Director's growth history

3765.2440, Wang Guodong was criticized

Wang Guodong finally got a precious 10 minutes to report to Secretary Zhao.But what I never expected was that this meeting took more than an hour.

When Wang Guodong followed Shen Xiuzhang into Secretary Zhao's office, Secretary Zhao was reading an official document.For many senior leading cadres, how to deal with complicated official documents, give instructions when they need to, and report when they need to, this is definitely a science.If you think about it, you will know how many things happen in a province every day. There are more than 40 departments and bureaus in a province, plus a dozen prefectures and cities, plus some departments and bureaus in the province that are not included in the law, but in fact exercise Departments with the functions of administrative organs, such as the Disabled Persons' Federation, the Red Cross and many other mass organizations at the departmental level, how many important tasks do they need to report and ask for instructions from the provincial party committee every day?As for the documents of the central government and the documents of various ministries and commissions of the central government, many of them need to be approved by the provincial party committee before they can be uploaded and distributed to the province. Similarly, Qingjiang Province will also have many requests for instructions and reports to the central government or relevant central ministries and commissions. , Most of these matters are major matters. If the secretary of the provincial party committee does not know about it, it means that the secretary of the provincial party committee is not qualified, and it means that the secretary of the provincial party committee has no control over the work of the province at all.Although it is said that hundreds of millions of matters, large and small, have long been filtered out by departments and governments at all levels, and cannot be placed on the table of the secretary of the provincial party committee, even so, there are still quite a lot of official documents that need to be reviewed every day .Every official document looks like a piece of material on the surface, but in fact it is a heavy responsibility and pressure.Every letter signed by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee may affect many aspects of the economic and social development of Qingjiang Province, affect the happiness and well-being of Qingjiang people, affect the relationship between the environment and development of Qingjiang Province, and affect the lives of thousands of households. Vital interests.Ordinary people can write thousands of words at will without affecting others; however, a few words or lines written by Secretary Zhao may affect the lives and work of more than 5000 million Qingjiang people, so every word does not matter. I will easily write down that this responsibility and responsibility is not in place, it is unimaginable.Among the 11 prefectures and cities in the whole province, the total population of Dongzhou exceeds that of Hangjiang and Ninghai, reaching more than 800 million, making it the No.1 largest city.Therefore, Dongzhou's status in the entire Qingjiang Province is also extremely unique. There used to be several municipal party committee secretaries who were also members of the Provincial Standing Committee, but in the past two terms, including Wang Guodong's, they were only department-level cadres.Wang Guodong's predecessor, Cui Liang, served as the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, but was soon promoted to become a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, and was later transferred to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.There are subtle and complicated political relationships in it, which are indeed difficult to figure out and understand.

Secretary Zhao looked at Wang Guodong, took off his reading glasses, and said, "Comrade Guodong is here! Sit over there on the sofa." Wang Guodong said, "Secretary Zhao, I'm interrupting your work." Secretary Zhao stood up and shook hands with Wang Guodong. He shook hands and said: "You come to see me, this is also work." Although the words are plain, they have profound meanings.Wang Guodong said: "Yes, I have some important work to report to the provincial party committee." Secretary Zhao said: "Sit down."

Shen Xiuzhang poured tea for Wang Guodong, quietly retreated from the room, and closed the door behind him.

In front of Secretary Zhao, quite a few cadres at the department level and below in Qingjiang Province were nervous and cautious.If it is placed in the Qing Dynasty, this is the real feudal official, or the governor is the governor, with power on one side, controlling the life and death of tens of thousands of people.In today's era, the people are the masters of the country. Secretary Zhao's job is to stand up for the party and the central government, and work hard for the happiness of the people in Qingjiang and the economic and social development of Qingjiang.

