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3737.2412. Mother Fang Wants a Divorce

For Fang Yuan, he was very surprised to hear Fang Jingcai say such words; for Fang's mother, this was simply an insult!Fang's mother glared at Fang Jingcai and said, "Old man, what are you talking about?" Fang Jingcai said, "I just suspect that Yuanyuan is not my biological son!"

Mother Fang burst into tears: "You old bastard, I have been with you all my life, and it can be said that I have suffered all my life. If there is no Yuanyuan, I still don't know what happiness is! You are condemned by God, what are you talking about?" How dare you say it! How can you say that you are not Yuanyuan's real father?"

Fang Yuan was also angry.There are enough things that bother me, this careless old man wants to cause trouble for himself!Fang Yuan said, "Dad, do you have any grounds?"

Fang Jingcai said: "Why not? Look at you, you don't look like me at all! Look at you, you contradict me all day long. How can a son treat his father like this?"

Fang Yuan really doesn't look like Fang Jingcai, but she looks a lot like Fang's mother.Fang Yuan said: "Dad, who is contradicting you all day long? Since I went to college, I can stay with you for no more than one month a year; after work, I can live with you for a few days in a year, that is, during the summer vacation and during the Spring Festival; When I arrived in Dongzhou, I was so busy working all day that I couldn't see you once or twice a month, even if I contradicted you, do I have the time and energy?"

Fang Jingcai was speechless for a moment.

Fang Yuan said: "As an educator, I know that many young students contradict their parents. Especially in adolescence, there are only a few middle school students who do not contradict their parents. How dare you doubt my mother for such a common thing? , How dare you doubt me?"

Fang Jingcai said: "It's not that I doubt you. So I didn't doubt it either. It was the old man who played chess with me from the railway bureau who told me. They said that you were promoted so quickly, and I am an old farmer. How could you Promoted so fast!"

Fang Yuan really wanted to slap this foolish father!Fang Yuan held back his anger: "What else did they say?" Fang Jingcai said: "They also said that you are the illegitimate child of a certain leader of the Central Committee!"

Fang's mother burst into tears: "You fart, Fang Jingcai! You fart is full of shit! I have worked so hard to follow you for most of my life, and I will be wronged by you in the end! I won't live with you, anyway, I will suffer That's enough for you! You can't help your son or daughter, eat Yuanyuan's food, drink Yuanyuan's food, and then wonder if Yuanyuan is your own son! You are heartless, I won't let you go! I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now, and let you live alone!"

Fang Ping was also a little angry: "Dad, are you confused? You usually talk nonsense, that's all. Look at what you said?"

Fang's mother said: "Don't pay attention to him! Pingzi, hold our family Ruirui, we won't live here anymore! Fang Jingcai, tomorrow, I will divorce you!"

What a mess!Whoever has such a clown daddy will collapse; whoever has such a man as a husband must have a superhuman first-class psychological quality!

Mother Fang went back to her room to pack her things; Fang Ping also went back to her room.Zhao Chunxiao also came out: "Uncle, what's the matter?" Fang Yuan called Ruan Shaoxiu, "Shao Xiu, where is it?" Ruan Shaoxiu said, "I'm at home." Fang Yuan said, "Drive the Toyota minibus to my medical school community. Let’s take my mother, my sister and my nephew to another house!”

When Ruan Shaoxiu heard Fang Yuan's angry tone, he didn't dare to ask more questions, and quickly agreed: "Okay, I'll drive there right away." Fang Yuan said: "Okay."

Fang Jingcai was really impatient: "You are all gone, what should I do? Who will cook for me tomorrow morning?" Fang's mother said, "You can eat your own food?"

Fangyuan's heart is closer to mother's heart.Although the mother does not have much education, but the mother's love for her son has no complaints or regrets; while the father's love for his son seems to have too many demands and too many complaints.From Fangyuan's childhood to adulthood, mother has never troubled Fangyuan once. When she arrived in Dongzhou, although she couldn't help her son too much, she didn't say a word or do anything wrong; and what about father?I don't know how many things I said wrong; I don't know how many troubles I have known and I don't know for the time being!Now, he still doubts whether he is his own son?

