, which sentence is the truth, which sentence is fishing with a hook, and which sentence is leading a snake out of its hole.Fang Yuan said: "I came out with the director this time, and I cooperated with the director to complete the task. Even if I do a little thing, it is still my duty and should be done." Zhai Xinwen said: "You are the deputy director in charge of teaching and research work. , Through the close relationship with the provincial teaching and research section, I am full of confidence in the 2009 college entrance examination." Fang Yuan said: "Yes, the director has devoted himself to Dongzhou education, and I want to learn from the director." Zhai Xinwen said: "In his position It is right to do these things. If you don’t do these things, you are not fulfilling your duties and responsibilities. When you are the head of a bureau, no one will just think about doing it, and you will think about how to do the job well. There are At that time, the fight was not for struggle, but the premise and foundation for doing a good job. Only by removing obstacles can we better advance work deployment. Xiao Fang, can you understand what I said?"

It is really not easy to digest Zhai Xinwen's words at once.Fang Yuan said: "Sometimes the director's words are too profound, and I need to ponder over and over again to digest them." Zhai Xinwen said: "I believe that as you grow older and have rich experience, you will understand that I also have many difficulties as a director. Sometimes I really want to do a good job in unity, but there are always so many resistances and obstacles. It is not easy to be a person, but how easy is it to be an official?" Fang Yuan recalled his personal experience in the latest stage plus what he saw and felt. Is it Ma Lianghe, or Wang Guodong, or Song Yunsheng, Lian Song, Zhou Pengyou, who is easier?Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and every official is full of bitterness!The scenery on the surface is seen by ordinary people; the pain in the heart may only be known to the person concerned.Of course, Fang Yuan can understand them very well now, because Fang Yuan is also a high-ranking official, and he can often face these complicated situations and harsh situations directly.

Fortunately, Zhai Xinwen did not continue, but changed the topic: "Xiao Fang, tomorrow morning, we will call on the leaders of the Provincial Department of Education; at noon, we will have dinner with our teacher, Principal Kong; It's very big. Don't you have something to do? You can do it after having dinner with Principal Kong tomorrow afternoon. Any gifts you need to prepare will be included in the account of the Education Bureau. This time we come to Hangzhou Jiang, the standard is 1 yuan for department-level leaders, 5000 yuan for department-level leaders, and 2000 yuan for department-level leaders. I don’t know what level the leader Xiaofang wants to meet with?”

Zhai Xinwen speaks too well!Fang Yuan thought for a while and decided not to hide anything: "Director, I'm going to pay a visit to Political Commissar Sheng at the provincial military region tomorrow afternoon. He is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, so he should be considered provincial." Zhai Xinwen said, "Okay, let me explain to Su Quanshun, Prepare a gift of 2 yuan tomorrow. Let Su Quanshun go with you tomorrow, and let Su Quanshun do the things that the people below do." Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "Thank you, Director." Zhai Xinwen said: "I also have arrangements tomorrow afternoon. I also want to call on another provincial leader. I can go with Wang Xingbang."

Fang Yuan was taken aback: Why, Zhai Xinwen also has a provincial leader who wants to visit?I don't know which one!

However, no matter how surprised Fang Yuan was, her expression would not show.Fang Yuan said: "I would like to express my thanks to the director again." Zhai Xinwen said: "One family does not talk about two families. Say hello to General Sheng for me." Fang Yuan said: "Yes."

Fang Yuan wanted to know who Zhai Xinwen was going to visit, but Fang Yuan would not take the initiative to ask.Fang Yuan went back to her room and called Sheng Jianbo.Fang Yuan asked for instructions respectfully, wondering if Political Commissar Sheng could arrange some time tomorrow afternoon.Sheng Jianbo readily agreed that he could see Fangyuan tomorrow from 2:3 to [-]:[-] pm.Fangyuan expressed his thanks again and again.Fang Yuan knew that when Sheng Jianbo saw him, he was looking at Wang Yongsheng's face, and he was just a black son-in-law who had not been fully approved by Wang Yongsheng.Even so, without the status of a black son-in-law, I am afraid that as a major general, Sheng Jianbo would not easily agree to meet a small Dongzhou cadre at the deputy director level.

