Director's growth history

3908.2585. Tasting the Taste of Stabbing a Knife in Front of Someone Behind

After Deng Yuncong finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Ma Lianghe.Ma Lianghe's current status is very special, not only in charge of urban construction, planning, land, urban management and other departments, but also temporarily in charge of education because there is still a vacancy for a deputy mayor.Looking at the directors and deputy directors present here, apart from a few departments such as the Development and Reform Commission, the Finance Bureau, the Environmental Protection Bureau, and the Public Security Bureau, the rest of the departments are under the supervision of Ma Lianghe.Ma Lianghe's attitude has a crucial impact on various departments.

Ma Lianghe nodded politely at Deng Yuncong, and asked Yu Zonghang very politely: "Director Yu, everyone is looking at me, should I speak?"

Yu Zonghang said: "Mayor Ma, I am not speaking, but giving instructions." Ma Lianghe said with a smile: "Deng Executive is here, I dare not give instructions. Then I will just say a few words."

Everyone applauds.Ma Lianghe waved his hand: "Today I was invited by Director Yu, and Director Yu said that almost all the departments that came today are in charge of me. Although I am temporarily in charge of education, I have to beat the clock for a day as a monk. Anything that is beneficial to Dongzhou I, Ma Lianghe, fully support the development of education."

This is exactly what everyone thinks.Everyone believed that Ma Lianghe and Fangyuan wore a pair of pants on a good relationship, and Ma Lianghe, the deputy mayor, was said to be the result of Fangyuan's behind-the-scenes operations.Judging from the reported situation, Ma Lianghe led the provincial and municipal labor models in Dongzhou City to recuperate in Qiandao Lake, and went to Shanghai Stock Exchange and Hangzhou River with Fangyuan. Soon after returning, he was promoted to deputy mayor, creating Dongzhou City in recent years. It is a miracle that the city is sitting on the bench and the salted fish turns around.If Ma Lianghe didn't support Fangyuan, it would be a strange thing.

Sure enough, Ma Lianghe said: "Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is the best middle school in Dongzhou City. People in Dongzhou say that as long as one enters the gate of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, one foot has already stepped into the threshold of a university. Judging from the current situation , Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is indeed far from meeting the needs of the general public for high-quality educational resources in the city. There are tens of thousands of students who want to study in Dongzhou Experimental Middle School but cannot! There is no student who does not want to study in Dongzhou Experimental Middle School , every parent hopes that their children can be admitted to Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, this is a reality. Even if I want to deny it, I can’t deny it.”

Lian Hengbo interjected: "Mayor Ma, you speak out the aspirations of the people in the city!"

Ma Lianghe said: "Now, I only want to ask one question: to double the size of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, demolish the area next to the school playground, and build them into teaching buildings, can satisfy the people of the city. Is there a demand for educational resources?"

Including Fang Yuan, they all froze there.Everyone never imagined that Ma Lianghe gave Fangyuan a blow as soon as the show started, completely negating the necessity of expanding Dongzhou Experimental Middle School.

Ma Lianghe pondered for a while, and then said slowly: "I think even if Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is expanded tenfold, it will not be able to meet the needs of Dongzhou people for high-quality educational resources. Therefore, instead of expanding Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, it is better Efforts should be made to improve the education quality of other middle schools to achieve a balanced education. No matter which school it is, the quality may not be as good as Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, but it is not much worse. If all middle schools in the city can have better education quality, If it is possible for children to enter the campus and have the hope of going to university, then the education level of Dongzhou City will achieve a new leap forward! One flower is not spring, but a hundred flowers are blooming! So, should we expand Dongzhou Experimental Middle School? I think the National Development and Reform Commission, the Education Bureau and relevant departments have to carefully demonstrate: Is it necessary? Is it feasible? Will a series of problems be solved after the expansion? Will there be many unexpected problems in the process of expansion?** The scientific concept of development was put forward in the party's ideology, which means scientific development. The premise of scientific development is scientific decision-making. What is the premise of scientific decision-making? Think about it."

The meeting had just started, and Ma Lianghe actually gave a negative answer. Deng Yuncong couldn't think of it, and no one else in the room could think of it!

Fang Yuan couldn't believe that this was what Ma Lianghe said. Is this still his ally?I had just done ideological work with Song Dacheng, and asked Dacheng Company to fully support the on-site meeting of the private enterprise trade union pilot. In the blink of an eye, Ma Lianghe stabbed himself in the back!Fang Yuan felt her heart was bleeding!

Cao Bensong lightly poked Fangyuan, and asked in a low voice, "Director, isn't he on good terms with you?" Fangyuan didn't speak, and his heart was full of shame and hatred for the darkness of the officialdom, the ruthlessness and betrayal of the officials!This is really knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing hearts!Ma Lianghe, I, Fangyuan, did not do anything wrong to you, what are you doing?I can't get off the stage in public!Let me eat bricks in public!

