Director's growth history

3824.2499. Sometimes chapters don’t need to be explicit

Cold dishes, hot dishes, one to eat... everything, one piece, was brought up quickly, and it really looked pleasing to the eye and smelled delicious.Let's eat first, the two styles of small bowls and small cups make several people feel relish.Zhang Yuanqing has been standing there like a waiter.After Fangyuan noticed it, he said, "Yuanqing, sit down and eat first." Zhang Yuanqing said, "Thank you, Director."

Sun Yizhi was the first to eat two courses, and said repeatedly: "Not bad, not bad, the dinner arranged by Director Fang, even the food is different!" Fang Yuan said: "This is arranged by Director Zhang." Sun Yizhi said : "Zhang Chu, I asked the director of my family's office to learn from you." Zhang Yuanqing said: "Director Sun, I really don't have any experience to learn from. If I have the opportunity to meet with the director of the office of your bureau, I think it's better to learn from you." I asked him to teach him more."

Sun Yizhi said: "He has some experience and has worked for several years. However, he has never arranged such an elegant place." Sun Yizhi said this, and he knew in his heart that the restaurants designated by the Finance Bureau were all him. Sun Yizhi delineated it, just like Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School delineated the Jingu Hotel. It was Ruan Shaoxiu's intention to figure out Fangyuan and arranged the definite point in Jingu.Not just any restaurant, you can go to.In districts and counties, the requirements are often more strict and detailed. Many district and county administrative bureaus require designated restaurants to pay taxes in the local county. Restaurants that pay taxes in other places or self-run restaurants in villages that usually do not pay taxes cannot be designated as designated restaurants. .

Fangyuan looked at Qian Kaidao and Jin Huanshui: "Director Qian, Director Jin, can we start?" Qian Kaidao said: "Okay, okay!" Jin Huanshui said: "Director Fang, you really spent too much money this time. "

Zhang Yuanqing stood up, poured wine in the order of Qian Kaidao (the guest of honor), Jin Huanshui (the second guest), Fang Yuan (the host) and Sun Yizhi (the assistant), and then filled a glass for himself.The cup is a small cup specially made by Wuliangye, only about half a cup, which is very suitable for a sip of a glass of wine.

Fang Yuan said: "This is the first glass of wine, I would like to toast to thank you! Thank you Director Qian, Director Jin, and Director Sun for being able to give Xiao Fang this face in the midst of their busy schedules, and to come to our small gathering of friends. I know The bureau chiefs have a lot of work every day, Xiaofang is very grateful for being able to come! Thank you!"

Fang Yuan left his seat and toasted one by one.Zhang Yuanqing said: "All directors, I will toast with Director Fang. How much our director drinks, I will drink with him!"

This is the awareness of the office director.Zhang Yuanqing also left his seat and toasted one by one.

Fang Yuan said: "I will do it first as a respect." Wuliangye is indeed a good wine.Fang Yuan suddenly blurted out: "I remember that every time I drank with Wan Daquan, the political commissar of the former security area, he liked to drink this Wuliangye." Qian Kaidao said, "Political commissar Wan is a chief who drinks very refreshingly. I don't know where he is now. Already?" Fang Yuan said: "In Quzhou, the chief of staff of the First Group Army! He is a real soldier. When the Wenchuan earthquake happened, he led a battalion and parachuted directly to Yingxiu Town, where the disaster was very serious. The function is to directly report the disaster situation to the earthquake relief headquarters and the Central Military Commission." Sun Yizhi said: "I admire Political Commissar Wan very much. A real soldier should look like a man, don't f*ck like a girl! Some I can't understand what people do. I don't know whether it's good or bad, regardless of smell!"

Everyone heard that there was something in Sun Yizhi's words, but only Fang Yuan probably knew that Sun Yizhi was mocking Feng Yan.Sun Yizhi is really a fine person!The conflict between himself and Feng Yan should not be known by a few people. Now that Sun Yizhi has made it clear that he is on the side of Fangyuan, where did he get the information?

Jin Huanshui said: "Director Sun, I don't even understand what you're saying!" Sun Yizhi said: "Oh, I can't speak, it's still uncomfortable holding it in my stomach! Director Jin, I'm really sorry, how much do you understand? Just understand as much as you can!"

Qian Kaidao said: "Director Sun's words are like a philosophy book. Those who like philosophy must understand clearly; those who don't like philosophy, or those who are not interested in philosophy may not understand it." Jin Huanshui said : "So Director Qian understands?" Qian Kaidao said: "I haven't studied this topic, so I don't understand it. But I believe Director Fang can understand it!"

