Director's growth history

3651.2330, Wang Guodong strikes late

The political situation in Dongzhou became turbulent because of the arrest of Lian Song.Those businessmen who have close contacts with Lian Song, and those cadres who have had close interaction with Lian Song in recent years, are all in danger, and a sense of unrest pervades the sky over Dongzhou.Arresting a deputy mayor is definitely not a trivial matter.Not to mention that businessmen are worried about whether they can keep the projects they obtained by bribing Lian Song; in Dongzhou and Yanping, there are still a large number of cadres promoted by Lian Song. .If these cadres who fill the townships and bureau committees in Yanping County do not work with peace of mind, but worry about their own future and destiny, it will have a great impact on the political situation in Dongzhou and social stability!

After listening to Wang Chuyin's report on the arrest of Lian Song, Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee fully affirmed Wang Chuyin and Dongzhou Public Security Officers, and also praised the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Public Security Department.Because Wang Chuyin's report to Secretary Zhao has always attributed the credit to the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, to the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Public Security Department, and to the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee.This is what it means to be a man in officialdom.If all the credit is his own, then who would promote such an ignorant person?

After the report, Secretary Zhao gave instructions: the Provincial Commission for Disciplinary Inspection of the Liansong case should intensify its investigation.At the same time, the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Public Security Department should do a good job in social stability control and guide Dongzhou to do a good job in stability.Secretary Zhao also instructed Wang Guodong to request the Dongzhou Municipal Committee to reduce the impact of the Liansong case on social harmony and stability, the impact on the civil servants, and the impact on investment promotion and other aspects, and fully maintain and ensure the stability of Dongzhou.Finally, Secretary Zhao requested that the information on the Lian Song case not be disclosed to the outside world until the verdict is clarified, and that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection regularly report the progress of the case to the Provincial Party Committee.

Wang Guodong, Wang Chuyin and other police officers took the opportunity to return to Dongzhou together.When getting off the plane at Dongzhou Yongqiang International Airport, Wang Guodong was surprised to find that Song Yunsheng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, personally led the party and government cadres to greet him in the VIP lounge of the airport.Seeing Wang Guodong coming, Song Yunsheng stepped forward and held Wang Guodong's hand tightly: "Secretary, you have worked hard." Wang Guodong said: "It is not I who have worked hard, it is Comrade Chu Yin, and the police officers of the Public Security Bureau! For several days in a row After a few nights with almost no rest, the task was finally successfully completed and the escape incident was prevented from happening again. Chu Yin and the comrades in the Public Security Bureau made a great contribution this time!"

Song Yunsheng nodded frequently: "Yes, Comrade Chu Yin has done a good job." Song Yunsheng shook hands with Wang Chuyin: "Comrade Chu Yin, Dongzhou Public Security has an expert bureau leader like you. This is the blessing of the people of Dongzhou."

Wang Chuyin has been silently observing Song Yunsheng with the professional vigilance of an old criminal policeman.Song Yunsheng's face was full of smiles, and it was difficult for ordinary people to find anything out of the ordinary.But Wang Chuyin didn't find anything unusual this time either, but he seldom went to the airport to greet Wang Guodong in person. This normal return at least showed that Song Yunsheng was turning the offensive into a defensive one.He is now incapable of continuing to attack.

Wang Chuyin decided to test Song Yunsheng: "Thank you for the praise from the mayor. My comrades and I have only fulfilled our duties as a police officer and completed the work assigned by the municipal party committee and the municipal government. But this time the arrest of Lian Song was unexpected. Because we not only captured Lian Song Song was captured, and at least 121 bank cards and more than 50 yuan in cash were found on Lian Song's body and suitcase. Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee instructed that the investigation should be strengthened, no matter who was involved, no matter who was involved Everyone, check it out."

