Director's growth history

3656.2335, Toast to Fangyuan

Zou Yuxin presided over the opening of today's dinner as the top-ranked vice chairman.Ma Lianghe, the protagonist of the banquet, officially appeared on the stage: "Comrades, let me toast a few glasses of wine. For this first glass of wine, I want to respect all the colleagues of the Federation of Trade Unions! In the past two years, the comrades of the Federation of Trade Unions have united as one and earnestly fulfilled the The responsibility of the trade union, serving the working class and the people wholeheartedly, has made many achievements. When I personally started my work, I also received the full support of the vice chairmen, section chiefs and comrades. I sincerely Thanks to the comrades of the Federation of Trade Unions! Thank you everyone!"

Ma Lianghe's eyes were moist, Liu Zhonghua had quick eyesight, and handed Ma Lianghe a tissue.Ma Lianghe wiped the corner of his eyes, and the audience burst into warm applause.Fang Yuan sighed: There must be a close relationship between politicians and actors.Ma Lianghe is a good actor.

Ma Lianghe said emotionally: "Today, I want to say something from my heart to the comrades of the Federation of Trade Unions, which is also my promise. No matter where I go to work in the future, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions is my natal family, and all the comrades are my mother." My mother's family!"

Full of tears, Ma Lianghe drank the glass of wine.Everyone in the Federation of Trade Unions, whether it was pretending on the surface or was really moved in their hearts, everyone drank the wine in their glasses.Zou Yuxin stood up: "Mayor Ma, please rest assured that the Federation of Trade Unions will work hard to be your natal family."

Ye Zimo smiled.Liu Zhonghua had a look of disdain on his face.Fang Yuan saw it in his eyes, and lamented that one must be careful in being a person, an official, and doing things.There are many ways to show loyalty.Doing the right thing on the wrong occasion will also get a wrong result.

Ma Lianghe picked up another glass of wine: "For the second glass of wine, I would like to respect the leaders of the Construction Committee, Planning Bureau, Land Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, Municipal Bureau, and Transportation Bureau who attended today in friendship. Today has a good start, and I I believe that we will cooperate better in the work in the future, and make greater contributions to the economic and social development of Dongzhou City and the improvement of the quality of life of the people of Dongzhou City in the fields they are responsible for! As the deputy mayor in charge , I am willing to do my best to serve all departments well. I must fight for what should be fought for. I will fully support what should be supported and support everyone to let go of their work. Here, I thank you comrades!"

Several bureau chiefs stood up.Ma Lianghe clinked glasses with them one by one. Every time they clinked glasses, Ma Lianghe nodded in greeting and looked directly at them kindly.

Fang Yuan sat there, thinking about how to learn the art of leadership.Today's Ma Lianghe, in front of several department heads in charge, puts his posture very low. Why does he do this?What kind of relationship is there between the mayor in charge and the department in charge?What kind of relationship should be established?

Ma Lianghe picked up the wine glass again, and a waiter filled it up.Ma Lianghe said: "It is said that having a confidant in life is a person's luck in life. In my heart, Fang Yuan, Secretary of the Municipal Education Bureau, is my confidant. We are true friends who forget the year. This third cup, I respect Xiao Fang The love is in the wine, and I don’t want to say anything more.” Fang Yuan stood up and clinked glasses with Ma Lianghe: “Thank you, Mayor Ma, for your kindness. I’m very worried!” Send a fan. Xiao Fang, thank you." Fang Yuan really didn't know what to say: "I wish Mayor Ma all the best in his new position!" Ma Lianghe said: "Let's be good friends for life and forget the year, okay?" Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

Sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty, envy, jealousy and hatred!At this moment, how many complicated emotions linger in everyone's heart.The third glass of wine that Ma Lianghe respected was quite meaningful.This made the rumor that Fangyuan helped Ma Lianghe be promoted to deputy mayor that was circulating in the political arena seemed to be verified on such an occasion.How much face is it for a deputy department-level leader to toast a deputy department-level cadre alone?If it weren't for great kindness, which high-ranking official would be willing to surrender his status and clink glasses with his subordinates?

Ma Lianghe returned to his seat, stood up and said, "Each table can do it by itself." Ma Lianghe sat down, and all the wine tables began to eat.Table number one was a little more reserved because Ma Lianghe was there.There are 10 people at this table, Ma Lianghe is the deputy director, and there are 6 other directors, plus Fang Yuan, Zou Yuxin, and Liu Zhonghua, three deputy directors, it can be said that there are many high-ranking officials!Hou Weidong, director of the construction committee, asked for instructions: "Mayor Ma, should we continue the customary three cups each, or can we toast now?" Ma Lianghe said: "You can do whatever you want!" Hou Weidong said: "Mayor Ma's □□ The style of work has set a good example for us. Now, please allow me to represent the Municipal Construction Committee and respect Mayor Ma." Ma Lianghe looked at Hou Weidong with a smile: "Director Hou, thank you." Hou Weidong said: "From now on, the municipal Under the direct leadership of Mayor Ma, the Construction Committee must follow Mayor Ma's requirements and implement Mayor Ma's instructions, and do its best to do its job well. The Municipal Construction Committee must promptly implement any work arrangements Mayor Ma has; If the work is not in place or there are mistakes, Mayor Ma must criticize what should be criticized." Ma Lianghe said: "Thank you Director Hou. I believe that we will cooperate tacitly." Hou Weidong said: "I completely agree with Mayor Ma's words. .”

