Director's growth history

3706.2383. Poor these officials

Between people, the most feared thing is a heartache.Because Fangyuan met Lei Hengliang, drank a cup of tea and had a meal, Wang Chuyin felt very uncomfortable.Although Fang Yuan was still very polite in tone, he felt in his heart that Fang Yuan should not have contact with Lei Hengliang, let alone help Lei Hengliang. Deputy Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The two agreed on a time to meet in the evening and hung up the phone.Wang Chuyin is much busier now than when he was the executive deputy director.The top leader has increased power and responsibility.In the entire eastern state, many tasks such as social security management and combating criminal and economic crimes have fallen on his shoulders.When working as a deputy, sometimes you can push some things to the main job; when you are the main job, you can't push anything out.The daily work reports on big and small things, and the meetings to attend or attend every day are full of schedules.After finalizing the meeting with Fangyuan at night, Wang Chuyin had to devote himself to work.

Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua's breakfast was bought.Without Kong Shufang, I can't eat ready-made meals.After dinner, Kong Shuanghua said to Ruirui: "Ruirui, from today onwards, you are going to grandpa's house and let grandpa, grandma and aunt play with you, okay?" Ruirui said: "Okay." Actually, How could Ruirui understand Kong Shuanghua's long words?

Fangyuan went downstairs and found that her Passat was already waiting there.Fangyuan walked over, opened the door and got into the car, and said to Ning Zhongyuan, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long." It should." Fang Yuan said, "Go to the Education Bureau."

On the way, Fangyuan received a call from Chen Qizhi: "Secretary Fang, I am Chen Qizhi." Fangyuan said: "District Chief Chen, what can I do?" Chen Qizhi said: "I have something to trouble you. I would like to invite Director Chen Haixia of the Municipal Health Bureau came to our district for inspection and research. However, Director Chen is too busy with work. The director of the District Health Bureau personally went to the Municipal Bureau to invite him, but was declined, saying that he could not arrange time. I don’t know about this matter. Can the secretary help me?"

Fang Yuan recalled that day when he attended the welcome banquet hosted by Longwan District Education and Sports Bureau for Chen Qizhi, he once said that he could invite Chen Haixia.Fang Yuan said: "There is no suitable reason, and I don't seem to be easy to get involved." Chen Qizhi said: "Secretary Fang, you must do me this favor. After you personally participated in the Education and Sports Bureau's activities last time, I was in the Education and Sports Bureau The situation slowly opened up; but the Health Bureau is still on the sidelines. If I can’t even invite Director Chen, I’m afraid it will largely affect my management of the Health Bureau. Secretary Fang, you know, I’m currently in Longwan District It's also difficult."

Being an official is not easy!The glamor on the surface cannot replace the game in actual work.Fang Yuan asked: "What is it that requires Chief Chen to investigate and inspect?" Chen Qizhi said: "Longwan District has a plan to integrate the three hospitals in the district and rebuild a third-class A hospital. Large hospitals. As you know, two second-level hospitals and one second-level hospital have very low trust among patients. Except for the orthopedic hospital, which can achieve profitable operation due to its characteristics of orthopedics, the other two are all operating at a loss Insufficient income leads to low income of doctors and nurses. Excellent doctors and nurses quit or leave one after another. Good doctors and nurses cannot be retained. As a result, the level of remaining doctors and nurses is not high, and their reputation among patients The degree is even lower, forming a vicious circle. If these three hospitals are not reformed, there will be a severe situation where the orthopedic hospital can survive and the other two will close down. Hospitals are public institutions, and public institutions cannot go bankrupt. And the large number of laid-off doctors and nurses is a responsibility that no one can bear; if this leads to a fierce petition case, I am afraid that Secretary Bi and I will be held accountable."

Fang Yuan couldn't help cursing in her heart: Damn it, no matter what kind of work you do, there are a lot of troubles.

Chen Qizhi said: "The integration of the three hospitals involves the vital interests of every doctor and nurse. The internal contradictions are quite complicated. The orthopedic hospital does not want to merge. It is worried that after the merger, the characteristics of orthopedics will be lost, and it will be dragged down by two brother hospitals. It collapsed. The leaders of the other two hospitals do not want to merge. Once merged, the orthopedic hospital will actually merge, and their dean and vice-president positions will be lost. Doctors and nurses support the merger, and they all want to be involved in orthopedics. The light of the hospital, the wages and benefits should be raised a bit.”

