Director's growth history

3623.2304. Sandwiched between two beloved women

Finally returned to the land of Dongzhou.When the train was driving in the suburbs of Dongzhou, Fangyuan called Kong Shuanghua: "Shuanghua, I'm almost arriving in Dongzhou."

At this time, Fangyuan really wanted to go home.When the body is weak, the desire for family affection is stronger than ever.Longing for the greetings from relatives and the care of his wife, only in this way can the soul be comforted and the spirit be truly relaxed.The trip to Hangjiang exhausted Fangyuan's energy, and his bodily functions were damaged due to being drunk and spit out.Fang Yuan just wanted to lie on the bed and have a good rest.

Kong Shuanghua said: "I'm back. Good to be back. Husband, you go home first. There are still many things in the company, and I can't finish. I will go home when I am done."

Fangyuan's heart suddenly turned cold.There is no warm welcome, and no preparation to drive to the train station to meet you.Fang Yuan felt a little unhappy in her heart, but said calmly: "Okay, you can be busy."

Fangyuan hung up the phone, and called the driver Ning Zhongyuan: "Zhongyuan, I'll be at the train station in 20 minutes." Ning Zhongyuan said, "Okay, Secretary Fang, I'll go to the station to pick you up right away." Fangyuan said: "Thanks."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Fang, you are not feeling well today. You will have another day off tomorrow and you don't have to go to work." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you for your concern." , the Provincial Department will definitely support Dongzhou’s education more, and the various departments of the Provincial Department will treat Dongzhou’s affairs more carefully.” Fang Yuan said: “Yes, I can feel that the next step of the Provincial Department will be beneficial to Dongzhou. Zhai Xinwen said: "This is all thanks to you!" Fang Yuan said: "It is the director who led well and made good decisions. I can beat the side drums, and I am not helping. I am very satisfied." Zhai Xinwen said: "Actually, I am very satisfied." Clearly, without you coming together this time, there would be no such effect. Although I don’t want to admit it in my heart, the fact is true. Xingbang, Quanshun, don’t you think so?”

Wang Xingbang giggled silly.Su Quanshun said: "Director Fang really played a key role. If Minister Tian Guohua hadn't come to the dinner, it is estimated that Director Guan Quanren would not have come halfway, and the directors of various departments would not have been so polite to us."

What Su Quanshun said was the truth, and what he analyzed was basically close to the objective reality.The smile on Zhai Xinwen's face became stronger: "The eyes of the masses are discerning. Look, Transit also agrees with my point of view!"

Fang Yuan groaned in his heart: It's over, Su Quanshun is such a shrewd person, how could he lose the chain at a critical moment?Wang Xingbang was noncommittal, and no one was offended. This is the practice of "smart" people in officialdom.In fact, Zhai Xinwen was just probing. Su Quanshun must have lost a string in his brain. Didn't he think that Zhai Xinwen was speaking ironically?

Fang Yuan said: "Chief Su has seen the appearance, but not the essence. Dongzhou Education is Dongzhou Education under the leadership of Secretary Sun and Director Zhai. I am just the assistant of Secretary Sun and Director Zhai. The assistant is to help the main leaders solve problems. , if this cannot be achieved, what does the main leader need assistants for?"

Su Quanshun also wanted to understand something at this time, and nodded gratefully at Fangyuan.Su Quanshun said: "Education in Dongzhou, with Director Zhai and Secretary Fang, will definitely prosper." Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I am old, and even if I want to do it, I will not be able to do it for a few years. Yes. The future education of Dongzhou will rest on young people like Xiaofang."

No one answered.Zhai Xinwen's words were difficult to answer, and any inappropriate sentence would cause bad influence or consequences.Just like Su Quanshun, even if he wanted to restore his influence in Zhai Xinwen's mind, the day lily would probably be cold.

They just sat opposite each other silently until the train entered Dongzhou Station.The car stopped, and Su Quanshun did another wrong thing. He knew that Fang Yuan's body had not recovered, and that Fang Yuan might not be able to carry his luggage now, so he volunteered to take down Fang Yuan's luggage first, and then his own luggage. , a person takes two pieces of luggage.Wang Xingbang moved a little slower, took down Zhai Xinwen's luggage, and then took down his own luggage.Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Fang is not in good health. I'm fine, I'll take it myself." Wang Xingbang said, "I'll take it." Zhai Xinwen said, "I'm in good health!"