The two people really seem to respect each other like guests!

After Hou Weidong started, the other bureau chiefs also rushed to be the first.Hou Weidong came to Fangyuan with another glass of wine.Fang Yuan didn't dare to push her too hard, and quickly stood up.Hou Weidong took a few steps further away, putting distance between Ma Lianghe and Ma Lianghe.Hou Weidong said: "Secretary Fang, I have always wanted to meet you and be a friend, but there has never been any suitable opportunity. This time, I would like to ask Chairman Yan Songyan and Su Ruihan, President Su. I hope that Secretary Fang can arrange the time sooner. " Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Director Hou for your kindness. I am just a small deputy, and I am also a junior in front of you. You make me feel ashamed." Hou Weidong said: "Secretary Fang is young and promising. I can know Fang Young people like the secretary can make my heart younger." Fang Yuan said: "Youth is an advantage, but also a disadvantage. Young people have little experience and little experience. I also ask Director Hou to give me more advice." Hou Weidong said: "Teaching is not enough. If Secretary Fang is willing, I would like to tell Secretary Fang some of my experiences at the next gathering." Fang Yuan said, "I will definitely listen to you." Hou Weidong said, "Secretary Fang, I respect you."

Hou Weidong drank the wine in the glass first, and Fang Yuan had no choice but to drink a full glass with him.Hou Weidong said: "Secretary Fang, I heard that Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has the intention to expand the school." Fang Yuan was taken aback, looked at Hou Weidong, and said, "Yes. The size of the school limits the development of the school." Hou Weidong said: " Secretary Fang, you are right. A school as good as Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School must be expanded. Expanding the scale means expanding high-quality educational resources, and the common people will be very happy. In this regard, the Municipal Construction Committee can support the No. 5 Middle School Expansion does some things. As long as the municipal government agrees, the Development and Reform Commission approves the project, and the follow-up demolition work, construction, and construction are all in the construction committee. The construction committee controls the education supporting fees for the construction of the school. Once the project is approved, I, Hou Weidong, will definitely supervise the expansion of the school The demolition of the project will be completed in a very short period of time, and enterprises with first-class qualifications will be arranged to carry out the construction, so that the quality of the project can be guaranteed.”

Oh, what a big peach!Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Director Hou for your kindness. If Director Hou is there, I will actively promote this matter to the director's office meeting as soon as possible and report it to the municipal government as soon as possible." Hou Weidong said: "Mayor Ma is now in charge of urban construction, and this is also Secretary Fang great advantage!"

Hou Weidong awakened the dreamer with a word.Hey, this is really a ready-made resource, so there is no need to use it for nothing!

Hou Weidong said: "Secretary Fang, the same sentence, I am always waiting for Secretary Fang to attend the activities arranged by President Yan and President Su." Fang Yuan said: "I will do it as soon as possible." Hou Weidong said: "Thank you."

Just as Hou Weidong left, someone immediately stepped in front of Fangyuan.The person who came was Liu Zhonghua, vice chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions.He personally poured a little wine for Fang Yuan, but he poured a full glass for himself: "Secretary Fang, let me toast." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Chairman Liu." Liu Zhonghua also said a few words After a word of blessing, he said: "I can do very little for Secretary Fang, but as long as I am still in the Federation of Trade Unions, the cooperation between the Federation of Trade Unions and Dacheng Company will not be interrupted. This is my promise."

Fang Yuan sighed: Zou Yuxin's performance is a bit silly, this Liu Zhonghua is well versed in officialdom!He immediately grasped Fang Yuan's most concerned issue and grasped Fang Yuan's weakness.This Liu Zhonghua is a powerful character.

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Chairman Liu. Your words warm my heart." Liu Zhonghua clinked glasses with Fang Yuan: "Secretary Fang, I respect you."

A full glass of wine disappeared from Fang Yuan's sight in an instant.Fangyuan drank the bottom of the wine in the cup, and stretched out his hand: "Chairman Liu, you are a caring person." Liu Zhonghua said, "Thank you, I have a loyal, kind heart, and a conscience. Thank you, Secretary Fang, for your appreciation."

The words are all to the point.In the officialdom, it is rare to speak clearly.The two shook hands, in fact, they both felt that they knew what they were doing now.

Fang Yuan suddenly had a premonition: it would be difficult for him to leave here before 9:[-].According to the current rhythm, the directors probably have to have a drink with themselves, and many section chiefs of the Federation of Trade Unions are familiar with each other during the selection of provincial model workers and during their vacation at Qiandao Lake. They probably have a drink too. .How to find a suitable reason to leave here?

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