Director's growth history

3923.2599, one thing is happy and one thing is worrying

When Zhao Zidong heard that Fang Yuan wanted to nominate him as the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, he froze for a while.

Anyone who hears such news will be shocked!The position of head of an experimental kindergarten in the city has attracted so many people's attention, and how many people have spent almost all their resources behind the scenes. It can be said that the surface is calm, but in fact it has long been dark and turbulent.Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun jointly launched a plan to openly select and recruit the principals of experimental kindergartens, which did not change the determination of many interested people to become principals of experimental kindergartens.However, since the plan has not been announced yet, according to the principle of soundness first, the leaders behind these people cannot immediately exert influence on Fang Yuan, but as soon as the plan comes out, all kinds of people from all directions will definitely meet. Fangyuan, or call Fangyuan.This is all predictable, as to whether Fang Yuan wants to get it, it is unknown.Today, when various media in Dongzhou are reporting heavily on the news that the Municipal Education Bureau will openly select the principal of the Municipal Experimental Kindergarten, how many people with a certain ability to be the principal of the kindergarten have already launched activities without Fangyuan’s knowledge. journey of.What about the seventh aunt, the eighth aunt, whoever has the most official relationship can be found, then you must contact them in a roundabout way and ask the other party for help.At this time, no matter whether it is the district chief or the deputy district chief, the bureau chief or the deputy bureau chief, the mayor or the deputy mayor, or even the senior officials such as the deputy director of the National People's Congress and the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, they are all somewhat sloppy. ?The pressure on Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan of the Education Bureau for open recruitment is not at all less than that of the bureau's party committee's research method, and it is probably even more unabated.

The position of the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School will be n times more valuable than that of the Experimental Kindergarten.Fang Yuan is also the principal, no one dares to dream about it, but many people have long been eyeing the post-Fang Yuan era.Everyone knows that it is impossible for a person to serve as the deputy secretary and vice principal of the Municipal Education Bureau to serve as the principal of a school for too long!What's more, it has recently been rumored that Zhai Xinwen will eventually be dismissed, and Fang Yuan is the most powerful contender for the new director.Looking at the Education Bureau, no one dared to compete with Fang Yuan. Although Geng Qing had a lot of qualifications, he was completely defeated in several contests.May I ask who owns the Education Bureau today?

After all, Zhao Zidong is an old teacher in his 40s.After being stunned for a minute or two, the arrogance on Zhao Zidong's body showed again: "Director Fang, I came out of No. 2 High School. I have the blood of No. 5 No. 5 No. 5 No. 5 No. [-] No. [-] No. [-] No. [-] No. [-] No. [-] No. [-] No. [-] No. [-] No. [-] No. [-] No. I've thought about it in my head countless times, if Chief Fang has time, I'll report to you now! I'll compile a detailed development plan later and submit it to you in writing!"

Zhao Zidong used the honorific "you" to Fang Yuan for the first time.Fang Yuan smiled: "Okay, then I will listen with all my ears."

Zhao Zidong realized that a huge opportunity was in front of him. If he didn't seize it at this time, how long would he wait? Zhao Zidong never gave up on such a lousy school in No. 11. Even in the face of Zhai Xinwen's neglect and the idleness of various flattering departments, Zhao Zidong still tried every means to change the appearance of No. 11.If the hardware is not configured, then start from the mental outlook of the teachers, start from the behavior and study habits of the students, let the teaching quality improve by leaps and bounds, and prove to some people: Although I, Zhao Zidong, are not liked by you , but I, Zhao Zidong, am not an idiot, but a capable principal!With the help of Cao Guanting, the teaching director of the old No. 5 Middle School and the vice-principal of the New No. 11 Middle School, the school's performance has improved, the confidence of the teachers and students has become stronger than before, and the school's reputation has also changed.If I hand over the Experimental Middle School to myself, it will provide myself with a bigger platform to display my talents. How can Zhao Zidong not be excited, how can he not be grateful to Fang Yuan.If Fang Yuan gave him this opportunity, then he would be a salted fish, and Fang Yuan would be the number one benefactor for his life to be rejuvenated!