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Chief Su, I'll take my luggage." Su Quanshun said, "Let me take it."

A few words, in fact, is another kind of code word confrontation.It's just that Su Quanshun may have realized that he has fallen out of favor in Zhai Xinwen's heart anyway, so he can't be neglected by Fangyuan.With Fangyuan's protection, what can Zhai Xinwen do to himself?In the party committee, Zhai Xinwen was not someone who could make decisions.Moreover, Zhai Xinwen still has a lot of things in his own hands. If some things that violate the financial system are not handled by himself, I am afraid that he will not be able to pass any audit.

The minibus of the Education Bureau has parked outside the train station.Standing there with a smile, Heping saw Zhai Xinwen and Fang Yuan, and walked up to him in a few steps: "Director Zhai, Secretary Fang, welcome to the triumphant return." Zhai Xinwen said, "Secretary He, this time is really rewarding!" Heping said: "Director Zhai came out, that's the top two." Zhai Xinwen said: "Quan Shun said, Fang Yuan played a key role. I very much agree with this view."

Zhai Xinwen is really a character who must report his flaws!At this time, Su Quanshun was put on the fire to roast.Fangyuan didn't know why, but suddenly thought of Goujian, King of Yue Kingdom in the late Spring and Autumn Period.Gou Jian is a great person, able to endure, and share the joys and sorrows with his people in times of trouble; after the restoration of the country, he quickly killed Wen Zhong, a minister who had been loyally following him and made outstanding contributions.Looking at Zhai Xinwen now, he really looks a bit like this Goujian!Especially tolerant, especially able to pretend, especially hypocritical, especially a city mansion, but actually very narrow-minded, for those who are not so close, and always thinking about retaliation.Alas, such a person is really scary!

Fangyuan shook hands with Heping: "Secretary He, come to greet him in person!" Heping said: "Director Zhai and Secretary Fang will return together, and I must welcome them." Fangyuan said: "Thank you, I am very tired today, so I sit in my own car Take the car back." Heping said, "Only by taking a good rest can we work better."

Shake hands and bid farewell.Su Quanshun said: "Secretary Fang, do you want me to take you home?" Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, there is the Central Plains!"

Fangyuan went to class and waved goodbye.Ning Zhongyuan asked: "Secretary Fang, where are you going?" Fang Yuan suddenly became confused: "Where are you going?"Is it home?Kong Shuanghua is not at home, should he ask his mother-in-law to take care of him?Mother-in-law is now all focused on Ruirui, busy taking care of Ruirui, how can she have the energy to take care of herself?Go to parents?Fang Yuan didn't want her parents to worry about her like this.Then there is only one place to go, and that is Song Sisi's place.

Fangyuan called Song Sisi: "I'm going back to Dongzhou. I'm very tired, my heart is tired, my body is tired. I drank too much yesterday, and now I feel dizzy." Like gouging out with a knife, tears flowed out immediately: "Yuan, you go home quickly. I will go home with my mother now." Fang Yuan's heart was suddenly surrounded by a kind of warmth, and the overflowing warmth flowed from the bottom of his heart to his head. , Fang Yuan also felt like crying, is it the things in the company that are important, or the people?Song Sisi can immediately put down her work and take Zhu Rui home with her. This is putting Fangyuan in a more important position than Dacheng Company!Fang Yuan said, "Okay, let's go home."

Fang Yuan said to Ning Zhongyuan: "Let me drive. You take a taxi and go back by yourself." Ning Zhongyuan said: "Chief, your body?" Fang Yuan said: "I can do it."