Fang Yuan said, "It's more difficult when interests are involved. District Chief Chen, any reform is risky. Are you going to take such a big risk since you just took office?"

Chen Qizhi sighed: "Secretary Bi can't help it either! The doctors and nurses in the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine have already started to petition. Because no patients have gone to see a doctor, they have only paid a little living expenses for several months. The living expenses are all The district finance paid for the advance. The district finance cannot continue to advance, because this is a bottomless pit. Therefore, Secretary Bi asked me to talk to the director of health to promote the reform of this matter.”

Fang Yuan deeply understood Chen Qizhi's situation.Fang Yuan asked, "What does the district-owned hospital have to do with the Municipal Health Bureau?" Chen Qizhi said, "To merge the three hospitals and build a comprehensive large-scale tertiary hospital, the approval of the Municipal Health Bureau is first required. Secondly, the financial resources of the district It is also limited. It is definitely unrealistic to spend hundreds of millions of yuan to build a hospital at a time. I still hope that it can be included in the joint renovation project of the urban area, and the city finance and district finance will contribute according to a certain proportion, preferably [-]% of the city. More than [-]% of the burden in the district. If the Municipal Health Bureau does not agree, our reform, which involves hundreds of doctors and nurses on the job and thousands of retired doctors and nurses, may be difficult to advance and complete. No one will There is no way to bear the consequences of the closure of two hospitals, and no one can bear the consequences of the failure of reform. Now, if you want to retreat, there is no way out; even if you bite the bullet, you must move forward."

It is indeed too difficult.Fang Yuan sympathized with Chen Qizhi.In the Municipal Education Bureau, Chen Qizhi seems to have fallen into a wolf's den; in Longwan District, Chen Qizhi is also in the tiger's mouth!Being a deputy district head is no easier than being a deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau.

Fang Yuan said, "Does Director Chen know about this reform plan in your district?" Chen Qizhi said, "You don't know yet? Maybe some gossip has already reached her ears. Anyway, the Director of the District Health Bureau has visited several times recently to invite you. It failed. I wanted to call Director Chen directly, but I was also worried that Director Chen would not sell my face. If I went to invite him, Director Chen would still refuse to come to Longwan District on the grounds that he was busy with work. How do you manage the Health Bureau?"

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.Fang Yuan said: "District Chief Chen, I thought you went to Longwan District to enjoy happiness." Chen Qizhi smiled wryly: "I jumped from one sea of ​​suffering to another. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless!" Fang Yuan said: "I can contact you Director Chen, but I don’t guarantee it. However, when reporting on the work, I suggest that it is better to ask District Chief Luo to report in person. This is first of all a kind of respect for Director Chen, and secondly, it will be more powerful. Director Chen refutes You may not even need to think about your face; but if you refute the mayor’s face, you may have to think twice. Of course, if Secretary Bi can also attend, Director Chen must be more cautious, after all, Secretary Bi is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. "

Chen Qizhi said: "Yes. However, I think it would be better for me to report on the work. I will try my best to invite Secretary Bi to attend. After all, Secretary Bi is one of us." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I see. Wait. I have contacted, and I will call you." Chen Qizhi said: "Thank you Secretary Fang. Every time I trouble Secretary Fang, I just don't know when I can help Secretary Fang." Fang Yuan said: "Everyone It’s not easy. If you can help each other, you must help each other.”

When he arrived at the office, Fang Yuan found out Chen Haixia's mobile phone number and dialed it directly.Chen Haixia refused to accept it!Fang Yuan called again with her mobile phone, and Chen Haixia answered the call immediately: "Secretary Fang, I'm Chen Haixia." Fang Yuan said, "Excuse me, Director Chen." Chen Haixia said, "Don't bother, don't bother. Secretary Fang is welcome anytime Call me." Fangyuan said: "The number just now is my office number." Chen Haixia said: "I'm really sorry. Now, I really can't answer an unfamiliar phone number, so I usually refuse to answer it. I'm sorry Ah, Secretary Fang." Fang Yuan said: "It's okay. Director Chen, is everything okay recently?" Chen Haixia said: "Thank you Secretary Fang for your concern, everything is okay. It's just too much work! The Health Bureau is better than food and medicine. The work of the supervision and management bureau is much more complicated. The scope of management is also wide, the business volume is also large, and the complaints and letters and visits are high, and I also feel that I am overwhelmed!" Fang Yuan said: "It is not easy to be an official now. Outside Citizens and common people think that we are enjoying being an official!" Chen Haixia said: "How can there be any enjoyment! The daily pressure makes me breathless. What is white plus black? What is five plus two? I Look at me. It’s only been a few months since I was transferred to the Health Bureau, and I’ve already lost seven or eight catties, which is good, and I don’t need to buy diet pills.” Fang Yuan said, “I wonder if I can do something for Director Chen?”

