Director's growth history

3798.2473, Zhou Pengyou's long-term layout

The driver, Ning Zhongyuan, took Fangyuan to the community where Zhou Peng lived.Fang Yuan said, "Xiao Ning, go back. You don't need to pick me up tonight." Ning Zhongyuan said, "Yes, Chief."

When Fang Yuan got out of the car, he saw Zhou Yujie standing at the gate of the community.In the slightly cold wind, Zhou Yujie wore a black dress, showing her graceful figure; the thick pantyhose with leggings made Zhou Yujie's calves look more slender and straight; the high heels with wedge heels showed the slim beauty of women to the full Undoubtedly.Although Zhou Yujie wasn't pretty enough, her slim figure made up for her lack of looks well, and she was full of youthful vigor.

Fang Yuan came to Zhou Yujie with a guilty conscience: "Why did you come out? It's cold outside!" In fact, Fang Yuan was afraid of being seen by others, or that people with ulterior motives would chew their tongues.

Zhou Yujie said: "I took the car keys. If you don't come again, I will drive to the Education Bureau to pick you up. Some people are really ignorant, they are off work, and they are still pestering you. Are you going to exhaust you to death?" Fang Yuan smiled wryly. : "I really didn't expect that it would be so tiring to preside over half a day's work!" Zhou Yujie said: "The more you are in charge, the greater the responsibility. My dad said, first experience the taste of being a leader, the overall advantages outweigh the disadvantages for your growth. Good thing." Fang Yuan nodded: "Mayor Zhou sees the problem very far-reaching."

Zhou Yujie wanted to come over to take Fang Yuan's arm, but Fang Yuan quickly moved away: "Little Zhou, you have too many eyes." Zhou Yujie pouted her mouth, "I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? Can I eat you up?" Fang Yuan smiled wryly. : "Zhai Xinwen has just been affected by the scandal with Kong Lili, I have to pay attention!" Zhou Yujie was a little sad, stopped talking, and walked in front of Fangyuan.

Opening the door, Zhou Peng's wife, Leng Yun, stood at the door with a smile: "Xiao Fang is here, welcome." Fang Yuan hurriedly said hello, "Aunt Leng, hello." Leng Yun said, "You look like the fourth person in our family. What! It was you who opened the mouth of Lao Zhou, and it was you who shut the mouth of Xiao Jie."

Fangyuan was ashamed.

Zhou Peng stood up from the sofa in the living room at this time: "Xiao Fang, let's eat when we come. Xiao Jie, go open the wine."

Zhou Yujie became a little silent at first, but after hearing what her father said, she seemed to forget all the unhappiness, and replied cheerfully: "Okay. I'm going to take out your precious Lao Lang wine." Zhou Peng smiled wryly: "Dad But just such a bottle, can’t you keep it for dad?” Zhou Yujie said, “You drink it, Fangyuan drinks it, and it’s not for outsiders, so why do you feel bad?” Zhou Pengyou said: “That’s Lao Lang’s wine from 1982. ah!"

Fangyuan said: "Uncle Zhou, just drink some beer. You should keep such a precious wine." Zhou Pengyou said: "Drink Laolang wine. How about a taste? Actually, I have long wanted to Taste it."

Zhou Yujie brought over a white porcelain vase, very simple and simple.Zhou Yujie opened it as soon as he twisted it, without any complicated anti-counterfeiting measures like many wines today.First poured half a cup for Fangyuan, transparent, slightly yellowish in color.A tempting aroma of wine immediately filled the living room.

Zhou Pengyou said: "Xiao Fang, how is it?" Fang Yuan said: "It is a good wine when you smell it." Zhou Pengyou said: "This wine, in 1982, I guess it was only two or thirty yuan. But it is quite Yu cellared for 30 years, the aroma is different! Look at the top of the wine glass, there is still a circle of small bubbles. This proves that the wine is very mellow and good wine!" Fang Yuan said: "Uncle Zhou gave me the opportunity to drink such a good wine. I’m ashamed.” Zhou Pengyou said: “What are you ashamed of? Between you and me, are you still so polite? Without you, I would not be a member of the Standing Committee of the Listing Committee; without you, Xiaojie would not be in the education The Bureau has received so much attention. Speaking of which, Xiaojie and I are very grateful to you!"