Fang Yuan became the driver and drove straight to Song Sisi's villa.When the car stopped in front of the villa, Fang Yuan saw Song Sisi's pretty face crying like rain on the inside of the window.Fang Yuan got out of the car slowly, and waved his hand upstairs.He walked up a few steps steadily and knocked gently on the door.It was Zhu Rui who opened the door.Fang Yuan said hello: "Auntie." Zhu Rui looked at Fang Yuan's pale face and felt distressed: "Xiao Fang, you must take good care of your body!" After Fang Yuan was let in, Song Sisi threw herself into Fang Yuan's room, crying uncontrollably. In his arms: "Fang Yuan, why are you like this?" Fang Yuan said: "When a person is in a wine shop, he can't help himself; when a person is in an officialdom, he can't help himself." Song Sisi said, "My heart hurts so much." Song Sisi got up, She looked up and down Fangyuan with tearful eyes, and hugged Fangyuan in her arms distressedly: "I wish I could suffer this instead of you." Fangyuan's heart was surrounded by a warm current, this is the feeling of home!

When Fang Yuan lay on Song Sisi's big bed, Song Sisi massaged Fang Yuan's arms and head like a gentle wife.After a while, Zhu Rui knocked on the door carrying a cup of millet porridge.Fang Yuan said weakly: "Auntie, thank you for your hard work." Zhu Rui's eyes were also a little red.In Zhu Rui's heart, she already regarded Fang Yuan as her own son-in-law.The son-in-law is the pillar of the family, the son-in-law is not in good health, and the heart of the mother-in-law is also uncomfortable!

Zhu Rui said: "Xiao Fang, drink some millet porridge first. The millet nourishes the stomach and is thin. From now on, you can't drink like this again! Sisi and I are worried to death." Song Sisi's tears flowed down again.Fangyuan gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Song Sisi's eyes with his hands, and said gently: "Auntie, Sisi, I don't want to either! Yesterday more than 30 people came to toast me together. They are all superior leaders of the Provincial Department of Education. How can I dare?" Putting on airs and not drinking! It is true that I have never drank so much alcohol, I almost thought yesterday whether I would die."

Song Sisi didn't care at all that her mother was by her side, and threw herself on Fang Yuan's body: "No, you will never die, you will always be healthy and healthy. If you die, I will die with you." Zhu Rui said: "Sisi, what are you talking about? Xiaofang just drank too much wine, which hurt his stomach and maybe his liver. It will be fine after a few days." Song Sisi didn't seem to hear her mother's words: "Fangyuan, promise me, Don't die before I die, okay? I'll die before you. I can't bear the pain of losing you!"

Fangyuan's tears could no longer be stopped.Moved, besides being moved, is still moved!I thought that only in the novels of Auntie Qiongyao in Taiwan would there be such a romantic and touching scene, but I didn't expect that this deep love is right in front of my eyes!Fang Yuan gently stroked Song Sisi's head, then wiped away her unstoppable tears, squeezed out a smile, and comforted her gently: "Sisi, we are all alive and well, no one will die, okay?" Song Sisi nodded vigorously: " Okay, I just want to grow old with you forever." Fang Yuan was filled with emotions, and his heart was full of knots: Will he grow old together in the future?Is it Song Sisi?Is it Kong Shuanghua?Or Wang Quan?Fang Yuan felt confused for a while.

Song Sisi said to Zhu Rui: "Mom, go and make the best food for Fang Yuan." Zhu Rui said: "Okay, I'll prepare it." Song Sisi said: "Fang Yuan, tell mom what you want to eat." Fang Yuan said : "I just want to have a good sleep now." Song Sisi said: "Okay, I will sleep with you."

Song Sisi helped Fangyuan take off his coat, not thinking that Fangyuan didn't take a bath, so she pulled off the quilt and covered Fangyuan's body.He took off Fangyuan's socks and put them on the corner of the bed.Song Sisi also took off her clothes and bra, revealing her nipples that had turned black and enlarged.Wearing only panties, got into bed.She faced Fangyuan and hugged Fangyuan, just like hugging a beloved baby.Love is love from the heart, love can not be more love.He couldn't hold other men in his heart, even his father Song Dacheng was pushed behind Fangyuan by Song Sisi.Of course, if Song Sisi gave birth to a little boy, that would be another matter.

