Director's growth history

3840.2515. Three slaps to Ming Yuyun

Few people in the Education Bureau knew that Fangyuan was fighting openly and covertly with Ming Yuyun, Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee, in the provincial capital.The quarrel between Fangyuan and Ming Yuyun began when Yu Sizhuang, director of the health bureau, was placed under double supervision, and Yu Sizhuang's wife was arrested.In Yu Sizhuang's wife's medical equipment company, there is Ming Yuyun's dry stock.Of course, this is a very secret matter, and few people outside know about it.The imprisonment of Yu Sizhuang's family means that Ming Yuyun loses millions of gray income a year.Fangyuan cut off Ming Yuyun's fortune, how could he prevent Ming Yuyun from hating him to the bone?For Ming Yuyun, among all other income from wages, medical device sales are the safest, most legal, and least worrying income. But now, this big income is gone, and he usually earns a little by playing mahjong with his comrades below. Thirty-five thousand, receiving red envelopes to earn money, the key is not the quantity, but the key is not being practical.Speaking of which, although the procuratorate and the Commission for Discipline Inspection now often do not investigate a cadre above the department level just because they receive a red envelope of 5000 or [-] yuan, strictly according to the "Anti-Corruption Law", [-] yuan can be sued for corruption.This red line always makes many cadres a little nervous when accepting bribes.Ming Yuyun wasn't very courageous, and he didn't earn much, because Yu Sizhuang's accident cut off his fortune, and at home, he was often nagged by his wife.The source of wealth is gone, and his wife's nagging made Ming Yuyun know that Fangyuan seems to have a strong background, but he always wants to clean up Fangyuan for no reason, and wants to make Fangyuan suffer bad luck.Recently, the relationship between Ming Yuyun and Wang Guodong has also become delicate. Ming Yuyun didn't look for reasons from himself, and didn't want to get close to the mayor. This is something that any secretary of the municipal party committee will absolutely not tolerate to the big housekeeper, but blames all of this It reached Fangyuan's head.Disharmony between the face and the heart, the discord between the light and the dark, is the portrayal of the current relationship between Ming Yuyun and Fangyuan.

Today, Ming Yuyun's coming to Dongzhou Experimental Middle School was indeed a word from Wang Guodong.But Ming Yuyun has already made up his mind, the general direction is still to ensure the success of tomorrow's listing, but it is still possible to find out Fangyuan's faults, pick on Fangyuan's thorns, and take the opportunity to humiliate Fangyuan.After calling Fangyuan, Ming Yuyun's mouth showed a sinister smile!

Ming Yuyun is here.The car was at the gate of the experimental middle school, honking its horn.The security guard came out and said, "Hello, what are you doing?" The driver rolled down the window and said impatiently, "The Secretary-General's car, open the door quickly!" The security guard said, "What's the matter? Foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter casually." The driver said: "You are impatient! This is the car of the municipal party committee, please look at the license plate number!" The security guard said: "Whoever owns the car, you cannot enter without the consent of the school leaders! "

Ming Yuyun's nose almost crooked from anger.He rolled down the car window and said, "Ask Fang Yuan to come down and talk to me." The security guard said, "Good leader, please wait a moment."

The security guard ran back to the duty room and called Yu Yu, the deputy director of the office: "Director Yu, there is a car below with a municipal party committee license plate. The person in the car asked Principal Fang to come down and talk to him." Yu Yu said, "Got it. "

Yu Yu hurriedly found Fang Yuan who was working on his research: "Principal, a car from the municipal committee is parked at the door." Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Secretary Sun, colleagues, Secretary-General Ming of the municipal committee is here, let's go and greet him together."

Everyone stopped what they were doing, followed Fang Yuan, and went downstairs.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun, you are in the front." Sun Hongjun was a little timid: "You should be in the front." Fang Yuan said: "I am the deputy director. Director Xinwen has returned to work." Sun Hongjun had no choice but to bite the bullet and leave at the forefront.Speaking of it, Sun Hongjun is also a good official, but he is a little timid.In other words, it is not enough courage.

From a distance, I saw a car with a municipal party committee license plate parked outside the school gate.For some reason, when the driver in the car saw Sun Hongjun and his party, he honked the horn for a long time.Fang Yuan smiled: "Secretary, the quality of this driver is really bad. The students are in class, and they are not afraid that the sound of the horn will affect the students' class." Sun Hongjun smiled wryly: "Who made him the driver of the Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee!" Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee, Minister Bei, Secretary Mao, Minister Tian, ​​and Governor Qu came here, and I have never seen such a driver!" Wang Xingbang said: "The higher the official, the closer to the people; , the bigger the air!" Song Ping was speechless: Wang Xingbang is too courageous!