Secretary Zhao said: "Comrade Guodong, I have been paying attention to the development of Dongzhou. How is the situation in Dongzhou now?" Wang Guodong said: "Under the strong leadership of the provincial party committee and the joint efforts of the people of the city, Dongzhou Go all out to deal with the impact and impact of the US subprime mortgage crisis on the economy, especially foreign trade import and export. On the whole, the development situation of Dongzhou is still good, but there are many potential crises hidden." Secretary Zhao said: "I will I want to hear about these crises, and I hope that Comrade Guodong can tell me the facts. Just looking at the reports and materials are all colorful data and achievements, and you can see how much exaggeration there is in it." Wang Guodong said: "The report Secretary Zhao, I have always kept your teachings in mind and followed the principle of seeking truth from facts. Perhaps the difficulties and problems I report will affect my personal progress, but I still have to report the truth to you, Secretary Zhao." Secretary Zhao nodded: " Let’s talk. Who doesn’t have difficulties in their work? If there are difficulties, the province and the city will work together to find a solution. Difficulties are difficulties in progress, and problems are problems in development. As we have the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics In the process, we will continue to overcome these difficulties and solve these problems. The attitude of facing difficulties and problems is an important measure for the provincial party committee to measure the responsibility of our cadres; An important basis for the ability and level of cadres."

Wang Guodong said: "Dongzhou is an export-oriented city dominated by foreign trade, and its dependence on foreign trade is extremely high. Since the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, the purchasing power of the American people has declined, and the demand for primary industrial products has plummeted. Large exporters in Dongzhou have been impacted to varying degrees. Some export-processing small and medium-sized enterprises have closed down, and some larger enterprises are also struggling. In the past, migrant workers lost their jobs and would move to other cities to find suitable ones. But the current situation is: I would rather starve to death than go back to my hometown in the countryside. Go to other cities. I am afraid that other cities are also facing the problem of employment difficulties, and it is not easy to find a job, so I stay in Dongdong. The state has become a hidden danger affecting social stability. The bankruptcy of some small and medium-sized enterprises has also led to an increase in bad debts in banks. Now the presidents of several major banks in Dongzhou have approached me, hoping to help the bank get back the loan, even if it is only the principal. In order to reduce the risk of the bank and avoid causing a more serious crisis. And the bank has increased its efforts to call for loans to some enterprises that are still barely maintaining production but are struggling to operate, which has also led to the growth of private lending in Dongzhou. This makes me Deeply worried. People in Dongzhou have money, but private loans are actually usury. These enterprises have temporarily obtained funds and eased the situation of bankruptcy, but whether the high usury interest can be paid off has become a huge potential Question. Although this problem has not erupted now, who can say that a few years later, the boss will not commit suicide by jumping off a building or the boss will quietly escape?”

Secretary Zhao frowned and said nothing.

Wang Guodong said: "I personally think, of course, represent my personal opinion. Under the current severe situation, it is very important to develop the real economy and ensure that people's employment and basic life are guaranteed. Instead of putting It is debatable that road and bridge construction and real estate development should be regarded as the government's main event and investment focus."

Secretary Zhao nodded: "Comrade Guodong is right, but have you ever thought about how to ensure the local government's financial revenue when the company's profitability is not good? If there is not enough financial revenue, how can people's livelihood be guaranteed? ?The construction of roads and bridges is beneficial in the long run, and at the same time can generate intensive tax revenue; real estate development is also an important source of local fiscal revenue. Under the current situation, if we do not build roads and bridges or develop real estate, does Comrade Guodong have any other alternatives to this tax revenue? plan?"

Wang Guodong's heart suddenly turned cold.In fact, Wang Guodong didn't directly mention Song Yunsheng, but in just one sentence, the wise and experienced Secretary Zhao immediately heard the difference in ruling ideas between Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng when it came to road and bridge construction and real estate development, and he also clearly grasped the two people. differences between.Secretary Zhao is quite right. Do you have a fiscal and taxation plan to replace real estate, road and bridge construction?