Zhao Zidong talked eloquently about his development and construction ideas from the aspects of school management, teacher team building, characteristic building, quality improvement, quality education, and student management.Zhao Zidong highly appreciated the new changes that Fangyuan had brought to the Experimental Middle School in the past year, and said that he would definitely persist and carry forward. As for the construction of the teaching team, he brought up many aspects that Fangyuan had neglected in his work, which made Fangyuan feel refreshed.It can be seen that Zhao Zidong is full of affection for the experimental middle school; it can be seen that Zhao Zidong is very familiar with the situation of the experimental middle school; it can be seen that Zhao Zidong is indeed a capable principal.Under the current circumstances, Zhao Zidong is the most suitable candidate for the successor principal of the Experimental Middle School.

From 2:4 to [-]:[-], Fang Yuan stayed in Zhao Zidong's office for more than two hours.Xie Bingguo and the others got impatient waiting outside, but no one dared to disturb Fangyuan.The young Deputy Director Fangyuan made Xie Bingguo, Zhang Yuanqing and others awe.

Zhao Zidong finally finished his vision for the development of the experimental middle school.Fangyuan held Zhao Zidong's hand tightly: "You go back and sort out the plan. At the same time, I will also give you a chance, that is, you spend half an hour at the party committee meeting of the bureau on a certain day to introduce the development experiment to the middle school. report to all the members of the Party Committee of the bureau, and use my strength to conquer the hearts of the members of the Party Committee. I will not be the principal of the Experimental Middle School for too long. I must choose a new principal for the Experimental Middle School to enable the school to develop better. Principal Zhao, on We are not close, nor are we good friends; but when it comes to who is the most suitable to succeed the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, after listening to your plans and ideas, I think you are one of the suitable candidates. Maybe there is only one chance, If you miss it, you will regret it forever!"

Zhao Zidong held Fangyuan's right hand tightly with both hands, and said emotionally: "Director Fang, you can give Lao Zhao a high look, and Lao Zhao is very grateful. Just based on your investigation this time, based on what you said just now, no matter you put me in Which school, I will do my best to build and develop the school well, and live up to your trust! A man dies for his confidant, and all of us in the 5th have such a scholarly spirit and a strong spirit! No matter Wherever I go, I will never let you down! It is my dream to be the principal of the experimental middle school; if I am not the principal of the experimental middle school, I will not regret it, because with the trust and appreciation of Director Fang, this is enough Yes! I will carefully prepare for my dream and work hard!"

Fang Yuan stared at the middle-aged principal, and was also a little emotional: "Although I am young, I really hope that Dongzhou education will get better and better! I hope that Principal Zhao will be the backbone of Dongzhou's education development!"

At this moment, the hearts of the two men were tightly stuck together!

After returning from the principal's office to the conference room, the teaching and research staff also came back.Fang Yuan asked Li Guoqiang: "Director Li, how is the class going?" Li Guoqiang said: "Because it was a short notice, the teachers in No. 11 Middle School didn't have time to prepare, so the class was just a push class. Judging from the feedback from the teaching and research staff , the situation is surprising. The mental state and basic quality of the teachers are quite good. In the past, the teaching and research staff basically never came to No. 11 middle school, so there is no way to compare progress. However, compared with brother schools, they are now in the city. You should be able to rank up to the middle level." Fang Yuan said: "Director Li, I want to criticize you. Don't stop your teaching and research section from coming because some middle schools are weak. To promote the balanced development of education is to develop weak schools. Like Weaker schools like No. 11 Middle School should come more! Today I will make a request to the teaching and research section: the teaching and research staff should not just think about staying in the office for teaching and research, and don’t just think about going to schools with money and strength. It is necessary to go to the grassroots level. The 2009 teaching and research section plan needs to be revised. Schools directly under the Municipal Education Bureau must be visited by teaching and research personnel; schools in each district and county must visit at least 5 schools in each district; Put them in weak schools."

Li Guoqiang said: "Yes, I will revise the plan of the teaching and research section when I go back today."

