Director's growth history

3620.2301. Crooked strikes are turning things around

Judging from the current situation, Guo Feng, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, and Song Jiejun, the executive deputy governor, are all stumbling blocks in his progress.They occupy the position, so they have no chance to become the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and the executive deputy governor.Speaking of it, my roots are not strong, and my background is not strong.At present, his biggest backer is Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee, but if the capital does not have a larger background, it may be difficult to influence the Central Organization Department.Perhaps, the young man in front of him is an opportunity.I care about him a lot, I believe that Secretary Zhao can see it, and I believe that the old man in the capital can see it.

Tian Guohua made up his mind and said kindly: "Xiao Fang, why would I find it troublesome? When you come to Hangjiang, you must come to me; I will go to Dongzhou more often. When I go there, I will definitely look for you in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. OK?"

Fang Yuan really couldn't figure out why Tian Guohua was so kind to him.Fang Yuan said: "Minister Tian is welcome to visit Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School frequently!" Tian Guohua said: "You said that you have something to tell me about an official. Now there are only you and two people here, so you can talk about it."

Oh, Tian Guohua is so happy!Fangyuan took out the materials and handed them to Tian Guohua: "Mr. Tian, ​​it's all in this file bag."

Tian Guohua took the file bag, opened it, and a dozen documents came into Tian Guohua's eyes.Tian Guohua read these materials very carefully, 10 minutes passed, 30 minutes passed, and an hour passed.The more Tian Guohua watched, the more pleasantly surprised he became.He knew the political structure of the province all too well.Song Yunsheng's greatest reliance in Qingjiang Province is Guo Feng, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee; to hit Song Yunsheng is to hit Guo Feng; if Guo Feng works hard to protect Song Yunsheng's affairs, then the result will be even more ideal, which shows that Guo Feng may also have suffered Song Yunsheng's stuff has short hands and a short mouth.This is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Tian Guohua suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked calmly: "Xiao Fang, where did these materials come from?" Fang Yuan said: "I can't say." Tian Guohua said: "You show me the materials, what do you want to do in the end? I hope Tell the truth." Fang Yuan said, "I would like Minister Tian to ask Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee to review these materials." Tian Guohua said, "I can agree to your request, but you must tell me the truth about who gave you the materials. Yes." Fang Yuan was very hesitant, not knowing whether to say it or not.Tian Guohua said: "If you want me to help you, the person who gave you this material, you must tell me the truth. As a middle-level and senior party cadre, I hate this kind of sex. If the moth is not removed, it will endanger the body of the party and affect the long-term stability of the party and the country. However, since the case involves department-level cadres, it must be treated with more caution, and no mistakes can be made in every step, otherwise it is very likely that the gangsters We didn’t get rid of it, but we ourselves suffered first. Xiao Fang, do you understand what I mean?”

Fang Yuan said: "I understand. I want to make a phone call, can I?" Tian Guohua said: "There is a small conference room next door to me, you can go and make a call." Regarding the rumored son of a family, Tian Guohua can't be too aggressive.But not allowing Fangyuan to participate in this specific case is to protect Fangyuan, and I believe this is what the people above expect to see.More importantly, through this case, Tian Guohua can extend his political tentacles to Dongzhou and have his own direct descendants in Dongzhou.Tian Guohua will not explain this kind of thing thoroughly, but for Tian Guohua, it is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.The person who handed the materials to Fang Yuan must be someone who has a grudge against Song Yunsheng; the discord between himself and Guo Feng, and the discord between this person and Guo Feng's direct line, is an important prerequisite and basis for establishing an alliance.

Fang Yuan didn't know what Tian Guohua was thinking.Coming to the small meeting room next door, Fang Yuan dialed Zhou Pengyou's phone number: "Mayor Zhou, I didn't go to see Secretary Zhao directly, but I found Minister Tian of the Propaganda Department. Minister Tian agreed to send the materials to Secretary Zhao for review." , but let me tell him who submitted the materials. I haven’t told Minister Tian yet, can you tell me?”

Zhou Pengyou also had a little understanding of the situation in the province, he pondered for a while, and said firmly: "Tell Minister Tian, ​​just say that I, Zhou Pengyou, handed over the materials." Fang Yuan said, "I'm very worried that you will It's dangerous." Zhou Pengyou laughed and said, "Xiao Fang, so what if it's dangerous? I'm not corrupt, so even if someone wants to punish me, I have to have a fault or reason. Flies can't bite eggs that are not cracked. What's more, I want to thank you for helping me establish a direct connection with Minister Tian." Fang Yuan felt more at ease, and said, "Okay, then I will tell Minister Tian your name." Zhou Pengyou said: "Thank you. After returning to Dongzhou, I will treat you to dinner again. You can come to my house or go to a restaurant." Fang Yuan said, "Let's talk about it when we go back."

