Director's growth history

3717.2394. Chapters in official circles are not allowed to speak indiscriminately

The friend Fang Yuan mentioned was actually not a friend, but Ma Lianghe, the deputy mayor in charge of the health bureau.Chen Haixia did not take over, which is predictable.No cadre is willing to meddle in the mess.If you want political achievements, you should step forward; if you want to take responsibility, you should step back.It's not that the awareness of being a cadre is not high, but that the current accountability mechanism is getting stricter.Many things are emergencies, and no one can predict them, but in the end, there must be one person to bear the responsibility.Just like a kindergarten in a certain place suddenly rushed into an old petitioner and hacked to death more than 20 children with a knife.While the public condemned this old petitioner for not using the child to vent his personal anger, the government department also needs someone to take responsibility, so the deputy director of the Education Bureau in charge of campus safety work, the director of the Education Bureau and the deputy county magistrate in charge of education work were dismissed on the spot .Speaking of which, are the three people who were dismissed wronged?Could they have predicted in advance that this old petitioner would rush into the kindergarten and kill the children? (The old petitioner’s petition is not necessarily justified and based, but she herself feels very wronged. The kindergarten is a government-run kindergarten, and this old petitioner feels that killing a few more children of cadres can vent her hatred.) However, they are in charge of education and security, so they have to be used as scapegoats. By means of immediate dismissal, the government can appease the anger of the parents, grandpas, grandmas, grandmas, and grandpas of the murdered children, and appease the citizens in forums and communities. The enormous pressure of wanton commentary and unconscionable criticism.

Fang Yuan understands Chen Haixia very well, but Fang Yuan wants to help Chen Qizhi even more.At the stage when Chen Qizhi worked in the Education Bureau, he was a comrade who believed in what he said.It is obviously not enough to rely on Wang Chuyin alone.Everyone gathers firewood, and the flames are high. Today I help Chen Qizhi, and tomorrow I help other people. My contacts will become wider and wider, and my circle of friends will become bigger and bigger.Although it is certain that some people are ungrateful for profit, after all, those who have a conscience and know how to be grateful still account for the majority.When you are in trouble, someone will come to help you.Perhaps, this is also one of the gains I have realized today.

Fang Yuan found out Ma Lianghe's cell phone number and dialed it: "Mayor Ma, hello." Ma Lianghe said politely, "What's the matter, Xiao Fang?" Fang Yuan said, "Tonight, I don't know if Mayor Ma can Can't spare some time to attend one of my banquets?" Ma Lianghe said: "No problem. But I need to hurry up." Fang Yuan said: "You can come because you have given Xiao Fang enough face, I want to thank you. "Ma Lianghe said: "between you and me, why should you be polite?" Fang Yuan said: "thank you, Mayor Ma." Do your best to wait for the leaders of Longwan District, as well as Chen Haixia, the director of health." Ma Lianghe said, "Understood. I will definitely come, no matter what the reason is. Xiao Fang, this is your face." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you."

Fangyuan told Ma Lianghe the name and address of the hotel.After the phone call, Fangyuan called Kong Shuanghua again: "Shuanghua, I will have dinner with Bi Quanli tonight, so we won't go home for dinner." Kong Shuanghua said: "I eat at my father's and mother's house at night, and I also eat ready-made ones. The elder sister cooks them." dinner." Fang Yuan said: "Okay. Both of us are busy at work, so you can have dinner at Mom's house in the future." Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay. Husband, about moving, see when you have time and arrange it You know, such a thing, if there is no man in the family, it's really not good."

