Director's growth history

3812.2487. There are more crashes than crashes

Fang Yuan originally wanted to discuss work with Geng Qing first, but his wife's matter was more urgent.Fang Yuan said: "Director Geng, I'm sorry, I do have an urgent call to answer right now. Can you avoid it for a while?"

Geng Qing's face was ugly.But Geng Qing still choked out a very sensible sentence: "Okay, I'll wait at the door."

Geng Qing closed the door.Fangyuan said to Kong Shuanghua: "Shuanghua, Mayor Zhou is here today. There are three things to do. One is to ask Chunxiao what difficulties the company has, and work on site to coordinate and solve them; It will be listed within the year; the third is to bring in the bosses of major supermarkets and department stores in Dongzhou to lay the foundation for our Chunxiao company to build an unrestricted sales channel." Kong Shuanghua said: "Such a good thing!" Fangyuan said: "Yes Ah! For many other companies, this is an unprecedented good thing. What kind of work difficulties and hopes do you have, you can bring them up in today's symposium report, and let's see how Mayor Zhou can help us solve them." Kong Shuanghua Said: "Thank you husband. Although you didn't come to manage the company yourself, you can create such a good condition for the company, which is more effective than if you manage it yourself." Fang Yuan said: "We are a family! Shuanghua, Mayor Zhou It is to help us, but there is no free lunch in the world. What does it mean to promote Chunxiao Company to go public? It means that Chunxiao Company has rapidly increased from tens of millions of yuan a year to hundreds of millions or even billions of yuan. From a multi-millionaire to a billionaire immediately. After the sales channels are unblocked, our output value can be multiplied, and we will no longer be controlled by others through sales channels; To develop in other places in the state, to develop in Hangjiang. Especially in Hangzhou, we will have more time to spend with our parents, how wonderful!" Kong Shuanghua said: "Yes!" Fangyuan said: "Zhou The mayor will not help us in vain. He also wants to own 20% of the current shares of Chunxiao Company, and 10% of the shares after listing!"

Kong Shuanghua was taken aback: "Huh? He's even darker than Brother Wang!" Fang Yuan said, "It's different. Mayor Zhou plans to use 200 million yuan to buy the 20% of the shares. As long as you know it well, except Me, don't tell anyone else. Mayor Zhou's identity is very sensitive, so he will not put the shares in his name, but in his daughter's name."

Kong Shuanghua inexplicably felt a sense of crisis: "Is it Zhou Yujie?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes." Kong Shuanghua's excited mood suddenly became a little depressed.Recently, she heard the scandal about Fang Yuan and Zhou Yujie.Kong Shuanghua felt a strong sense of rejection towards Zhou Yujie.

Fang Yuan said: "At noon, you will have a banquet with the mayor of Zhou and all the distinguished guests. You need to establish a relationship with the directors of the various bureaus and the bosses of the shopping malls, and you need to get their business cards so that you can contact them directly in the future. There is no way to make necessary arrangements." After all, they are the ones who do the actual work.” Kong Shuanghua said: “I know.” Fang Yuan said: “I still have a lot of things here, so I won’t tell you. What to say, what to do, I trust my wife I must be able to grasp the propriety." Kong Shuanghua said: "Thank you husband for your trust."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan suddenly realized that he really didn't have enough brains. He not only had to manage the affairs of the Education Bureau, but also the affairs of the school, and he had to keep the affairs of Chunxiao Company in mind at all times.Human energy is limited, but there are as many things as a cow's hair in all aspects, which are endlessly annoying, and there are so many!

