Director's growth history

3820.2495 Shen Yue's Active and Sharp Attack

Fang Yuan looked at the slightly shy but generous female officer in front of her.She has already dressed, a military uniform, with a heroic posture, her full chest shows the pride and beauty of a woman, the willow slender waist sets off her graceful curves, her white face is calm and serene, her eyes do not avoid Fangyuan There seemed to be a real feeling in the eyes but a little bit more resentment, which made people's heart skip a beat.

Getting drunk once again brought me so much trouble!Fang Yuan felt pain in her heart, and frowned slightly.This is not a matter between me and Shen Yue. Who dares to say that this is not a trap set by Min Jian and Huang Run?There is no true affection in the officialdom, no absolute loyalty, only absolute interests!Now, this young female officer has been touched from top to bottom by him, is this her own woman?

Fang Yuan hesitated for a while, but still made up his mind: Prioritize the matter in front of him!A Song Sisi has already made himself a bit precarious; if there is one more woman in the army, not only will he be under the control of others, but if Wang Quan finds out about it, he may be ruined as well!

Fang Yuan said: "Deputy Company Commander Shen, please, bring me my underwear and shirt." Shen Yue said: "Okay, Chief."

Fang Yuan put on her underwear and put on her warm clothes under the blanket, but found out that she didn't have a suit. It was really troublesome.Fang Yuan said: "I have to trouble you, Deputy Company Commander Shen, call and ask if my suit has been washed." Shen Yue said: "I'll do it right away." Shen Yue went outside and called.Soon, Shen Yue pushed the door open again and came in, saying, "Sir, the clothes will be delivered in five minutes." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you." Shen Yue said, "This is what I should do. If I have the opportunity to be the chief It is my honor to serve, and I must satisfy the Chief."

Fang Yuan was really embarrassed to get out of bed, even though she had already put on warm clothes.Looking at Shen Yue's pretty face, Fang Yuan was also a little tempted.But rationality told Fang Yuan that no matter how beautiful she was, she couldn't move.Fang Yuan said: "Deputy Company Commander Shen, please sit down." Shen Yue said: "Where should I sit?" Fang Yuan said: "Sit on the sofa." Shen Yue said: "Can I sit by the bed?"

Fang Yuan nodded: "Okay." Seeing Shen Yue sit down, Fang Yuan said: "Last night, I drank too much. I really don't know what I did. So I want to thank you for taking care of me all night! Shen Yue said: "This is what I should do." Fang Yuan said: "There is no reason why we should. We met by chance, and I am very touched that I can receive such meticulous and thoughtful care. I want to give you a sum of money as a thank you." Fei is also a debt of guilt and compensation to you! Do you think this is good?"

Shen Yue stood up abruptly: "Director Fang, who do you think I am? Can such a matter be settled with money?" Fang Yuan said, "Then tell me, how to solve this matter?" Shen Yue was silent up.

The two of them were in a stalemate like this, neither of them spoke.Shen Yue still couldn't hold her breath, she sat back on the bed and looked at Fang Yuan: "Yesterday the chief asked me to work as a waiter in the guest house. I actually didn't want to come. But after I came, I saw the chiefs surrounding you. It’s very strange to turn to the unreasonably young chief! What shocked me even more is that Commander Min and Deputy Commander Huang, the chiefs who hold the power of life and death in the security area, listened to you in the end. I was so impressed. You still remember that when you drank a little too much, you couldn't stand firmly, and you always leaned on me."

Fang Yuan tried hard to remember, it seems that such a thing really happened!

"Actually, at that time, I could have found a male soldier to come in and help you, but I didn't look for it because I was willing to support you in my heart, and I was willing to get close to you."

ah?Is this a naked confession?Fang Yuan looked at this beautiful female officer sitting close to the bed, and lamented that the development of the times has made women born in the 80s more bold and active.

Shen Yue said: "Later, when I helped you upstairs, Deputy Commander Huang asked me to take care of you, and I did not refuse. After returning to the room, you vomited badly. If I didn't feel for you, I would give you Undress, wipe your body, wash your clothes?"

"Ah? You still wipe my body?" Fang Yuan turned pale with shock.

Shen Yue said: "Yes! This is the first time I've wiped a man's body."

Fang Yuan really wants to hit her head to death now!It's a shame to throw it at grandma's house.Fang Yuan looked at the female officer in front of her, feeling helpless!Fang Yuan felt that she seemed to be the one who was at a disadvantage, and the one who had the advantage was her in front of her.

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for taking good care of me! Tell me, how can I thank you?" Fang Yuan made up her mind and prepared to use money to settle this matter!It doesn't matter how much you spend!Fang Yuan didn't want to have anything to do with other women, even if she was pretty.Although Shen Yue has already said that she doesn't want to use money to solve it, other methods can also be considered.

Shen Yue looked disappointed: "I don't need your thanks! Taking good care of you is the task assigned to me by the chief yesterday. When the dry cleaning clothes are brought up in a while, my task will be completed, and I should leave. "

Shen Yue stood up and looked at Fang Yuan coldly, as if Fang Yuan was a stranger.

Fang Yuan felt guilty towards Shen Yue in her heart, and she also felt a little sorry to see Shen Yue being so resolute.Fang Yuan said: "Just now, my tone was a little blunt. Deputy Company Commander Shen, I'm sorry. I really want to thank you. I can consider any conditions you raise. This is not prevarication or perfunctory." Shen Yue said : "Okay, my first request is that you stop calling me Deputy Company Commander Shen. You call me Xiao Shen, Shen Yue, or Yue Yue, I like them all."

