Director's growth history

3790.2465, Geng Qing is not an idiot

People live for profit, birds die for food.It is the same in ancient and modern China and abroad.

Listing Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is to put gold on Fang Yuan's face. It doesn't involve personal interests. It doesn't matter if you support it wholeheartedly or flatter you against your will. In order not to make Fang Yuan feel disgusted or hated, everyone's views can be relatively consistent; But now, Zhai Xinwen throws this hydrangea with huge potential benefits, who will not be tempted?You must know that it is difficult for a deputy to have the opportunity to directly show his face or demonstrate his political achievements in front of the deputy governor in charge, the director of the provincial education department, the secretary of the municipal party committee or the mayor, but this display is very important.In the future, when the municipal party committee adjusts cadres, whether it can think of such a person, whether it can think of a certain job performance and think of its working ability, the key is to demonstrate political performance.This is determined by the social system with Chinese characteristics.The masses believe that this work can benefit the people's livelihood and be supported. If it is not known and appreciated by the superiors, it is still nothing.

It can be said that Zhai Xinwen grasped the weakness of human nature and directly shattered the temporary unity and unity in just a matter of seconds.

Fang Yuan lamented that Zhai Xinwen's sword is not old.However, such a time is also a good time for him to carefully and attentively observe everyone present.Fang Yuan took out a cigarette, lit it, and sat quietly.Who can hold their breath, who will jump out impatiently, isn't this also a play in life?

When expressing support for Fangyuan, Geng Qing was the last to speak; now, Geng Qing is the first to speak: "Dear colleagues, in recent years, Dongzhou's vocational education has made a lot of gratifying progress, contributing to Dongzhou's economy and development. Social development has trained a large number of qualified laborers with expertise and skills. It can be said that the rapid development of Dongzhou's private economy and the distribution of small and medium-sized enterprises are inseparable from Dongzhou's good vocational education. Vocational education, training What they train is blue-collar workers, and trains workers in the front line of production and service. Compared with college students, these vocational students who graduated from vocational high schools or junior colleges have built the foundation for social production and social harmony. Therefore, I hope Director Zhai and Fang If the secretary can support it, please invite provincial, departmental and city leaders to inspect the flourishing vocational education in Dongzhou."

Zhai Xinwen nodded: "Vocational education is really important."

Kong Lili looked at Zhai Xinwen's presence, feeling indescribably disgusted.This is the case with emotional matters. When love exists, everything is pleasing to the eye; when love is gone, it may become an enemy.Kong Lili was very displeased with Zhai Xinwen's short comment.Kong Lili said: "Dear colleagues, the starting point of education is children aged 0 to 6. At present, the starting point education has been paid more and more attention by the general public. The phrase 'you can't lose at the starting line' expresses the common aspiration of the majority of parents. Although preschool education does not attract the attention of ordinary people like the college entrance examination, I believe that no parent wants their children to enter vocational schools in the future."

Zhai Xinwen watched Kong Lili jump out to "compete with each other" with Geng Qing, and the pain in his heart can be imagined.Kong Lili is the woman he once loved, Zhai Xinwen still does not want Kong Lili to fall into complicated sex.In the past two years, the reason why Kong Lili was relatively safe in the Education Bureau was largely inseparable from her own protection.But why didn't Kong Lili appreciate it, and instead directly confronted and conflicted with Geng Qing?

Sure enough, Geng Qing said coldly: "Director Kong, you can't wear colored glasses to vocational school students!" Kong Lili said: "Director Geng, I definitely didn't mean that. What I meant was just stating an objective fact that students are not good at studying. The students will go to vocational schools to study. Parents attach importance to education, and they will hope that their children will become dragons and daughters will become phoenixes. Therefore, the current preschool education in the city has achieved leapfrog and distinctive development driven by the power of the people. I hope that the provincial The leaders of the government, department and city can visit our kindergartens and have a look at the early education guidance center. The early education center in Dongzhou has extended from the kindergarten to the community. Many streets and communities in the central city, They have set up early education guidance centers for 0-3 years old, so that pre-school education has been advanced from 3 years old to 0 years old. This is our characteristic work, and it can also well show the development of Dongzhou education.”

Geng Qing said: "Yes, the preschool education is doing very well! I heard that Director Kong went to the Municipal Letters and Calls Bureau to receive petitions yesterday, and the petitioners were precisely many kindergarten teachers."

