Director's growth history

3788.2463, Bureau Chief's Office Meeting 1-sided

Under the convening of Zhai Xinwen, the bureau chief's office meeting was held on time. All 11 members of the party committee were missing. Zhang Yuanqing, deputy researcher and director of the office, attended the meeting and recorded the whole process of the meeting as the director of the office.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Everyone, the meeting is now." For some reason, Zhai Xinwen glanced at Fangyuan, and saw Fangyuan lowered his eyebrows, holding a pen and facing the notebook, as if he was about to take notes. Inexplicably, Zhai Xinwen felt a little guilty .It's hard to find the feeling of self-confidence. Whoever wants to be the top leader will find it difficult to meet a deputy as strong as Fang Yuan with a strong background and background.Zhai Xinwen once tried to join forces with Fangyuan, and had a honeymoon for a period of time, but the good times did not last long, because of differences in political ideas and political alignments, the two inevitably parted ways.Zhai Xinwen is jealous of Fang Yuan and hates Fang Yuan, but reason tells Zhai Xinwen that going against Fang Yuan will do more harm than good, or there is no benefit at all, but it has already been labeled as the trademark of Song Yunsheng's direct line, what else can Zhai Xinwen do?Many times I can't help myself, but I can only bite the bullet and push forward.As the Bureau of Education plays an important role among the major bureaus in Dongzhou City, Song Yunsheng certainly does not want to "fall", and Zhai Xinwen naturally wants to be the one at the forefront.

Zhai Xinwen said: "The main content of today's meeting is to study the listing of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School on December 12. Yesterday, Secretary Sun and Secretary Fang and I attended the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. At the Standing Committee, the date of the listing ceremony was determined. Basic requirements. Now, let me convey the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.”

With Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan present, the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee conveyed by Zhai Xinwen will naturally not deviate too much.After conveying the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhai Xinwen looked at everyone and said: "The listing of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is a major event in the development history of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, and it is also a major event in the political life of Dongzhou's education system. Today's meeting will study, besides what to do, who will host the issue. Some comrades think that this is a matter of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, which should be the main organization; some comrades think that this is the The major events in Dongzhou’s education system should be sponsored by the Education Bureau. My personal opinion is that it should be sponsored by the Education Bureau, and everyone will work together to make suggestions and suggestions, and strive to make this matter a success. You can talk about your opinions! "

What a surprising attitude.Originally, Fang Yuan thought that Zhai Xinwen must be passive in this matter. After all, no matter how much he did, he was making wedding clothes for others and putting gold on other people's faces.But why did he express such an attitude?Whether to compromise or set a trap, Fang Yuan had to think too much.After all, for a strategist like Zhai Xinwen, every word he said must have been carefully thought out, and must have been considered repeatedly.If you believe what Zhai Xinwen said without any analysis, you must have fallen into a trap, and you will be like Han Suzhen once trusted Zhai Xinwen so much, and you will be kicked out in the end, and you will count the money for Zhai Xinwen for a period of time!

Sun Hongjun also looked at Fangyuan with somewhat surprised eyes.Wang Xingbang also set his sights on Fangyuan.Fang Yuan remained calm, Fang Yuan knew that if he showed any signs of expression, many people would take notice of him.Only when the face does not change, and the eyes do not squint, will the other party not be able to understand his own thoughts.

There was a brief moment of anxiety in the venue.No one spoke, maybe everyone's psychology is different, but now, only a fool would express his point of view before Fang Yuan has a clear attitude.What's more, it's not my wish to offend Zhai Xinwen, and it's not my wish to offend Fangyuan. It's best not to offend either, but if you must offend one person, you'd rather offend Zhai Xinwen than Fangyuan. common voice of the members.

Unanimously, the male party committee members all lit up their cigarettes.To Fangyuan's surprise, Kong Lili, the deputy director, and Song Ping, the chairman of the labor union, also smoked.I don't know when the office of the director of the Education Bureau will become so awkward and deserted.Perhaps it is not a good thing to quarrel in public, but it is still good to be open and honest, to discuss freely, and to brainstorm.Like now, no one speaks, and everyone only smokes. This is obviously an unhealthy bureau chief's office meeting.

Fangyuan said: "Secretary Sun, Director Zhai, colleagues, we are a collective. The collective wisdom is the most remarkable. Everyone can overcome all difficulties with one method. I still hope that everyone can share their opinions. Finally, we can discuss and make a decision.”

What is missing now is Fangyuan's "throwing bricks to attract jade".As soon as Fang Yuan finished speaking, Deputy Director Xie Bingguo said: "I completely agree with Secretary Fang's opinion. If you have opinions, please put them forward. Although our opinions are not the final decision, as long as we are sincerely thinking about our work, then our suggestions It will definitely attract the attention of Secretary Sun, Director Zhai, and Secretary Fang. If the suggestions we provide can play a role in the development of Dongzhou's educational cause or major educational events, it will be the glory of us deputies."

