Director's growth history

3845.2520. Politics is very complicated

At this moment, Song Yunsheng regretted that he shouldn't have spent so much energy last night.Alas, this little rascal is really good at coming up with new tricks, so that this old man who often "Microsoft" has such a strong sexual impulse.No wonder so many people like to take care of actresses. Although they know that most of these actresses have been ridden by thousands of people, they still enjoy it. They are not afraid that the actress is not clean or pure. The main reason for this is probably the geisha. It's a geisha, who is both cultured and beautiful, as well as the first-class skills and tricks to serve men!I heard that a world-class female movie star surnamed Zhang, although she is nearly forty, still pays no less than one million for an appearance to sleep with her, and officials and businessmen who seek to sleep with Zhang XX are still waiting in line.Think about Zhang, and then contact Sun, the world is as black as crows, probably for this reason.

Song Yunsheng said: "Old Deng, don't worry. If we can't see the situation clearly, don't move. Not moving is good, but if you move, you may be wrong, and the gain is not worth the loss." Deng Yuncong said: "Mayor, actually..." Song Yunsheng waved his hand.Chang Youqiang said: "Mayor Deng, actually what the mayor said is very reasonable, we listen to the mayor."

At 9 o'clock, according to the deployment of the municipal party committee yesterday, the municipal party committee members Wang Guodong, Song Yunsheng, Dou Shengzhong, Deng Yuncong, Feng Yan, Ming Yuyun and deputy mayor Ma Lianghe greeted him at the airport.The municipal party committee dispatched two Coaster minibuses, plus three Hongqi luxury long-wheelbase sedans dedicated to reception.Wang Chuyin is responsible for the security work along the way and the dredging of the road.When the municipal party committee had been busy all night, and Song Yunsheng had been busy all night, last night, Wang Chuyin also worked hard all night and stayed up all night.Deploying police forces for security, deploying traffic police to guard the route, and was temporarily arranged to investigate the posting incident.As for Ming Yuyun suddenly becoming a celebrity, Wang Chuyin judged from his tone that it should have nothing to do with Fang Yuan.Moreover, all the evidence that Wang Chuyin reported to the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee tended to show that it had nothing to do with Fangyuan.But Wang Chuyin is still silently observing whether Ming Yuyun will be dismissed because of this incident.There are three fulcrums for Wang Chuyin to judge this incident: What is Wang Guodong's attitude?What is Fang Yuan's attitude?What's in it for me?As for Ming Yuyun, it would be too easy to get him to step down.When Wang Chuyin interrogated Yu Sizhuang and his wife, he already knew about Ming Yuyun's share of Haili.Wang Chuyin knew why Ming Yuyun had always had opinions on Fang Yuan, and even made minor stumbling blocks; why Fang Yuan "incited" Ming Yuyun to slap Ming Yuyun three times yesterday, Wang Chuyin also sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight.Now small fights, both sides can control the scope and intensity of their own.If it really came to the most critical moment, if he could not produce evidence of Ming Yuyun's involvement in corruption and bribery, it would be the last straw that crushed Ming Yuyun.At that time, Fang Yuan's gratitude to him will be unparalleled.If the evidence is presented now, I still don't know what kind of attitude Wang Guodong will have.After all, Ming Yuyun was recommended by Wang Guodong for promotion. If Ming Yuyun fell, it would be bad for Wang Guodong.And Wang Chuyin also knew that he was now branded as Wang Guodong, and he was a member of Wang Guodong.Moreover, his own future and fate, to a large extent, depended on Wang Guodong.Of course, the radius is another key fulcrum.In the current situation, it is the best choice to stay as still as a mountain. An attack at a critical moment cannot cripple the opponent but kill it, so that the opponent will have no chance to retaliate and counterattack.

