Director's growth history

3810.2485. Who is more like the leader?

Fang Yuan didn't have time to think about it, so he was called to the Municipal Education Bureau by Sun Hongjun's phone call.In fact, the Municipal Public Security Bureau suddenly deployed such an anti-pornography and anti-crime operation. First, it was the request of the municipal party committee to inspect Dongzhou for many important leaders of the provincial party committee to wipe out most of the ghosts and snakes. bright sun.The second is Wang Chuyin's own need to establish authority and power. He first ascended the throne of the bureau chief. Although he has the foundation of the deputy bureau chief of the previous ten years, there are still many people from all walks of life who did not buy it before.Wang Chuyin also wanted to educate and repair those disobedient people through this unified deployment of the municipal party committee, so that they would know: now Dongzhou Public Security is in charge of me, Wang Chuyin, not anyone else.Yesterday, Wang Chuyin only made a phone call to Fang Yuan, and what he said was ambiguous, just telling Fang Yuan that there was an emergency and that he could not go to the banquet.But Wang Chuyin believed in Fang Yuan's keen sense of smell.Facts have proved that Fangyuan really "tipped off the news", all the business premises of Miao Dongshun, an old boy, are in good order, and no problems have been found.Of course, Miao Dongshun is also a more knowledgeable guy. Detaining him for more than ten days, let Miao Dongshun know who is in charge of the Dongzhou police, and active filial piety has always been more generous.Such a "good" comrade should be let go as soon as possible.Even if someone listened to his phone, it didn't matter, he just refused to have dinner with Fangyuan at night, and didn't say anything else that he shouldn't have said.Thinking of this, Wang Chuyin couldn't help feeling complacent about his scheming.Of course, the happiness is only for such a short time. After arresting more than 400 people, there is still a pretrial trial to clarify the facts of the case. This is also a dangerous and extremely difficult job.In the next few days, I'm afraid I won't have time to have dinner with Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan came to the Education Bureau and went directly to Sun Hongjun's office.Sun Hongjun called Shen Jun and Teng Feiyue over, and first asked Fang Yuan to read the "Implementation Opinions of Dongzhou Education Bureau on Further Strengthening Ideological and Moral Education and Legal Education for Primary and Secondary School Students".Fang Yuan quietly read the document from beginning to end.Fang Yuan said: "Shen Jun, I am not very satisfied with the draft of this document." Shen Jun was sweating on his head: "Fang... Director Fang, please give me instructions." Fang Yuan said: "Whether this opinion can be implemented well? It does not lie in whether the content is good or not, but whether the safeguard measures are in place and whether the accountability mechanism is in place. I think it is necessary to add a few more points: First, each school regularly submits information on the activities of the school to carry out ideological and moral education and legal education, and the The Bureau of Education created a bulletin to inform the city's education system. Second, the supervision mechanism must be sound, and regular and irregular inspections should be organized to check the implementation of the work in each school. In particular, it is clearly proposed that teachers and students should be randomly asked to participate. What kind of ideological and moral education and legal education activities have been carried out? Thirdly, accountability should be pursued. How to deal with those who do not seriously implement this implementation opinion; there will be group incidents in schools where students have ideological and moral problems and do not abide by national laws and school regulations , How to pursue accountability. Secretary Sun, should he be dismissed if he should be dismissed?" Sun Hongjun said: "What happened yesterday is indeed a warning for us. It is necessary to establish an appropriate accountability mechanism. Fourth , it is necessary to clarify the responsible leadership and clarify the responsible departments. I suggest that this work should be jointly undertaken by the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Policy and Regulation, with the Department of Policy and Regulation taking the lead. After all, legal education is an important basis for ensuring that the school does not have mass incidents. Section Chief Shen Jun was previously the Section Chief of the Basic Education Department, and is quite familiar with the school's moral education. Please invite Director Wang to be the director in charge."

Sun Hongjun silently watched Commander Fangyuan deliver orders with certainty, and felt in his heart: I am still a bit soft, not suitable to be the chief executive.Judging from Fangyuan's decisiveness and strength, I dare not do it myself, and it is impossible to do it directly.

