Director's growth history

3803.2478, Fang Yuan shows her own work style

Song Dacheng personally drove Fangyuan to work.And Song Sisi drove her car and took her mother to work together.

Originally, Song Sisi had to give Fangyuan, but Fangyuan's attitude was very firm: "The more politically sensitive and critical the moment, the more cautious we should be, and we should not give political opponents the slightest chance." Song Dacheng could understand Fangyuan's mood best, saying: "I Give Xiaofang away. Sisi is really inappropriate at this time."

On the way to the Education Bureau, Song Dacheng mentioned one thing: "Xiaofang, Dacheng Company is developing well now, and the financing has also been greatly assisted by the Bank of Communications because of you. There is a huge demand. I was talking with my friends recently, and everyone said that listing financing is a shortcut. There are many companies that rely on listing to raise funds for development, and they have also changed from multi-millionaires to millionaires. Billionaires with billions or billions."

Last night, Zhou Pengyou just mentioned to Fang Yuan about Chunxiao Company's listing and financing, so Fang Yuan has a preliminary understanding of the listing and financing.Fangyuan said: "It is indeed a shortcut for a company to go public and raise funds, but it is not easy. Many companies have been going public for more than ten years without success."

Song Dacheng said: "I know this. I know that you are very capable and have a lot of connections. Can you help me in this regard. You also know that my company will be owned by you and Sisi in the future." Fang Yuan said: "Uncle, the company Listing seems to be a matter of our own family, but in practice, it is definitely not the case." Song Dacheng said: "What do you mean?" Fang Yuan said: "As far as I know, the process of a company's listing is actually a redistribution of interests. Only by learning how to share benefits can the process of listing a company be accelerated. Some companies have been in operation for more than ten years but have not been able to go public because they have not learned how to share benefits. There is a share. How much is this 'share'? It is definitely a science. I don't understand it very well, but I know that in many listed companies, the apparent shareholder is Zhang San, but the actual shareholder may be Li Si; Three occupies 51% of the shares, but in fact there are many people who have not left their names in the public documents and occupy different proportions of shares. For example, some people who have important influence and important functions on the company actually hold There are a certain number of dry shares. Please ask uncle to find out more about this matter. After Dacheng Company was listed, the tradable shares also accounted for a considerable proportion of the total shares. If you cannot control it, it means a huge risk. You go Get some information about Gome Group, the founder was almost usurped by a minority shareholder, combined with the second shareholder and other retail investors, to completely usurp the management and ownership of the company!"

Song Dacheng's hands holding the steering wheel couldn't help shaking, and the car almost hit another car.Song Dacheng said: "When the company goes public, I or Sisi has the final say on the company. I can't make wedding clothes for others." Fang Yuan said: "But many companies are going public because they don't understand, Blind, being robbed of property by others. Luneng Group, the largest power company in Shandong, with a market value of 600 billion, is rumored to be controlled by a private company in Beijing with more than 30 billion. No one can distinguish between true and false. If it is true , That’s really fighting big with a small amount of money, turning state-owned property into personal property. There is no comparison between Luneng and Dacheng, but this matter is of reference.”

Song Dacheng said: "Okay, I will definitely study it! If it will cause Dacheng Company to become someone else's company, then I would rather not go public!"

Fang Yuan got off the car at the gate of the Education Bureau.In the process of going upstairs, every staff member of the Education Bureau I met had changed their address, and they all called Fang Yuan Director Fang, and they had a respectful attitude and a flattering smile, including Song Ping, the chairman of the labor union who went downstairs to work. .Fang Yuan couldn't help sighing: In the face of power, many people have become slaves.I have just presided over the work, and it is temporary, and I have already felt the completely different work attitudes of the colleagues in the Education Bureau.

When going upstairs, Fang Yuan was in a good mood.However, when Fang Yuan came to the door of his office, there were already nearly 20 people standing in front of the office, Fang Yuan's good mood was wiped out immediately: work can't be done like this!If you do this, you will be exhausted, and there will be no effect.Everyone greeted Fang Yuan one after another.Zhang Yuanqing took the first step: "Director, when I came this morning, I told everyone that you may not have time. But all the leaders have said that they will wait here." Fang Yuan said: "First, please go down to the next floor. The conference room and so on. Director Zhang, I have worked hard for you today."