The cadres and teachers of No. 11 Middle School couldn't help applauding Fang Yuan!Fangyuan's words are like the spring breeze, warming the hearts of every No. 11 person; like drizzle, nourishing the hearts of No. 11 middle school cadres and teachers, and the seedlings of hope have sprouted in their hearts.

Zhao Zidong, Cao Guanting and the others sent Fangyuan away with completely different moods and feelings than when Fangyuan came.Fangyuan looked at the dilapidated school, and said to Zhang Yuanqing: "School maintenance and facility additions, you and the relevant departments should come up with a plan for me as soon as possible." Zhang Yuanqing said, "I will implement it when I go back today." Fang Yuan said to Cao Guanting: "Principal Cao, there are some personal conflicts between us. The root cause is that you thought I was too young, that I was promoted a little too fast, and that I was a little unbalanced. In fact, this is not a fundamental conflict. For I have seen your ability to work through the year of No. 11. I appreciate your ability! Do it well!"

Cao Guanting froze there for a moment, his face flushed with embarrassment.Soon, Cao Guanting became excited again: Fang Yuan forgave himself!Fang Yuan made it clear to everyone around her!Could it be that he was sent to Siberia, where he was educated in Dongzhou, like Su Wu shepherding sheep, and now he has a chance to be reused again?

Cao Guanting said: "The director... the director, I was wrong! At that time I was narrow-minded and jealous that you became the vice principal at such a young age. Looking at it now, Dongzhou Education is better under your leadership! You apologize."

Fang Yuan stretched out his hand: "Come, shake hands, let him pass the past forever." Cao Guanting's lips trembled with excitement.He clasped Fangyuan's hand tightly with both hands, and tears welled up.

Fang Yuan said to the people around him: "Everyone has seen Principal Cao's ability to work. If anyone deliberately makes things difficult for Principal Cao in the future, I will never forgive him lightly."

After returning to the Education Bureau, Sun Hongjun took Jiang Dacheng into Fangyuan's office.Jiang Dacheng accompanied Fang Yuan to No. 11 Middle School, but he didn't say anything along the way.Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang, Director Jiang brought a sample of "Dongzhou Education" here today, please review it."

As he spoke, Sun Hongjun handed the school magazine of the first issue of "Dongzhou Education" to Fang Yuan's hand.Holding this magazine infused with her hard work and expectations, Fang Yuan was filled with emotion.This can be regarded as a valuable asset left to Dongzhou Education.In this era, it is not easy to win a serial number!On the cover is the inscription of Guan Quanren, the provincial director of education: Dongzhou Education.Turning to the first page is Guan Quanren's inaugural speech for "Dongzhou Education".The second page is the inaugural statement of the Education Bureau, which is signed by Fang Yuan, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Education Bureau, which is obviously very inappropriate.Looking back, there is a news report on Dongzhou Education, many of which are related to Fangyuan.The previous key reports included the listing of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, the joint construction of the Education Bureau and the military and civilians in the garrison, and the photos of provincial and municipal leaders intertwined with those of Fangyuan.From the beginning to the end, Zhai Xinwen didn't have a photo or a report.And Sun Hongjun's photos only appeared in group photos with other leaders.

Fangyuan asked: "Secretary Sun, have you reviewed all these manuscripts?" Sun Hongjun said: "I have read them all." Jiang Dacheng said: "Secretary Sun reads them very carefully. There were typos and even bad punctuation."

Fang Yuan said: "I would like to make a few comments: First, the inaugural speech should not only be written by the provincial education department, but also by our city leaders. I think there should be at least three leaders, Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee, Director Dou of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee [-]. Mayor Ma, who is in charge of education. I am a deputy director, and it is absolutely inappropriate to leave my name on the inaugural article. In my opinion, either I write about Director Zhai Xinwen, or I write about Secretary Sun."

Sun Hongjun said: "Everyone in the whole education industry knows that Director Fang played the most important role in the successful launch of Dongzhou Education."