Secretary Zhao became more and more earnest: "Comrade Guodong has deep feelings for the people. This is the most precious quality of us Communists. We come from the people and go to the people, remembering that we are public servants of the people. Keep in mind that everything I do is to serve the people wholeheartedly. On this point, I very much appreciate Guodong's people-friendly style. But ideals must be rooted in reality, based on reality, and based on reality Do more good things that are beneficial to the common people, and do more practical things that make the common people happier. It is also the policy of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to moderately strengthen the construction of infrastructure. The state puts out 4 trillion yuan, and its focus is on roads, bridges, ports, etc. Infrastructure construction. Why do we do this? In addition to generating a lot of tax revenue, the construction of roads and bridges can also generate a lot of employment, and more indirectly affect many industries, such as the steel industry, cement industry, automobile manufacturing, especially heavy-duty truck manufacturing Industry. The industries driven by these are also the pillar industries in many places. Many steel companies have 10,000+ people in a single company, and 10,000+ people in two. As for real estate development, we have to look at it in two parts. The transformation of the old city will change the appearance of the city, improve the living conditions of thousands of households, and create a lot of employment and tax revenue. At the same time, real estate development The industries driven are also quite huge. Steel, cement, stone, glass, petrochemicals, transportation, and greening are all affected by real estate development. To build a building, how much steel, how much cement, how much stone, how much glass, how much plastic steel needs to be digested And plastic pipe fittings, this is an economic account that must be settled. Because the prosperity of real estate will inevitably make how much taxation will be generated by steel, cement, glass, petrochemical and other enterprises, and how many jobs will be created?"

Wang Guodong's forehead was covered with sweat.

Secretary Zhao said: "For the construction of roads and bridges, the provincial party committee's attitude is strong support. If there are conditions, we must go; if there are no conditions, we must create conditions. I have been to Shandong Province for research. Shandong Province's economic development is good, there are An important reason is the establishment of the most dense expressway in the country, which can be said to be smooth. This is a major channel for logistics, which is the main artery of economic development. Whoever builds the expressway well, the more timely the logistics can be Transport resources and products in and out. Qingjiang Province is a province densely populated with hills and mountains, and there are too few plains. As a result, our expressway construction is still lagging behind, and the gap with Shandong, Guangdong, and Jiangsu is still relatively large. I also hope that Dongzhou, as the most populous city in Qingjiang Province, will step up efforts in road construction to ensure that counties and counties are connected to expressways, towns and towns are connected to provincial roads, and villages are connected to county-level roads, so as to build a smooth logistics artery. Promoting economic development. Regarding real estate development, my attitude is: moderately ahead of development, but we must do a good job in the construction of affordable housing to ensure that low-income groups can have housing and have good housing. The real estate market needs to regulate its development pace, and It is not to limit its development. In New York in the United States and Hong Kong in China, in the past 20 years, it was the prosperity of the real estate industry that drove the prosperity of the city. Now, the subprime mortgage crisis caused by housing loans broke out in New York, which just illustrates the norms There is a problem in management, not in the development of real estate itself. Isn’t this the important direction of our party’s ruling to let every common man live in a good house and live a happy life? If the development of real estate is restricted, When can ordinary people live in good houses? Therefore, what is important is not restrictions, but norms. Through legal norms and institutional norms, we can ensure the healthy and stable development of the real estate industry.”

Originally, Wang Guodong still had some opinions on Song Yunsheng's devoting his energy to road and bridge construction and real estate development.Now, after listening to Secretary Zhao's words, Wang Guodong felt the gap in himself.Not only at the policy level, but also in various aspects such as realm and vision.Perhaps, in some respects, I not only have to learn from Secretary Zhao, but also from Song Yunsheng.In terms of economic development, I may really have some shortcomings.

Secretary Zhao said: "Comrade Guodong, the current difficulties and problems facing Dongzhou are just the touchstone for testing every comrade. I hope that the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee can come up with a practical plan. After the plan is formed, it will be reported to the Provincial Party Committee Bar."

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