Zhang Yuanqing knew what Fang Yuan meant, but in fact, this was also the duty of the office director.Zhang Yuanqing said: "Don't worry, Director, the situation yesterday afternoon will never happen again." Fang Yuan nodded, Zhang Yuanqing followed, made Fang Yuan some tea, and asked for instructions: "Director, can I see these comrades now?" Fang Yuan said: "Don't be in a hurry. First deal with the work of the Education Bureau, and then deal with external affairs. Director Zhang, you must have a priority and a priority when doing work. I am temporarily in charge of the work, so I can't just grab the eyebrows and the beard. In this way, First of all, you should contact the deputies to see if they have any urgent work, and then decide whether you need face-to-face consultation based on their work. If each department has urgent work, first report to the deputy leader in charge. The leader in charge thinks it is necessary to discuss with the deputy I will have an interview, and then come in to talk. I am directly in charge of the Department of Basic Education, the Teaching and Research Section, and the Institute of Teaching Sciences, and I am currently in charge of the Financial Review Department and the Personnel Department. You can also ask if there is any urgent work. After these tasks are finished, I will see you See these comrades outside. I don’t see many, after all, time is limited. You can ask these people who came here later, if the leader in charge can solve it, let them find the leader in charge; if you must see me, you can, but only Can wait. Tell them clearly that I must finish the internal work of the Education Bureau before interviewing people outside."

Zhang Yuanqing lamented: Zhai Xinwen was still a cadre with the old-fashioned thinking, and Fang Yuan was only in charge of the work temporarily, so he showed a different work style.I have to admit that Fang Yuan's work style is more conducive to improving work efficiency and is more beneficial to education.Entertainment, too much is also a burden.

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Okay, I will do these things right away." Fang Yuan said: "As for the official documents from superiors to be reviewed and the requests or reports submitted by subordinates, one batch will be sent when I go to work in the morning, and one batch will be sent at 1:[-] in the afternoon. At other times, unless it is particularly urgent or important, do not report separately." Zhang Yuanqing said: "Okay. I will immediately ask the secretary to send over the official documents from yesterday afternoon to this morning."

Zhang Yuanqing walked out of the office, and there were many people outside.Zhang Yuanqing said: "Everyone, Director Fang will talk to the deputy directors about the work of education itself first this morning. It's hard to say whether we can finish the discussion in the morning. If you see that the deputy director in charge or the business department can solve it, don't wait here It’s time to see the director. You must see the director, and then you need to find time to see everyone after Director Fang finishes his education work. Please don’t wait here, just sit in the conference room on the 4th floor. If If Director Fang has time, then he can see everyone. Therefore, I still hope that everyone will not wait here."

One person said: "I have something urgent to see Director Fang." Zhang Yuanqing said: "I'm sorry, Director Fang has to prioritize the work of the Education Bureau today. If Director Fang is busy meeting people standing at the door every day, it is considered to be 24 hours a day. , I can’t see you either. Let’s go, go downstairs, if you’re willing to wait, wait in the meeting room on the 4th floor.”

Under the mobilization of Zhang Yuanqing, although many people were reluctant, they had to accept this reality.Zhang Yuanqing's work efficiency was very high, and when he returned to the office, he arranged for the clerk to carry the official document originally sent to Zhai Xinwen to Fang Yuan.Yesterday's, the day before yesterday's, and this morning's, there are two big folders full, thick and scary to look at!This can't be helped. The Education Bureau is a bureau that manages the most people and handles very complicated affairs. Except for the Public Security Bureau, there is no other bureau that manages so many financially responsible people like the Education Bureau.

Zhang Yuanqing quickly called the other members of the bureau's party committee except Sun Hongjun, including Han Suzhen, who was at the director level, and told everyone that Director Fang gave priority to the internal work of the Education Bureau during the temporary presidency of the work, and communicated with Director Fang's office in time.Zhang Yuanqing was very careful in his choice of words, instead of the word "report", he used the word "communication".Zhang Yuanqing was also worried that his improper use of words would bring him trouble.Zhang Yuanqing called several departments in charge of Fangyuan and told them that if something happened, they should report to Director Fang as soon as possible.

After Zhang Yuanqing finished what Fang Yuan had told him, he immediately ran upstairs and stood at the door of Fang Yuan's office.Zhang Yuanqing regrets: It will be much more convenient if his office is moved next to Fangyuan's office, or Fangyuan works directly in Zhai Xinwen's office.However, there is also embarrassment, that is, Fangyuan is next to the party secretary Sun Hongjun, which is really uncomfortable.

