Director's growth history

3817.2492, the wonderful drama unfolds

It is a difficult question to answer who is the commander and the political commissar and who is the younger.At the level of the Central Military Commission, the ministers of the four headquarters are members of the Military Commission, which are at the deputy state level; while the political commissars are only at the Zhengda Military Region level, which is roughly equal to the ministerial level. This is relatively easy to distinguish.But in the local army, the commander is the chief military officer, but he is the deputy secretary of the party committee; the political commissar is the chief political officer, but he is the secretary of the party committee, and many of them also serve as members of the standing committee of the local party committee.According to the principle of the party leading everything, the political commissar, as the secretary of the party committee, should naturally be in front of the commander.

Although Huang Run is older than Feng Yan, the style of the army is that the first rank of officials crushes people to death.Feng Yan could be tripped up behind his back, but in front of Feng Yan, Huang Run didn't dare to contradict him, and didn't dare to speak casually.It turned out that when Wan Daquan was the political commissar, Wan Daquan was bold and capable of fooling around, and he firmly grasped the party committee. In terms of the promotion and use of regiment, battalion, and company cadres, he was able to teach Min Jian and other chief officials Release a certain number of candidates, and absolutely control the rhythm of the party committee, so it has become the de facto leader of the security zone.In fact, the garrison area did not have many military missions, so even if Min Jian wanted to regain his position, because Taiwan's Ma Ying-jeou came to power, he initially achieved a stable situation between the mainland and Taiwan, leaving Min Jian with no opportunity to take advantage of and no platform to display.At that time, Yan Meng, director of the Political Department, was very obedient to Wan Quanquan's orders.Wan Daquan is the political commissar and the secretary of the party committee, but the political work and personnel work are all carried out by the director of the political department.In front of Wan Daquan, Yan Meng was more cooperative.Yan Meng and Min Jian got closer, after Feng Yan took office.The reasons for this are quite complex and sensitive.According to the organizational structure of the army, the political commissar of the garrison has two deputies, one is the deputy political commissar and the other is the director of the political department; and the commander also has two deputies, one is the deputy commander and the other is the chief of staff.

Huang Run looked at Feng Yan, who had a smile on his face and fire in his eyes, and said respectfully, "Commissar, where do you sit? You should discuss this with the commander. If you don't mind, I would like to give my seat to you." Get out."

Feng Yan didn't answer Huang Run, and looked at Yan Meng with a smile: "Director Yan is here!" Yan Meng stood up, a little embarrassed: "The commander asked me to accompany Director Fang, an important guest, so I came " Feng Yan said: "Director Yan, if I still have a table of guests, I would like to invite you to accompany me, will you go or not?"

Logically speaking, Yan Meng must go; but Yan Meng is also a deputy division-level cadre anyway, and usually assists the political commissar in managing the promotion of deputy regiment, battalion, deputy battalion, and company-level cadres in the entire garrison area, which is not right for Yan Meng Careful and respectful?For this young boss, Yan Meng felt ashamed, and said: "Accordingly, Commissar Feng asked me to accompany the guests, so I definitely want to go. But, tonight, since I have come to accompany Director Fang, I really I can’t accompany the political commissar. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I can accompany the political commissar.”

Feng Yan chuckled: "Looks like Director Fang Yuan really has enough face!"

Fang Yuan sat there, motionless.Seeing Feng Yan's furious look, Fang Yuan said calmly: "I'm just a guest today. Director Yan, don't drag me out as a shield for military matters, and political commissar Feng don't make trouble with me either. If it's not convenient for me to be here , I can avoid it for a while, or I can leave and go home."

Min Jian said: "Director Xiao Fang, you can sit here with peace of mind. You are my guest, and no one can do anything to you in the security zone."

Feng Yan sneered: "Heh, Director Fang has found a backer! What a joy! I won't sit down. As for me, I just toast Director Fang a glass of wine and congratulate Director Fang for finding such a powerful backer! I, Feng Yan, are very happy. Scared!"

Fang Yuan said: "None of you here is my backer. I am me, and I make up my own mind. But who will become my friend and who will not be my friend, this depends on people. I am willing to associate with and become friends with people who know how to be grateful, respect, win-win, and loyalty. I don’t know how to be grateful, have no respect, and only think about winning for myself, regardless of whether others live or die. No matter how much background, power, and energy I have, I would still scoff at it. Political Commissar Feng, in this world, there will be no good things that fall from the sky, and there will be no such thing as not wanting to give. Only others help others to give, but I never have I have thought about helping others! Although I am not a perfect person, I can say that I am a person with love and righteousness. People with love and righteousness will become friends when they meet people with love and righteousness. Love and righteousness If you meet someone who is ruthless and unrighteous, it will only be that you have different ways and do not conspire with each other!"

Feng Yan had the urge to throw the cup again.

Min Jian applauded: "Xiao Fang, well said! These few words are very level, which makes people look at you with admiration." Huang Run said: "Director Fang is a kind and righteous friend who is definitely worth getting along with. Friend." Feng Yan said coldly: "Don't look at the joy of dancing today, I don't know who will suffer in the end!"

Feng Yan didn't even offer a toast, nor did he fight for the seat, so he walked away.No one sent off, no one went out.

