Director's growth history

3866.2541. Sermons represent level

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the military-civilian cooperation ceremony between Dongzhou Garrison District and Dongzhou Education Bureau was held in the auditorium of the Garrison District.Tian Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda of the Provincial Party Committee, Sheng Jianbo, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Political Committee of the Provincial Military Region, Qu Bitong, Deputy Governor, Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Song Yunsheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, Shi Mingxiang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC, Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Sheng Zhiren, Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee, Dou Shengzhong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda of the Municipal Party Committee, Gao Shengqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Deng Yuncong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, Feng Yan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Political Commissar of Dongzhou Garrison District, Min Min, Commander of Dongzhou Garrison District Jian, deputy mayor Ma Lianghe, and cadres above the deputy battalion level of the garrison area and cadres above the department of the Education Bureau attended the signing ceremony.In order to make the scene more grand and spectacular, a company of soldiers was specially transferred to fill the entire venue to the brim.When it was time to applaud, the applause was also loud and tidy, haha.

On the rostrum, Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan, as representatives of the Education Bureau, sat at both ends of the front row.

Municipal Party Secretary Ming Yuyun did not attend the meeting.This morning, in the large conference room of the Municipal Party Committee Hotel, a training session was being held by Yu Deshui, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and Shen Xiuzhang, Director of the Secretary Department of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee.Office directors and text secretaries from all districts, counties, and municipal units in the city participated in this training.

The military-local cooperation ceremony was presided over by Feng Yan, Political Commissar of the Garrison District.The first person to speak was Sun Hongjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau.He warmly thanked the officers and soldiers of the army for their support to the education work over the years, expressed his pleasure, honor, and willingness to further strengthen the connection between the education system and the army, and to make more contributions to the construction of the army.In Sun Hongjun's speech, he also thanked the leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government for their strong support for the social activities of the education and security areas.This is the obvious official language.

This is a typical hello, hello, everyone, first of all, no political mistakes, and second, comrades in the army like to listen to it.

The second person to speak was Min Jian, commander of the garrison area.Min Jian came up and thanked the local comrades for their great concern and support for the security zone. He especially thanked the Municipal Education Bureau for some meaningful work for the security zone over the past few years.Even Fang Yuan is not very clear about these tasks.Even the training of the No. 68 Frontier Defense Regiment in the [-]th High School a few years ago was organized by Min Jian into his speech, which reflected the deep love between the army and the people.After Min Jian thanked a large circle, the topic suddenly changed: "I would like to especially thank Director Fang Yuan of the Municipal Education Bureau. In order to facilitate this military-local cooperation, he coordinated from top to bottom, left to right, and eliminated many difficulties that outsiders could not imagine. A military-local cooperation was successfully held! On behalf of all the officers and soldiers in the garrison area, I would like to express my gratitude to Chief Fangyuan!"

Min Jian turned around and saluted a solemn military salute to Fang Yuan who was sitting next to him!

Immediately, there was a long and enthusiastic applause in the audience. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it lasted for a long time, but more than 300 soldiers applauded together, and the momentum was overwhelming!

Feng Yan's face suddenly turned ugly.This morning, he had the cheek to ask Yan Meng, the director of the political department, to take over Min Jian's speech and read it.Although the wording in it cannot satisfy Feng Yan, it can be tolerated and accepted.Obviously, the paragraph thanking Fang Yuan was written by Min Jian, or added later, or it was for himself to read, and it was not what Min Jian wanted to talk about at all!Thanks to Fang Yuan, this is clearly Min Jian's intention to obliterate Feng Yan's efforts in preparing for this military-local cooperation, the credit belongs to Fang Yuan, if the officers and soldiers have such an understanding, Feng Yan will be insignificant.What's more, thanks to Fangyuan, Sheng Jianbo can accept it, and Tian Guohua and Qu Bitong in the province are happy to see it succeed.What a vicious Min Jian!He flattered several provincial leaders, narrowed the relationship with Fangyuan, and marginalized me, Feng Yan.

For the first time, this time Feng Yan attributed all his grievances to Min Jian, and did not have any other thoughts on Fang Yuan.

However, no one could say "no" in Min Jian's speech.In the eyes of many people, if there is no coordination between Fangyuan and the central government, this military-civilian cooperation may end in failure, and many leaders will lose face or suffer greater political losses.Fang Yuan is indeed indispensable.

Of course, these soldiers may not be able to hear the hidden intention of Min Jian's speech; but why can't people like Tian Guohua, who have been immersed in officialdom for decades, not be able to hear it?Some people lamented that the officialdom of the army is not inferior to that of the local government.The two top leaders in the military and government have less peace and more secret fights!

Of course, the ceremony will continue.Wang Guodong’s speech put forward his hope from the perspective of the city’s double support: he hopes to take advantage of the spring breeze of this military-local joint construction to further promote the work of double support in Dongzhou City, and strive to form a new situation in which the army loves the people and the people support the army, and strives to create a national Double support model city.

Qu Bitong's speech was full of literary talent and affection, sang praises, and talked about the close relationship between education and the People's Liberation Army.From the perspective of the whole province, he listed a lot of work done by the army to help students establish the belief of patriotism and strengthen the army, hone their will and physical fitness, and expressed his gratitude to the army.At the same time, I hope that the education system can better contribute to the troops.He also specifically mentioned that female teachers are knowledgeable and self-cultivated, and he hopes that more female teachers will marry into the military camp and become military wives, support the troops with practical actions, and resolutely become the stable rear of the military commanders and fighters!When Qu Bitong talked about this, the officers and soldiers gave warm and prolonged applause, which made Qu Bitong feel satisfied.Of course, he was not the only one who was satisfied, and Teng Feiyue, who was sitting in the audience, was also satisfied: now he can write a speech for the provincial leaders.

