Director's growth history

3690.2367. It is not easy to move Yan Song

There are too many smart people in this world.This cleverness does not refer to IQ, but to EQ.The 5000-year development history of the Chinese nation is actually a 5000-year history of struggle.The rich and substantial struggle has made the Chinese people's emotional intelligence reach a relatively high level.Fang Yuan closed his eyes, carefully pondered Sun Yizhi's words, and deeply felt: Dacheng Company and Song Sisi have been doing deceitful things for a long time.I thought that only people in a small area knew a thing or two, but I didn't expect that everyone on the road knew it.What's the point of such concealment?There is one thing that Fang Yuan doesn't understand: Since everyone knows it, why hasn't anyone stepped forward to stop it, or simply use such things to criticize themselves, so that they can be hit at work and in life?Fang Yuan really didn't understand.

Perhaps, this is the reality of officialdom that "the people don't raise officials and don't investigate"; perhaps, when Confucius Tian and Kong Shuanghua don't care about this matter, no one is willing to meddle in their own business; perhaps, this is the normal state of the world and the officialdom in China , Many people have mistresses, many people have lovers, and I have seen them a lot, and the world is no longer surprised by them.

But at this moment, what Fangyuan most wanted to solve was to return the watch.Fang Yuan strikes while the iron is hot: "Director Sun, you are willing to help me in contacting the bank for a loan, which has already made me very grateful. I must send this watch back." Sun Yizhi said: "Okay, since Secretary Xiaofang must send it Come back, I think we can arrange another meeting, okay?" Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Sun Yizhi said: "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, just tonight, okay?" Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Sun Yizhi was very happy : "Then I will arrange a place and call you when the time comes."

Sun Yizhi agreed to withdraw the form, and this incident did not offend Sun Yizhi, so Fang Yuan felt better.Recalling the belt marks on Su Ruihan's body, Fang Yuan hated Yan Song even more.Fang Yuan picked up the phone and called Wang Chuyin: "Brother, hello." Wang Chuyin said: "Brother, what's the matter?" Fang Yuan said: "Is there any way to bring Yan Song down?" Wang Chuyin was stunned for a moment: "What, You want to get rid of Yan Song?" Fang Yuan said: "Get rid of harm for the people, the sooner you get rid of it, Dongzhou will be peaceful." Wang Chuyin didn't understand why Fang Yuan was so childish.Wang Chuyin said: "Brother, it is impossible to bring down Yan Song with my own strength. Yan Song has multiple backers, and any one of them is at least at the deputy department level. I am a director and a quasi-public security chief." , Maybe it’s easy to directly defeat Yan Song, but if the power behind Yan Song makes a move, I don’t have the confidence to withstand the pressure in this fierce game.”

Fang Yuan was taken aback: "Is Yan Song so powerful?" Wang Chuyin said: "Yan Song has been in Dongzhou for four to 50 years, and his connections on the road are quite rich, which can be said to be intertwined. The Yan Song we see on the surface may be a The real estate boss; but in fact, how many people he supports him, I, the old security, can't fully understand. Also, Yan Song is a representative of the Dongzhou Municipal People's Congress and enjoys legal immunity. If you want to get Yan Song , first of all, the Dongzhou Municipal People’s Congress needs to remove his identity as a representative of the National People’s Congress, and this process is quite complicated. In general, without the approval of the Provincial People’s Congress, it is impossible for the Dongzhou Municipal People’s Congress to easily remove a city-level people’s congress representative. Yan Song In the past, he had a close relationship with Cong Yue, the former deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and now the first deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress. Although Secretary Wang also serves as the director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the daily work is presided over by Cong Yue, the first deputy director. The work of the municipal party committee is the main thing, and the affairs of the people's congress are usually less involved. Brother, think about it, just because of the unclear relationship between Yan Song and Cong Yue, can Cong Yue dismiss Yan Song as a deputy to the people's congress? For several years, it has been a major taxpayer in Dongzhou City. During the renovation of the old city, many old cities, shantytowns, and urban villages that the government wanted to demolish but could not be demolished were handed over to Yan Song's rich real estate, which greatly promoted The pace of old city renovation. The former secretary of the municipal party committee, Cui, has always regarded the old city renovation as an important policy direction during his tenure as an official. Brothers, don’t forget, Secretary Cui is now promoted to the Shanghai Stock Exchange Standing Committee, the Minister of Propaganda, and is a deputy provincial cadre. Cha Yansong, if you can’t sort out the pressure and relationship in all aspects, can you find out? My brother advises you, the best attitude to get along with Yan Song is to keep the water in the well and not to offend anyone. I believe , Yan Song knows very well in his heart, he will not provoke you easily, nor will he make trouble for me. Yan Song's existence has maintained the balance and stability of Dongzhou to a certain extent. If Yan Song is really defeated , this balance will be broken, and in the process of establishing a new order, it will inevitably lead to social turmoil and chaos. As the chief of the public security bureau, it will be difficult for me to do so. Taking another [-] steps back, I will defeat Yan Song. Zhang Song, Li Song, Wang Song, and Ma Song will also appear, what good will this do for you and me?"

Fang Yuan was enlightened, and Wang Chuyin's short speech gave Fang Yuan a further understanding of the complexity of society.Existence is reasonable, perhaps in the eyes of some city leaders, although Yan Song has a dark past, but in the process of urban development, there is also a need for a guy like Yan Song, whether as a thug or a vanguard, To do some things that the government cannot and is inconvenient to do.Fang Yuan is very clear about the relationship between Yan Song and Cong Yue.Back then, Yan Yanran and Cong Shengyuan were well-known playboys in Dongzhou, their sons were good friends, and the relationship between the two adults must not be bad.It seems that it is more difficult to move Yan Song than to move a bureau chief!