During the few minutes when Feng Yan appeared, everyone stood there except Min Jian and Fang Yuan.After all, he is a political commissar, and to a certain extent, he has the recommendations of many regimental and deputy regimental cadres present.Although it is said that the promotion to the deputy division level requires the research of the provincial military region, and the promotion to the full division level requires the research and decision of the Nanjing military region, but as the political commissar of the garrison, if he speaks ill of himself to the head of the provincial military region, I am afraid it will really cast a layer on his future shadow.Therefore, no one is willing to really offend the political commissar, although this political commissar Feng Yan is really unpopular.

Min Jian said: "It's okay, everyone sit down. Let's continue. Xiao Fang, I'm really sorry to bother you."

Fang Yuan said, "Commander Min, you probably didn't expect Commissar Feng to appear suddenly. But the sudden appearance of Political Commissar Feng really made you and several army leaders happier. This is better than the effect of Political Commissar Feng not being there, right? ?”

Min Jian was a little embarrassed: "Xiao Fang, you already know, why did you come here?" Fang Yuan said, "Commander, I am a person and do things, and I like win-win results the most. Even if I encounter unsatisfactory things, I will not Do things well, I know, and stay on the front line to be a good man. When I am prosperous today, I must be more modest and prudent, and I must make friends; if I am unlucky tomorrow, the friends I made today will help me behind my back One. I came to the banquet, and the chief is looking at the face of you and Deputy Commander Huang. I am not afraid of your displeasure. I didn’t have much contact with you before, and I am familiar with Deputy Commander Huang. Deputy Commander Huang behaves like a I appreciate and admire a real man. Therefore, I know that the commander invited me to dinner not only to talk about future cooperation, but also to put on a show for some people. As a result, some people couldn’t hold back He is very angry, and he also cooperated with Commander Min so vividly that he performed this scene to a level of realism, and the effect is superb!"

Min Jian said: "You can't hide anything from Xiao Fang. It's true that the unexpected arrival of some people has indeed achieved the expected goal better." Fang Yuan said: "Today's situation is really a situation where you win and I lose. ! How can I explain to the higher-ups in the future?"

Fangyuan sighed.Min Jian said: "How can Xiaofang be disadvantaged? In the future, you can look for me, Huang Run, Yan Meng, and everyone here today for matters in the security area. If anyone does not help you, I will criticize them immediately! Those who are dismissed will be dismissed!" Huang Run said: "Brother Fang, what I told you on the phone is still valid now! From now on, as long as I, Huang Run, can do it, there will be no second thoughts. Hit the south wall."

Yan Meng and other people present here also expressed their willingness to make friends with Fang Yuan and to do their best to help and support Fang Yuan.

Min Jian said: "In fact, Director Fang is invited to come here today because he wants to further cooperate with Director Fang. Director Fang presides over the work of the Municipal Education Bureau, and everyone in our security area is very happy. There is such a place that understands and loves the army. Cadres, this is a blessing for the army. Therefore, our garrison area is going to further increase cooperation with localities, and special preferential treatment is given to consider cooperation with the education system. I asked Comrade Yan Meng to prepare a preliminary plan for the garrison area to contribute to the education system , Xiao Fang, please take a look first. If there is something inappropriate, we will modify and improve it. In a word, it will not make Xiao Fang suffer, it will only benefit Xiao Fang!"

Yan Meng said: "Commander Min asked me to prepare this plan, and put forward many specific suggestions and requirements. Our political department acted immediately, fully implemented the spirit of the commander's instructions, and formulated this unilateral idea of ​​cooperation between the garrison area and the education system. , that is, what can our garrison area do for Dongzhou education. The commander instructed that we must show our sincerity."

Fangyuan took over the proposal from Yan Meng, and it really is a big cake for Dongzhou education and Fangyuan's political achievements!The content of the plan includes eight major items: first, the Dongzhou Garrison District and its affiliated troops will be fully responsible for the military training of primary and secondary schools in Dongzhou City; second, the Dongzhou Garrison District will open some unclassified military facilities to schools in the city; Third, the Dongzhou Garrison District will arrange instructors to provide patriotic education to teachers and students of the school when the education system needs it; fourth, military summer camps and winter camps will be held; fifth, when enlisting in the army, the municipal education bureau will recommend Excellent high school or vocational high school graduates, the armed forces of the Dongzhou Garrison will give priority to employment; sixth, the Dongzhou Education Bureau can arrange one or two target shooting trainings every year; seventh, the Dongzhou Garrison can apply to the provincial military region for Fangyuan Reserve lieutenant colonel (deputy regiment) officer, and issued a military officer certificate, can travel to scenic spots all over the country and take transportation for free; eighth, officers and soldiers in the Dongzhou Garrison District have literary and artistic expertise, and they can hold regular fellowship activities with the education system.

Yan Meng said: "Our consideration is definitely not thorough enough. Director Fang, if you think there is anything our troops can do, we can add more."

Min Jian said: "What Deputy Commander Huang said is valid; Director Yan's eight points are valid."

Heh, Huang Run's points cannot be put on paper; Yan Meng's points are also very tempting!Especially the lieutenant colonel in the reserve service was very tempting to Fang Yuan.It can be seen that Min Jian is ready to spend a lot of money and hand over a big olive branch.Fang Yuan was a little shaken: Should he resist Sheng Jianbo's pressure and open up to cooperate with Min Jian?Or continue to let Feng Yan handle this matter?It's so hard to choose!

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