Director's growth history

3708.2385, Song Yunsheng will plan

Wang Guodong never underestimates Fangyuan.Several incidents that happened in Dongzhou one after another made Wang Guodong a little suspicious that Fang Yuan was someone with a background.Even Wang Guodong had heard rumors that Fang Yuan was the illegitimate son of a central leader.It's hard to say how true this rumor is.But the leaders of the province and the cadres of the city all looked up to Fang Yuan, so Wang Guodong couldn't ignore it.Look at Sheng Zhiren, Zhou Pengyou, Ma Lianghe and Fang Yuan who are very close. In fact, the progress of Zhou Pengyou and Ma Lianghe seems to include the elements of Fangyuan's behind-the-scenes operations. Wang Guodong also feels that Fang Yuan is no longer an appreciation from superiors to subordinates relationship, but a win-win relationship.Now that he is in control of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Song Yunsheng pays attention to soliciting opinions from him, the big squad leader, in many tasks, which actually has a certain relationship with Fangyuan.Without Fang Yuan's help, I'm afraid I still can't grasp the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the political and legal system, especially the Municipal Public Security Bureau.There are so many twists and turns here that even Wang Guodong himself is sometimes a little confused and uncertain.

Wang Guodong was shocked when he heard Fang Yuan's words that he didn't want Song Yunsheng to go public, and Fang Yuan's plausible explanation.He, who has always been calm and stable, couldn't help losing his composure at this moment.

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang, no matter what news I heard or not, let me say something very frankly. I regard Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School as a very important stage in my working life. I don't want a Dongzhou Experimental Middle School to Listing. Secretary Wang, you are an upright official. When you unveil the plaque, it will be engraved in the school history of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School forever. And if it is a gangster, it is very likely that this person will be written in the school history at a certain stage. Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is listed, after a certain period, I am afraid that this person's name will be erased, because no one dares to mention this person's name, or even if they dare to mention this person, the school will not mention this person, because this person is mentioned. Man, this is not the school's glory, it's the school's disgrace."

Wang Guodong understood seven or eight points in his heart: looking at Song Yunsheng's corruption, Fang Yuan has the relevant information.Although Fangyuan did not mention Song Yunsheng's name from the beginning to the end, the meaning behind the words was already very clear.Wang Guodong said: "Okay, I will also attend the listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you very much, Secretary Wang. I think that you can list Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, which is really the common glory of all teachers and students in the school." , and remember it in the annals of history.” Wang Guodong said: “Xiao Fang, you are creating discord between the party and the government!” Fang Yuan said: “Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is a window of Dongzhou education. Willing. Secretary Wang, thank you."

Fang Yuan returned to the conference room.It is said to be a free discussion, but where can it actually be discussed?The two giants, Zhai Xinwen and Fangyuan, are secretly competing here, and most members of the party committee are still unwilling to get involved.Therefore, during the few minutes when Fangyuan left, not a single member of the party committee expressed his opinion.After all, Fang Yuan is the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School and the future legal person of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. No matter what opinions you have, you must respect Fang Yuan, the leader of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Fang, are you done calling?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes, just now I reported to Secretary Wang Guodong of the Municipal Party Committee that Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School was going to be listed as Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. Secretary Wang said that he was also going to attend the meeting. The listing ceremony is also preparing for the listing of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School."

Another sensational news.Zhai Xinwen carried out Song Yunsheng, and Fang Yuan carried out Wang Guodong.In this bureau chief's office meeting, there is basically no chance for other people to speak.Who dares to support Zhai Xinwen?That's a problem with Wang Guodong!Who dares to support Fangyuan?That's a problem with Song Yunsheng!I don't have the background and strength of Fang Yuan, yet I dare to wrestle with the top leaders of the municipal party committee and the city government!The meeting room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Song Ping stood up: "I'm sorry, everyone, let me make it easier." This is actually a very ridiculous thing, but now no one can laugh, the atmosphere is too depressing.Fang Yuan made a phone call and announced that Wang Guodong would also attend the listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. This was blatantly inciting Song Yunsheng's face!No wonder Song Ping couldn't stand the pressure and became incontinent!Such an atmosphere and occasion are really not something ordinary people can bear.

Song Ping never came back.Sun Hongjun said: "Since both Secretary Wang and Mayor Song will participate in the listing of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, I think we will conduct research and layout according to this new situation, okay?" Cao Bensong said: "I support Secretary Sun's opinion. It is a good thing that the two leaders of the city have come here, and it is the honor of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School!" Xie Bingguo said: "Yes! Looking at all the schools in the city, only Dongzhou Experimental Middle School can get this honor "Wang Xingbang said: "Actually, it is very good that the two city leaders jointly listed, and this is even more grand."

Fang Yuan suddenly realized that, not counting the centrists and fence-sitters, he had almost controlled half of the director's office and the bureau's party committee.

Fang Yuan said: "I don't think it's appropriate for the two leaders to unveil the Dongzhou Experimental Middle School at the same time." Wang Xingbang was taken aback and said, "What does Secretary Fang mean?" The middle school was unveiled, and Mayor Song Yunsheng gave a speech to Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. The host of the whole event, I think Assistant Mayor Lei Hengliang is the most suitable. How to deal with other links, I listen to everyone's opinions and obey the director's office meeting. Decide."

Zhai Xinwen felt really uncomfortable.How depressing Zhai Xinwen must be when he meets such a strong deputy, and there is nothing he can do about it!Not to be outdone, Zhai Xinwen said, "I'll make a phone call too." No one objected, and no one supported. In the silence of the crowd, Zhai Xinwen left the conference room and returned directly to the director's room.He called Song Yunsheng, and it was necessary to put some eye drops on Fangyuan.The important thing is that in such a complicated situation, he needs to ask Song Yunsheng for instructions.