Fang Yuan returned to Tian Guohua's office and said, "Minister Tian, ​​the person who entrusted me to deliver the materials is Zhou Pengyou, the deputy mayor of Dongzhou Municipal Government. I just talked to him on the phone. He trusts Minister Tian very much and is willing to let me give his name. Let me tell you." Tian Guohua said: "Okay. It can be seen that Mayor Zhou is a sensible person. How about you call him and tell him to come to the provincial capital to see me tomorrow. Of course, the itinerary must be kept secret, don't tell others I believe Mayor Zhou will be able to find a good reason." Fang Yuan said, "I'll call now."

In front of Tian Guohua, Fang Yuan called Zhou Pengyou again: "Mayor Zhou, Minister Tian invites you to meet him in the provincial capital tomorrow." Tian Guohua said, "Give me the phone." Fang Yuan handed the phone to Tian Guohua.Tian Guohua said: "Is it Xiao Zhou? I am Tian Guohua." Zhou Peng became excited all of a sudden: "Minister Tian, ​​I am Xiao Zhou. I am so excited to receive your call." Tian Guohua said: "The future is long, and our future is still long." Zhou Peng heard Tian Guohua's overtones, and said quickly, "Yes, being able to become a subordinate recognized by Minister Tian is a blessing that Xiao Zhou has cultivated all his life." Tian Guohua said: "Little Zhou, you are quite good at talking! I have already seen the material you asked Fang Yuan to transfer. I think it is necessary to report it to Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee for review. However, I still have some I have a question, I need to discuss some details with you face to face. I wonder if you are willing to eliminate harm for the party, the government and the people?" Zhou Pengyou suddenly felt full of confidence: "I am willing to obey Minister Tian's dispatch at any time, and work for Tian The minister should do what he can!" Tian Guohua said: "I trust the people Xiao Fang trusts."

After the call ended, Zhou Peng found that his hands were still shaking slightly.It's not fear, it's excitement, it's excitement.Originally thought that Wang Guodong was the biggest backer in his life.Unexpectedly, because of Fang Yuan's connection, he might become Tian Guohua's direct subordinate.How can this not be exciting?How can this not be exciting?Zhou Pengyou called immediately and turned down the outside entertainment.He called his wife Leng Yun: "I'll go home for dinner tonight. I'm going to Hangjiang tonight, and you should also pack up." Leng Yun asked: "What's the matter, so urgent?" Zhou Pengyou said: " Fangyuan helped me connect, and I have the opportunity to meet the provincial leaders directly. I believe that my days as a lone bird in the city government will come to an end soon."

Husband and wife are honored.Leng Yun also suffered from Zhou Peng's pain recently.Feeling that her husband was so happy, Leng Yun also became happy: "I will tell my daughter to let her go home early." Zhou Pengyou said: "Okay. However, no one should tell the news about my going to the provincial capital. Let's Be happy in secret." Leng Yun said: "You know. My daughter and I are tight-lipped people. After so many years of education and influence from you, even if we want to talk nonsense, we don't know what to say." Zhou Peng laughed loudly.

When Zhou Pengyou rushed home, his wife Leng Yun and daughter Zhou Yujie were already waiting for him at home.On the dining table, meals were also placed.Seeing Zhou Pengyou, Zhou Yujie rushed forward and gave a big hug: "Dad, I finally laughed when I saw you." Zhou Pengyou laughed loudly: "Yes. Fangyuan helped me contact the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Propaganda Minister Tian Guohua. Guess what Minister Tian said to me?" Zhou Yujie asked curiously: "What did you say?" Zhou Pengyou said: "Minister Tian said that the person Xiaofang trusts, he also trusts. This is what Minister Tian said to me. The first step of being his trusted subordinate. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but with this good beginning, the success of the matter is more than half!"

Leng Yun also became curious: "This little Fang, how can he have such a great ability? Even the Propaganda Minister of the Provincial Party Committee can command it?" Zhou Pengyou said: "There is nothing impossible, only unexpected. I am also very curious about my life experience. However, none of this is important. The important thing is that the dark clouds hanging over my head are about to be dispelled, and the bright sun will shine on my brighter future! Xiaojie, serve wine to Dad, tonight we Congratulations, congratulations. I will go to Hangjiang overnight, and try to meet Minister Tian tomorrow morning."

Zhou Yujie agreed, and went to the storage room to get the wine.Unable to control herself, she thought of the first kiss she gave to Fang Yuan the night before, and thought of how many times her cunt had been squeezed by Fang Yuan, Zhou Yujie's heart was suddenly in turmoil: what Fang Yuan did for her father, what she did for me, does it matter?

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