Director's growth history

3743.2418, Wang Guodong is very passive

With Wang Guodong's call, Fang Yuan had no choice but to stop what she was doing and rush to the municipal committee.Jiang Dacheng said: "Originally, I absolutely shouldn't bother Secretary Fang anymore, but I still have something very important to say." Fang Yuan said: "Speak quickly." Jiang Dacheng said: "A magazine issue , heavy scrutiny. There is less than a month left to start the issue on New Year’s Day, and I’m worried whether this issue can be applied for before New Year’s Day.” Fang Yuan sighed and said, “I’ve been so busy recently that I haven’t Entering the substantive stage. However, this time I go to Hangjiang, I will take care of this matter seriously. I will pave the road ahead, and then you will run the follow-up procedures." Jiang Dacheng said: "This is not necessary. question."

Fang Yuan left the office and went downstairs quickly.Jiang Dacheng looked at Fangyuan's back, went down a flight of stairs, and came to the door of Zhai Xinwen's office.He gently knocked on the door: "Director, I am Dacheng." Zhai Xinwen said, "Please come in."

Jiang Dacheng said: "Hello, Director." Zhai Xinwen said: "Old Jiang! Please sit down!" Jiang Dacheng sat opposite Zhai Xinwen and said, "Thank you, Director, for your support for education and scientific research. Several items passed by the last director's office meeting , are being carried out in an orderly manner." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay! I also look forward to a new look in education and scientific research." Jiang Dacheng said: "Now, the research on grassroots topics in the city is in the stage of soliciting topics. It is estimated that Soon, we will make preliminary preparations and officially hold the city-wide grassroots project research kick-off meeting." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay! Grassroots project, is this idea thought up by Director Fang?" Jiang Dacheng said: "It was the idea of ​​Secretary Yuntang .Grassroots refers to front-line teachers at the grassroots level. Grassroots topics are topics that anyone can do and research on. The materials for the project are taken from the confusion encountered by teachers in their work and the problems that most need to be solved. If we can develop a solution The impact and impact on education work is immeasurable." Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes! This Yuntang still has a lot of ideas!" Jiang Dacheng said: "Yes, Yuntang still has a lot of ideas. Yes." Zhai Xinwen said: "How is the preparation of "Dongzhou Education" magazine?" Jiang Dacheng said: "This afternoon, I just reported to Secretary Fang. Now there are still a few difficult problems or unresolved issues." Zhai Xinwen said : "Tell me about it." Jiang Dacheng said: "The first question, up to now, the serial number has not yet been applied for."

Zhai Xinwen's face remained unchanged.Regarding the issue of applying for a serial number, Zhai Xinwen certainly knew that it was very difficult.Zhai Xinwen is prepared to respond. If the official issue cannot be applied for, the first issue will still be published on New Year's Day.At that time, apply for a temporary internal serial number from the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Culture and Radio, and issue it first.If the application is not issued, it will also be a blow to Fang Yuan's prestige.This matter is a process of reading libretto while riding a donkey.

What Zhai Xinwen was most concerned about was another matter.Zhai Xinwen asked: "Have you started writing the inaugural essay?" Jiang Dacheng said: "I can't write it for the time being." Zhai Xinwen was a little surprised: "Why didn't you write it? If I write it earlier, I will write it earlier. After all, it is the inaugural essay, and it reflects the level of a director of education. It reflects my overall planning and development ideas for Dongzhou education, which is very important." Jiang Dacheng said: "Director, there is one thing that I have to report to you."

Zhai Xinwen's heart skipped a beat: "What's going on?" Jiang Dacheng said: "Secretary Fang instructed that he wants to invite the city leaders to deliver the inaugural speech."

