Director's growth history

3672.2350. An Invisible Trap

However, Jiang Dacheng's words were very subtle, and he did not name him.This is the official speech art.

Fang Yuan said: "Okay! Jiang Suo is a senior expert, and Yun Tang is also an expert who has been in the teaching and research section and the teaching institute. If you want to do it freely, it is a blessing for Dongzhou's education industry! I will definitely support it."

Jiang Dacheng said: "Thank you, Secretary Fang! I am so happy to have your words. Yuntang is also a soldier you have led. After two years, I retired from the second line. Yuntang took over and it went smoothly. I hope, In the past two years, Dongzhou's education and scientific research work has made a big improvement, and scientific research can directly play the role of the primary productive force of education."

Liu Yuntang said: "Secretary Fang, I have always been your soldier. During my work in the teaching and research office, I have been learning from Secretary Fang and learned a lot of principles of life and doing things from you. I have always admired and admired you! I have been working in the teaching department. Afterwards, I also reported to Jiang Institute some of the experiences I learned from you. Jiang sighed all the time, why you are not in charge of the teaching department. In fact, all the comrades in the institute are looking forward to being in charge of you. This time, the Party Committee of the bureau has adjusted your division of labor, and when the news came, all the comrades in the bureau felt inspired and encouraged."

real or fake?Fang Yuan didn't bother to tell the difference.The words in the officialdom are false and true, true and false, there is truth in the false, and false in the true.It is good for them to express such an attitude.

Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Yuntang, if you keep blowing it up, I will be done."

It is a leader who, by brainwashing people, has made millions of ordinary people obsessed with his so-called theory.These obsessed people spend all their frugal money on buying so-called tapes and CDs, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, or even their entire family property.It is not easy for these ordinary people to earn some money, but after being brainwashed, they are willing to donate the money.The money eventually became the economic basis for my own enjoyment.The real beneficiaries are only himself and his best staff.If one person donates 100 yuan, 100 million people, that is 1 million.The 1 million was spent, enjoyed, and squandered by a few people, but what did the common people get?A few tapes, a few CDs, that's all.

In Lihongzhi now, there are no more believers to donate money, but because he is already famous, the US government allocates special funds every year to support Lihongzhi and his organization to engage in things that split the Chinese nation. Lihongzhi is just one of many figures that the U.S. government uses U.S. fiscal money or American people's tax money to support the split of China. Like Tibetan drug addicts and terrorists Rebiya Kadeer, he has become a pawn for the U.S. to split China.The United States has never minded openly spending money to support countries that split China and that the United States considers hostile. It allocates 2400 million U.S. dollars to anti-government groups every year.If it weren't for the 2400 million US dollars per year, the gang would have starved to death and died.Because in Dharamsa, India, there is no industry, only a small amount of agriculture, and a total of about 10 Tibetans follow the Communist Party and live here.The so-called Tibetan government-in-exile cannot have tax revenues to maintain its operations. It is clear that the United States has ulterior motives, but in the face of the embarrassing situation of no money, and the reality that there is no hope of restoring the former high-ranking rule of 400 million Tibetans, □ □It becomes a traitor who has a milk and a mother, and is the same thing.Where is there still some kind of eminent monk?Whoever gives money, whoever gives dollars, will do things for them, and bow to them, that's all.

But I don't know why, like his ilk, there are many ordinary people who are superstitious and worship them.A farmer who hadn't read a book for a few days became a fairy in the blink of an eye, what a big joke in the world!

Both Jiang Dacheng and Liu Yuntang laughed.Fangyuan said: "You don't need to talk about flattery. I always advocate hard work. If you have any good ideas, please report them." Jiang Dacheng said: "Speaking of which, Yuntang and I really have a lot of ideas. Last night, we The two have been sorted out, and they are not very mature yet, please ask Secretary Fang to review them. Which one do you think is more suitable, we will go back and refine it to form a complete work plan."

Fangyuan took the two pieces of paper from Jiang Dacheng.The work ideas of the teaching institute are all presented above.The first idea is to run a "Dongzhou Education" magazine.The content of the magazine includes Dongzhou education news, important speeches of leaders, frontiers of education and scientific research, expert articles, educational and scientific research achievements of school teachers, etc.

Fang Yuan nodded, feeling that it is indeed necessary for Dongzhou to form such a publication.Jiang Dacheng said: "If this "Dongzhou Education" magazine is established, it will not only publicize Dongzhou education, but also provide spiritual food for teachers, and publish a large number of teachers' articles, so that many teaching and scientific research achievements can be obtained in time. Organize and disseminate teaching and scientific research achievements into educational productivity." Fang Yuan said: "That's right. The idea of ​​the teaching institute should be supported." Jiang Dacheng said: "The most important thing is your support. If this Applying for the issue number of a magazine is probably very complicated, and it is difficult to run without extensive social relations. In addition, running a magazine requires money. If each teacher in Dongzhou has one copy, it will cost 5 copies. If the price is 3 yuan, it will cost 15 yuan to print one issue. If you print 2000 copies and release it in a small area, it will lose its due effect and become a self-admired small publication, which is meaningless.”

Fang Yuan nodded.No wonder it couldn't be done before, but Chen Qizhi really couldn't do it.Can you do it yourself?It is also possible to hold one and two phases, and sponsorship by Lala.But with 12 issues a year, this is 160 million; if it is published bimonthly, it will cost 80!It is obviously more difficult for the Education Bureau to take the money.Of course, it is possible for Sun Yizhi to make such an application to him now.It is also possible for such a magazine to be launched first, and then to be supported by advertising and other means.

Fang Yuan said: "If it is going to be done, then every primary and secondary school teacher in Dongzhou must have it. It is better not to run a self-admired magazine." Jiang Dacheng said: "Yes! With Secretary Fang's support, we also have I am confident to run this journal well. You also know that those comrades in education and scientific research also hope that they can have a place to use their talents." Jiang Dacheng did not tell Fang Yuan that if this journal is established, the economic distress of the teaching institute will be quickly reduced. If it is changed, this magazine will become a small treasury for the teaching institute to generate income.It costs 1000 yuan to publish a related article, and 50 articles in the first issue, which is 5 yuan; to publish a second cover, third cover and back cover advertisement, a full page is up to 10 yuan, and three advertisement pages are 30 yuan.Only those who have great wealth can be bold, and without money, it is difficult for me to be the director.The most important thing is to use Fangyuan's ability to apply for the issue, and at the same time, when the first few issues are not influential, use Fangyuan to get the start-up funds.When it is in normal operation, it is not certain whether Fangyuan is still needed.

Fang Yuan said: "Okay. Director Jiang, after you go back, you will form a complete work plan and report it. If I think the time is right, let's go to the bureau chief's office meeting first to finalize this matter!"

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