Director's growth history

3847.2522, the different styles of the 3 provincial leaders

The convoy to meet the provincial leaders went unimpeded all the way.It was the first time for Wang Chuyin to undertake such a major task of overall coordination and command. The pressure was not small, but also a kind of pride: overall command and overall dispatch, this is power, this is responsibility, and it is also a kind of honor in the public security system.The motorcade successfully stopped at the front hall of the Municipal Party Committee Hotel. Municipal Party Committee leaders such as Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng accompanied the provincial leaders Tian Guohua, Sheng Jianbo and Qu Bitong to get off.Shi Mingxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, led other members of the Standing Committee, several deputy directors of the National People's Congress, deputy mayor, and vice chairman of the CPPCC in Ou to wait here.

Seeing Tian Guohua, Shi Mingxiang stepped forward: "Minister Tian, ​​Political Commissar Sheng, Governor Qu, leaders, welcome! Thank you!" Tian Guohua held Shi Mingxiang's hand tightly: "Comrade Mingxiang, comrades It's so kind." Shi Mingxiang said: "In fact, everyone feels the same, and they all want to go to the airport to meet them." Tian Guohua said: "It's not good to put down the work in hand and go to the airport to meet them. This is very good. That's great!"

In the VIP room of the Municipal Party Committee Hotel, provincial and municipal leaders sat on both sides.Tian Guohua said with emotion: "It's been a long time since I came to Dongzhou. Because I've come all the way, I can see the changes in Dongzhou!"

Wang Guodong said: "Thank you Minister Tian for your affirmation of Dongzhou's work." Tian Guohua said: "Dongzhou is a city with a long history of culture and history. Oudi has a history of 5000 years! From the Neolithic Age, to the settlement of the descendants of King Yue, to the establishment of counties County, this rich history has cultivated Dongzhou people's excellent character of self-improvement, hard work and hard work. Reform and opening up, Dongzhou people are at the forefront of the country and the whole province. It is the development and prosperity of this excellent character. Dongzhou People can endure hardship, start a business, and become rich through hard work, forming the unique spiritual outlook of Dongzhou in the new era. People all over the country know Dongzhou. First, there are many people in Dongzhou who get rich first. China, the whole world. Dongzhou is a city that can be written about. What is the spirit of Dongzhou? It is really necessary to refine, excavate, sublimate and promote. Comrade Guodong, Comrade Yunsheng, Sheng Comrade Zhong, this is my personal suggestion!"

What a Tian Guohua who showed leadership art and leadership level.Praising Dongzhou, and then putting forward work suggestions from the perspective of spiritual civilization and party committee propaganda, not only shortened the spiritual distance, but also told everyone in a proper and proper way: he is the leader of the provincial party committee and the biggest official here.

Wang Guodong said: "I am very grateful to Minister Tian for his full affirmation of Dongzhou City and the people of Dongzhou. The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department will earnestly study and understand Minister Tian's instructions and work suggestions, and extract suitable Dongzhou City. The spirit of the state, unite the people of Dongzhou to reform and open up better, and work hard to get rich."

Tian Guohua nodded in satisfaction and looked at Sheng Jianbo.This is a courtesy, but also a must.Sheng Jianbo is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, even half a point higher than Tian Guohua in rank, and has a certain detachment.

Sheng Jianbo said: "When I came to Dongzhou, I firstly participated in the listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, secondly, went to the Dongzhou Garrison District and the troops stationed in Dongzhou to learn about the dynamics at the grassroots level, and thirdly, participated in the Dongzhou Education Thanks to Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee for the warm reception, after attending the listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School in the afternoon, I will go directly to the garrison.”

Wang Guodong said: "Commissioner Sheng, the Dongzhou Municipal Committee will have a welcome banquet tonight, please attend." Sheng Jianbo said: "Thank you, Secretary Guodong. I think it's not easy for me to come to Dongzhou once. It is more appropriate to chat with comrades."

