Director's growth history

3931.2606, Kong Shufang 1 hit the nail on the head

Song Sisi's crying broke Zhu Rui's heart, and she shed a lot of tears.Song Dacheng stepped forward and patted his daughter on the back gently: "Sisi, don't be sad. Make a good relationship with Fangyuan and give birth to the child. When the time is right, everything is possible!"

What a "anything is possible"!Song Sisi stopped crying, wiped away her tears, and said to Song Dacheng: "Dad, no matter what time you are, you are my best father!" Song Dacheng nodded: "I will always be your dearest father. You do anything!"

Fangyuan arrived before 0 o'clock and returned to Dongzhou University's home.Both Kong Shufang and Kong Shuanghua didn't sleep.Seeing Fang Yuan coming back, Kong Shuanghua took the clothes Fang Yuan took off, hung them up, and said, "Drink some honey water." Fang Yuan said, "Okay. Mom, are you back?"

Kong Shufang sat on the sofa without moving, but agreed: "Isn't this back?" Fang Yuan accosted, "It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Kong Shufang said, "If you don't come back, you won't be able to sleep! "

Fang Yuan was a little ashamed.Fangyuan said: "Mom, I can't help it now, there are too many entertainments. I have entertainments almost every night, and every day before New Year's Day, the schedule is full." Kong Shufang said: "You officials eat and drink every day. Are you tired?" Fang Yuan said, "It's annoying too! But it's okay not to go! Sometimes, eating is also work, eating is relationship, and eating is for connections. People are in the Jianghu, and they can't help themselves."

This is what Fang Yuan is telling the truth.Many things in China are not handled at a desk, but at a dinner table.In the interplay of toasting and toasting, many things that cannot be discussed at the desk can be discussed; many things that cannot be handled at the desk can be dealt with.In the final analysis, China still has a long way to go from a country ruled by law. To a large extent, it is still a country with a lot of human relationships, a country made up of numerous and intricate relationships. If you don't talk face to face, you can only be a lonely family.Looking at the biggest picture, it is the recognition that they are descendants of Yan and Huang that makes China as a whole united without division. This is actually the root of connections and the soul of national beliefs.Systems and mechanisms cannot change this root, this soul.A country can only be united when it has roots and a soul; a country only has systems and mechanisms, and it will only be a mess in the face of a crisis.Ancient China paid attention to marriage, protégés, and aristocratic families, so that the circle of interests continued to expand, and eventually formed huge interests.In fact, the continuation of these histories cannot be changed by a few decades of doctrine.Now, former disciples and old officials are still an important basis for promotion, and family marriage and friendship also continue the tradition at all levels.Who can not rely on connections?Who can not rely on relationships?Who dares to say that they don't need a background?A legend who conquered the world solely by ability, did not exist in the past, and does not exist now, whether there will be in the future, God knows!

Kong Shufang said: "Xiao Fang, I saw a red car to see you off tonight. Who is the little girl in that car?"

Traditional intellectuals don't beat around the bush, but Kong Shufang's words are sharp and straightforward.Although she is kind by nature and has a gentle personality, it doesn't mean she can't hit the nail on the head when she speaks.Especially since this matter is related to her daughter's happiness, Kong Shufang naturally pays more attention to it.

Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom!" Kong Shufang said: "If you don't see it, you can pretend you don't know it; if you see it, if you don't ask about it, you will feel uncomfortable. Xiaohua, it's none of your business. I just want to hear what Xiaofang has to say."

Those who should come will always come, and those who want to hide will never escape.On the way back, Fang Yuan had already rehearsed today's scene in her mind.This problem is not surprising.Fang Yuan replied calmly: "Mom, this girl is the daughter of the deputy mayor of Zhou Pengyou. Let me tell you the truth, she really likes me and admires me very much. But I don't like her at all, let alone have sex with her." Relationship. To a certain extent, she is unrequited love, which belongs to the burning stick."

Kong Shufang nodded: "I believe your words intuitively. Mom has one more thing to ask you."

Fang Yuan said respectfully, "Please tell me, Mom."

Kong Shufang said, "You left Mayor Zhou's daughter behind and didn't go home. Where did you go?"

God!I haven't seen my mother-in-law for several months, and her political level has improved a lot!Fang Yuan looked at Kong Shuanghua, Kong Shuanghua shook his head gently.I don't know if she signaled Fang Yuan not to say anything, or told Fang Yuan that there was nothing she could do?My wife is a good wife, and I can only resolve the trouble I caused myself.

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "Mom, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Kong Shufang said: "Of course I want to hear the truth!"

Fang Yuan said: "In front of you, I must be honest. The house I went to is the house of my current lover, Song Sisi! Their family asked me to go over to discuss the Dacheng Company's annual meeting and discuss the Dacheng Company's 2009 annual meeting. development plan."

This sentence shocked Kong Shufang.I really didn't expect that the son-in-law would say that he had a lover without hesitation.Kong Shufang was so surprised that she couldn't even close her mouth.

Fang Yuan said, "Mom, do you want to hear the story between me and Song Sisi?"

Kong Shufang looked at her daughter, then at her son-in-law, and tried to calm down: "Speak."

Fangyuan started talking about Dongzhou Normal University and Song Sisi becoming alumni, becoming a colleague in 68 Middle School, becoming a member of the Youth Federation, and talking about several experiences of the Youth Federation.Kong Shuanghua also sat down. Although she knew about the lover relationship between Fang Yuan and Song Sisi, she never understood many things.