At work, Fang Yuan was exhausted; when he got home, he was so angry with this clown father again.Ruan Shaoxiu drove the car.Mother Fang, Fang Ping, Zhao Chunxiao, and Ruirui followed Fangyuan and went downstairs with simple clothes.

Fang Jingcai followed: "Don't leave! What shall I eat tomorrow morning?" Fang's mother said fiercely, "You can eat whatever you like. I can't live with you anymore." Fang Jingcai said: " Don't! Don't!" Fang Yuan said, "Get in the car, Mom! Eldest sister, hold Ruirui well! Chunxiao, hold grandma well."

The minibus quickly left the teaching and staff community of the medical school.Fang Jingcai frowns: "Pingzi and my wife are gone, what should I eat tomorrow morning?"

Ruan Shaoxiu asked: "Principal, where is the car going?" Fang Yuan said: "Go to the Zhenghe community of civil servants." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Understood." It cost less than 110 yuan to set up a three-bedroom apartment per square meter.Ruan Shaoxiu sighed: When can I own several houses like Fangyuan, how wonderful it would be!

When they arrived at the new house, Ruan Shaoxiu left.Mother Fang walked around the new house curiously, looking here and there.Mother Fang seemed to have forgotten Fang Jingcai's existence, and said to Fang Yuan, "Yuanyuan, is this your house too?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes! This was when I was working as the deputy director inspector of the Education Bureau. The government allocates price-limited commercial housing. The Education Bureau has such an indicator. It happens that there are houses in other sub-divisions. I am the only one who does not have this indicator. I spent 30 to buy this house. It was renovated, and it was originally planned I live by myself, and it happens that my father-in-law also has a set of principal's house, so I will live in my father-in-law's house first."

Fang's mother said: "Although this apartment is not as big as the one in the medical school, it is really new, nice and bright. I like it here, but I don't like the one in the medical school." Fang Yuan said: "Mom, originally, I'm also going to let you and my eldest sister's family live here. But this community is quite complicated. It's a house for cadres at all levels from the Dongzhou Municipal Government and various bureaus. It's a civil servant community, and there are a lot of officials. I'm particularly worried My dad has a bad mouth, talking nonsense everywhere. You also know why he moved to the medical school teaching staff quarters instead of living in the railway complex. My dad said how many things he shouldn't have said in the railway complex? I can't even calculate it If I continue to live in the railway complex, I am afraid that I will be notorious. When I arrive in this community, how many eyes are watching me around, peeping at my house to see if anyone is coming to give gifts. If I ask the driver to put the cigarette If I keep carrying wine and tea at home, they will definitely think that Fangyuan is taking bribes, and my reputation will be ruined. In addition, my father has a good face and likes to brag, and he has no one to talk about, so let's brag I drink Moutai and Wuliangye every day, how big am I!"

Fang Ping said, "Our dad's stinky mouth really pissed him off." Fang Yuan said, "Mom, tell me the truth, am I my dad's son?" Mother Fang looked at Fang Ping, wanting to Stop talking.Fang Ping said, "I'm going to sleep with Ruirui in my arms. Chunxiao, you also hurry up and do your homework in that small room, and let grandma and uncle talk alone."

Mother Fang and Fang Yuan sat on the sofa.Fang's mother sighed deeply, and said, "How can you not be your father's own son? You are your father's own son! Your current appearance is somewhat similar to your father's when he was young. .My mother is a farmer's woman, who can look up to your mother? You are the biological son of me and your father!"

"But Dad said, I'm the illegitimate child of a central leader?"

Fang's mother said: "Listen to his nonsense! His bad mouth is really killing people. Yuanyuan, even if it's for you, I want to divorce him! Let him go back to his hometown! Don't let him harm you anymore. "

Fang Yuan pulled Mother Fang into his arms: No matter where I go, the one who cares most about me is the mother in front of me!Fangyuan felt her nose sour, and tears fell down.

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