Sure enough, Wang Chuyin caught the fleeting look of panic in Song Yunsheng's eyes.But after all, he is an official, Song Yunsheng laughed: "Yes! Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee said it very well!" Wang Chuyin wanted to say a few more words, but heard Wang Guodong say: "Comrade Chu Yin, take your comrades and hurry up!" Go back and rest." Wang Chuyin knew that he couldn't say more, so he saluted and led the policemen to leave quickly.

In the VIP room of the airport, Wang Guodong was seated with Song Yunsheng, Organization Director Sheng Zhiren, Propaganda Director Dou Shengzhong, Secretary-General Ming Yuyun, and the new Standing Committee Vice Mayor Zhou Pengyou who came to greet him.Wang Guodong said: "Thank you mayor and comrades for coming to the airport to greet you. Secretary-General, call the Standing Committee members in Dongzhou immediately. We will hold the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee at 1:[-] this afternoon to study the current situation in Dongzhou and Dongzhou in the next stage. It is an important job for the state. Comrades who have not traveled on business in Dongzhou must participate and are not allowed to ask for leave."

Ming Yuyun said: "Okay, I will notify you personally immediately." Wang Guodong felt a sense of promise.

At 1:[-] in the afternoon, the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee was held on time.When Wang Guodong walked into the meeting room, he found that all the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee were present.On the side seats in the back row, several deputy secretary-generals and comrades from the secretarial department also sat down.Wang Guodong sat on the chairman's seat and scanned the audience.A weak secretary, now seems to be a bit strong, Wang Guodong's heart is less happy and more heavy.It seems that I have the advantage now, but the task of stabilizing and developing Dongzhou has also become more difficult.A Dou Dangji incident has made many cadres in Longwan District unmotivated to work, and they don't know if Bi Lili can still do it now?The Liansong incident, thinking about it with my eyes closed, I know that Yanping County is currently in turmoil, and few people can work with peace of mind.Similarly, this Lian Song is also in charge of five or six departments. It is difficult to say whether the department heads, department deputies, and middle-level managers of these departments have given bribes or not!The reason why the gangsters are all clusters of cases and nested cases, and when one is arrested, there are a lot of cases, and one arrest is a large gang, is because gangsters do not exist alone, and it is impossible for an independent official without complex social connections to gang up on the gangsters.In handling the cases of Dou Dangji and Lian Song, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is in charge of department-level cadres, but there are still a large number of department-level and section-level cadres who must be involved. How to grasp this degree is quite a lot of thinking!

Wang Guodong pondered for a while, and then spoke: "Comrades are all here, and now we have a meeting. First of all, I would like to inform you that under the leadership of Wang Chuyin from the Municipal Public Security Bureau, after several days and nights of tracking, Lian Song arrived at the border 50 kilometers away from the border in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. Mi’s place was arrested and brought to justice, and has now been handed over to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. It has been found that Lian Song was carrying 121 bank cards and more than 50 yuan in cash. Other cases will be further investigated by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.”

The atmosphere in the audience became dignified and depressing.

Wang Guodong conveyed the spirit of the provincial party secretary Zhao's instructions, and said: "The main purpose of convening this standing committee today is to hope that all the standing committee members here will earnestly perform their duties and do their best to maintain the stability of Dongzhou. The arrest of Lian Song and the investigation of Dou Dangji should not destabilize everyone's hearts; at the same time, we must resolutely oppose the phenomenon of corruption within the party, and do our utmost to contain and combat the phenomenon of corruption within the party, so as to further To maintain the purity of the party and the image and reputation of the party and the government among the people. I especially hope that all members of the Standing Committee will set a good example for the party and government leaders at all levels in the city, and correctly face money. , the temptation of beauty, take care of yourself, take care of your family, take care of... your belt."

Members of the Standing Committee today are extraordinarily quiet.In the past, in the Standing Committee, there was absolutely no such thing as a monologue.Everyone seems to have a tacit understanding. After all, Lian Song's affairs are quite complicated, and if he makes a wrong word, he may get burned.At critical moments, being cautious in words and deeds is a common thought of many people.