Fang Yuan reviewed the content of the doctoral exam again, and went to bed to rest.The ones affected at night were still Wang Xingbang and Su Quanshun.Because Zhai Xinwen proposed a new task for them: prepare two gifts for visiting the provincial leaders, the standard is about 2 yuan.Both Wang Xingbang and Su Quanshun were in their early forties. After a tiring day, they wanted to rest long ago.But no, because this is a task that must be completed.The provincial leader Zhai Xinwen visited was from Dongzhou, and he was Ren Hongjiang, Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee.Who is out of ideas?Who is not aggressive?Whether it is successful or not, whether it is possible or not, you must first leave an impression on the leader.The person Fang Yuan wanted to meet was Sheng Jianbo, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Military Region Government. Wang Xingbang and Su Quanshun had heard about it for a long time: a few days ago, Ma Lianghe, chairman of the Dongzhou Federation of Trade Unions, called on this general under Fang Yuan's recommendation.

On the next morning, Zhai Xinwen, Fang Yuan, Wang Xingbang, and Su Quanshun called on the leaders of the Provincial Department of Education, including Guan Quanren, Director of the Department of Education, Xue Liu Jun, Governor of Education of the Provincial Government, Mi Zhengguang, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Department, Wei Dasheng, Deputy Director, etc. As well as the office, basic education department, vocational and adult education department, personnel department, development planning department, education supervision office, sports health art department and other department leaders closely related to Dongzhou education.The visit was like a superficial meeting, but it still had the expected effect. Although the director Guan Quanren was unable to attend the dinner and had other arrangements, Mi Zhengguang, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee who had been to Dongzhou and was familiar with Dongzhou's education system, agreed to attend.Under Fang Yuan's improvisation, Liu Jun agreed to attend the luncheon for Confucius Tian at noon.Most of the leaders of various departments also agreed to attend, which made Zhai Xinwen feel that the expected goal was basically achieved.Although Guan Quanren was not present, Guan Quanren still made a clear statement: he plans to go to Dongzhou to take a look in the near future to feel the changes in Dongzhou education, especially to see what new measures and ideas there are in Dongzhou 5.Fangyuan felt heavy pressure at this time: the new autumn semester has started for almost a month and a half, but until now everything is following the work ideas of the past semester, and has not put forward any innovative ideas or ideas.

Coming out of the Education Department, Zhai Xinwen directly contacted Kong Zitian, and made an appointment with Kong Zitian on the time and place to meet.At the same time, he asked Fang Yuan to call Director Liu and tell him where he met Kong Zitian.At 11:30 noon, the luncheon for Confucius Tian started on time.There are not many people. The 4 people from Dongzhou, plus Confucius Tian and Liu Jun, are all concentrated essence.Zhai Xinwen showed superb interpersonal skills, recalled affectionately the key role played by Confucius Tian in helping him, and emotionally narrated the outstanding contributions made by Director Liu Junliu to the development of Dongzhou education .Thousands of wears and thousands of wears, flattery does not wear.What's more, every case mentioned by Zhai Xinwen has its nose, eyes and real story, not fiction.This kind of flattery made department-level leaders like Confucius Tian and Liu Jun not only smile, but also laugh.

During the banquet, Wang Xingbang and Su Quanshun went in and out several times, and handed over the gifts to the two drivers who were leading the department.Of course, the driver is also indispensable, but it is lower than the standard of 1 yuan for the head of the department.

At the end of the banquet, Zhai Xinwen, Fang Yuan and four others respectfully sent Confucius Tian and Liu Jun downstairs.At the entrance of the hotel, Confucius held Zhai Xinwen's hand and said meaningfully: "Xinwen, I am very pleased to see you and Xiaofang come together!" Zhai Xinwen said: "Teacher, don't worry, I will never Forget your kindness, and always remember Xiaofang’s effort and sweat for Dongzhou education.” Confucius said: “I hope that in the near future, you can come to the Provincial Party School to study.” Zhai Xinwen said : "I really want to be your teacher and your student for the rest of my life."

Fang Yuan could feel Confucius Tian's protection of her; similarly, she also felt that Zhai Xinwen had to study carefully and humbly.