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "I'm not very old, so I'll call you Shen Yue. You don't have to call me Chief or Chief Fang, just call me Fang Yuan."

Shen Yue smiled happily: "Okay, Fangyuan. Actually, I called your name like this last night. It's just that you have been sleeping and didn't hear it."

Fangyuan once again had the feeling of being stripped of her clothes.This female officer, what does she mean?

Shen Yue said: "My second request is that we can become friends in the future."

Fang Yuan said: "We are already friends. You helped me so much, I am very grateful to you, and I would like to be your friend." Shen Yue said: "Thank you. Fang Yuan, do you know? After I put you to sleep yesterday, I I couldn’t fall asleep, so I got up and checked your name on Baidu, wow, there are so many! Just open a page and read, your deeds shocked my heart and attracted my heart, you are so amazing!”

Fang Yuan felt ominous.Fang Yuan said: "As long as a person puts in the effort, he will definitely be rewarded! The main reason why I have a little fame is that I have suffered a lot and suffered a lot. , Lost nearly 20 catties in a month." Shen Yue's eyes were shining brightly: "You are really amazing! I saw your deeds yesterday, and I didn't sleep well all night. I lay beside you, my heart was surging, I am full of admiration for you. When you touch me, I will obediently let you touch me; when you don’t touch me, sometimes I can’t help getting up and leaning on my elbow to look at you. The more I look at you, the more I feel that you are Full of manly flavor! The more you look at you, the more attractive you become! I find that I am already attracted to you, I find that I am hopelessly in love with you. Fangyuan, give me a chance to love you, okay? ?”

What an emotional declaration of love!How could a man not be tempted to hear such a confession?Especially Shen Yue is very good-looking, and her skin is also very fair, she is not an ordinary vulgar fan.In her body, she has some characteristics of a female officer, also has the characteristics of women born in the 80s who dare to love and hate, and also has the clear logic and articulation of a cultured woman.

Fang Yuan said: "Shen Yue, I am already married and have a lively and lovely son. Therefore, I cannot agree to your request. Although I have heard your words just now, my heart has fluctuated, but my reason tells me that I can't do that. Do it. It's not fair to my wife and son, and it's not fair to you!"

Shen Yue's face was full of disappointment.Shen Yue said: "I don't want marriage, I just want a chance to love you." Fang Yuan said: "Being a lover has the pain of being a lover. When the initial passion passes, everything returns to normal. At that time, the pain will be more than Happy! Every woman who is a lover, at a certain stage, wants to have a child to maintain the relationship between the two people, and wants to turn from a third child to a legal couple, and I can't do all of these. Shen Yue, with the attitude of being responsible to you, I don't want to hurt you. Rather than suffering for both of you in the future, it's better to cut off the bud at the beginning and keep it in my heart forever!"

Fangyuan is rational.The danger in the officialdom made Fang Yuan even more afraid to take another step easily.Sometimes, step back to the vast sea and sky, and go further to the abyss.What's more, Fang Yuan didn't know Shen Yue well, and the two of them had a one-night stand at most, but it was also an incomplete one-night stand.Fang Yuan slept all night, not knowing that there was a woman sleeping next to her, until this morning, she didn't know that the female officer's name was Shen Yue.Having an emotional entanglement with a woman she doesn't understand, Fang Yuan doesn't want to do it, and she will definitely not do it.

Shen Yue bit her lip: "Fang Yuan, I don't want anything, can't I?" Fang Yuan said, "Impossible. Shen Yue, you are so beautiful and have a good job. I believe there will be many people chasing you around. I believe you will find true love and true happiness!" Shen Yue shook her head: "I admit that there are many people chasing me, but they are either too old or too ordinary! I always hope that my prince charming should be a An indomitable hero! But Fang Yuan, do you know how many female soldiers and officers in the army can hold their ground? Not to mention those art soldiers, to put it bluntly, many of them belong to the chief Playthings. Just like me, sometimes I will inevitably be harassed! I don’t want to do this, I really want to clean myself up, but how can I protect myself in this melting pot? Military orders are like mountains, and I can defy the orders of the chief ?"

Although Shen Yue said it very implicitly, Fang Yuan still understood a lot of meaning.It can be seen that Shen Yue has accompanied more than one chief executive before.Although it was not her wish, she still accompanied her.She is no longer an innocent woman!

Thinking of this level of meaning, Fang Yuan felt much less guilty.At this time, Fang Yuan saw Shen Yue's tears streaming down, pear blossoms with rain, very pitiful.A woman's tears are the best weapon to force a man to compromise.Fang Yuan's heart softened, she looked at Shen Yue, and said, "I understand the situation of a female soldier and a female officer in the army, as your friend, how can I help you?"

Shen Yue wiped away her tears, choked up and said: "If you give me a chance to love you, who will dare to harass me in the Dongzhou Security District in the future? If you are my boyfriend, no one will touch you again. me."

Fang Yuan said: "But I really can't be your boyfriend. I have a family, a wife, and a child, and I don't want to do anything to hurt my wife anymore." Shen Yue said: "You don't want to do it anymore, so you once I have done it. Fangyuan, since you have done it before, why not have one more?"

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