This is simply sprinkling salt on the wound, a typical pot that is not opened and which pot to lift.It is said that the deputy secretary Heping is in charge of receiving visits, but the preschool teachers who petitioned are asking for a solution to the issue of treatment.Since preschool education has not yet been included in the national compulsory education system, parents need to pay a lot of fees to go to kindergarten, which is much heavier than the financial burden of going to elementary school and junior high school.The state has launched a policy of free compulsory education, and tuition and miscellaneous fees have been exempted, and rural students can even be exempted from textbook fees.In a few years, I am afraid that the textbook fees for urban students will also be waived.At that time, going to elementary school and junior high school will basically not need to spend any money.However, preschool education is currently full of contradictions.Relatively low fees, strong teachers, and high-quality public kindergartens can’t get in if you’re too crowded. Just like Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten, you can register two years in advance, and there are no vacancies. Only the children of big leaders or people in the education system have the opportunity to enter such kindergartens, and there are great opinions in the society about this.But there is no way for the experimental kindergarten. There are only 3 classes in one grade, and a class can only accept 40 children at most, and only 120 in three classes. The total number of children in the kindergarten is only 360. admission requirements?Best second best?Teachers’ kindergartens, government-run kindergartens, and district and county experimental kindergartens are also difficult to enroll and enter, and it’s impossible to get in at all, because in the same range, internal or related households can’t satisfy them, so how can they recruit students from the society?The level of private gardens is uneven.Private kindergartens with good education quality are also expensive. The expensive ones cost more than 500 yuan a month; the cheap ones cost 3000 yuan, but the quality is poor. Except for the children of migrant workers, who wants to send their children to such a kindergarten? cheap kindergarten?At the same time, the treatment of kindergarten teachers is also very pitiful.Public kindergartens are better, but public kindergartens and private kindergartens, except for a few with high fees and sufficient student resources, teachers’ treatment is relatively decent, and the remaining kindergarten teachers only pay more than 200 yuan a month. The treatment of teachers at different stages is very different.Parents are dissatisfied with preschool education, so they often call the mayor to complain; preschool teachers are dissatisfied with the treatment, so some of them are lost, and the other part petitions, demanding the same treatment as primary and secondary school teachers.Preschool education across the country has become an area where educational contradictions are becoming more and more acute, and it is difficult to advance and reform.

Dongzhou can’t solve this problem at all, and every city in the country can’t solve this problem. The fundamental reason is that the country has not issued relevant laws, and the central government has no clear policy, and preschool education has not been included in the scope of compulsory education.There is no legal basis or policy basis for preschool teachers to enjoy the same treatment as primary and secondary school teachers.What's more, once preschool education is included in compulsory education, the vast majority of kindergartens in every place are private kindergartens. The teachers in these private kindergartens are not covered by financial guarantees at all. The difficulty of reforming is so great that ordinary people think Simple.A city needs to add tens of thousands of financially supported people at once, not to mention whether the local finance can afford it, even the common people in the society will not approve of the sudden increase of so many people who need to be supported by taxpayers.What's more, most of the current preschool teachers are graduates of technical secondary schools or junior colleges, and they are not top-notch and outstanding talents. If they are easily converted into financial support personnel, what will happen to those undergraduates and graduate students who cannot find jobs?

Any reform is actually very difficult.Because of the complex interest game involving many stakeholders, preschool education reform has been moving forward with difficulty.In Dongzhou, like many cities across the country, preschool education is still a heavy reform burden and an urgent reform problem.The central government does not dare to easily introduce a policy to include preschool education in compulsory education. After all, the policy is easy to come out, but the local government has to bear the pressure of finances and stability maintenance, unlike the central government, which can just talk about it.

Therefore, it is an unsolvable problem for these retired kindergarten teachers to petition and leapfrog their ranks, demanding to enjoy the same treatment as primary and secondary school teachers.When the central government has no policies and the country has no laws and regulations, no place or city dares to open such an opening.If Dongzhou dares to open this hole, other cities across the country can drown Dongzhou with saliva, because when petitioners are petitioning, what they need most is which city or city has a precedent.

Although Dongzhou has no way to solve the problem of the treatment of petitioning preschool teachers, facing the pressure of maintaining stability, the Dongzhou Education Bureau as the sponsor and the Dongzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau as the co-organizer must still receive these petitions Kindergarten teachers, soothe their emotions and ensure social harmony and stability.On the one hand, it cannot solve the petitioning demands of preschool teachers, and on the other hand, it has to maintain social stability. Kong Lili and Heping are under great pressure these days.Faced with unsolvable problems, Kong Lili couldn't eat well or sleep soundly.Now, being ridiculed by Geng Qing on the spot, Kong Lili couldn't help feeling sad and indignant: "Director Geng, is it my fault that the kindergarten teachers petitioned? Is it because I want them to petition? There is no policy in the country. Can you, Director Geng, agree to their request to cooperate with primary and secondary schools?" Are you treated the same as a teacher?"

Geng Qing smiled coldly: "Director Kong is right. At present, no one has the ability to solve the problem that kindergarten teachers are treated the same as elementary and middle school teachers. You still want the governor, director, and mayor to inspect preschool education. If the governor , the director of the department, and the mayor were asked by kindergarten teachers to be treated the same as primary and secondary school teachers. Are you creating problems for the provincial and municipal leaders, or are you showing the achievements of Dongzhou education?"

Everyone suddenly discovered that this preschool education really cannot be included in the scope of inspection.No one can afford the political consequences of being suddenly surrounded by a large group of preschool teachers when Vice Governor Qu Bitong, Director Guan Quanren, and Chief Inspector Liu Jun are inspecting!

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