Director's growth history

3679.2357. The teaching institute has many hidden worries

It was still early for dinner, so Fang Yuan asked Zhai Xinwen for leave: "Director, I'm going to visit the teaching department. In charge of this new department, Jiang Dacheng and Liu Yuntang also came to my office in person and invited me over." Zhai Xinwen seemed to have forgotten where he was. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School directly interfered with Fangyuan's deployment, and said with a smile: "Okay, go and come back quickly, don't delay and invite Mayor Lei to dinner tonight." Fangyuan said: "In the evening, there are also arrangements at the teaching institute." Zhai Xinwen said : "Speak directly to the teaching institute, postpone it, don't put it today." Fang Yuan was a little helpless: "Okay!"

Arriving at the teaching institute, Fang Yuan was warmly welcomed by all staff of the teaching institute headed by Jiang Dacheng.Looking around, it is colorful, like entering a sea of ​​flowers.In the place of the Educational Science Institute, there are mostly women. Many people went home at noon and changed their clothes. At this moment, they showed the unique beauty, elegance, connotation, and gracefulness of intellectual women, which made Fangyuan feel dazzled: Oh my God, I really didn’t expect that the Educational Science Institute Here, it turned out to be a place where a hundred flowers bloom!

Under the guidance of Jiang Dacheng and Liu Yuntang, Fangyuan walked through each office.For each department, Jiang Dacheng introduced the nature of the work of this department and introduced each staff member.It should be said that Jiang Dacheng did not report the work first, but took Fangyuan around, which still has his ingenuity in it.In this way, Fang Yuan has a preliminary and complete understanding of what the textbook can do.

But Fang Yuan's thinking is different from that of ordinary people.Although Fang Yuan maintained a modest smile along the way, Fang Yuan felt that some people in the teaching department were superfluous, and many people could say that they had nothing to do.Educational and scientific research personnel are the leader of Dongzhou Education, but they are left here with nothing to do and are left idle. Isn't this a waste of resources?It seemed that the teaching institute should indeed find something to do.

When they arrived at the conference room, Fang Yuan sat alone on one side, and the two leaders of the teaching department and several middle-level officials sat opposite Fang Yuan.A young woman with an elegant posture came over to make tea for Fang Yuan.The faint perfume around her still made Fangyuan's heart beat a few times.Fang Yuan sat upright, without looking sideways, waiting for Jiang Dacheng's opening remarks.

Jiang Dacheng said: "Warmly welcome Secretary Fang to inspect and guide the work of the teaching department. When the comrades in the institute heard that Secretary Fang was in charge of the teaching department, everyone was very excited. Secretary Fang was in charge of the policy and regulation department. I brought back several of them; Secretary Fang was in charge of the teaching and research section, and the teaching and research section took back the first prizes of 11 high-quality course competitions in the province; now, Secretary Fang is in charge of the teaching institute, and I believe that it is time for the teaching institute to let go. !"

What a unique opening!Fang Yuan said: "Everyone does a good job, and the results will naturally increase. It is obviously inappropriate to attribute any achievements to individuals." Jiang Dacheng said: "A strong soldier will strengthen the whole team. Where did Secretary Fang go? It is booming. This afternoon, I told everyone that Secretary Fang agreed with our three ideas, and all comrades were very excited. The teaching institute also wants to make more contributions to the development of Dongzhou education, but it also needs a stage and a platform. If Secretary Fang can create these platforms for the teaching institute, then I dare to pat my chest: I will definitely live up to Secretary Fang's expectations, let the teaching institute create unprecedented achievements, and add credit to Secretary Fang!"

Fangyuan said: "As long as it is beneficial to the development of Dongzhou's education, I will definitely support it within my ability. Jiang Institute, I also hope that I can see that education and scientific research can truly play the role of scientific research leader, so that scientific research can guide the development of scientific research. The forefront of education development, leading the city's education to achieve a new leap forward."

Jiang Dacheng said: "Okay! Although I am almost in the second line, but with Secretary Fang's encouragement, my blood is boiling now, and I have to fight."

At this time, Jiang Dacheng began to report to Fangyuan on all aspects of the work of the teaching institute.Although the language was whitewashed, and the content was made out of nothing or icing on the cake, Fang Yuan still heard the dilemma of having nothing to do in the teaching department.There are many reasons for this predicament. In addition to Chen Qizhi's ineffective management, education and scientific research seem to be too far away from front-line teachers and schools, which is also one of the reasons.

After listening to Jiang Dacheng's report, Fang Yuan said a few words of official praise and affirmation, and then immediately changed the subject: "Director Jiang, Secretary Liu, I have something to talk to you alone!"

In Jiang Dacheng's office, Fang Yuan sat on the single sofa, while Jiang Dacheng and Liu Yuntang crowded on the double sofa.Liu Yuntang did not forget to pour tea and refill Fangyuan, and his respectful demeanor reflected the feeling of Fangyuan's old subordinates.After all, Fang Yuan once directly led Liu Yuntang, and also fought side by side with Liu Yuntang in various discipline competitions of provincial high-quality science courses.

Fang Yuan said: "Jiang Suo, Secretary Liu, I am here today not just to talk nicely. I feel that there are big problems in the teaching department, and it has not played its due role. The leaders of the two of you have no outsiders today. Under the circumstances, tell me frankly, what problems are there in the teaching institute? If it is not convenient to say, then you can report separately."