The convoy of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee is not large, with a total of 5 vehicles, but there are still two police cars guarding it one behind the other.Wang Chuyin was sitting in a car that opened the way ahead.Wang Chuyin looked back and felt emotional in his heart: If he could go up to a higher level, whether he is the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee or the deputy mayor, I am afraid that he would not have to take this police car, but would take the Coster minibus with him.Gao Shengqiang was a stumbling block if he wanted to be the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee; although there was a vacant position for the deputy mayor, Song Yunsheng definitely opposed it 500%.The distance is obviously close at hand, but it seems far away when it is actually operated.Wang Chuyin sighed and looked at the side of the road. Every [-] meters or so, at every intersection, there were traffic police and some security police.Not bad, my prestige in the Public Security Bureau is now at the height of the sky, and every detachment, and all district and county public security sub-bureaus will resolutely implement it.Thinking of this, Wang Chuyin couldn't help smiling: the seeds planted after ten years of hard work are now sprouting and growing.In this position, who can touch half of his hair?

From the Municipal Party Committee Building to the International Airport, the distance is only 40 kilometers.Soon, Wang Guodong's small convoy arrived at the airport.The general manager of the airport, Qiao Weiliang, to the heads of the main departments, all rushed over to welcome Wang Guodong, Song Yunsheng and his party.In addition to welcoming the city leaders into the VIP hall, several cars all drove into the airport through a dedicated channel and waited at a specific location.The airport management company is one of the few state-owned enterprises in Dongzhou City, a city where 99% of private enterprises are privately owned. people.If you don't perform well, you may be dismissed by Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng at any time.Whoever owns the official hat has great authority. How could the person in charge of the airport not know?

The general manager of the airport, Qiao Weiliang, reported the contact with Hangjiang, and told Wang Guodong that when the plane of the provincial party committee leader arrived, the airport would report to the city leaders as soon as possible, and asked the city leaders to rest here.After the plane has landed and stopped, the city leaders are invited to greet it.In the VIP room, exquisite snacks and bright fruits let the leaders see the seriousness and responsibility of the airport.Several of the most beautiful stewardesses or beauties on the ground, dressed in uniforms and skirts at the airport, served and poured water for the city leaders.

I don't know why, when Song Yunsheng saw these young and beautiful beauties in uniform, he thought of Sun Meili again, and felt sexual impulse again.It's just that there is still more than enough heart but not enough energy, and the desire in my heart is very strong, and that place remains motionless.The feeling of tiredness came and went again and again, making Song Yunsheng feel a little bit unable to open his eyes.

Wang Guodong also only slept for more than 4 hours last night, and he was also very tired.Seeing Song Yunsheng's listless appearance, Wang Guodong said: "The mayor worked hard last night! How about going to rest first?"

Song Yunsheng was startled suddenly, did Wang Guodong know about his profligacy last night?What he said seemed to mean something!Song Yunsheng cheered up: "It's not that the secretary is ignorant of our work. There are endless official documents and endless work." Wang Guodong said: "Today, the mayor's complexion is surprisingly bad, and he looks like he is overworked. Let's rest first. After a while, Minister Tian and Political Commissar Sheng will arrive, and I will ask the airport to call you. The mayor is indispensable for the welcome part."

Wang Guodong really cared about Song Yunsheng, but Song Yunsheng didn't think so.Song Yunsheng said: "I'm a little tired, but I can still hold on. Just take a nap here!"

Wang Chuyin is an old policeman with rich experience in criminal investigation.Seeing Song Yunsheng's appearance, he knew it was excessive indulgence.His face was so gray, he didn't know what program Ding Xiaohua arranged for last night, and Lao Song was so tired that he couldn't hold on anymore.In the past few days, Sun Meili has been filming commercials in the Nas Group. Could it be that she dedicated Sun Meili to Song Yunsheng?