Yu Zonghang was also stunned.In today's joint meeting, Yu Zonghang believed that as long as Deng Yuncong could support the expansion of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, Ma Lianghe would have no problems here.As for the other departments present, most of them also support Fangyuan.And Ma Lianghe exerted a little influence on those departments that did not support it, and it is estimated that today's meeting will have a satisfactory result.My original intention of getting closer to Fangyuan will come true.Wherever it came into being, Ma Lianghe shattered all the ideas of the joint meeting at once.

Lian Hengbo applauded.As Song Yunsheng's direct descendant, Lian Hengbo hated Fangyuan to death.Now, seeing Fangyuan's so-called ally Ma Lianghe stabbing Fangyuan, Lian Hengbo was overjoyed.Such a good script, such a good play, if I don't add to the cake, how can I be worthy of Mayor Song's training?

Lian Hengbo said: "I fully agree with Mayor Ma's instructions. Mayor Ma has a high-level view and vividly pointed out that Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is good, but it does not mean that Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is good. Instead of expanding Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, it is better to expand Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. The quality of education should be grasped. Xiao Lian admires such incisive insights. Now, I stand at a relatively low level and analyze my personal views. If it is inappropriate, let us discuss it together.”

Lian Hengbo took a sip of water and continued: "From the perspective of planning, Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is actually not a very suitable school venue. The road is the main road, and there is a lot of traffic, which has a great impact on the safety of students. At the same time, all kinds of noise It will inevitably affect students' classes. If it is expanded, where should the teaching building be planned? Where should the comprehensive laboratory building be planned? How to avoid noise? These are a series of problems. From the perspective of demolition costs, according to the requirements of the province , middle school teaching buildings are not allowed to exceed 5 floors, and in principle only 4 floors can be built. Although most of the surrounding residential buildings are 6-story old residential buildings, there are also many small high-rise buildings with more than ten or twenty floors To demolish these 6-story and above buildings, and then build them into 6 floors, and also need to vacate a large playground space. Has the Education Bureau calculated how much the demolition cost is? Building buildings for education is a public welfare support , is financial expenditure, that is to say, the money for the demolition is taken by the finance; the money for the construction of the school is still paid by the finance. Inside and outside, there is no money to make up for it. Can the finances hold up? Director Sun happens to be here today , I would also like to ask Mr. Sun, you are the chief financial officer of Dongzhou Finance, and the money will cost hundreds of millions, or even more than a billion, to cover it. You said, our finances are for Dongzhou Experimental Middle School Is there any precedent for spending more than a billion yuan for the expansion of this project? Can it be used?"

Everyone looks at Sun Yizhi.Sun Yizhi didn't do any calculations, he just came here today to express his support for Fang Yuan.Now, being asked an unusually sharp but realistic question by Lian Hengbo, Sun Yizhi was a little taken aback.It is really impossible to ask the Finance Bureau to spend more than one billion yuan just for the expansion of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School.But Sun Yizhi didn't want to add insult to injury to Fang Yuan at this time, at least he didn't want to increase his bad impression in Fang Yuan's mind.Sun Yizhi thought for a while and said: "The money for demolition and school construction should be asked to the construction committee. The education supporting fee is a compulsory fee for education construction and educational facilities. The Finance Bureau is only responsible for this fee , the right to use is with the Construction Committee."

Lian Hengbo said: "Director Hou happened to be here too. May I ask Director Hou, how many billion have you prepared for the expansion of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School?" Hou Weidong said: "1 million has been prepared for land acquisition and construction of teaching facilities. 5000."

Lian Hengbo sneered and laughed: "Director Hou, perhaps 5000 million yuan is enough to build a teaching building. But [-] million yuan, can this area be demolished?"

Hou Weidong practiced Taijiquan: "I have to go back and study this. If it is not enough, I can increase it appropriately."

Lian Hengbo said: "Planning and construction are actually the two most closely related links in the construction process. I also have a little experience in construction. In my opinion, Dongzhou City's educational support fees are retained at the city level. The money is spent on the expansion of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, which is probably not enough. What's more, there are a lot of new educational construction and expansion projects in the city, and the community needs to build schools and kindergartens. When it comes to Experimental Middle School, what about other projects?"

It is true that they cannot all be spent on Dongzhou Experimental Middle School.Hou Weidong said: "Director Lian reminded us today. We will study further when we go back. The construction committee expresses its attitude: the construction committee will go all out to support the construction of various projects of Dongzhou Education, including the project of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. As long as the city The construction committee has approved it, and our Construction Committee will go all out. Of course, the work of the Construction Committee is construction, and the land consolidation, planning and design, project approval, etc. before construction are not the final decision of construction. We can only guarantee that our link must Do it."

A master is a master, there is absolutely no ambiguity.Hou Weidong shifted the responsibility to one, two, four, five, six, and sold Fangyuan a face.