Shen Jun suddenly felt a lot of pressure: "Director, there are currently only three people in the Policy and Regulations Division, and I am afraid that this work cannot be completed by only one person." Shen Jun has his own difficulties. Jia Liang is currently in charge of legal work, but It is difficult for Jia Liang to lead. After all, Jia Liang has a relatively strong background and is older than Shen Jun.The remaining one, Lou Gang, was mainly responsible for writing materials; as for the news and publicity, Lu Zhenghong used to do it, and then Zhou Yujie temporarily took over for a while, and now Shen Jun is also doing it himself.The work of the policy and regulation department is extremely heavy. In any government department, the office that writes materials is very tired.Last night I added it almost all night, but it was approved by Fangyuan; now I have to manage the implementation of the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening Ideological and Moral Education and Legal Education for Primary and Secondary School Students" in all schools in the city. The staff are stretched and the workload is obviously overloaded. .

Fang Yuan said: "If there is a shortage of people, ask Secretary Sun for it. Secretary Sun, there is a shortage of a publicity officer in the legal department. I think I will be transferred as soon as possible. In addition, it is necessary to second or transfer someone to specialize in this matter. This person, I It is suggested that Shen Jun should choose by himself, depending on whether the person can do a good job in this matter. The party committee of the bureau and the political engineering department can check the character."

I don't know why, although Sun Hongjun is fully in charge of the work of the Education Bureau, and Fang Yuan only assists Sun Hongjun in presiding over the administrative work of the Education Bureau, but Sun Hongjun has no confidence in front of Fang Yuan.Sun Hongjun said: "I agree. After Shen Jun proposes a candidate, the political engineering department and the personnel department will jointly check the candidate. If the candidate transferred is at the deputy department level, we will conduct research with the party committee; if the transferred candidate is an ordinary member or a temporary If you want to help with the work, Director Kong must agree."

Sun Hongjun reminded Fangyuan of the basic organizational rules.Fang Yuan now understands that the HR department is responsible for the transfer of ordinary staff.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun, please communicate with Director Kong." Sun Hongjun said: "Okay."

Fang Yuan said: "All of a sudden, two people were admitted to the Policy and Regulations Department, Shen Jun. This time, you have nothing to complain about. You are also given the right to select candidates. This is unprecedented in the history of the Education Bureau." Shen Jun said: "With people, I have the confidence to do this job well." Fang Yuan said: "Go and revise the manuscript. The most important thing is to prove yourself in the new job position." Shen Jun is grateful: "Thank you, Director, for your concern."

Teng Feiyue looked so hot!When can the section chief decide the staff of the department?This is really unprecedented!My own life in the Political Engineering Department was not smooth, mainly because I lacked Zhang Yuanqing's skill when he was the section chief, and Cao Bensong's prestige and qualifications when he was the section chief.

Shen Jun left the office.Sun Hongjun said: "Xiao Teng, report the adjustment of candidates for the traffic vocational school to Director Fang." Teng Feiyue said: "Okay, Secretary Sun."

Teng Feiyue meticulously reported to Fangyuan the candidates for the school's party branch secretary and principal identified by Sun Hongjun.Fang Yuan nodded: "I agree with the nominees for the political and engineering department. Secretary Sun will nominate and discuss at the party committee meeting today." Sun Hongjun said, "Okay." Cause new contradictions and conflicts. Under the current circumstances, dismissing them is an explanation to the students, their parents and the society." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes! We also want to avoid new petition cases." Teng Feiyue suddenly felt that There was a lot of pressure: "Secretary, director, I'm worried that I won't be able to resist." Fang Yuan looked at Sun Hongjun: "Secretary Sun, I only assist you in administrative work!" Sun Hongjun suddenly felt his scalp tingle: "Director Fang, two I can take care of the dismissed school leaders. I am worried about Geng Qing, and I will not let you go!"