Just as he was thinking about something, he saw the door of Sun Hongjun's office open.Sun Hongjun sent Fang Yuan to the door with a smile, and said, "Director Fang, don't worry, I will take care of this matter. If Jiang Dacheng comes, let him come to me." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Secretary Sun." See When they arrived at Zhang Yuanqing, Fang Yuan said, "Director Zhang, do you have anything else to do?" Zhang Yuanqing said, "I'm standing right here, helping the chief to sort people out." Fang Yuan nodded and said, "I've received the official documents, but I really don't want to." How little!” Zhang Yuanqing said, “It’s actually like this every day. At the end of the year, there will be more. At noon, I will ask the comrades in the office to come over and take down the official documents you have reviewed, and transfer them to the leaders in charge and departments, departments, and departments in time. School." Fang Yuan said, "There are too many, I can't finish it all morning!" Zhang Yuanqing said, "I've already told you that the urgent and important ones should be put on the top." Fang Yuan said, "Director Zhang How careful!" Zhang Yuanqing said, "This is what I should do."

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Zhang is really capable!"

Zhang Yuanqing didn't know whether Sun Hongjun really praised him or was jealous, so he smiled: "Thank you secretary, I haven't done enough."

Fang Yuan returned to the office, faced with two stacks of official documents, and realized the difficulty of Zhai Xinwen's daily life.Being a bureau chief may look majestic on the surface, but the actual work is also very tiring!After reviewing three official documents, there was a knock on the office door.Fang Yuan said, "Please come in." The door was opened by Deputy Director Xie Bingguo, who let the door open, followed by Director Han Suzhen and Deputy Director Du Yuting of the Education Supervision Office.Xie Bingguo said: "Director Fang, Director Han and I, as well as Xiao Du, came here to report to you the annual assessment work of the municipal assessment office on our bureau in 2008, and the education supervision office of the municipal people's government on the four districts, five counties and municipal departments. The work of assessing the department's educational responsibility goals."

Han Suzhen didn't speak.Du Yuting said, "Hi, Director."

Fang Yuan didn't have a deep impression of Du Yuting, and he had little contact with him.Fang Yuan stood up and shook hands with Han Suzhen: "Director Han, I'd like to make a quick trip! If you need anything, just call me and I'll go to your office."

In a word, Han Suzhen felt much better in her heart.Han Suzhen said: "Look at what you said, you are in charge of the work now, we should come here. We must follow the rules!" Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Director Han for your support and understanding! Please sit down, Director Han!" Poured a glass of water for Han Suzhen, and asked with concern: "Director Han, I'm usually busy and don't care enough for you. I don't know how you are doing now?"

Han Suzhen said: "Thank you. When the breath is smooth, the heart is clear. Now I am fine, and I am going to take a good look at this year's education supervision and assessment, and completely reverse some of the bad habits of Dongzhou education supervision in recent years. Some People, when supervising and assessing, it is not based on which district or county is doing well in education, not on which department supports and contributes to education, but on who has a good relationship with themselves, and gives high marks; Everyone has the same score. How can this make all districts and counties have to fulfill their educational responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of the "Education Law"? How can this make other departments pay more attention to education? If we don't take it seriously, people will be fooled and despised We educate. Therefore, this year's education supervision and assessment, I am going to participate in the whole process! We must come up with an objective and fair result, so that those districts, counties and departments that do not pay attention to education will be ranked behind. At that time, the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government Definitely will see!"

Fang Yuan glanced at Xie Bingguo.Xie Bingguo smiled wryly and shook his head gently.Obviously, Han Suzhen's ideas are different from Xie Bingguo's, at least Xie Bingguo does not support this.Absolute objectivity and fairness obviously do not exist.I just temporarily presided over the education work. If it is really objective and fair, then all the districts and counties will be offended, and many departments will be offended.Districts, counties, and departments that have achieved good results will not be grateful to the Education Bureau, thinking that this is the honor they most deserve; districts, counties, and departments that have achieved poor results will definitely hate the Education Bureau, and hate themselves as the temporary person in charge of the work. Do I still need support from the grassroots and fraternal departments?Should the Education Bureau still support it?

Hey, on the second day after taking office, Han Suzhen had a problem for herself.It's really hard for Fang Yuan to say "no", after all, Han Suzhen is now standing on "reason".what should I do?

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