Wang Guodong said: "Comrade Quanli, tell us about the current situation in Longwan District." Bi Quanli said: "Yes, Secretary Wang. I have been in Longwan District for a few days, and the overall feeling is that the impact of the Dou Dangji incident is not particularly obvious. I I have already met with all the deputies and department heads of the Party committee and government department in the whole district, and from what I have learned, everyone can perform their duties and work with peace of mind."

Wang Guodong said: "Comrade Quanli, most of the time, the comrades below are watching their faces. There is still a big gap between what they say and what they actually say." Bi Quanli said, "That's right, Secretary Wang. Now I can only I have listened extensively to the opinions of all parties, fully familiarized myself with the situation and personnel. To do a good job in Longwan District, I feel a lot of pressure, and I implore the Municipal Party Committee to provide support in terms of staffing." Wang Guodong said: "What do you want? You can discuss it at the meeting." Bi Quanli said, "I want to transfer two comrades to Longwan District to help me." Wang Guodong said, "Who should I transfer?" Bi Quanli said, "I want to transfer to the Education Bureau. Comrade Chen Qizhi went to Longwan District to serve as the deputy head of the district to help me manage education, health, science and technology and other people's livelihood; vitality."

The members of the Standing Committee, who seemed to be falling asleep, trembled when they heard the word "Fangyuan".

Wang Guodong nodded: "What are your opinions?"

Song Yunsheng said: "I think that when Comrade Quanli went to Longwan District, there was no one familiar with him, so it was quite difficult to carry out his work. Comrade Quanli has always been in charge of education work, and he knows Comrades Yuan Yuan and Comrade Chen Qizhi quite well. I think Fang Yuan Comrades and Comrade Chen Qizhi can still play their due role when they go to Longwan District. Especially Comrade Fangyuan, who has relatively comprehensive work ability and outstanding work performance, can play a greater role than in education in the special period of Longwan District."

Shi Mingxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, said, "Comrade Quanli, have you consulted these two comrades beforehand?"

Bi Quanquan said: "I have asked Comrade Chen Qizhi for his opinion, and he is willing to work in Longwan District. I have not yet asked for Comrade Fangyuan's opinion."

Shi Mingxiang said: "Comrade Fang Yuan is a rare educational expert who has emerged in recent years. Of course, I have also heard some of his deeds in the economic field. I personally think that it is very necessary to make the best use of people and things. Yes. We can transfer Comrade Fang Yuan to a comprehensive post to train him, train him, and test him, but we must also make the necessary preparations for transferring Comrade Fang Yuan. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is now booming. It is understood that the school The competitive atmosphere is still very strong, but they all admire the leadership of Comrade Fangyuan. If Comrade Fangyuan leaves, who can be suitable to lead Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School? If the college entrance examination results of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School decline next year and the people are dissatisfied, what should we do? ?Comrade Fangyuan led the comrades in the teaching and research section in the post of deputy director and deputy secretary, won many provincial first prizes, and improved the city's college entrance examination scores by several places. If Comrade Fangyuan leaves education, is there any suitable We must know that education is the most important livelihood of the people, and the people are paying more and more attention to education. The stability and development of education should not be neglected in order to maintain the stability and development of Longwan District. Every member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, They are all city-level leaders, and they should think about problems from the perspective of the whole city."

The points Shi Mingxiang raised are indeed very realistic issues.But when Shi Mingxiang so unequivocally opposed Bi Quanquan, many people couldn't understand it.Politics is really weird: good friends and allies yesterday may become enemies or rivals today.The root lies in the benefits, but in which aspect did Bi Lili move Shi Mingxiang's cake?When Shi Mingxiang said that he was completely on the standpoint of public opinion, I am afraid that few people would believe it.