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, brother, for giving me such a detailed introduction. If it wasn't for my brother's reminder, I'm afraid I would impulsively make an irreparable mistake." Wang Chuyin breathed out: "The matter of Yan Song is really complicated, and there is no sure victory. Don’t take it lightly.” Fang Yuan said: “Yes, I remember.” Wang Chuyin said: “However, since Yan Song offended my brother, I will take advantage of the spring breeze of this crackdown to beat him properly, It's still possible. Fighting without breaking, absolutely not tearing the skin, but it will make Yan Song feel the pain, and let Yan Song know that it is necessary not to easily offend people who shouldn't be offended. This matter, I will leave it to my brother Done. Don't get meddled." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

After hanging up Wang Chuyin's call, Fang Yuan felt extremely heavy.In almost every city, there will be more or less underworld forces!Their existence is a pain in the hearts of the people, but it is difficult to completely eradicate them in all dynasties, China and foreign countries.Existence is reasonable. Perhaps, the existence of these forces is also an organic part of society.

Zhou Yujie pushed the door open and entered.In the Education Bureau, Zhou Yujie was probably the only one who entered Fangyuan's office without knocking.Fang Yuan sat up straight and stood up: "Xiao Zhou, what can I do for you?" Zhou Yujie said, "Report to Secretary Fang about the work of the Communist Youth League." Fang Yuan said, "I don't care about the work of the Communist Youth League!" Zhou Yujie said: "But you are the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau. The Party is in charge of mass organizations, and you are in charge of the Communist Youth League."

Hey, there seems to be some truth to this.Fang Yuan said: "Then sit down, I'll listen to your report." Zhou Yujie sat down on the opposite side of Fang Yuan's desk dignifiedly, and stared at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan smiled wryly, and touched his face: "Why, there is something on my face?" Zhou Yujie said, "I see that you look very tired, are you tired?"

Hey, that's a good read!Can you not be tired?An hour ago, he scored twice with Su Ruihan in a state of mild abuse, and exhausted his energy; just now, he was very confident that he would knock Yan Song down, but Wang Chuyin's words suddenly splashed Fangyuan. It turns out that cleaning up Yan Song is so complicated and difficult.This mood will naturally be low!The careful Zhou Yujie actually noticed these details.

Fang Yuan said: "It's really tiring. I'm tired physically and emotionally." Zhou Yujie said: "You have something on your mind. It's the most painful thing to hold in your heart, and it's also the easiest to make people sick. Fang Yuan, if you trust me, you can put Tell me about these things on your mind! I have always been strict-tongued, and I will never talk nonsense."

Zhou Yujie just stared at Fangyuan like this, looking straight at him, with eagerness and hope in his eyes, which made Fangyuan's heart skip a beat.Men, sometimes, really need a confidante.A confidant is someone who can understand one's heart, is understanding, and is someone who brings warmth and comfort when the soul is most vulnerable.Wife, basically no one can do this, not even Kong Shuanghua, nor Song Sisi, and Su Ruihan seems to be even worse.Zhou Yujie, on the other hand, seemed to have the ability and quality in this area.

Fang Yuan's heart was moved, but he didn't act.Due to the immersion in the officialdom, Fang Yuan has made rapid progress in concealing her inner world.Looking at Zhou Yujie, Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Xiao Zhou. There are many things that you don't know are better than knowing. You are too young to understand that there are many things in this society that make people feel helpless. Women, it's better to be simple. .”

Zhou Yujie seemed a little unconvinced: "You are only 5 years older than me, so you say I am too young? Besides, compared with girls of the same age, who is my knowledge and understanding of society weaker?" Fang Yuan said: " Xiao Zhou, you can report on your work. After the work report is over, you can do what you should do." Zhou Yujie said: "I can report on another day, but I am very angry because you look down on me."

Fang Yuan looked at Zhou Yujie, a little helpless.Anyway, she is Zhou Pengyou's daughter.If she was just a commoner, Fang Yuan would be ready to kick Zhou Yujie out right now.For Zhou Yujie, Fang Yuan still wanted to show some face.In fact, this is also life, and this is also reality, just like Yan Song, there is nothing to do with Zhou Yujie.

Fang Yuan said: "Don't be angry. The problem I'm thinking about is indeed very difficult. Even if I tell you, it's useless. Originally, one person is worrying, but when the time comes, one more person is worrying. Why bother?" " Zhou Yujie said: "How do you know it's useless? You underestimated me!" Fang Yuan said, "I really want to get rid of Yan Song now, do you have any good solutions?" Zhou Yujie opened his eyes wide: "You said you Want to get rid of Yan Song? Why?" Fang Yuan said: "Because Yan Song is the biggest underworld leader in Dongzhou and the worst person in Dongzhou. Shouldn't he kill the people?" Zhou Yujie said: "Fang Yuan, Don't talk nonsense! Yan Song, it's really not something you can get rid of. A person like Yan Song who messes around in the Tao is ruthless. If he knows that you want to get rid of him, how can he do it secretly?"

Zhou Yujie showed concern on his face, and clenched his little hands tightly.Inexplicably, Fang Yuan's heart was a little moved: what can I do, and let a girl worry and worry about me?

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