Director's growth history

3628.2308, Fangyuan does not know the heights of the sky and the thickness of the earth

Fang Yuan heard Wang Guodong's words and said, "Thank you, Secretary Wang, for your trust. I know that Secretary Wang is an upright and good official, so I am willing to do my best to support Secretary Wang." Wang Guodong said, "Thank you, Xiao Fang. However, you My father-in-law and Song Yunsheng are college classmates." Fang Yuan said: "My father-in-law is my father-in-law, and I am me. My father-in-law has given me a lot of guidance in life, and I am very grateful to him. But my future destiny is up to me. Be sure, no one can replace my decision. Now, I just hope that honest and good officials like Secretary Wang can become bigger and bigger. This is good for the common people, good for our party and the country .Although Mayor Song looks good to me, I am far away from Mayor Song psychologically." Wang Guodong said: "Okay. I am very happy to hear what you said."

Fang Yuan said: "I still have something to report to Secretary Wang." Wang Guodong said: "Please tell me." Fang Yuan said: "I admire Chairman Mao, his theory of the united front is really good." Wang Guodong said: "Yes, broad and profound, both theory and practice." Fang Yuan said: "According to the basic principle of the united front that the enemy of the enemy is the friend, anyone who is rejected by Mayor Song can become a supporter of Secretary Wang." Wang Guodong said : "Do you have a suitable candidate?" Fang Yuan said: "Ma Lianghe himself is at the deputy department level, but he has been rejected by Mayor Song. This time I went to the Shanghai stock market with Chairman Ma and saw Chairman Ma's political energy. Yes. Minister Cui Liang met with Chairman Ma and talked for a long time. I heard that he even called the Secretary-General of the Provincial Committee to recommend Chairman Ma. In the provincial capital of Hangjiang, Chairman Ma met two provincial officials under the recommendation of Chairman Xia Hanchun. In addition, I introduced him to meet the political commissar Sheng of the provincial military region. I think it is in the best interest of Secretary Wang that after Bi Lili vacates a post of deputy mayor, it is best for Secretary Wang to be directly transferred from Chairman Ma to the actual position of deputy mayor. In this way, you have at least three people in the government, and your right to speak to the government has been greatly enhanced." Wang Guodong said: "Even if Ma Lianghe is added, I only have two allies in the government. How can there be three?" Fang Yuan said: "All political parties must be of one heart and one mind and walk in the same direction with the Communist Party. As the deputy mayor of the political party, he will naturally be more interested in the municipal party committee." Wang Guodong said: "Yes! This is a real big city. □□Where!"

Fang Yuan said: "Comrades like Chairman Ma have been in limbo since Secretary Cui left Dongzhou. Now, whoever supports him will definitely be grateful. I suggest, Secretary Wang, you can directly contact Ma The chairman said that the city committee actively recommended him to be the deputy mayor, and at the same time let Chairman Ma work hard. Your strength plus Chairman Ma's strength, plus my strength, I believe that it is very likely that Chairman Ma will succeed Become the Mayor of Ma. At that time, there will be at least three of your supporters in the government's one-management and six-deputy team. Your control of Dongzhou's political arena will reach a new level."

Wang Guodong couldn't believe that this was what a 28-year-old young man said, but he had to believe that what Fang Yuan said was indeed very reasonable.Wang Guodong said: "Okay, tomorrow I will talk to Comrade Ma Lianghe." Fang Yuan said: "I believe that Chairman Ma will definitely regard Secretary Wang as a reborn parent." Wang Guodong said: "I hope so."

Fang Yuan said: "I have other suggestions." Wang Guodong said: "Any other suggestions?" Fang Yuan said: "The party leads the army. At the local level, the party should lead the public security. But judging from the current situation in Dongzhou, Secretary Wang still has The leadership of the public security organs has not been realized! Director Lei is the assistant to the mayor, but he never reports to you, but only to Song Yunsheng. Without the support of the public security organs to the municipal party committee, who can become Secretary Wang at a critical moment of serious social crisis? Your stronghold?"

Wang Guodong fell into deep thought again.It should be said that Fang Yuan hit Wang Guodong's sore spot.The secretary of the municipal party committee cannot control the political and legal organs, which is a failure.Now, Gao Shengqiang, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, is relatively independent. Although he often reports to him, he maintains a relatively close relationship with Song Yunsheng.As for Lei Hengliang, the police chief, he completely fell for Song Yunsheng.

After a long time, Wang Guodong said again: "Xiao Fang, what advice do you have?" Fang Yuan said bluntly, "First take down the post of Public Security Bureau Chief, and then the post of Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee." Wang Guodong nodded: "That's right. , but it is really difficult." Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang, my biggest insight recently is that it is difficult to do anything. I am a small middle school principal and a small deputy department-level cadre. Nothing is easy, you are in a higher position, can it not be difficult? My idea is: these difficulties in front of us are the whetstones to test and temper us. Only in the process of constantly overcoming difficulties can we Keep making my knife sharper! Now I often say to myself, every time I overcome a difficulty, every time I solve a problem, my ability will increase by one piece, and my ability to control various tasks will increase." Wang Guodong said: "Yes Ah, what Xiao Fang said is very reasonable. So, what do you think we should do?" Fang Yuan said, "My idea is: attack on two fronts."

Wang Guodong said, "How about a two-line attack?"

Fang Yuan said: "Find your most trusted comrade in the Municipal Public Security Bureau. One line is to create opportunities for him to make meritorious service. Not only must he make meritorious service, but also make great meritorious service; the other is to ask for merit for him and recommend him as a typical example in the province. , a typical model in the whole country. In this way, the person he is most grateful to is Secretary Wang, and since he has made great contributions, it will be a matter of course for him to be promoted."

Wang Guodong looked at Fang Yuan, this ignorant guy, and really wondered if Fang Yuan was only 28 years old.Is it true that Fang Yuan is the illegitimate son of a big man in the capital, as the rumors say?Although this youthful political sense still has the mellowness of being out of harmony with the dust, it has grasped the essence and sexuality at once, sharp and profound.Yes, you can really do it yourself, why not?But it is very necessary to find a good angle to cut in, in order to receive the best results.

Wang Guodong said: "Fang Yuan, which aspect of credit do you think is the easiest to establish?" Fang Yuan said: "What do ordinary people care about most? What do ordinary people fear most? I think that if you want to make meritorious service, what you need most is not to hurt the vast majority of people. interests, but to protect the interests of the vast majority of people. This kind of action is most supported by the common people; such achievements are most likely to become a model that the superiors like!"

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