Fang Yuan laughed loudly: "Director Sun, I accept this favor. After a while, I will toast you alone!" Sun Yizhi said: "Director Fang, I should toast you! I owe a big favor!"

Jin Huanshui said: "Well, Lao Qian and I have become light bulbs. You two are playing charades. Is it uncomfortable?" Sun Yizhi said: "There are some things that are really f*cking hard to say! Because it involves personal* *, so only the person concerned will know." Jin Huanshui's expression changed slightly.Qian Kaidao said, "Old Jin, isn't it a good thing for us to listen to stories here?"

Zhang Yuanqing quickly changed the topic: "Leaders, I don't know if the dishes I ordered are to the taste of the leaders? If not, I will order again." Qian Kaidao said: "Not bad. In the last month, this should be the most delicious dish. It was a unique and most appetizing dinner. The people are nice and the food is good, I like it!" Zhang Yuanqing said, "Thank you."

Zhang Yuanqing got up again and poured wine for the four bureau chiefs.Fang Yuan said: "Director Qian, Director Jin, I am young, and sometimes I can't grasp the severity and proportion of what I say. If there is something that is not done well, or what is said badly, please bear with me! The two bureau chiefs came here because I hope to make them my good friends! In this world, it’s easier to travel if you have more friends. I don’t know if the two bureau chiefs will give in and agree with me as a little brother?"

Qian Kaidao said: "I have long wanted to be good friends with Director Fang, especially the kind of friends like Director Fang and Director Sun who don't need to talk through each other, but have a good understanding. I came today with this purpose in mind. Director Fang proposed it, which coincides with my thoughts!"

Seeing Qian Kaidao's enthusiasm and enthusiasm, Jin Huanshui thought of Fangyuan's various anecdotes and rumors, and thought of Fangyuan's huge energy. The minister, the secretary of the Provincial Disciplinary Committee, and the vice-governor in charge of education fooled into the strongman of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.

Jin Huanshui said: "Thank you Director Fang for looking up to Lao Jin. It's so late to meet a young talent like Director Fang!"

Sun Yizhi said: "This is really great! There was a Gang of Four in the past, how about we form a Gang of Four?"

Qian Kaidao said: "Old Sun, the Gang of Four is synonymous with bad guys, but we are all very good people! There is a female f4 in Taiwan, how about we organize Dongzhou super cool boy f4?"

Sun Yizhi said: "Okay, okay!" Jin Huanshui is introverted, and he is not used to the performance of Qian Kaidao and Sun Yizhi, who are extroverted.Are they a little too obsequious?You have to have some dignity, some personality, right?

Fang Yuan said: "For the second glass of wine, let's have a friend's wine and a brother's wine together, okay?" Qian Kaidao said: "Okay, what a glass of brother's wine, I want to drink this wine!"

Jin Huanshui feels like being kidnapped!But facing the enthusiasm of Fangyuan, Sun Yizhi, and Qian Kaidao, Jin Huanshui could only forcefully smile and drink the cup with everyone.

Sun Yizhi actively grasped the implementation, saying: "It is better to collide with the opportunity than to choose the opportunity. After drinking brother wine, we are brothers! I am the oldest and I am the eldest brother; Lao Qian is the second in age and is the second brother; Lao Jin is the third in age and is the younger brother." Fang's third brother; Fang Yuan is the youngest, our little four, okay?"

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "It's an honor for me. It's a great honor to meet the three elder brothers. Fortunately, I'm the fourth son, not the third." Sun Yizhi said, "Lao Jin is your third brother, and it's me and Lao Qian. Little Saner." Jin Huanshui said, "Ju Sun, what you said is too harsh, isn't it?"

Qian Kaidao said: "Old San. This name is better, anyone can call it! Let me emphasize one point, let's not talk about it when we get out of this door! When we meet in private, we will recognize this relative. Okay?" Sun Yizhi said: "Okay, it should be like this!" Jin Huanshui said: "Old Qian is right! Establishing a closer and more friendly relationship between us is conducive to the smooth and smooth work of finance and taxation, and beneficial to all parties. The normal development of this work and mutual support. But in public, it really can't be too high-profile!"