Fang Yuan said: "After marrying Shuanghua, basically I had no contact with Song Sisi, and there was no news after that. But in March and April this spring, Song Sisi suddenly found me and told me that her family's Dacheng company wanted Closed down. She begged for my help, to see if I could help Dacheng Company through the difficulties. Even ordinary friends, we have to lend a helping hand when others encounter difficulties, right? What's more, Song Sisi is my alumnus and once my colleague. So, I contacted the president of the Bank of Communications for an emergency loan of 3 million; I also contacted a government department and provided a government order; Some of my experiences were provided to Song Sisi as suggestions. Coinciding with the 4 Wenchuan Earthquake, Dacheng Company changed its enterprise to produce disaster relief tents and won a large number of orders. The life-saving money of 1200 yuan brought Dacheng Company back to life. Song Sisi's family was very grateful to me, and Song Sisi was also admiring and grateful, and took the initiative to throw herself into his arms. I admit that I couldn't resist such a temptation, but I was definitely not the active party. Now, I'm on the pirate ship, and it's hard to get off because Song Sisi is pregnant."

"What, Song Sisi is pregnant?" Kong Shufang could hardly believe her ears.

Fang Yuan said: "If you do it, you have to be responsible, otherwise, am I still a person? I also told Shuanghua frankly about the matter between me and Song Sisi, and I didn't hide anything. Thank you Shuanghua for your tolerance, thank you Shuanghua has done everything to me! I feel ashamed and grateful to Shuanghua! In my heart, no one can replace Shuanghua, not even Song Sisi."

Kong Shufang couldn't believe that in the new society of monogamy, her son-in-law dared to blatantly admit at home that she had a lover outside and was pregnant with her son-in-law's child.Kong Shufang selectively forgot for the time being that her husband, a senior official and professor several levels higher than Fangyuan, also lived with a female doctor and female student named Ma for several months, and did not even have a home at all.'s better to be honest than to lie, although Fang Yuan's mistakes are almost unforgivable.

Kong Shuanghua's heart was also conflicted.To get Fang Yuan to leave Song Sisi, it was as difficult as climbing the sky!Song Sisi knew Fangyuan earlier than herself!This is also a lover relationship with a certain emotional foundation, not like a one-night stand, nor is it a dewy lover.Song Sisi's family is rich, so the picture is naturally not Fangyuan's money.It is not easy to buy out the relationship between two people with money.

All three fell silent.Kong Shufang also felt that this matter was tricky.Kong Shufang looked at her daughter: "Xiaohua, what do you want to do?" Kong Shuanghua burst into tears: "I don't know either."

Seeing her daughter's tears and knowing her daughter's heartache, Kong Shufang's heart was pierced like a knife.Kong Shufang said, "Does your father know about this?"

Fang Yuan said, "My father? Or my father-in-law?" Kong Shufang said, "It's Confucius Field." Fang Yuan said, "I guess, my father probably already knew about it."

Kong Shufang was silent.Confucius Tian knew about this, but turned a blind eye to it and turned a deaf ear to it. This was clearly conniving to Fang Yuan!At this time, Kong Shufang remembered the fact that there were women outside Kong Zitian, and she was full of emotion in her heart: Is it true that capable men, men who have become officials, always have women outside?If he has a good man outside, will Kong Zitian divorce immediately?If Xiao Hua had a good friend outside, would Fang Yuan divorce immediately?The answer is no need to think!Why is society so unfair?When there is a woman outside the man, the woman has to endure it; if there is a man outside the woman, the man immediately turns his face!What's the point?Where is the justice?

Kong Shufang suddenly discovered that she was fragile and sensitive deep in her heart, haggard and powerless in front of the powerful secular world.Kong Shufang stared at Fangyuan, neither angry nor helpless: "What's your next step?"

Fang Yuan said: "I am also worried. I thought about cutting off the relationship with Song Sisi, but the child in her womb is innocent, I did it, and I must take responsibility. I was at fault for this matter, and I am sorry for Shuanghua. , but I can't find a way to end the relationship between me and Song Sisi. If Shuanghua has a feasible way, you can say it and we can discuss it."

Kong Shuanghua shook his head with tears in his eyes.If I had a way, I would have used it long ago, so why wait until now!

Kong Shufang also cried sadly: "You men, you are so irresponsible! How good Shuanghua is to this family and you! He even gave birth to you a smart and lovely son! Do you treat Shuanghua like this?"

Fangyuan's eyes were moist: "Mom, I only feel guilty for Shuanghua, and I am willing to compensate Shuanghua more in other aspects! I cherish this family now, I love Shuanghua, and I also love Ruirui! But, what else can I do?" What to do? If I really break up with Song Sisi, if Song Sisi and her family go to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and complain to higher-level leaders, everything will be over for me. I can’t afford such serious consequences, and it’s not my father , the ending that Shuanghua would like to see."

Kong Shufang had to admit that what Fang Yuan said was the truth!Whether Kong Shuanghua complained or Song Sisi complained, the consequences would be disastrous.Just like Kong Zitian, if he had complained when he was with Ma, Kong Zitian would probably be ruined, and it would be impossible for him to be promoted to the more powerful executive vice president of the Qingjiang Provincial Party School as he is now.what should I do?

Kong Shufang remembered another thing, and asked, "Xiao Fang, besides Song Sisi, do you have any other women now?" This question pierced Fang Yuan's forehead like a sharp sword, making Fang Yuan stunned on the spot.

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