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3747.2422 Tian Guohua's Political Art

The action in the afternoon was split up again.Ming Yuyun, Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee, went to the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, while Wang Guodong and Fang Yuan went to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.Same building, but different floors.

Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department Minister's Office.

Tian Guohua, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of Propaganda, warmly received Wang Guodong and Fangyuan.Wang Guodong was a senior official in Dongzhou, but he became an ordinary official in the province.Seeing Tian Guohua approaching him with a smile, Wang Guodong walked quickly, holding Tian Guohua's hand with both hands: "Minister Tian, ​​Xiao Fang and I came to pay a visit to you." Tian Guohua said: "Okay. Let’s sit down and have a chat with our comrades.” Wang Guodong said: “I didn’t ask Minister Tian enough before, and I will strengthen it in the future.” Tian Guohua said: “Okay, okay. Xiao Fang, we meet again.” Fang Yuan hurried forward for a few minutes Bu: "Hi Minister Tian." Tian Guohua said: "Xiao Fang's work is always done brilliantly!"

What a "impressive" meaning, enough for Wang Guodong and Fangyuan to ponder for a long time.Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "I'm really sorry for causing Minister Tian a lot of trouble." Tian Guohua said, "In order to do a good job, sometimes it is inevitable that some people will be unhappy. As long as we are for work, I Will support." Wang Guodong said: "Xiao Fang is still very immature." Tian Guohua said: "Everyone has to go through this age, from immature to mature. The more this time, the more we need people who have experienced it. More guidance, more help, more love.”

Fangyuan felt her nose sore, tears almost flowed out.With Wang Guodong's guidance, Fang Yuan knew that his latest behavior was a violation of the rules of heaven according to the rules of the officialdom.But now, every sentence, every word of Tian Guohua warms Fangyuan's heart.

Looking at Fangyuan's eyes filled with tears, Tian Guohua said softly, "Little Fang, you will learn a lot from learning. Time is the best whetstone, and experience is the best testing ground. I believe you will do better in the future. "

Even a man of iron might not be able to restrain his inner excitement.Tears welled up in Fangyuan's eyes, and there was no way to stop it.

Wang Guodong realized Tian Guohua's deep love for Fang Yuan.Before this, Wang Guodong never knew that there was also a close connection between Fangyuan and Tian Guohua.Wang Guodong just knew that Fang Yuan had a military background.Looking at it now, the relationship between Fang Yuan and Tian Guohua is unusual!

Tian Guohua asked Wang Guodong and Fangyuan to sit down.The secretary came over and poured tea.Tian Guohua said: "Comrade Guodong has made it clear to me on the phone, but in fact there is no need to make a special trip." Wang Guodong said: "We are very rude on the phone. Come in person, one is to apologize, and the other is to sincerely invite Minister Tian was able to spare a little time out of his busy schedule to list Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. At the same time, he inspected Dongzhou's news and publicity, spiritual civilization construction and other aspects of work." Tian Guohua said: "The listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, On the surface, it seems to be only a matter of Dongzhou, but in fact it is an important event in Qingjiang. We should not look at the problem in isolation or narrowly, but we must look at every aspect of our work from the perspective of connection, development and movement. One thing. Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is a school that attaches great importance to patriotic education. As early as March 2008, when the rioters were at their worst, Dongzhou Experimental Middle School launched the "Tibet is China's Inescapable" Part of the division is patriotism education; when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, Dongzhou Experimental Middle School also took the lead in launching a call for donations to cultivate middle school students' fraternity feelings of caring for the motherland and the people. Consciousness, impressive."

Heh, Fang Yuan didn't feel that the two things she did at the beginning were just out of instinct, out of the consciousness of a patriotic educator.Now, listening to what Tian Guohua said, I dare to say that these two things are still so important!The words are insignificant when they come from the mouth of an ordinary person; the words are spoken from the mouth of a propaganda minister of a provincial party committee, and a very ordinary matter is suddenly raised to the height of patriotism.Fangyuan couldn't think of it, indeed it couldn't think of it.

Tian Guohua said: "I have always wanted to find and set up several patriotic education bases in the whole province. Dongzhou Experimental Middle School has always been the object of my focus. This time I agreed to go to Dongzhou, mainly to prepare for Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. Awarded the "Qingjiang Provincial Patriotism Education Base", I hope that Comrade Xiaofang and the teachers of the Experimental Middle School will further strengthen the patriotism education for students, and extensively carry out love for the motherland, love for the people, love for the Chinese Communist Party, love for socialism, and love for labor. The five-love education activity has made the socialist system with Chinese characteristics the firm belief of the teachers and students of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. At the same time, it will give full play to the extensive social influence and radiating effect of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School in Dongzhou, so that people can love the country and love the party. The belief is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is also a good opportunity for me to be able to attend the listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School at the same time.”

Wang Guodong deeply appreciates Tian Guohua's political art.This is indeed not the political trick that a prefecture-level municipal party secretary could have imagined.The main responsibility of the Propaganda Minister is to lead and manage the ideological field. It is really the responsibility of the Propaganda Department and the Civilization Office to establish patriotic education bases at all levels.Perhaps, directly intervening in the administrative work of education is indeed not what the Minister of Propaganda should do; but it is logical to attend the listing ceremony while awarding Dongzhou Experimental Middle School the "Patriotic Education Base of Qingjiang Province".