Perhaps not only Wang Chuyin saw it, many people saw it, but no one would say it.In the officialdom, in many cases, this is what is needed.What should be said and what should not be said must be well known.Wang Chuyin thought about herself. Ever since she became the chief of the public security bureau, she basically had nothing to do with women.The daily work is very heavy, and there are so many things to deal with every day.When he was a deputy, although he basically had the final say, he didn't have to bear so many responsibilities; when he was a leader, the responsibility for public security in Dongzhou was largely on his shoulders.In this era centered on economic development, in the city where the private economy occupies the absolute pillar in Dongzhou, it is simply a dream to completely eliminate the underworld organization, the thieves that you want to fight, the robbery does not exist, and the murder case is zero. !On the one hand, it is necessary to maintain social order and stability, and on the other hand, it is necessary to maintain overall control over the situation. This requires maintaining a dynamic balance with criminal gangs and criminals, and controlling their living space to the extent that they can barely survive. It is very difficult to control them within their small range, not to cause trouble in society, and to make ordinary citizens and ordinary people live a more stable and stable life.With such a great pressure, can Wang Chuyin not be tired?Some people know they should be shot, but can they do it?Just like Yan Song, who is now a star real estate entrepreneur and a representative of the Municipal People's Congress, Wang Chuyin thought to himself that even if he had enough evidence, he would not be able to move Yan Song for the time being.Why?When Secretary Cui was in power, Yan Song's rich real estate had already received attention.Secretary Cui attaches great importance to the renovation of the old city. This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. Allowing citizens living in shantytowns and tube buildings to live in spacious and bright new buildings will not only improve people's livelihood, but also change the appearance of Dongzhou city.However, there are always some residents of shanty towns asking for a lot of money, living in an old house of 20 square meters, and asking for a new house of 120 square meters. They don’t get a penny, but they want to use the old city renovation to take advantage of the government and make a windfall.In actual work, it is difficult to promote such old city transformation.More than 90% of the residents hope to demolish and move back as soon as possible.But often it is the 10% or so so-called nail households who want to ruthlessly kill the government, hindering more than 90% of other residents from moving back.In many cities across the country, there are demolition households who cannot move back for 20 years or [-] years. Many of the demolished households who rent houses outside have a strong desire to kill these nail-biting households. Many demolished households suffer. I had to die, and I didn't look forward to moving back and forth.In fact, the responsibility does not lie with the government or the developers, but with these nail accounts who are asking for sky-high prices.During Cui Liang's administration, the reconstruction of the old city in Dongzhou went relatively smoothly, thanks to Yan Song and his rich real estate.What the government cannot, is difficult to do, and cannot do, Yan Song can do.As the saying goes, chickens don't pee, each has its own way.Yan Song's "way" is to use Yan Song's method to let these nail households leave honestly and sign a demolition agreement strictly in accordance with the "Regulations on Demolition and Relocation of the State Council".Wanting to kill the government and the developers is simply not feasible in Yan Song's place.In a situation like this, it is difficult to judge who is right and who is wrong, but it is precisely because Yan Song has made great efforts to renovate the old city of Dongzhou that Cui Liang strongly recommends Yan Song as a representative of the Municipal People's Congress.Similarly, Yan Song also made a fortune during the renovation of the old city and became the most influential real estate developer in Dongzhou.

There are also some people who want to do it easily, but it is also very complicated.For example, like Miao Dongshun, although he has certain strength, he has little connection with the government.The government needs people like Yan Song to do some difficult things, but Miao Dongshun is purely his own business.Miao Dongshun also committed many crimes. He bullied the market at the train station, smuggled foreign wine, and had pornography, gambling and drugs in the nightclub. Wang Chuyin was also quite aware of it.It's just that Miao Dongshun and Fang Yuan are life and death friends, so this is more troublesome.Of course, Miao Dongshun is still very sensible. He respects his money and has never broken it. Such a person cannot be arrested for the time being.

When Wang Chuyin was thinking about some things, he suddenly heard Ming Yuyun, the secretary-general of the municipal party committee, ask: "Mr. Qiao, which company is today's pastry?" Qiao Weiliang didn't think about it, and said, "It's Chunxiao Pastry. Secretary-General, this Isn’t the pastry bad?” Ming Yuyun smiled and said, “Dongzhou Airport is a big customer! It’s not easy for Chunxiao Pastry to capture Dongzhou Airport, a big customer!”

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