Lian Hengbo said: "I did some calculations just now. If there are no nail houses in this area, it will be demolished normally. Everyone will follow the standards of the State Council's demolition regulations and the urban construction method of Dongzhou City. It will take about 3 to 5 years. 5 million. If there are more citizens asking for a higher price and the delay is longer, for example, if the demolition is not clean in two years, and there are still nail households, the demolition cost will probably rise to 7-[-] million. So, I think, Dong The expansion of the State Experimental Middle School is simply an idea to educate some people, and it cannot withstand scientific demonstration and scrutiny. Therefore, I personally do not agree with the expansion of the Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, and I will not vote for it. My point of view, It is completely consistent with Mayor Ma's instructions."

Expansion of the school is the expectation of the parents and is consistent with the needs of the society.Fang Yuan never expected that he would encounter such a big setback when he was unlucky at the beginning of his career!

Yu Zonghang suddenly realized that today's joint meeting really couldn't go on.If you try again, you won't get the desired result.Yu Zonghang said: "Director Fang, what is the opinion of your Education Bureau?"

Fang Yuan fainted.Fang Yuan said lightly: "Thank you, Director Yu, for calling this joint meeting. After our city education bureau plans to go back, we will hold a meeting again to study the expansion of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. We will formulate a questionnaire to randomly survey the general public. This questionnaire We will also solicit opinions from various departments such as the Development and Reform Commission, the Construction Commission, and the Finance Bureau. We plan to distribute 5 copies, and finally count a result to see whether the common people support or oppose the expansion. Our party is the party of the people, and we The government of the people is the government of the people. If the people support it, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how much resistance there is, no matter how many people stumble, the Municipal Education Bureau will go all out and will never back down ! If you encounter a stumbling block that does not have long eyes, you will definitely kick it aside unceremoniously!"

Fangyuan watched Lian Hengbo say the last few words intently, making even Hengbo feel a little guilty for no reason.For some reason, Lian Hengbo suddenly thought of Yu Sizhuang, Director of Health, and his heart tightened.I'm actually not clean either!Could it be that if I rush to the forefront today, will I become a stumbling block to being kicked away?No!Mayor Song will protect himself.If he is so deliberate in fighting for Mayor Song, Mayor Song will definitely know it.

Although Lian Hengbo was a little scared, he was not a softie.

Fangyuan's words today are actually not official at all, and already have strong personal emotions in them.Yes, Fang Yuan was very angry. As for whether the consequences are serious or not, it will take some time.

Deng Yuncong said: "Since the meeting is over like this, I think I will take a step first. At 10 am, there is an important investment project, and I also need to meet with the merchants."

Deng Yuncong stood up.Yu Zonghang said: "Then let's adjourn the meeting." Ma Lianghe said: "Director Fang, come to the office with me." Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Ma, I'm sorry, I still have important work today. The mayor will report on the work, okay?"

Several bureau chiefs were sitting there, looking at Ma Lianghe and Fangyuan.In the entire venue, only Deng Yuncong left the venue calmly.Such an awkward and stiff situation made some people secretly happy, while others were worried.Cao Bensong was very worried, he gently tugged on Fangyuan's sleeve.

Ma Lianghe didn't force it, and said to Fang Yuan, "Okay, let's talk about the expansion of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School another day. Xiao Fang, don't be too hasty in doing things."

Ma Lianghe left.Sun Yizhi came over and said, "Director Fang, look, how did this association become like this? I'll go back first, call me if you need anything. Director Fang, the Finance Bureau will definitely support you in expanding Dongzhou Experimental Middle School .”

Several directors and directors also shook hands with Fangyuan.Yu Zonghang said: "Director Fang, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect it to be like this." Fang Yuan sighed: "I still want to thank Director Yu." Hold a joint meeting to finalize this matter as soon as possible." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you."

Fang Yuan and Cao Bensong finally left the conference room.Cao Bensong said: "I really didn't expect it to be like this." Fang Yuan said: "There is no smooth sailing in the officialdom. I just didn't expect that words would come out of certain people's mouths! I have always been kind to others, but this is like stabbing a knife in the back. , It’s really uncomfortable!” Cao Bensong said: “Director Fang, there are people like this everywhere. I can only guarantee that I, Cao Bensong, will never stab Director Fang.”

Walking out of the Municipal Party Committee Building, Fangyuan looked up at the sky, the sky was as clear as a wash, a piece of blue.The weather is not bad, and the mood should also improve.Fangyuan's cell phone vibrated strongly, and Fangyuan found out that it was Ma Lianghe calling.Fang Yuan didn't want to pick it up, but after thinking about it, he picked it up: "Mayor Ma, what instructions do you have?" Ma Lianghe said: "Xiao Fang, are you angry with me?" Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Ma is in charge of education. Mayor, we must resolutely carry out any instructions." Ma Lianghe said: "Xiao Fang, at any time, anywhere, as long as you are in the officialdom, you must learn to be calm and calm, and you must learn to keep the city in your chest. Yours and mine The relationship is so good, how can I do things that are sorry to you? There must be a reason for everything! The reason why I oppose the expansion of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is of course very important. Don't you want to know?"

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