Jiang Dacheng and Liu Yuntang looked at each other, and they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes: Secretary Fang, don't be fooled!Liu Yuntang said: "Jiang Suo, you are here to report for the Lord. If you didn't expect it, I will add it." Jiang Dacheng seemed a little heavy, but he still nodded.

Listening to Jiang Dacheng's oral report, Fang Yuan's mood also changed.It turns out that there are many problems that cannot be seen on the surface.With the advancement of education reform, the workload of teachers in front-line schools is increasing, and many teachers, especially female teachers, feel tired.In the past two or three years, the teaching institute has become the favorite "refuge" for some female teachers with background and connections. The level may not be very high, but they are all willing to come to the teaching institute because the work here is relatively light.In order to come to the teaching institute, those who have connections at home will use their connections; those who have no connections at home will find other ways.Although Jiang Dacheng didn't say it clearly, Fang Yuan can imagine that some female teachers did not rely on their real talents and knowledge, but sold their bodies to the teaching institute in order to be transferred to the teaching institute.Although these female teachers have transformed into scientific research personnel, their level is not up to the level of scientific research personnel, which makes the original old scholars and old comrades very uncomfortable; Too enchanting, leading to serious conflicts between old comrades and new comrades.After Jiang Dacheng came from the teaching and research section, he has won the trust of everyone in terms of level, but it is quite difficult to manage. Many female teachers have backgrounds, and some without backgrounds have other factors that can affect Jiang Dacheng, making management more difficult.In addition, in the past few years, the teaching institute has not been doing too much serious work, so many people regard the teaching institute as a nursing home, where they earn their qualifications and titles. Many older people can at least be an associate researcher. Those who have published many papers or monographs may have several researchers mixed together.Associate researcher is equivalent to associate professor, equivalent to the title of senior middle school teacher, and the salary level is equivalent to that of the director level; researcher is equivalent to professor, and the salary level is equivalent to the deputy department level.Usually at work, there are a lot of things that are light and heavy, no one wants to take responsibility, and everyone wants to live comfortably in the teaching department.

Liu Yuntang added one point: Jiang Suo and himself, the door of the office during the day is basically kept open all the time.I dare not close it at all, because if I close it, I will worry about the rumors.Fang Yuan could imagine that some lesbians in the teaching center should have a rather weak concept of chastity.Is it true that the higher the cultural level, the lower the requirements in this regard?Maybe it's the times too.Alas, it turns out that the teaching institute still has so many hidden stories, it is really a difficult unit to manage!

Fangyuan pondered for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "Director Jiang, Secretary Liu, I don't think anyone wants to see such a situation. I think it is very necessary to change all this! What should we do? First, let them There is something to do. If you have something to do, you can’t be idle, and you will lose your mind on other aspects. Therefore, the three ideas you reported this morning should be formed as soon as possible. , Grassroots projects, teachers’ reading and writing projects can be carried out quickly, and I will coordinate and contact the issue of running the issue. If I need to go to the province, I will go to the province.” Jiang Dacheng said: “It is true that Secretary Fang comes forward. That's great." Fang Yuan said, "Secondly, I suggest that teaching institutes should establish a relatively fair and reasonable evaluation and promotion system. In the future, annual evaluations and job title promotions will all depend on performance. Reduce behind-the-scenes operations and reduce other The influence of factors depends on the scoring situation. Those with high scores will have good results in the evaluation, and will have an advantage when promoted to positions and titles, which will promote the development of our firm in the direction of healthy competition and cooperation."

Jiang Dacheng said: "Yes, we will start to study it immediately. However, I am very worried that after the introduction of the system, it will cause a backlash." Fang Yuan said: "After the [first draft of the system is formulated, we must seek everyone's opinions and pass it through a unanimous vote. It must be approved by a two-thirds majority of all the staff before it is formally implemented. The unit where I work does not allow laziness to exist. Since I am in charge of the teaching department, I cannot sit idly by. Laziness cannot Existence, some abnormal relationships should also be avoided." Jiang Dacheng said: "Okay, according to Secretary Fang's instructions, we will form a preliminary plan as soon as possible and report it to you."

Fangyuan looked at Jiang Dacheng and Liu Yuntang, feeling in his heart: Maybe we should change to a female director of the teaching department, so that it is easier to lead this department with more complicated relationships!Dai Lianghua is really a good candidate, she is very good at handling these complicated relationships, and can calm those restless emotions.Let's see if there is any suitable opportunity in the future and arrange Dai Lianghua here.

Jiang Dacheng finally said: "Secretary Fang, I have asked Director Wang of the office for leave, and said that I am going to have a banquet for you tonight. Therefore, I will not attend the dinner for Mayor Lei hosted by the Education Bureau at night, and concentrate on preparing for your dinner."

By this time, it was dark and the clock was pointing to 6 o'clock.Obviously, it is impossible to modify the arrangement of this dinner party.Fang Yuan said: "Since you have already arranged, I will go to participate. I also want to meet with everyone! But, tonight, I'm afraid I'm going to hang out!" Jiang Dacheng said: "Understand, understand!"

Jiang Dacheng thought that Fangyuan's visit was to toast at Lei Hengliang's banquet. How did he know that Hou Weidong, the director of the Municipal Construction Committee, Yan Song, the owner of Regal Real Estate, and Su Ruihan, the vice president of Regal Real Estate, also arranged a banquet at the Jingu Hotel, waiting for Fangyuan to attend .

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