Sheng Jianbo's refusal surprised Wang Guodong.Wang Guodong looked at Feng Yan, but Feng Yan dared not answer.Wang Guodong said: "Is it because our reception work is not done well? If so, please criticize and correct me, Sheng Jianbo, and we will correct it immediately." Sheng Jianbo said with a smile: "Secretary Guodong, don't think too much. I am a member of the army. You can’t just participate in local activities. I think everyone knows the reason for participating in the listing ceremony of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. Without Xiaofang as the principal of this school, I would not come. I come to Dongzhou only For two days, talk to the comrades in the army about work and heart-to-heart, which is also my job."

Tian Guohua said: "I also participated in the military-civilian joint construction activities between the Dongzhou Garrison District and the Dongzhou Education Bureau. I participated as the leader of the National Defense Education Mobilization Leading Group in Qingjiang Province. National defense education is in the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, in the The Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee has an independent department, which is also an important function of the Propaganda Department. I wonder if the Sheng Construction Committee approves it?"

Sheng Jianbo already knew that Tian Guohua wanted to participate in Hangjiang. This was a gesture of goodwill, and Sheng Jianbo had no reason to refuse.Sheng Jianbo said: "Minister Tian is welcome to attend."

Wang Guodong felt helpless in his heart.The itinerary prepared by the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee for Tian Guohua was all cancelled.What does this mean?It shows that Dou Shengzhong did not do his work meticulously and did not know what Tian Guohua wanted to do in advance.Dou Shengzhong was not such a person before, why did he make so many mistakes this time?Does he have other ideas too?

Tian Guohua said: "Governor Qu has come to Dongzhou three times in the past year." Qu Bitong said: "Yes! Every time I come, the impression I have on Dongzhou is better. Ordinarily, a local middle school organizes a I really don’t have to come to the listing ceremony, but why did I come for the fourth time? My reason is the same as that of Political Commissar Sheng, because of Principal Xiaofang. Comrade Xiaofang, although very young, can give me a gift every time. Bring surprises. Dongzhou education needs such capable, innovative, and outstanding comrades! I came to Dongzhou to see what new progress Dongzhou has made in education, and what new progress Dongzhou Experimental Middle School has made. What new progress has Comrade Fang made!"

All the officials above the deputy city level of Dongzhou City present here are weighing Qu Bitong's words.A vice-provincial official is most particular about inclusion and not omission when he speaks, and he will stop at the point.Just like Tian Guohua, very artistic.And Sheng Jianbo is a soldier, and it is understandable that soldiers come and go straight.What is the reason behind what Qu Bitong said so nakedly?

Wang Guodong said: "Governor Qu came once, and our education in Dongzhou will improve. We sincerely welcome Governor Qu to come often, and urge us to do better in education and do it to the satisfaction of the people!" Qu Bitong said: " Yes, I will definitely come here often. As long as Comrade Xiaofang is still in charge of education, I will definitely come and have a look.”

Tian Guohua said: "Governor Qu, Dongzhou education needs your rain and dew. I think Dongzhou's culture, technology, sports, health and many other tasks also need the guidance and support of the province."

Tian Guohua's words are like sending charcoal in a timely manner, and they are talking about Wang Guodong's psychology.Wang Guodong said: "Yes, Governor Qu, you care about Xiaofang's growth, and we can understand your love for talents! Our culture, technology, sports, health and other work also need your inspection!" Qu Bitong said: " In two days, I also want to take a look at other aspects of the work. However, I heard from Political Commissar Sheng that the Dongzhou Education Bureau and the Dongzhou Garrison will engage in military-civilian joint construction. I, the deputy governor in charge of education, will participate. Don't know if it's appropriate or not?"

Feng Yan burst into ecstasy: Ah!What a rare opportunity to have three deputy provincial leaders come over to stand up for themselves and support the scene!I believe that this military-local joint construction activity will definitely help him open up the work situation in the garrison area.

The other city-level cadres in Dongzhou looked at each other in blank dismay: Several vice-provinces went to participate in the activities organized by the Dongzhou Education Bureau and the Garrison District. Is this for Sheng Jianbo's face or Fang Yuan's?

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