Chen Haixia said: "Secretary Fang, thank you so much. Now, I have really encountered a troublesome thing, and it is almost driving me crazy." Fang Yuan had a headache and regretted what she just said.The things that can drive Chen Haixia crazy must be extremely difficult and difficult to solve. As the deputy director of the Education Bureau, I can handle it?Chen Haixia said: "The Municipal Children's Hospital received a 3-year-old patient a month ago. When he entered the hospital, he was already dying and was sent directly to the intensive care unit. But after three days of treatment, the child's life could not be saved. The parent is a major, so this is not the end. Many of our attending doctors and nurses have been beaten and scolded by him. In fact, we tried our best, but when the child was admitted to the hospital, he was already dying. It's Hua Tuo's rebirth, and I'm afraid he can't be saved. The parents' feelings are understandable, but the current medical level is indeed powerless for severe and emergency cases. This major wants to claim compensation from the Municipal Children's Hospital, and it is determined that this is medical treatment. The accident requires our hospital to pay 200 million yuan in compensation. Secretary Fang, it is still unknown whether the children's hospital can make 200 million yuan in annual profits! Where did the children's hospital raise the 200 million yuan? What's more, this is not a medical malpractice. It’s because the parents sent their children to the doctor too late, and we shouldn’t pay any compensation. Since it involves sensitive military-local relations, the Municipal Health Bureau held a meeting to study, and can give up to about 10 in humanitarian comfort money. But the other party firmly refused Agree, if it is not enough for 200 million, he will not be finished with our children's hospital! We called the police and invited comrades from the Public Security Bureau, but the comrades from the Public Security Bureau did not dare to intervene. This matter is still deadlocked! I have been worried , the matter has become a big mess, and there is no way to end it later."

Depend on!After hearing what Chen Haixia said, Fang Yuan really wanted to scold her, but at the same time her heart was heavy.Fang Yuan thought of Feng Yan, the political commissar of the garrison area, and said to Chen Haixia: "Let me see if it would be good to invite the head of the army out and have a face-to-face discussion with you? Some things, I don't understand the process, and I don't understand the cause and effect." Chen Haixia said : "That's really great. Secretary Fang, I know that in Dongzhou, there is nothing you can't settle." Fang Yuan said: "I'll make an appointment to see. I don't think the head of the army doesn't want such a thing to become a big deal." " Chen Haixia said: "What time? I'll be the host." Fang Yuan said: "Tonight, I don't have time. Tomorrow, I would like to ask Director Chen for help." Chen Haixia said: "Secretary Fang said, I will definitely Do your best to help. May I ask what is it?" Fang Yuan said: "The deputy head of Longwan District, Chen Qizhi, was the former deputy director of the Education Bureau. He is now in charge of the health work in Longwan District. In order to open up the work situation, I am very much looking forward to it. I hope Director Chen can go to Longwan District for inspection and investigation. I wonder if Director Chen can spare some time to visit Longwan District to see their sanitation work and listen to District Chief Chen's report?"

Chen Haixia sighed: "I have been worrying about the sanitation work in Longwan District. To be honest, I don't want to go to Longwan District. If I go, it will only add more troubles. Let Longwan District handle things by itself. You can’t rely on the Municipal Bureau for everything. The Municipal Bureau’s ability is also limited, and it is only a business guidance relationship for the work in the district.”

Fang Yuan understood what Chen Haixia said.It seems that Chen Haixia already knew the purpose of Chen Qizhi's invitation.Fang Yuan was about to say a few polite words, when Chen Haixia spoke again: "Since Secretary Fang proposed it, then I must go. Secretary Fang, do you think afternoon or morning?" Fang Yuan said, "Afternoon. Finish in the evening." The secretary will arrange a banquet and accompany him in person. If Director Chen stays at night, I will also accompany him.” Chen Haixia said: “Okay. I will arrange for the comrades in the Health Bureau office to contact the Longwan District Health Bureau. I will come tomorrow afternoon Go to Longwan District to investigate."

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