Zhai Xinwen felt that his self-cultivation was good enough, but he didn't expect that Fang Yuan wouldn't allow such a trivial matter as the inaugural publication.A few days ago, at the listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, Song Yunsheng was supposed to hang the plaque himself, but Fangyuan didn’t show face. First, Wang Guodong was invited to hang the plaque, and Song Yunsheng gave a speech; Guan Quanren from the Provincial Department of Education came to give speeches respectively, and the dignified mayor of Dongzhou City actually became an accompanying guest and standing guest.Such a humiliation, Song Yunsheng didn't want to go at all, but the arrival of Tian Guohua and Qu Bitong meant that Song Yunsheng had to come too.Song Yunsheng did not have the guts to be disrespectful to the leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial government.Now, with a small "Dongzhou Education" magazine, Fang Yuan actually wanted to exclude herself.I supported Fangyuan's work at the bureau chief's office meeting like that, but now, I don't even have the chance to make a speech for the inaugural issue. Am I still the bureau chief?

The more Zhai Xinwen thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help but patted the table heavily.Jiang Dacheng was so frightened that he shot up, looked at Zhai Xinwen, and asked timidly: "Director, what are you..."

Zhai Xinwen realized his gaffe, and said, "It's nothing. I saw a fly on the table just now, so I couldn't help but pat it." Jiang Dacheng said, "Director, it's actually not that complicated." Zhai Xinwen said : "How to say?" Jiang Dacheng said: "I collected the first issues of some educational publications. In some magazines, the head of the department gave the inaugural speech, and in some magazines, the city leader gave the first inaugural speech, and the director gave the second. Inaugural article. This first issue of the magazine can have two inaugural articles."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Dacheng, I understand your intentions. How about this, you also prepare according to the two inaugural articles. This second article should be prepared quickly, and I hope to submit it before December comes. I am going to make revisions in person, and I want to put forward my own views and opinions on how to develop Dongzhou education." Jiang Dacheng said: "Please rest assured, Director, I will start to implement this matter when I return to the Institute of Educational Sciences today. Director Yuntang knows the director's ideas very well. In my opinion, let him write the governance philosophy.” Zhai Xinwen said, “Okay. Let Yuntang write.”

Zhai Xinwen looked at Jiang Dacheng and understood Jiang Dacheng's difficulties.Jiang Dacheng was able to think of letting himself write the second inaugural article, which in itself shows that he still has some conscience.Back then, I didn't treat Jiang Dacheng very well.Jiang Dacheng is the director of the teaching and research section, and Zhai Xinwen transferred Jiang Dacheng to the teaching department in order to promote his beloved general Xie Bingguo.Now, Jiang Dacheng is still thinking about Zhai Xinwen in his heart.As for Xie Bingguo, he was purely an ungrateful guy.He has completely surrendered to Fang Yuan and has become Fang Yuan's lackey.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Dacheng, what are the difficulties in starting a publication?" Jiang Dacheng said: "The second difficulty is to ask for some important manuscripts. Now, there is no appointment for one article!" Zhai Xinwen said: "I know some experts, Scholars." Jiang Dacheng said: "Secretary Fang said he wanted to look for it. Of course, it would be better if the director wanted to look for it." Zhai Xinwen decided to add to the confusion: "Okay, I will also make an appointment for three or five articles. When the time comes, take a look and see if it suits you." Use it if you want it; don’t use it if it’s not suitable. I fully understand your difficulty.”

Jiang Dacheng said: "I will try my best to use all the good manuscripts that the director asked." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay." Jiang Dacheng said: "There is still a problem, which is funding. So far, a penny of funding has not been in place." Zhai Xinwen smiled: "If there is no publication number, we will not have a suitable name to apply for special funds from the Finance Bureau. At the beginning, Fang Yuan said it well, and he asked for sponsorship. For this matter, Old Jiang, you should find Fang Yuan."

Jiang Dacheng thought that he should ask the head of the bureau for the matter of spending money.Unexpectedly, Zhai Xinwen hit Tai Chi and pushed Jiang Dacheng out.Jiang Dacheng cried bitterly in his heart, but he couldn't express it.Originally, Jiang Dacheng was going to tell Zhai Xinwen that Fang Yuan was called away by Wang Guodong just now.But when he saw that Zhai Xinwenguang was causing trouble for him, but he was really busy and refused to help at all, Jiang Dacheng suddenly felt that Fangyuan was actually better than Zhai Xinwen.Jiang Dacheng regretted it, what double creation Ci?What makes Zhai Xinwendeng have an important manuscript? Why?Jiang Dacheng secretly made up his mind: don't worry about him, just listen to Fangyuan.If Fangyuan can attract sponsorship, then whoever Fangyuan says will publish the manuscript will publish the manuscript.