Fang Yuan got up and welcomed Geng Qing in: "Director Geng, I'm really sorry." Geng Qing said: "It's okay. I only take Director Fang's time for a few minutes." Fang Yuan said: "Director Geng, please tell me." Geng Qing said: "Fang How will the director plan to arrange Mi Shuhua?" Fang Yuan said: "Let's rest for a while. Later, Director Zhai should recover his health, so how Mi Shuhua arranges is not a matter of the first concern." Geng Qing said: "Mi Shuhua is a comrade with great working ability. Among the major vocational schools in Dongzhou City in recent years, the Traffic Vocational School is one of the best-developed vocational high schools. Among other things, at present, our city and the whole country Similarly, the number of car ownership has risen sharply, and career prospects in car driving, car management, car repair, and car maintenance are relatively broad. Thanks to the efforts of Mi Shuhua, the number of car repair and car maintenance companies in Dongzhou is now Most of the workers and technicians are graduates of traffic vocational schools. The employment prospects of students are good, so the enrollment situation is relatively the best. In addition, there are also a large number of foreign students from Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai and other places It’s a bit of a waste for such a talent to let him rest at home.”

Fang Yuan said: "What does Director Geng mean?" Geng Qing said: "Why don't you temporarily transfer him to the Vocational Education Department of the Education Bureau. He has no position, but enjoys the treatment of a chief staff member. Then, assist me to be responsible for the vocational education of the city. High schools, vocational technical secondary schools and other vocational training institutions conduct supervision, assessment and management. He understands vocational education, which is also beneficial to the development of vocational education in the city."

Fangyuan said calmly: "Okay, I agree in principle. This matter is the responsibility of the party committee. I think Director Geng should ask Secretary Sun for instructions." Geng Qing said with a smile: "Everyone can understand that education in Dongzhou Bureau, Director Fang has the final say now. If you agree here, do I still need to go to Sun Hongjun?"

It seems that Sun Hongjun still does not have the authority of the party secretary he should have!

Seeing that Fang Yuan was silent, Geng Qing became more courageous: "Director Fang, Sun Hongjun wants to adjust Mi Shuhua. It's not a day or two. This time I finally got the chance to take down Mi Shuhua in one fell swoop. Is his intention in Mi Shuhua? No! His intention is in me, and I am the thorn in his side and the thorn in his flesh. Director Fang, this time I heard that Sun Hongjun has chosen the new principal of the Traffic Vocational School. It's Sun Hongjun's hardcore! Don't Chief Fang think he should get involved in this matter?"

Fang Yuan said, "How do you know about this?" Geng Qing smiled and said, "I am the deputy director in charge of vocational education. Anyway, Sun Hongjun also asks for my opinion. To be honest, I don't quite agree with Sun Hongjun. The two nominated candidates. These two people seem to be honest people on the surface. But honest people have another meaning, that is, they are incompetent and useless. The water in the traffic vocational school is so deep! In the past, only Mi Shuhua could control it It's okay. If someone who doesn't understand vocational education comes here, I'm afraid it will easily lead to bigger problems and hidden dangers. Director Fang, my personal opinion is: If Mi Shuhua can move, it's best not to move. Dongzhou Under the current situation, education cannot stand the toss!"

Fang Yuan said: "Director Geng, the Secretary of the Red Army asked for my opinion when adjusting the candidates. At present, Director Zhai is still in the hospital, and the municipal party committee has decided that the Secretary of the Red Army will be in charge of the overall work of the Education Bureau. I am only assisting the Secretary of the Red Army to preside over the administration temporarily. Work."

This is really not speculative half a sentence.Geng Qing said: "Don't bother Director Fang. I will tell Secretary Sun about Director Fang's opinion about Mi Shuhua's coming to work in the teaching department. Thank you Director Fang for your support. Goodbye."

To have such a thick skin, this is simply playing a rogue.Fang Yuan looked at Geng Qing who was leaving quickly, and really wondered how this comrade in his 40s could speak like a child.

The busy work is waiting for Fangyuan to do, and there is no time to rest or exercise.Before he knew it, Fang Yuan picked up a cigarette and lit one after another, just to refresh himself and concentrate more.I reviewed official documents one after another, and met with deputy bureau chiefs and section chiefs one after another.After each piece of work filled Fangyuan's heart with pressure, Fangyuan really wanted to find a place to shout to vent her depression.