Fang Yuan said: "Uncle Zhou, I really can't sit still when you say that. Your guidance, Uncle Zhou, saved me from many detours. I am also very grateful to you!"

Zhou Pengyou laughed loudly: "Okay, the family doesn't talk about two different languages. Come, let's drink!"

It really is a good wine.The 26-year-old Lao Lang wine has an unforgettable mellow taste, which will stay in the throat for a long time.

Zhou Pengyou said: "How about this wine?" Fang Yuan said: "It's really fragrant, even better than Moutai." Zhou Pengyou said: "They are all sauce-flavored, 26 years old, and the same as those produced in that year. It's different. Xiao Fang, I hope our relationship will be like this old man's wine, which will become more fragrant with time."

Fang Yuan nodded solemnly: "Uncle Zhou, I think so too." Zhou Yujie said, "I think so too." Leng Yun looked at his daughter's happy face, and sighed in his heart: I really don't know what old Zhou thinks.Why does a good child like my daughter have to get involved with Fang Yuan?Fangyuan has a wife!Moreover, Fang Yuan also has an affair with the beautiful general manager of Dacheng Company. Isn't this pushing her daughter into the pit of fire?

But after Zhou Pengyou became the deputy mayor and member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Leng Yun became more and more dissatisfied with going against Zhou Pengyou's wishes.Although Leng Yun was dissatisfied with Zhou Peng's arrangement, he had no way to expressly object.There is another reason, the daughter doesn't seem to want to find a boyfriend at all, she opens her mouth and shuts up, even if she introduces her boyfriend, who can stand her talking about Fangyuan every day, this other man!

The meal was finished quickly.Zhou Pengyou said: "Old Leng, take Xiaojie to go shopping, go shopping or something. I have something to say to Fangyuan." Leng Yun said: "Okay." Zhou Yujie refused: "I won't go, I want Listen to what you guys have to say." Zhou Peng stared: "Xiaojie, there are some things that you know are not good." Zhou Yujie was very unconvinced: "Just now Fang Yuan praised me for being like a female Zhuge Liang, why can't I listen?"

As he spoke, he pulled Zhou Pengyou's arm and shook it: "Dad, please, just let me listen." Zhou Pengyou said, "No." face, to pull Fangyuan's arm: "Fangyuan, please let me stay." Fangyuan smiled bitterly: "Xiao Zhou, listen to Uncle Zhou." Zhou Yujie said: "No, I will stay, I will stay."

Fang Yuan looked at Zhou Pengyou, and Zhou Pengyou frowned: "It's really inconvenient for you to stay, Xiaojie." Zhou Yujie shook off Fangyuan's hand very reluctantly: "You have always treated me like a child and didn't let me listen to you. Those intrigues. Don't you know that I have grown up?"

As she spoke, she deliberately straightened her chest, hey, it's getting fuller and fuller.Perhaps the degree of fullness means the degree of maturity.Fang Yuan was a bit soft-hearted, but seeing that Zhou Peng was still serious, Fang Yuan gave up the idea of ​​keeping Zhou Yujie.

The two returned politely.Zhou Yujie suddenly ran over again: "I will never interrupt when you two are talking, can I be dumb? You know my tea art is very good. I will serve you two tonight and drink Kung Fu tea, okay?"

Zhou Pengyou said: "Xiaojie, do you really want to know about the darkness in politics?" Zhou Yujie said: "I study, there is no harm, right?"Fang Yuan gave in: "Actually, there is no harm for Xiao Zhou to study and deepen his understanding of this society."

Zhou Peng said with some helplessness: "Okay, just listen by the side and don't interrupt. Understand as much as you can understand. After listening, never tell others." Zhou Yujie smiled slyly: "I am The most obedient and obedient boy!" After speaking, he looked at Fang Yuan again, sticking out his sweet tongue at Fang Yuan, his mischievous attitude made Fang Yuan's heart skip a beat.

Leng Yun sighed and said, "Then I went shopping by myself." Zhou Yujie got up and said, "Mom, I'll see you off." He sent her to the door and said, "Mom, be careful on the road." Immediately closed the door She closed her eyes and happily sat beside Fang Yuan, showing off her exquisite tea art.