Fang Yuan was overjoyed: "Minister Tian, ​​Dongzhou Experimental Middle School has only done a little bit, but you have received such great love and honor from you, I...I..."

Fang Yuan didn't know what to say.

Tian Guohua said: "A new honor is also a new starting point, and it means greater responsibility. Comrade Xiaofang, do you understand?" Fang Yuan said: "I will definitely live up to Minister Tian's ardent expectations. Every student is cultivated into a law-abiding citizen who loves the motherland and the party." Tian Guohua said: "Good."

Wang Guodong said: "Minister Tian, ​​it is very meaningful to hang two cards this time. The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government thank Minister Tian! I am here today, and I would like to ask Minister Tian to confirm the date of listing, so we can make preparations early." Tian Guohua said: "I think it will be December 12." Wang Guodong said: "Okay, Minister Tian. I know you have a lot of work and work, so we won't bother you. We have prepared some Dongzhou specialties, please Minister Tian must not be disgusted.” Tian Guohua said: “Why are you being so polite?” Wang Guodong said: “This is what we should do. There are so many things to thank you for.” Tian Guohua said: “Okay, let my driver connect with your driver Let's go."

Tian Guohua personally sent Wang Guodong and Fangyuan out.Tian Guohua said: "Comrade Guodong, you can come here often in the future!" Wang Guodong said: "Definitely. As long as I go to the provincial capital, I will definitely visit Minister Tian." Tian Guohua nodded and said to Fang Yuan: "Xiao Fang, If you have any problems, you can come to me. Some difficulties are indeed difficult to solve from the grassroots point of view. For me, it may be just one sentence."

An idea flashed in Fangyuan's head, and without asking Wang Guodong for instructions, he blurted out: "Minister Tian, ​​I really have a huge problem right now and ask you for help."

Wang Guodong was stunned, and Tian Guohua was also stunned.However, Tian Guohua responded quickly. He smiled and asked, "What kind of difficulty is it?" Fang Yuan said, "Dongzhou education system should prepare to launch the magazine "Dongzhou Education". This is an important task of Dongzhou education system. , but currently encountered a lot of difficulties because of the application for the serial number. I wonder if Minister Tian can help us?"

Tian Guohua said: "Okay, let me ask about this matter. Come in."

Wang Guodong and Fang Yuan followed Tian Guohua and entered his office again.Tian Guohua immediately called the director of the Press and Publication Bureau.Tian Guohua briefly talked about the Dongzhou Education Bureau's plan to establish the "Dongzhou Education" magazine, and then asked: "What procedures do I need to go through to apply for this issue? Can you approve it here?" The Minister of Propaganda of the Committee will call and answer Minister Tian's questions in a serious and orderly manner.Tian Guohua kept nodding and said, "How long will it take to go through this application procedure?" Neither Wang Guodong nor Fangyuan knew what the other party said.Tian Guohua said: "It is a special matter. Under the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations, let this good thing be done as soon as possible."

Putting down the phone, Tian Guohua said: "To apply for a periodical, you need to go through a procedure and submit an application to the Municipal Press and Publication Bureau. Now, many of the Municipal Press and Publication Bureau have merged with the Cultural Bureau to establish the Cultural Press and Publication Bureau, and some even merged with the Broadcasting Bureau. The Television Bureau was merged and the Bureau of Culture, News, Publishing, Radio, Film and Television was established. What is the situation in Dongzhou?" Wang Guodong said: "Dongzhou has established the Bureau of Culture, News and Radio." Tian Guohua said: "The Municipal Bureau will guide you to prepare relevant application materials , and then report to the provincial bureau. After the provincial bureau approves, it needs to be reported to the State Press and Publication Administration for approval. This process is not complicated, but it takes time. For specific matters, Comrade Guodong, you can instruct Wenxinguang Bureau to give specific guidance and handling. The Provincial Press and Publication Bureau will definitely give the green light all the way.”

Wang Guodong said: "I am really grateful to Minister Tian."

The phone on the desk rang again.Tian Guohua glanced at it, then answered, "Comrade Shen Yue, what's the matter?" Fang Yuan and Wang Guodong couldn't hear what the other party said.After Tian Guohua answered the phone, he said, "Comrade Shen Yue said that the Dongzhou Municipal Bureau has not received the application materials yet, so we must hurry up on this matter!"

If Tian Guohua looked at Fangyuan meaningfully, sweat would immediately flow down from Fangyuan.Alas, I accidentally made another mistake.What kind of thing is it to say hello to Minister Tian of the Provincial Party Committee before the preparatory work has started?Fang Yuan said, "Minister Tian, ​​I..."

Tian Guohua showed a slight displeasure on his face: "Xiao Fang, if you don't understand the procedure, you can ask other comrades for advice, and ask comrades who understand the procedure. Follow the normal procedure. If you encounter difficulties, you can come to me. Don't follow the procedure , go directly to the leader, in our current era of vigorously promoting the rule of law and governing the country according to the law, it is a bad idea!"

Fang Yuan felt his back was soaked.Wang Guodong also had fine sweat on his face: Did Fangyuan take a shortcut, or did he make another mistake of not following the official rules?

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