Hey, I'm afraid of offending people!Fangyuan smiled and said, "Secretary Sun, let me chew this difficult bone. Whoever makes my teeth good will also have a good appetite!" Sun Hongjun smiled shyly: "If I have Director Fang's ability and Level, I also gnaw a hard bone." The two looked at each other knowingly and smiled.Fang Yuan said: "No matter who comes to eat, we are all doing a good job in education." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes! We all have a heart that loves Dongzhou education, and we all hope that Dongzhou education will develop better. Last night In order to study these two candidates, I stayed up most of the night and sorted out the deputy department-level cadres in the city's education system from beginning to end. Choose good people, choose capable people, have both ability and political integrity, that is, I choose the principal and secretary of the New Communications Vocational School the rules."

Fang Yuan said: "I absolutely believe in Secretary Sun's character! Alright, I'm going back to the office to review the official documents. I don't know how many official documents Zhang Yuanqing brought me today?"

Fang Yuan went out, heh, Zhang Yuanqing and another person Fang Yuan didn't know were standing at the door of the office.Seeing Fang Yuan coming out of Sun Hongjun's office, Zhang Yuanqing said, "Director, anyone who wants to see you today must wait in the meeting room downstairs. Principal Mi must come to see you, and I can't even persuade him." Fang Yuan Say: "Principal Mi, hello."

In fact, Fang Yuan only knew his name, and only yesterday did he know the name of the principal of the traffic vocational school: Mi Shuhua.

Mi Shuhua bowed, held Fangyuan's hand respectfully with both hands, and said nervously and flatteringly, "Director, thank you for meeting me in your busy schedule. I have work to report to you."

Fang Yuan was really embarrassed to directly reject Mi Shuhua.Fang Yuan said: "Director Zhang, you must make an appointment in advance. If you don't have an appointment here, I will never see you. I will not be an example!" Zhang Yuanqing said: "Yes, Director." Mi Shuhua said: "Thank you, Director, for giving me this opportunity."

Fang Yuan entered his office.Zhang Yuanqing made tea for Fang Yuan swiftly and put it on Fang Yuan's table.Fang Yuan said, "Thank you." Zhang Yuanqing said, "You're welcome. Director, I still have some urgent documents. When would you like me to ask Sui Xiumei to send them?" Fang Yuan said, "Wait a minute. I'll call You." Zhang Yuanqing said, "OK."

Zhang Yuanqing closed the door, deeply feeling how inconvenient it was that his office and Fangyuan's office were not on the same floor.In the past two days, I have been under a lot of pressure.Many people wanted to see Fang Yuan, but yesterday, Fang Yuan didn't see anyone except the deputy chiefs.Another one came today, and they are also in a hurry.What can be done?Zhang Yuanqing's eyes lit up: design a form, ask the person who came to fill in the reason for seeing Fang Yuan first, and let Fang Yuan decide who to see.Just do what you say, Zhang Yuanqing is very capable of execution. He immediately returned to his office, made and printed out the form, and then went to the reception room to ask those people to fill it out.Some people really have private matters and want to find Fangyuan, which is difficult at this time; some people are from companies to sell, and at this time they have revealed their true colors... Zhang Yuanqing deeply felt that every job must pay attention to methods, Only then can it be more effective!Zhang Yuanqing drove away the salesmen of the company on the spot!A director of the education bureau receives salesmen every day, so is it still necessary to do his job?

Fang Yuan sat on the office chair and said to Mi Shuhua: "Principal Mi, please sit down." Mi Shuhua said: "Director, I don't need to sit, I just stand." Fang Yuan said: "Principal Mi is looking for me. What's the matter?" Mi Shuhua took a step forward and said respectfully, "Director, I have always admired your ability and character, and have always wanted to visit you alone. If you were in charge of vocational education, I would have come here long ago. Report to work." Fang Yuan said: "In terms of vocational education, I am still a primary school student." Mi Shuhua said: "The director is too modest. Director, what happened yesterday, I have embarrassed you and caused trouble. I really feel I'm sorry! As you know, those vocational high school students are troublemakers who don't like to study. Otherwise, why wouldn't they be admitted to high school? In order to express my apology for my mistakes and to express my determination to do a good job in the future, here are A little kindness, please accept it with a smile."

As he said that, Mi Shuhua held out a bank card in front of Fang Yuan, and immediately covered the bank card with a document quickly.

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