Tea is good tea, and tea art is like a young girl's Huaichun, but tea drinkers have different thoughts.Zhou Pengyou regretted that he did not know Fangyuan earlier, otherwise his daughter would not have to worry about getting married as she is now.Although my daughter is only 23 years old, there are still a few good years to choose from, but the marriageable age of a woman is only before the age of 28. After 28 years old, she starts to become a leftover woman, and it becomes more and more difficult to find a suitable husband.The daughter's problem is a big problem.As someone who has experienced it, Zhou Pengyou sees it very clearly: his daughter loves Fang Yuan because of her admiration, she adores Fang Yuan's omnipotence, she adores Fang Yuan's maturity, she adores Fang Yuan's victories over and over again in the face of difficulties, she adores Fang Yuan's excellence in education and teaching .Since ancient times, beauties love heroes, and Fang Yuan is the most eye-catching hero in Dongzhou's education circle!It is estimated that the number of female teachers secretly worshiping Fangyuan is absolutely indispensable, but besides Kong Shuanghua, what I have learned so far is that apart from the dead Ding Chunxiao, that is Song Sisi of Dacheng Company.Speaking of which, Fang Yuan is still a relatively restrained cadre.Which cadre doesn't have a romantic affair?I'm outside, don't I also have a lover?The dewy love of a one-night stand is also difficult to calculate clearly.However, if Zhou Yujie was to be Fang Yuan's lover, then he would absolutely not accept it.I don't mind that after Fang Yuan's divorce, the media is marrying Zhou Yujie, but Zhou Yujie must not be petty.However, it is very difficult to achieve this step!Kong Zitian was in power for a day, and it was not easy for him to do it. Confucius Tian was the main hall, but more importantly, Kong Zitian was the executive vice president of the Provincial Party School, and the three provincial Party Secretary, Provincial Party Secretary, and Provincial Party Organization Director Senior officials have close ties.I am a small deputy office, if I hadn't used Fangyuan as a bridge to hug Tian Guohua's thigh, I wouldn't even have the chance to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.Now, he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and his age is appropriate. He is less than 50 years old. If Song Yunsheng is double-regulated and Deng Yuncong is over the age limit, the possibility of taking over as mayor will increase greatly.Of course, there are also opponents. The most important competitors are Sheng Zhiren and Dou Shengzhong.Especially Dou Shengzhong, who has always been very active, even invited Fang Yuan to dinner last night, so that blind people can guess Dou Shengzhong's intentions.Speaking of it, Dou Shengzhong and himself are both cadres of Wang Guodong's camp, and to a certain extent, they are both cadres of Tian Guohua's camp, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda.A camp should be unified externally, but when it comes to its own vital interests, how can it achieve internal unity?You, Dou Shengzhong, want to win over Fangyuan, so why can't I, Zhou Peng, win over Fangyuan?How much ammunition can you provide by wooing Fangyuan?I, Zhou Peng, can help Song Sisi's company grow bigger and stronger, and second, help Kong Shuanghua's company grow bigger and stronger. To put it mildly, I also have a smart daughter, and Fangyuan still doesn't dislike Xiaojie.

Zhou Yujie filled a cup of tea for her father and Fang Yuan each, and poured it for herself.Like a good girl, sitting quietly beside Fang Yuan, looking at her father, looking at Fang Yuan.Of course, there are more times to look at Fangyuan, and sometimes less to look at Zhou Peng.Zhou Peng saw it and sighed in his heart: "My daughter is also a pawn on the chessboard. It's just that this pawn cannot be used easily. At the most critical moment, maybe my daughter is really needed to charge forward!"

Zhou Pengyou said: "Xiao Fang, how is Chunxiao's current business situation?" Fang Yuan said: "To be honest, I really don't understand the situation. I completely let Kong Shuanghua take care of the company. At this stage, she has not found I am complaining, probably everything is normal." Zhou Pengyou said: "As a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, I am now in charge of the industry and service industry, including private enterprises. I have an idea. I will go to Chunxiao Company for research in the near future. You and Xiao Kong said hello."