In Tian Guohua's speech, he first pointed out that the National Defense Education Office is set up in the Propaganda Department at all levels, and justified his participation in this military-civilian cooperation ceremony: I, Tian Guohua, came here, and my teacher is famous.From the perspective of strengthening national defense education for college, middle and primary school students, Tian Guohua pointed out the significance of this military-civilian cooperation in his unscripted speech. Primary school students carry out effective national defense education publicity and education, so that more young people can enhance their patriotic awareness, establish the concept of national defense, love army building, and grow up to defend their homeland.The eloquence of the Propaganda Minister of the Provincial Party Committee is indeed extraordinary.Finally, he earnestly hoped that the cooperation between the Dongzhou Education Bureau and the Dongzhou Garrison will promote a deeper military-civilian friendship and better national defense education.And set a benchmark and model for the province's national defense education.

Fang Yuan had read Tian Guohua's speech prepared by the Policy Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee.Watching Tian Guohua's off-script speech with a moderate rhythm, Fang Yuan sincerely admired: This is the real level!Compared with Tian Guohua, there is still a gap of one hundred and eight thousand miles.I hope that in the near future, I can also blurt out like Tian Guohua, keeping everything in my stomach, and I can speak whenever I want, and I can speak well.

Because Sheng Jianbo is the top military chief, he was the last to speak.Sheng Jianbo was also unambiguous, and basically gave up the manuscript he had prepared, and spoke without it.On behalf of the Party Committee of the Provincial Military Region, he congratulated the military-civilian cooperation between the Dongzhou Garrison District and the Dongzhou Education Bureau, setting an example for the cooperation between military divisions, garrison districts and localities in the province.He changed the subject, and solemnly pointed out: Military-local cooperation is the function of the party committee of the army.How does the party committee of the provincial military region attach importance to military-civilian cooperation, and what documents have been issued to promote military-civilian cooperation in recent years.From the perspective of the political commissar and secretary of the party committee of the provincial military region, he put forward earnest expectations for the party committee of the Dongzhou garrison region to do a better job in future military-civilian cooperation.Feng Yan's name was not mentioned, but everyone could see that he was supporting Feng Yan, because Feng Yan was the party secretary of the security area, and Min Jian was the deputy secretary of the party committee.Feng Yan could feel Sheng Jianbo's hard work, and Fang Yuan could also feel it.Sheng Jianbo finally pointed out affectionately: military chiefs focus on military training and war preparations, and political chiefs focus on ideological education, cadre building and dual support work. , well-developed and well-maintained, this is exactly the requirement and expectation of the Central Military Commission and the higher-ups of the army.I hope that this successful military-civilian cooperation will make the Dongzhou Garrison District more united and harmonious, and make the troops as warm as home!

This time, Cai Minjian felt uncomfortable.Sheng Jianbo still did not adopt Wang Guodong's suggestion, and beat Min Jian for not distinguishing between party and government without writing.

The ceremony will continue.Witnessed by many leaders, Feng Yan, Political Commissar and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Garrison District, and Sun Hongjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dongzhou Education Bureau, signed the military-local cooperation agreement!The leaders stepped off the stage to watch the wonderful performances brought by the Dongzhou Education Bureau.Song Ping was very nervous. Although Wang Xingbang comforted and relaxed her mood, she still peed her pants.The theatrical performance team with female teachers as the main body showed the beautiful demeanor, graceful figure and youthful beauty of the female teachers, which made many officers and soldiers in the audience fascinated and couldn't take their eyes off them.The young officers of some troops, itching like a kitten scratching their hearts, made up their minds: they must marry a beautiful, knowledgeable, and connotative female teacher as their wife!Many people, including Fang Yuan, could not have imagined that this theatrical performance could have such a profound impact.

The event was complete and successful.At noon, the security area prepared a sumptuous lunch for the chiefs, and every leader had a joyful smile on his face.Whether it's performance or sincerity, in short, everyone is happy.Including Min Jian, including Feng Yan, they all had smiles on their faces.Fang Yuan hid in the corner, looking at everything in front of him with relief: Finally, he was worthy of Uncle Sheng, so that Uncle Sheng could successfully end his trip to Dongzhou.As for Feng Yan, Fang Yuan certainly hopes to repair the relationship with him, after all, he is the former secretary of Mr. Wang.This time, the event achieved the desired effect, at least on the surface.

Wang Xingbang and Zhang Yuanqing have been by Fangyuan's side all the time, just like Fangyuan's Second General Hengha.Wang Xingbang said: "Director, the event was a success!" Fang Yuan said: "Keep up the effort and continue to do a good job in the afternoon's fellowship activities. Although many provincial and city leaders will no longer participate, we must start well and end well." Wang Xingbang said: "OK Chairman Song and I will definitely do this well! Having more military wives is good for education. In the future, military wives can contribute to whatever happens in the army.” Fang Yuan said: “Everything has advantages and disadvantages.” Wang Xingbang said: "yes."

Huang Run came over with a glass of wine, "Director Fang, congratulations on the complete success of the event!" Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Deputy Commander Huang." Huang Run said, "Commander Min said that the event went well this time, and I hope to strike while the iron is hot and discuss it as soon as possible. A more in-depth cooperation." Fang Yuan knew that the one who should come still couldn't avoid it.Can Min Jian be avoided in the next step of cooperation?Can Feng Yan be avoided?

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