Fang Yuan suddenly felt a headache.Fang Yuan is no longer willing to take care of trivial matters.Fang Yuan said: "You can arrange this matter. Find a weekend. There is a big brother-in-law in Chunxiao Company, and Ruan Shaoxiu is here. Let them do these things, and they can handle them well." Kong Shuanghua said: "Then Let's find Principal Ruan. He has rich experience, and he will definitely be able to handle this well." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

When they arrived at the hotel, Chen Qizhi personally greeted him downstairs.Chen Qizhi walked forward in a few steps: "Secretary Fang, I feel more at ease now that you are here." Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Let's see the situation. You have your difficulties, Director Chen has Director Chen's difficulties. We have to cooperate with each other." Understand!" Chen Qizhi said: "Yes! It should be mutual understanding. But, besides Secretary Fang, who else can understand me? The burden is constantly increasing, and the tasks are constantly increasing. Every job is very important. Every task All must be completed within a time limit. I am a fleshy man, not a robot. What's more, many tasks cannot be done by our subjective wishes, and there are many constraints in all aspects." Fang Yuan said: "Yes! So I understand your difficulties very well, and I also understand Director Chen's difficulties very well. Let's try our best, and let's work hard in a good direction."

In the private room, when Fang Yuan appeared, Chen Haixia stood up first, and walked over a few steps: "Secretary Fang, it's really rare to see you." Fang Yuan smiled and shook hands with Chen Haixia: "Director Chen, everyone is busy with work If I can do my job well, I will be too busy." Chen Haixia responded with a smile: "Yes! I am exhausted every day, and I am exhausted." Fang Yuan said: "If there is no difficulty in work, who would If you can do it, anyone can do it, then I am afraid that we are not the ones sitting in your and my positions." Chen Haixia's mood suddenly improved a lot: "Secretary Fang is especially able to understand our working colleagues. .If Secretary Fang is in his 40s now, it would be more appropriate to say such profound words. Secretary Fang, you are so admirable!"

Hey, this special flattery made Fangyuan feel very comfortable.Fang Yuan said: "The work of the Municipal Education Bureau is not easy, the work of the Municipal Health Bureau is not easy, and the health work in Longwan District is also not easy!"

Chen Haixia knew that there was something in Fang Yuan's words, but she couldn't answer: "Yes! So we must understand Long Live! Understand Long Live!"

Fang Yuan's smile grew stronger: Chen Haixia is a very intelligent female cadre.This "long live understanding", who understands whom?Do I ask the comrades in Longwan District to understand her and the Municipal Health Bureau more, or does she understand the difficulties of Longwan District very well now?A pun, full of the essence of officialdom.

Chen Qizhi asked Fang Yuan to be his vice guest.Fang Yuan said: "Look, I'll sit next to Director Chen today." Chen Haixia said: "Then please invite Secretary Fang to be the guest of honor, and I will sit next to you." Fang Yuan said: "I have a suggestion, Director Chen, you sit as the vice guest. Come on, I'll sit next to you. There will be a heavyweight friend coming over for this guest of honor seat, so let him be." Chen Qizhi looked at Fangyuan in surprise.Fang Yuan nodded slightly and didn't say much.

Chen Haixia said: "Secretary Fang's opinions have always been very pertinent. Secretary Fang is the deputy guest, and I sit next to Secretary Fang." Fang Yuan said, "Today, Director Chen should actually be the protagonist, but one will come over later. My friend, I think it would be more appropriate for him to be the guest of honor. But in my heart, the protagonist tonight is Director Chen. It’s a shame to be the deputy guest. Do you want to invite you to be the fourth companion?” Chen Haixia laughed loudly: “Fortunately It's four escorts. It's fine not to be three escorts."

Everyone in the audience laughed.

Chen Qizhi asked for instructions: "Director Fang, can we start cooking?" Fang Yuan looked at Chen Haixia.Chen Haixia said: "District Chief Chen is asking Secretary Fang, I can't go overboard."

Fangyuan looked at Chen Qizhi again.Chen Qizhi's face flushed slightly: Hey, I said something wrong again just now!Chen Qizhi said, "Boss Chen, can we start cooking now?" Chen Haixia said, "When will Secretary Bi arrive? Why don't we wait for him?" Chen Qizhi would be left speechless if it was an afterthought.

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