Fangyuan knew the meaning of the investigation.Research is investigation and research. Leaders go to the grassroots level and the front line for research. One is to find out the situation, and the other is to work on the spot to help the grassroots solve difficulties.Looking at it now, Zhou Pengyou is going to release benefits to Chunxiao Group: First, let Zhou Pengyou’s department head know that this Chunxiao company has a close relationship with Zhou Peng, and the unit that wants to check will not or reduce inspections in the future. Units and individuals who want to blackmail, eat and get cards will be more cautious; second, the on-site office will solve the difficulties encountered by Chunxiao Company in its development.Zhou Pengyou used to be in charge of economics and trade. This time, he may also bring people in charge of major shopping malls with him. This means that Chunxiao Group’s sales channels can get rid of Fu Quansheng, who was the manager of the logistics department in Ding Chunxiao’s time and is now the deputy director of the National People’s Congress. Zheng Zhibin, the nephew of Zheng Zhibin, is completely controlled by Kong Shuanghua and his eldest brother-in-law Zhao Chun; thirdly, the TV station will definitely follow the filming, and there will definitely be footage of Chunxiao Company in the news reports, which is equivalent to free advertising.

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Uncle Zhou for your kindness. I will tell Xiao Kong about it after I go back, so that she will be prepared." Zhou Pengyou said: "If you have any requests, you can also ask them." Fang Yuan said: "Then I will boldly say something. If I am wrong, please don't blame me, Uncle Zhou." Zhou Pengyou said: "With me, you can speak boldly." Fang Yuan said: "I know that Uncle Zhou is in charge of economics and trade. It would be even better if the heads of some big exporters, some big shopping malls and supermarkets can also come here.”

Zhou Pengyou laughed loudly: "That's right. Originally, in my plan, if I went, I would also call the bosses of these big shopping malls. You reminded me that the bosses of big exporters can also come!" Fang Yuan said: " To tell the truth to Uncle Zhou, although the company is now taken over by my family, the sales channels are still under the control of others, the original manager of the logistics department. Over the past few months, we have laid some new sales channels, and slowly took over some of the original But the big channels are still controlled by him, and we are controlled by him in many ways.” Zhou Pengyou said: “Okay, this time I will completely smash his conspiracy. I will let the major exporters, shopping malls , the boss of the supermarket, leave your business cards to you. Whether you can strive to establish your own channels depends on your own efforts!" Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Uncle Zhou. We will definitely plan this carefully." Zhou Peng Someone said: "This time I went to Chunxiao, in addition to on-site office work, I also planned to find out whether Chunxiao company has the possibility of going public."

Fang Yuan was taken aback.Zhou Pengyou said: "The state has launched the Growth Enterprise Market for SMEs. For some small and medium-sized enterprises with good development potential, high technological content, and good operating efficiency, the implementation of listing support policies encourages these small and medium-sized entities to become bigger and stronger. Chunxiao Group, although It is a traditional industry, but in the past few years, Chunxiao Group has focused on technological innovation, scientific research and innovation, and has developed new products in an endless stream, which is a model of technology-based enterprises. If I have the qualifications to go public, as the mayor in charge, I also have the responsibility and obligation to promote such Many companies have achieved new development through listing and financing. Perhaps, in the near future, Chunxiao Group will become a large national chain company and group just like Want Want Food, Wahaha Beverage, and Master Kong Instant Noodles.”

Fangyuan really never thought about the long-term development direction of Chunxiao Group.Zhou Peng gave some advice, like a lost child seeing the light, like a boat in the ocean seeing the lighthouse.Fang Yuan said: "Uncle Zhou, if it really goes public, it will lay an unprecedented solid foundation for the long-term development of Chunxiao Group. How can I thank Uncle Zhou?"

Zhou Pengyou smiled slightly: "My family also has a little spare money. If it is really possible to go public, I also hope to buy some original shares in Chunxiao Company. I wonder if Xiaofang agrees?" Fang Yuan said: "Agree, agree, absolutely agree!" Zhou Peng You said: "I am the deputy mayor, so it is inconvenient to hold shares. At that time, I can put the shares under Xiaojie's name."

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