Zhai Xinwen said to Liu Jun again: "On behalf of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, and in my own name, I sincerely invite Director Liu to take a walk in Dongzhou at a convenient time, take a look, and diagnose the pulse of Dongzhou Education. Opinion. We must improve our work according to Director Liu’s instructions, and strive to provide education in Dongzhou that the people are satisfied with.” Liu Jun said: “I will go there. I will go to Dongzhou in person for the annual education supervision. I am an education person, and I will definitely speak for education. If the Dongzhou Municipal Government does not provide enough financial resources to support the development of education, I, Liu Jun, will point it out unceremoniously."

have to!Liu Jun got it wrong!I don't want you to find fault in Dongzhou!You are picking on the fault of the Dongzhou government, that is slapping Mayor Song in the face!This will save my life, Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Liu is an education expert known in Qingjiang Province. He will definitely find many problems and difficulties that Dongzhou educators need to work hard to solve and overcome in the development of Dongzhou education. We sincerely welcome Director Liu to mention more Valuable opinions, don’t be afraid of many problems. If there are problems, it is the direction for us to improve.” Liu Jun said: “It’s good not to bother!” Zhai Xinwen said: “Welcome.”

In official circles, not everyone can tell how much is true and how much is false.However, as long as the desired effect is achieved, then it is a success.

Zhai Xinwen sent the two office leaders away, and said to Fang Yuan: "Come on, let's go back to the room." In the private room, Zhai Xinwen asked Wang Xingbang: "Xingbang, how are you and Quanshun preparing?" Wang Xingbang said: " It’s ready. But, it’s all in that minibus.” Zhai Xinwen said, “Can it be put in two cars?” Wang Xingbang said, “It seems a little late to contact the car now.” Zhai Xinwen said: “ It's not too late. This big hotel will definitely have a car. You can contact me immediately and calculate the car fee and the driver's labor cost into the lunch. I believe the hotel is not a fool, and it won't make any money." Wang Xingbang said: "The director is too Great, I'll get in touch right away."

Soon, Wang Xingbang contacted the car.Zhai Xinwen said: "I went all the way with Xingbang, and Quanshun and Secretary Fang all the way. Quanshun must serve Secretary Fang well." Su Quanshun said: "Please rest assured, Director, I will serve Secretary Fang wholeheartedly."

At the entrance of the hotel, Zhai Xinwen shook hands with Fangyuan: "Xiao Fang, I wish you success." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, and I wish the director well." Zhai Xinwen said: "Don't take too long, don't interfere with the evening meeting with the leaders of the Provincial Department of Education .” Fang Yuan said, “I’ll try to be as early as possible.”

Fang Yuan met Sheng Jianbo smoothly, while Su Quanshun got in touch with Sheng Jianbo's secretary.When Su Quanshun entered the compound of the provincial military region, he naturally became nervous, and he was a little more in awe of Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan called out "Uncle Sheng" respectfully, and sat down on the sofa well-behaved.Sheng Jianbo said: "This time I came to Hangjiang, have things been done?" Fang Yuan said: "Basically finished. It is to build a good relationship with the Provincial Department of Education and win the support of the Provincial Department of Education." Sheng Jianbo said: "Go to Beijing Run, call Qian Jin from the running department; run to Hangjiang, call Qian Jin from the running hall." Fang Yuan said, "Uncle Sheng sees things very clearly!" Sheng Jianbo said, "You came here on purpose, do you have something to do? Looking for me?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes. Uncle Sheng, please take a look at this document!"

Fang Yuan handed over the portfolio to Sheng Jianbo.Sheng Jianbo put on his presbyopic glasses, opened the file bag, and browsed through the materials one by one.Soon, Sheng Jianbo frowned.Sheng Jianbo read these materials for more than half an hour before he barely skimmed them.When he took off his reading glasses, the smile on his face was gone.He put the materials in the file bag, and tied the bag eyes with thread.Raising his head, Sheng Jianbo asked, "What do you want to do with this material?" Fang Yuan said, "I want to ask Uncle Sheng to hand over this material to Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee." Sheng Jianbo said, "Xiao Fang, I can't Do it. We have strict discipline and the military cannot interfere in local affairs, especially when it comes to serious rape cases."

Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do.I thought it was a very easy task, but I didn't expect that Sheng Jianbo directly refused without hesitation.

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