Fang Yuan came to Wang Guodong's office, and the secretary led Fang Yuan into the inner room.Fang Yuan greeted respectfully: "Secretary Wang is good." Wang Guodong said: "Xiao Fang is here! Wait a moment, I still have a few documents on hand to see."

Fangyuan saw again, on Wang Guodong's desk, there were piles of documents about a foot thick, and a pile of documents about half a foot thick.In fact, these documents have already been screened by the municipal party committee office and Wang Guodong's secretary.These documents were documents that had to be approved by Wang Guodong.The thick pile of documents are all kinds of requests and reports from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and various departments; and the half-foot-thick documents are important documents issued by the central government and the province.Now, Wang Guodong is reviewing the communication from his superiors.Seeing Wang Guodong reviewing the official documents intently, Fang Yuan could feel how tired Wang Guodong was.People outside think that being an official is comfortable and enjoyable. Just look at Wang Guodong and you will know how much workload he has every day, how many documents he has to deal with every day, and how much responsibility and pressure he has to bear every day!

Fangyuan respected Wang Guodong even more in his heart.

Fang Yuan sat quietly, waiting for Wang Guodong to finish reading the urgent documents.After Wang Guodong signed his disposition opinion on the third official document, Wang Guodong called the secretary in and took away several processed documents.It seems that these documents should have been approved by the city leaders or relevant functional departments.Wang Guodong rubbed his temples and stood up: "Xiao Fang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Fang Yuan said, "Seeing Secretary Wang working so hard, I respect you very, very much." Wang Guodong smiled and said: "In I want to be in my position, to seek my own government. The organization put me in this position, if I don’t work hard, I will be sorry to the party and the people.”

Wang Guodong sat down, with a look of exhaustion on his face.Wang Guodong said: "The main purpose of calling you here today is to take you to Hangjiang. We invited the provincial leaders verbally, which is definitely not in compliance with the rules. Therefore, it is necessary for us to invite you in person. Do you need to pack anything else?" Fang Yuan said: "No need." Wang Guodong said: "Then let's go. Secretary-General Ming will go with us."

Three people, Wang Guodong, Ming Yuyun, and Fang Yuan, and two staff members of the Municipal Party Committee took the Dongzhou-Hangjiang flight and flew to Hangjiang.Wang Guodong and Ming Yuyun were seated in business class, while Fang Yuan and two staff members from the Municipal Committee Office were seated in economy class.This is a rule, there is no way, it must be implemented like this.The level of Fangyuan is not enough, only the cadres at the department level are eligible to take the business class.

After getting off the plane, Bai Xiaobai, the director of Dongzhou Provincial Office, personally picked him up.The first car was naturally taken by Wang Guodong.Wang Guodong stood at the door of the car and said to Yuan Yuan, "Xiao Fang, come and take this car. I have something to tell you." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan got into the car and started the car, but Wang Guodong didn't say anything the whole time.Wang Guodong just lay tiredly on the back seat, closed his eyes and rested his mind.It can be seen that he is very tired and does not want to talk.

Later, Bai Xiaobai accompanied Ming Yuyun and got into another car.Bai Xiaobai said meaningfully: "Looks like Director Fang has a lot of face!" Ming Yuyun looked at Bai Xiaobai: "You envy Fang Yuan, don't you?" That's fine." Ming Yuyun said: "Xiaobai, some people seem to be very glamorous on the surface, but when he offends everyone, his good days should come to an end."

Bai Xiaobai didn't dare to answer Ming Yuyun's words.Bai Xiaobai saw some of Fangyuan's strength in the provincial capital with his own eyes, so he didn't believe what Ming Yuyun said.At this time, Wang Guodong who was sitting in the front car also opened his eyes.He sighed, and said to Fang Yuan: "Xiao Fang, do you know? The listing of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School has made me very passive!"

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