Among the people I met, the work reported by Kong Lili, the head of the personnel department, Chu Guoxiang, and the director of the nursery office, Xi Chunhua, gave Fang Yuan the most headache.This morning, the three of them went to the Letters and Calls Bureau of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to interview retired kindergarten teachers.These kindergarten teachers are idle at home anyway. In recent years, after the state has raised their salaries several times for public compulsory education and high school teachers, their psychology is seriously unbalanced.The original gap was only a few hundred yuan. After several salary increases for public school teachers, the gap has now reached more than 2000 yuan.They joined forces and went to the Municipal Letters and Calls Bureau to report the situation. The Letters and Calls Bureau called the Education Bureau, and Kong Lili, who was in charge of preschool education, had no choice but to bite the bullet.Chu Guoxiang is the head of the personnel department, and she is very aware of the appeals of these retired kindergarten teachers, and has no way to answer them.Chu Guoxiang and Xi Chunhua talked to these retired kindergarten teachers about policies and the relevant legal basis of the country, but they didn't listen at all.There is only one attitude: primary and secondary school teachers are teachers, so our kindergarten teachers are not teachers anymore?They have only one request: solve our problems and increase our salary to be the same as that of public school teachers, and we will not appeal immediately.If they don't solve the problem, they talk too much, don't listen to it, and don't believe it.Regardless of the laws and policies, we are teachers, so we have to be treated the same as teachers in schools!

Fang Yuan also felt very careless (meaning headache).Fang Yuan said: "Can we make a breakthrough in Dongzhou?" Kong Lili said: "Director Fang, the whole country is a game of chess. If the central government does not issue policies, no city will dare to raise it by itself. Otherwise, once Dongzhou rises, more than 600 cities across the country will Kindergarten teachers in more than 2000 counties have all petitioned. Dongzhou may be scolded to death by mayors all over the country, and by directors of education bureaus and finance bureaus all over the country. Now to solve this problem, the central government has to issue policies. But it has been almost 60 years since the founding of the country For kindergarten teachers, except for a very small number of kindergarten teachers, such as teaching staff kindergartens, who are treated similarly to elementary and middle school teachers, most of the others are run by the system, such as the kindergarten of the Commercial Bureau, which is now sponsored by the Bureau of Commerce, and the kindergarten of the Dongzhou Port Authority, and the street office Such as xx Street Kindergarten. Some of them are self-financed and self-financed, and most of them are workers in enterprises. They are just called teachers, but they are actually workers.” Fang Yuan said: “Continue to maintain stable control. It can’t be solved. , it’s not our problem, but we should control it appropriately. During the Spring Festival this year, let’s see if we can distribute a bag of rice and a bucket of cooking oil to the family to appease them appropriately.” Kong Lili said: “Director, even rice and You can’t even give oil! If you do, they will think that the Education Bureau is their natal home, but in fact, some of their natal homes are government departments such as the Bureau of Commerce, some are enterprises such as the Port Authority, and some are sub-district offices. There is no contact with us for a penny. ah!"

Fang Yuan had a splitting headache: "Okay, I see." Kong Lili, Chu Guoxiang, and Xi Chunhua left, and Fang Yuan felt that he was about to collapse.What is this all about!I don’t feel anything if I don’t preside over the work; now I’m on the third day of presiding over the work, and I’m completely overwhelmed.I really don't know how Zhai Xinwen survived the past few years.It seems that it is really necessary to ask Han Suzhen and Zhai Xinwen for advice.I still lack the ability to work independently, at least when dealing with complex contradictions and complex problems, I still feel that there are not many ways.Even if it is procrastination, there is a way to procrastinate.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Teng Feiyue, the chief of the political and engineering section, came to ask for instructions, saying that he was going to hold a party committee.Fang Yuan dragged his exhausted body and rushed over to open the party committee.The meeting was chaired by Sun Hongjun.The first is to discuss the issue of personnel changes in Dongzhou Communications Vocational School.After Sun Hongjun proposed to remove the former secretary and former principal, and nominated two new candidates, let everyone discuss.No one spoke, everyone looked at Fangyuan.Fangyuan shook his head helplessly: "Colleagues, I am exhausted by a lot of work this morning, so I will not participate in the opinions. When Secretary Sun considers candidates, morality comes first. Good official morality, official voice Well, the prestige is good, the professionalism and fighting spirit are good. I agree with Secretary Sun’s nomination in principle, let’s discuss it.”