Fang Yuan waved his hand: "Since Director Zhai didn't play any role in the process of launching this magazine, I think we should write Secretary Sun's name. That's it. As for asking the city leaders to write the inaugural speech, you will come up with three copies immediately." , Secretary Sun, you run it yourself. I believe that the leaders will not refuse." Sun Hongjun said: "Okay. But it seems inappropriate for the party secretary to write the inaugural speech. Director Fang, do you think this is okay? Put a bracket after your name and write the word 'hosting work'." Fang Yuan said: "Just write the word 'Sun Hongjun'. Second, about the first half of the news and propaganda, remove all my photos , except for a few group photos with provincial and municipal leaders. There are too many mentions of my name in the text, and it must be deleted. Reports on grass-roots schools and grass-roots education and sports bureaus should be added. Regarding the following parts of the paper, don’t just send famous teachers from famous schools We should pay more attention to the manuscripts of ordinary teachers in ordinary schools, which must be balanced and fair."

Jiang Dacheng said: "Report Director, this is the first issue, and there must always be some weight in it. Starting from the second issue, we will increase the publication of grassroots, ordinary schools, and ordinary teachers, okay?" Sun Hongjun said: "Yes. ! This inaugural issue has almost been prepared, and cannot be greatly changed. The printing factory is ready to start at any time, and only minor adjustments need to be made.”

Fang Yuan said: "You guys! There is a third thing about advertisements. There should be no advertisements in the first issue of the magazine. From the second issue onwards, it is necessary to seek advertising support. The teaching department must go to the relevant department to apply for advertising permission. Advertisement I have won the start-up capital of 30 yuan for the first issue, but in the future I will rely more on self-reliance.” Jiang Dacheng said: “We don’t know anyone at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Fang Yuan said: "Prepare the procedures and materials, and apply normally. If you are treated unfairly, come to me again. You can't be dependent on everything! I will do all the work. What do you want you section chiefs to do?"

Jiang Dacheng blushed.Fang Yuan's words are very strict!However, as the person in charge of a grassroots unit, Jiang Dacheng knows the difficulty of doing things!It is said that many yamen are difficult to enter, face is ugly, and things are difficult to handle. In fact, in many places, this is the true portrayal.

Sun Hongjun said: "Yes, Director Jiang, you go through the formalities first. You can't bother Director Fang for everything." Jiang Dacheng said: "Understood."

Sun Hongjun said: "Regarding the recruitment plan for the director of the experimental kindergarten, comrades from the Organization Department and the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau have come to adjust and modify the plan. This is the plan, and Director Fang should review it."

Fangyuan took over the plan.Sun Hongjun called Jiang Dacheng out of the house: "As for the inaugural speech, you should prepare the three new ones immediately, and distinguish the tone of different leaders. I will make my own opinion on the inaugural speech of our bureau, and do as I say. After Director Fang's name, add the words 'host work'. It is inappropriate to write my name on it."

Jiang Dacheng said: "Is this okay?" Sun Hongjun said: "If there is a problem, I will take care of it." Jiang Dacheng said: "Okay. What about the photos?" Sun Hongjun said: "Just delete a few photos appropriately. Don’t touch the text that involves Director Fang.” Jiang Dacheng said, “What should I do with the vacant pages after deleting the photos?” Sun Hongjun thought for a while and said, “Didn’t Director Fang go to No. 11 Middle School today to inspect it? Write a press release. In addition, the education bureau's kindergarten principal competition plan, I think it is almost mature, and can be included." Jiang Dacheng said: "Understood."

Sun Hongjun returned to Fangyuan's office.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun, I agree with the content of this plan in principle. But I cannot agree to the final list of leading groups!" On this plan, it was written: Competition for the leader of the leading group: Sun Hongjun Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau ; Fang Yuan, Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau.

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang, I asked the comrades in the organization department, and the comrades in the organization department said that this is no problem."

Fang Yuan said: "I don't agree. I am the deputy secretary and deputy director. How can I be listed as the team leader with you? At most, I can be listed as the executive deputy team leader." Sun Hongjun smiled wryly: "Director Fang, this is also My selfishness! I am worried that when the competition starts, I will not be able to withstand the pressure from all directions!" Fang Yuan asked back: "Secretary Sun can't resist the pressure, so can I, Fang Yuan?"

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