Deputy director Cao Bensong said: "Director Xie is right. Regarding the listing of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, whether it is the education bureau or the school, the final criterion is to hold this listing ceremony well. What can be done? For this listing ceremony, we should support and support this method. I suggest that Secretary Fang is also the principal of the Experimental Middle School, so it is more important to listen to Secretary Fang's opinion."

Deputy director Wang Xingbang said: "Yes. Secretary Fang's opinion is very important. There are two reasons. In addition to the reason mentioned by Director Cao, it is also because of the leaders of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government, the provincial military region, and the provincial education department. The reason for participating in the listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, comrades, think about the real reason."

What other reason could there be?Wang Xingbang's words were plain and reserved. Everyone knew what Wang Xingbang meant and who Wang Xingbang was referring to, but Wang Xingbang just kept silent, which meant that no one could say what Wang Xingbang said violated anything, or made any mistakes. .Looking at the Dongzhou Education Bureau, or even more broadly speaking, looking at Dongzhou, who else can invite two members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and a Deputy Governor at once?Who has the face to invite the top and second leaders of the provincial education at the same time?Especially the political commissar of the provincial military region, this position can be said to be quite sensitive. To a certain extent, the relationship between the provincial military region, the provincial party committee, and the provincial government is a relationship between well water and river water. It is completely two systems and two lines.The Provincial Military Region only obeys the command of the Central Military Commission and the Nanjing Military Region, not the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government.The provincial party committee has a certain right to make suggestions to the provincial military region, but not to make decisions.Of course, the provincial military region has the right to direct local affairs, such as the armed forces at all levels, the militia, the reserve service, national defense education and mobilization, and other military-related affairs, as well as leadership and personnel authority over the armed forces. Will not participate, let alone interfere.But Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is going to be listed, and the political commissar of the provincial military region came here in person. Who is this standing for?It is simply a matter of knowing at a glance!If anyone wants to move Fangyuan, or has any bad thoughts about Fangyuan, everyone must think about the military forces of the provincial military region and the city garrison standing behind Fangyuan.

Deputy researcher Zhang Yuanqing sighed inwardly.Maybe some people are still unwilling to obey Fang Yuan's leadership, but they absolutely dare not offend Fang Yuan.Just like myself now, even being a deputy investigator is because of Fang Yuan's reluctance, otherwise I wouldn't even be a deputy investigator, let alone a deputy director.Although he hates Fangyuan very much, he is also very afraid of Fangyuan.When Luo Dagan, the former section chief of Gao Teacher's Fan Department, spread rumors about Fangyuan behind his back, he was afraid that Fangyuan would think it was Zhang Yuanqing who did the trick, so he was so scared that he betrayed Luo Dagan immediately.In a blink of an eye, Luo Dagan was quickly dismissed because of the lover incident, and then was seriously injured, and then divorced and became a lonely family, becoming one of the most tragic and heroic people in the education system.Zhang Yuanqing seriously suspected that this incident might be the result of Fangyuan's plan.Of course, Fang Yuan may not have planned it either, but Fang Yuan told the relevant people about Luo Dagan spreading rumors behind his back, and the relevant people figured out Fang Yuan's intentions and easily killed Luo Dagan.If Fang Yuan had identified me as Zhang Yuanqing, then my life would have become difficult immediately. It is hard to say whether I can avoid such bad luck as Luo Dagan!

At this moment, Zhang Yuanqing doubted Zhai Xinwen's prospects!Kong Lili and Zhai Xinwen had a falling out. Perhaps Kong Lili was not from Fangyuan, but if Zhai Xinwen was in favor, she had to vote against it, and Fangyuan added 5 vote to the 1 iron votes, which was the majority support.In addition, Han Suzhen supports Fangyuan and opposes Zhai Xinwen in most cases, while Geng Qing is an opportunist, a person who puts interests first, and has no principles at all. Heping and Song Ping are two fools. , it will definitely fall to Fangyuan.This adds up to 10 votes, and Zhai Xinwen only has his own cursor command vote. What else can he decide in the Education Bureau?

Those who have similar ideas with Zhang Yuanqing are naturally Heping and Song Ping.Thinking peacefully about the unlucky Bu Lunjun and the glorious Huang Run, he also formed a conclusion in his heart: if you offend Fangyuan, you will end up like Bu Lunjun; if you please Fangyuan, you will end up like Huang Run.Thinking of this, Heping couldn't sit still anymore.Heping said: "Colleagues, I think the most important thing to do well in the opening ceremony of the experimental middle school is to implement the responsibility system for specific matters. I volunteered to take charge of the content related to youth military training and patriotism education. Coordinate and contact the Dongzhou Garrison District. If something goes wrong with me, I am willing to take all responsibilities. For this, I can issue a military order to Secretary Fang!"