When Fang Yuan said it, everyone agreed, making Fang Yuan dumbfounded.

Then, there was another bureau chief's office meeting.At the meeting, Shen Jun sent a copy of the "Implementation Opinions of the Dongzhou Education Bureau on Extensively Carrying out Ideological and Moral Education and Legal Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in the City" to every bureau leader.Then it introduces the formation process of this implementation opinion.Shen Jun mentioned here and there what comments Fang Yuan made after seeing the first draft, and how the Policy and Regulations Section revised it.Especially regarding the two aspects of supervision and responsibility, Shen Jun even read out what Fang Yuan had said at the beginning.When Shen Jun finished speaking, as expected, the implementation opinion was unanimously supported, and there was not even a single voice of opposition.Xie Bingguo, Cao Bensong, Kong Lili, Song Ping, and Wang Xingbang gave a lot of praise. From different perspectives, they said how important, how necessary, and how timely this implementation opinion is. The content of the implementation opinion fully reflects the unity of responsibilities and rights. , all in all, all good.Not surprisingly, this implementation opinion was unanimously approved again!

Sun Hongjun lamented Fang Yuan's amazing influence; Fang Yuan lamented that it was really difficult for him to hear the truth.

At the end of the meeting, it was decided to hold a city-wide education emergency work meeting at 2:[-] p.m. to fully deploy the implementation opinions and report the results of personnel changes in Dongzhou Communications Vocational School.The administrative machinery of the Education Bureau was running quickly, and the office issued a meeting notice.The telephones of the various departments of the Education Bureau rang one after another eagerly.

But Fang Yuan returned to the office, feeling that his spirit was about to collapse.He called the driver, Ning Zhongyuan, and took Fang Yuan back to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.In the principal's office, Fang Yuan told Yu Yu: No one is going to be there, and I have to wake up at 1:[-] p.m.Fang Yuan didn't even eat lunch, she just threw herself on the bed to sleep and rest.As soon as I fell asleep, I really fell asleep, and my lunch was thrown into the sky.

This sleep is really sound!When Fang Yuan was awakened from sleep by Yu Yu, Fang Yuan was still reluctant to let go of such a fragrant dream, and wanted to continue to have a good sleep.In fact, the tiredness at work in the morning is partly due to the heavy workload, partly due to the great psychological pressure, and partly due to the fact that Fangyuan has had sex with Song Sisi and Kong Shuanghua successively in the past two days, which consumed a lot of energy and energy. physical strength.

Fangyuan went to the bathroom to release and wash up briefly, and then returned to the office.On the coffee table, there were four dishes, one soup and a bowl of rice.Yu Yu said: "I'm sorry, principal. There is an overall meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon. You asked me to wake you up at one o'clock. You haven't had lunch yet, so I arranged for the cafeteria to cook some side dishes for you." This is The principal's special treatment!If it's an ordinary front-line teacher, even if he didn't eat lunch, who would pay attention?

Fang Yuan felt at ease.I have done so much for education, and my body is so tired, even if I enjoy a little preferential treatment, I should.The more you give, the more you get back.Fang Yuan quietly enjoyed the delicate stir-fry. It was obvious that the quality of this meal was significantly different from that of a big pot dish.But even this short period of peace and relaxation would not last long. Fangyuan received a call from Feng Yan, political commissar of the security area.Feng Yan didn't greet or thank you, he just opened his mouth to question: "Fang Yuan, I heard that you are going to have dinner with Min Jian and Huang Run tonight? Why do you do this?"

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