Fang Yuan said: "I agree with what the third brother said. Come on, Yuan Qing, fill up the wine for everyone. As the younger brother, I would like to offer a glass of wine to the eldest brother, the second brother, and the third brother, and thank the three brothers for taking me in and recognizing me as a little brother. If you need me in the future, just ask. I will do my best to the best of my ability! Thank you!"

Throughout the night, Fang Yuan didn't mention Sun Zihao's trouble and how Sun Yizhi settled it completely; throughout the night, Fang Yuan also didn't mention Chunxiao's company being audited and fined by the National Taxation Bureau and the Local Taxation Bureau in the latest stage.Fangyuan only talks about friendship, family relationship, and mutual support and help in the future.

Zhang Yuanqing didn't hear any real content, only felt that Fang Yuan's energy of turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain was too powerful!The Director of the Finance Bureau, the Director of the National Taxation Bureau, and the Director of the Local Taxation Bureau, the three powerful figures in Dongzhou, are all proud of being Fang Yuan's elder brother in front of Fang Yuan.Of course, being an older brother is not for nothing. Qian Kaidao promised that the IRS Cadre Training Center will be able to undertake related celebration activities of the Education Bureau and some important teacher training in the future. The venue fee is free, and only normal catering and service fees will be charged .On the other hand, Jin Huanshui promised that he would like to carry out the activity of subsidizing extremely poor students among the cadres of the local taxation bureau. The cadres and workers of the local taxation bureau of the city will, on a voluntary basis, help those elementary and middle school students who have the most difficult family life in the education bureau.At the same time, Jin Huanshui said that if the Education Bureau needs it, the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau will publicize the tax law on campus and in classrooms, cultivate students' awareness of paying taxes according to law from an early age, and guide teachers to correctly understand the importance of personal income tax.

Qian Kaidao's approach is to give peaches; Jin Huanshui's approach is to give peaches along with some private goods.

Sun Yizhi's promise seemed to be there but nothing: as long as the Education Bureau is in charge of Fangyuan's work, the money allocated to education by the city's finances every year will never be in arrears, and all will be allocated in time!This has never been done by the Finance Bureau since the Education Bureau was established.Education is a big spender, accounting for about 20% of all fiscal expenditures each year.In the past, in order to support the construction of large projects and economic development, the Finance Bureau first thought of temporarily embezzling or delaying the allocation of money, which is education money!In addition to guaranteeing teachers' salaries, the remaining money can be delayed as long as it can.Today, what opened Zhang Yuanqing's eyes was: Sun Yizhi made an unprecedented promise.If it can be done, then the development of education can be backed by stronger financial resources.

Even Zhang Yuanqing hoped that Fang Yuan could continue to be the Director of the Education Bureau.

Fangyuan also made a promise: as long as he is still working in the Education Bureau, he will do his best to arrange for the children of cadres and employees of the Finance Bureau, the National Taxation Bureau, and the Local Taxation Bureau to go to school properly, and give priority to the personal relationships of Sun Yizhi, Qian Kaidao, and Jin Huanshui. arrange.

It is said that education should be fair and that everyone has equal educational opportunities, but in reality, how is it possible?Powerful departments such as the Bureau of Finance, the National Taxation Bureau, and the Local Taxation Bureau can easily become the priority recipients of educational opportunities.

Five people finally drank 6 bottles of Wuliangye.How the bill was settled, Fang Yuan didn't know.What Fangyuan knew was that tonight, Sun Yizhi and Qian Kaidao were very happy, while Jin Huanshui was a little reserved at the beginning, but he was also very happy in the end.He didn't say anything extra, but Fang Yuan believed that Qian Kaidao knew it well, and Jin Huanshui knew it too!Whether Chunxiao Company will be investigated in the future depends on Qian Kaidao and Jin Huanshui.Of course, sometimes there will be city leaders directing the State Taxation Bureau and the Local Taxation Bureau to do something, but the State Taxation Bureau and the Local Taxation Bureau are vertically managed and directly under the provincial management, and the city only has the right to coordinate and provide services.Whether it is personnel power or financial power, they all belong directly to the Provincial State Taxation Bureau and the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau. Even if they don't obey the command, the city will not have any good solutions.Unless the mayor has a good relationship with the top leaders of the Provincial State Taxation Bureau and the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau.

Perhaps the National Taxation Bureau and the Local Taxation Bureau may make up for the taxes that Chunxiao Company was fined by reducing the tax in the future.Whether the money will come back or not is not important anymore; one thing is for sure, that is: I am afraid that tax inspections will be very standardized in the future.

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