Zhou Pengyou, member of the Standing Committee of Xinke, raised his hand: "Secretary Wang, I want to speak." Wang Guodong said: "Comrade Pengyou, please speak." Zhou Pengyou said: "Thank you. I should be the last to speak, but I still want to speak A few words. In my opinion, to mobilize Comrade Fang Yuan's work, we should seek Comrade Fang Yuan's opinion in advance. My speech is over."

Feng Yan, a member of the Standing Committee of the New Division and the administrative officer of the Garrison District, said: "I agree with Mayor Zhou's opinion. Soliciting opinions shows respect for cadres; of course, obeying organizational arrangements is also the bounden duty of every cadre."

It was about Fangyuan, Zhou Pengyou and Feng Yan rushed to speak, and all members of the Standing Committee were not fools, and they all sniffed out a lot of clues.Who can say that Zhou Peng's promotion to the Standing Committee is not the result of Fang Yuan's operation?Who can say that Fang Yuan's military background is fake?There was Wan Da's full support in the front, and Feng Yan's backing in the back. The military's support for Fang Yuan is continuous!

Wang Guodong looked at Sheng Zhiren, the head of the Organization Department: "Comrade Zhiren, the cadres in charge of the Organization Department, please talk about your views." Sheng Zhiren said, "I agree with Commissar Feng's opinion." Wang Guodong nodded: "I see the incident of Comrade Fangyuan. We will not discuss it for the time being. Comrade Chen Qizhi tuned Longwan District, do you have any different opinions?"

No one spoke anymore.Wang Guodong said: "Let's vote." Wang Guodong raised his hand. The 12 other Standing Committee members also raised their hands.Wang Guodong said: "Okay, I recommend Comrade Chen Qizhi as the candidate for the deputy head of Longwan District, who will be elected and appointed by the Standing Committee of the Longwan District People's Congress in accordance with the law." Work support." Wang Guodong said: "Comrade Quanli, I sincerely hope that you can make solid new achievements in your new position, so that the Longwan District Committee and District Government can benefit the people and reshape the city with practical actions. The image of the Party Committee and the government of Longwan District has won the sincere support of the people.” Bi Quanquan nodded solemnly: “I will devote myself to my death and die.”

Wang Guodong said: "At present, Yanping County is inevitably affected by the Liansong case. Everyone brainstorms and discusses what we should do now." Song Yunsheng said: "Stabilizing the cadre team can stabilize the situation. Lian Song made a mistake. It is necessary to be punished by party discipline and state law. But if the ideological confusion of the cadre team is caused by this, the consequences will be unimaginable. I think it is necessary to go deep into Yanping County and have heart-to-heart talks with the grassroots cadres so that everyone can work with peace of mind To avoid negative impacts on all aspects of work in Yanping County and our city. I recommended myself. After the Standing Committee ended today, I went to Yanping County to conduct in-depth research and report the situation to the Municipal Party Committee.”

Song Yunsheng volunteered?This is not the first time.Last time, after Lu Yaxiong, the mayor of Oujiang District, had an accident, Song Yunsheng had already volunteered.There was a problem, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection did not rush to the forefront, but the mayor rushed to the forefront. This is really an abnormal phenomenon!

Wang Guodong did not hesitate, and immediately agreed: "Since the mayor took the initiative to take on this burden, he must be confident. Well, let the mayor go to Yanping County." Song Yunsheng said: "This is what I should do." Wang Guodong Said: "Comrade Quanli went to Longwan District to be the secretary, and Lian Song was investigated by the shuanggui. Obviously, the division of labor between the deputy mayors needs to be readjusted. Mayor, don't you mind discussing it at the standing committee of the municipal party committee today?"

This is an unprecedented situation!Since becoming the secretary, Wang Guodong has never asked about the division of labor among the deputy mayors. The city government seems to be Song Yunsheng's world alone, an independent kingdom.But today, when Wang Guodong raised this question clearly, the members of the Standing Committee were surprised, and Song Yunsheng was even more surprised.How to accept the recruitment has become a very realistic and urgent problem before Song Yunsheng.what to do?

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