Song Ping said: "In recent years, I have mainly been working on trade union work. I'm afraid I can't help much in other aspects, but I still have some experience and experience in engaging in cultural and artistic activities. I and the student from Dongzhou Experimental Middle School Vice-Principal Hong, I have had some exchanges at work and have some tacit understanding. If Secretary Fang does not dislike it, in the next few days, I will work with the principal to rehearse some programs for middle school students. If some young teachers also want to participate in the rehearsal, so I will help coordinate and contact you for the outfits you need. I wonder what your opinion is, Secretary Fang?"

What kind of person is Fang Yuan now?How can a person trained in a complicated environment not understand Heping and Song Ping's thoughts?Fang Yuan said: "There is no need to establish a military order with Secretary He, but this time the reception task does involve the military, so it is necessary for an old security area like Secretary He to coordinate from left to right. I thank Secretary He." Peace said: "This is all It's what I should do, thank you." Fang Yuan said: "Chairman Song can come to help Na Hong and take charge of the program rehearsal for middle school students and young teachers. I am very happy. I have enjoyed the whole process of the faculty art festival organized by Chairman Song. With Chairman Song’s help, I feel more at ease.” Song Ping said: “Secretary Fang doesn’t think my old things are useless, so I’m very happy. I will try my best!”

Kong Lili stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said solemnly: "Secretary Fang, I have been engaged in organizational and personnel work for many years. What I am best at is writing character identification. I don't know if the school will be listed this time. Will the school's best teachers, The best grades, the best ideas? I will write the promotional words of these excellent teachers; I will write the words and sentences for the school's educational philosophy and the display of the school's achievements. I don't know if Secretary Fang needs it? I know I am not good enough No matter how high, but I guarantee that there will not be a single typo in the promotional words of the excellent teachers in my hands; through the performance display in my hands, no one will think that I am exaggerating, it must be objective and realistic.”

What does it mean to make the best use of people's talents and make the best use of things?Kong Lili often writes appraisals for teachers, and selects excellent teachers, outstanding professionals, and top talents at the municipal level every year. The review work is jointly completed by the Municipal Bureau of Personnel (now the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security) and the Municipal Bureau of Education.The responsible department of the Municipal Education Bureau is the Personnel Department.Kong Lili used to be the chief of the personnel department, and now she is the deputy director in charge of the personnel department. She is indeed very specialized in this area.What's more, Kong Lili's statement is extremely indicative.This once a staunch supporter of Zhai Xinwen has now clearly expressed his attitude of breaking with the past. Fang Yuan can only encourage, and must not discriminate against.An enemy's enemy is a friend. Fang Yuan remembered Mao Zedong's united front theory, and a happy smile appeared on his face: "Director Kong is indeed a role model for everyone to follow in terms of rigor. Director Kong's initiative to invite Yingying reflects Director Kong's consciousness. , realm and heart. I propose that we applaud Director Kong to express our gratitude!"

Except for Zhai Xinwen, everyone applauded, including Zhang Yuanqing.Zhai Xinwen's face was livid and he didn't say a word.

Fang Yuan said: "Director Kong, with your guidance in this area, I feel more at ease. How about this, the deputy director of the office Yu Yu is responsible for the copywriting work of our school, and the vice principal Ruan Shaoxiu is in charge of the copywriting work. Please Director Kong Contact either of these two. On behalf of the school, thank Director Kong for your great support!"

Geng Qing saw that the situation at the scene was already one-sided, and his heart was already anxious to get angry.Geng Qing knew that Zhai Xinwen's situation was over.Even if Kong Lili doesn't support him, I'm afraid no one in the Education Bureau will really support him anymore.Geng Qing now also wants to express a clear attitude.But after thinking for a long time, Geng Qing couldn't find a good project that could contribute to the listing of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School.Among these deputies, except for the veteran Han Suzhen, all the rest have expressed their opinions, and they all wish to put their faces on Fangyuan's buttocks, and the flattery is louder than the other!If you don't express your opinion, Fang Yuan will be listed as the opposite, and you will be in trouble.Even Zhai Xinwen has become a loner, his own energy is much worse than Zhai Xinwen's, how can he stand up to Fang Yuan's toss?

Geng Qing raised his hand in a hurry and said, "Secretary Fang, the vocational technical secondary school and vocational high school can also do something at the listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School!"

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