When he came to the car, Sun Hongjun took a few quick steps and opened the back door of the car: "Secretary-General Ming, I'm really sorry. Just now we were all studying the preparations for tomorrow's listing. We came down late, please criticize the Secretary-General !" Ming Yuyun smoothed his hair with his hands, and said: "Comrade Red Army, are you trying to shut me up on purpose?" Sun Hongjun said: "Where is there, how can there be? It is indeed research work! Knowing that you came, But I don’t know when you will come. We originally wanted to wait below, but we don’t know when we will wait, so we will study the work first.” Ming Yuyun got out of the car, and Fang Yuan smiled and said, “Hi Secretary-General! Welcome Secretary-General Inspecting Dongzhou Experimental Middle School!" Ming Yuyun said with a smile on his face, "Xiao Fang, your security guards even dare to block my car, you are so courageous! Do you think you should criticize or praise?"

Fang Yuan said: "We must praise him! And give him a bonus!"

Ming Yuyun's face changed drastically: "You..." Fang Yuan said: "The secretary-general often teaches us that everyone must strictly abide by work rules and regulations, and abide by national laws and regulations. The secretary-general has always been our role model and example! This The security guard is responsible for protecting the safety of teachers and students in the school. He has an important duty, that is, when outsiders enter the school, he needs to ask and register them. Without permission, he has no right to let people in. Otherwise, accidental injuries will occur in the school , can he bear this responsibility?"

Ming Yuyun said: " are quite right." Ming Yuyun was very angry when Fang Yuan slapped her face, but she couldn't explain it. In 2008, incidents of physical injuries to kindergarten students and students occurred continuously in many places across the country. In an experimental kindergarten in a county-level city, an old petitioner ran in, took a knife, and hacked to death more than 20 children and two kindergarten teachers. The reason It turned out to be: Since the government did not resolve his petitioning issue, the children in the experimental kindergarten are all officials’ children anyway, so they cut off one to earn money, and cut two to earn one, so that these officials can also know the feeling of heartache.Not to mention whether his appeal is justified, whether there is a legal and policy basis, it is illegal and criminal for him to kill children in kindergartens alone!What is the child's fault?Even if his petition is justified, what does it have to do with these children, and what does it have to do with the parents of these children?What's more, according to the investigation, his petition was unreasonable.Of course, after this incident happened, the central government and the State Council attached great importance to it, and began to require schools and kindergartens across the country to be equipped with security guards.Ming Yuyun understood the cause and effect of this incident.That is, in 2008, the school's security guards began to be fully equipped.At the same time, all schools have strictly controlled the entry of foreigners into the school.It should be said that the order of the school has been effectively maintained, and the number of injury incidents in the school is much less than before.It cannot be said to be eradicated, but for several years, it has only happened once in the whole country, and it has never happened in Dongzhou.

Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Thank you for the Secretary-General's affirmation. You, come here!" The security guard came over: "Principal, I..." Fang Yuan said, "Don't be afraid! This big leader is the Secretary-General of the Dongzhou Municipal Committee! He Just now I fully affirmed that your approach is very correct. In the future, when foreign personnel come to the school, firstly, they must ask clearly what they are doing, and secondly, they must strictly register their names, ID numbers, mobile phones, etc. in accordance with the regulations. This time you have done a good job , Yu Yu, reward this comrade with 500 yuan at the end of the month!"

Yu Yu said: "I've made a note, principal!" Fang Yuan patted the security guard on the shoulder and said, "Go to work! We will strictly check any outsiders in the future!" The security guard stood at attention happily and saluted Fang Yuan: "Yes, Principal!"

Ming Yuyun really wanted to kick Fangyuan with his feet!Not only did he not criticize the security guard, but he also rewarded the security guard with 500 yuan!This is almost equivalent to slapping Ming Yuyun again!

But things didn't end there.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary-General, just now I have praised the security guard and rewarded the security guard according to your request! Now I want to ask the Secretary-General a question." Ming Yuyun held back his breath and said as calmly as possible: "Go ahead. "Fang Yuan said: "Now is the time for the students of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. In order to let the students have a good class, there are very few vehicles passing by here. At the same time, Dongzhou is a large and medium-sized city. The prohibition of honking the horn in urban areas is the request of the traffic police. Secretary-General, your driver kept honking the horn in front of you. Just now when Secretary Sun led us downstairs, he honked the horn for a long time. There was no other sound in the entire campus, only I can hear the sound of your driver honking the horn! Secretary-General, your driver’s behavior of ignoring the students in class and clearly violating traffic regulations, should you praise or criticize?”

This did not hesitate to give Ming Yuyun another resounding slap in the face, which made Ming Yuyun dizzy!

Wang Xingbang couldn't help worrying about Fangyuan; Song Ping could only feel that his trousers were already wet; Yu Yalun, Huang Jiawei, Ruan Shaoxiu, etc. were also worried, fearing that Ming Yuyun would explode on the spot.

Sun Hongjun also felt that Fang Yuan had gone too far. He was about to smooth things over, but seeing that Ming Yuyun could no longer restrain his anger, he snorted, turned around and got into the car, and said loudly to the driver, "Go! Go now!"

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