Song Sisi gently stroked Fangyuan's chest, and said softly, "As it is now, when you lie beside me, my heart is very secure and very happy. Even if we didn't do anything."

Fang Yuan was also very emotional.Accepting Song Sisi's touch, Fangyuan also felt a sense of happiness and serenity.Kong Shuanghua would not do this.Alas, the last time I just promised Kong Shuanghua, when I came back from a business trip, I went home first, and then I ran to Song Sisi's house again.What has actually happened?Could it be that he was really irresistible to Song Sisi's temptation?Or does a wandering heart especially need the spiritual comfort that Song Sisi provides?But Kong Shuanghua never seemed to notice his spiritual needs.Not sex, but being cared for!

When I woke up, it was already dark.Song Sisi gently blew into Fangyuan's ear, "Honey, it's time to wake up!" Fangyuan felt much better in his stomach after drinking a full stomach of millet porridge.Fangyuan said: "Sisi, thank you for your love!" Song Sisi was so sentimental that she couldn't listen to such words: "Husband, if I don't love you, will I still love others? In this life, I don't think I will ever fall in love with you again." Someone else." Suddenly remembered something and said, "Of course, except for the baby in my belly. I will love him very, very much. Husband, do you like boys or girls?"

It's a silly question, but one that many women ask.Fangyuan smiled and said, "As long as it is born by Sisi, I like both boys and girls." Song Sisi said, "I hope she is a girl. But my parents hope she is a boy. If it is a girl, how much would it be?" OK! I will definitely dress her up beautifully and make her the happiest child in the world." Fang Yuan said: "Yes, I will." Song Sisi said: "Of course, if the baby is a boy , I still want to give birth, I must give birth to a beautiful little girl." Fang Yuan was so shocked that he almost collapsed the bed: My dear, you still want to give birth?

Seeing Fang Yuan's expression, Song Sisi said, "Don't worry! Many people in our business have had too many children. As long as you pay the fine, you can have as many children as you want. Boys were born for my father and mother. They I want a successor; the girl was born to us. Kong Shuanghua has already given birth to you a son, so I also hope to give you a daughter. Husband, don’t you want to?”

Fang Yuan said: "Oh! I'm in a mess right now, and I can't explain it!" Song Sisi pouted her mouth, "Look at you, having a baby is very painful. I would like it, but you still don't?" Fang Yuan said: "I am willing, I am willing." Song Sisi smiled, a small victory on the lips would make Song Sisi feel satisfied.This is what you want to act like a baby in front of your beloved "husband".

Fangyuan's cell phone rang.Song Sisi picked up the phone, glanced at it, and pouted again: "It's Kong Shuanghua's call. Here it is!"

Fangyuan answered the phone: "Shuanghua." Kong Shuanghua's tone was a little anxious, and there was a cry in his voice: "Husband, why didn't you go home? Are you at Song Sisi's place?" Fangyuan said, "I hurt my body from drinking in Hangjiang. Thinking that no one cares about me after I go home, maybe Ruirui will still pester me, so I came to Song Sisi's place." Kong Shuanghua cried on the other side of the phone: "Husband, why didn't you tell me that you were not in good health? You Having said that, no matter how busy I am, I will hurry home. Besides, you can still go to your parents’ place.” Fang Yuan said, “I don’t want my parents to see me like this.” Kong Shuanghua said, “Honey, I… You don't care enough. Go home now, okay?"

Fang Yuan looked at Song Sisi, hesitant for a while: Should he go or not?

Although Song Sisi didn't hear what Kong Shuanghua was saying, women's intuition is often very sensitive.She guessed that Kong Shuanghua was telling Fangyuan to go home, she felt a pain in her heart, and also felt a strong reluctance to part with her.She immediately hugged Fangyuan with her upper body naked: "Fangyuan, I don't want you to go. Mom has cooked you a lot of delicious food, so don't go."

Song Sisi's head was very close to Fangyuan's mobile phone. Obviously, Kong Shuanghua must have heard Song Sisi's words.But Fangyuan's heart is full of entanglements, with Song Sisi on one side and Kong Shuanghua on the other.Whichever side you go, you hurt the other person.This is what the parties do not want to see.

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