After getting through the phone, Zhai Xinwen told Song Yunsheng about the matter.Song Yunsheng was really angry, angry with Fangyuan!Fangyuan, Fangyuan, I have always treated you well, and your father-in-law and I are college classmates!Why do you keep fighting against me!If you do well in the college entrance examination, I will reward the school with 80 yuan. This is unprecedented!What else do you want?Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School was renamed Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. I personally said that I would list your school. What a shame, but you dragged Wang Guodong out again!Song Yunsheng really wanted to dismiss Fang Yuan directly, put him in limbo forever, and never use him again!

Song Yunsheng said: "Since someone doesn't welcome me to go, then I won't go." Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor, you have to go." Song Yunsheng was a little surprised: "Why do I have to go? I don't praise certain people Is it wrong to be cold ass?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor, if you don't go, you will fall into Fangyuan's conspiracy, and if it spreads, it may be bad for you!"

Zhai Xinwen was very reserved, but Song Yunsheng figured it out quickly.yes!If you don't go by yourself, it will spread that you are afraid of Fangyuan.A mayor is afraid of a deputy director, what a disturbance this will cause in Dongzhou politics!

Zhai Xinwen said: "So, mayor, you should not only go, but also go in a high-profile way! Let me make a speech, and I will prepare a very good speech for you here to ensure that you will establish a glorious image! And the unveiling, in fact, is nothing Meaning. No one can remember the person who unveiled the plaque, but the person who gave the speech, if the speech is wonderful, may be remembered for a long time."

Song Yunsheng said: "Okay, just listen to Xinwen. I will give this speech and present the most exciting one. Let Wang Guodong reveal the card!" Zhai Xinwen said respectfully: "Thank you for your understanding and support, Mayor. "Song Yunsheng said: "You can't be too snobbish. Comrades like Xinwen are reassuring and good comrades." Zhai Xinwen said: "I have always followed the lead of the mayor and Mayor Deng." Song Yunsheng said: "I I know. If someone wants to touch you, you must pass my test. Work hard. Make achievements and prove everything." Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes."

Zhai Xinwen's phone call took a long time.When Zhai Xinwen returned to the conference room, the conference room was filled with smoke, and even Fang Yuan, who usually smoked less, had a cigarette in his mouth and was puffing.It is said that smoking is a thing for men, but today, two female deputies, Kong Lili and Song Ping, also picked up cigarettes, smoking and puffing out smoke rings.

eerie atmosphere.Zhai Xinwen also seemed to be affected. He took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep puff, and said, "A cigarette after drinking is better than a god. In fact, whenever you smoke a cigarette, you will have unexpected surprises." effect." Heping said: "Yes! When writing materials, if you need inspiration, smoke a few cigarettes; when you are stressed, smoke a few cigarettes to relieve stress; It can make the atmosphere harmonious. This cigarette is now inseparable from men, and women like it more and more. Chairman Song, I rarely see you smoking!" Song Ping said: "I smoke women's cigarettes, which are better than yours. The smoke is thin and the strength is weak." Geng Qing said: "Fortunately, there are no reporters present, otherwise, taking this picture in front of me, I would think that our Dongzhou Education Bureau is a smoker!" Cao Bensong said: "This just shows that we are serious. think about work, study work.”

Zhai Xinwen put the nearly exhausted cigarette butts in the ashtray and said, "I asked for instructions. Mayor Song felt that the speech was very meaningful, so Mayor Song will not unveil the plaque, but give a speech. Secretary Fang's Suggestions, and other comrades can give their opinions.”

Who else has an opinion?Zhai Xinwen agreed with Fang Yuan's opinion, and the others were even less willing to offend Fang Yuan at this time.With the general direction, the specific details can be studied and passed smoothly.Zhai Xinwen instructs the Policy and Regulations Section to be responsible for drafting and presiding speeches, planning the entire process of the unveiling ceremony, and at the same time doing a good job in the news and publicity work of the day; the meeting requires that the bureau office be responsible for arranging the reception work for the day; the meeting requires Dongzhou In 5, we must actively contact the Bureau Office and the Policy and Regulation Section of the Bureau to ensure that the whole process is foolproof.For this work, Wang Xingbang is the specific leader in charge.Wang Xingbang also took the task without hesitation. After all, as an old office director and now the deputy director in charge of the Policy and Regulations Section, Wang Xingbang is indeed a very suitable candidate for such a thing.

This is the only topic on the bureau chief's office meeting today.The next topic is candidates for the study of sports, health and art.Zhang Yuanqing was not a member of the party committee, so he could only leave the scene; while Teng Feiyue, as the chief of the political engineering section, stepped into the conference room.Sun Hongjun presided over the party committee: "Comrades, we are now holding a party committee meeting. Today's topic is one of the topics, which is to study the candidates for the head of the Sports, Health and Art Department." Fang Yuan raised his hand.Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Fang, please tell me." Fang Yuan said: "I propose to add a topic." Sun Hongjun said: "What topic?" Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun and Director Zhai have agreed to let Chen Yufeng leave Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School ;I also agree that Chen Yufeng may not be removed from the post of vice president. I hope that today's party committee can study it together."

Sun Hongjun scanned the audience and asked, "Do you have any disagreement with the secretary's request?" No one spoke.Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, let's add another topic: Chen Yufeng's job transfer."

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