Director's growth history

3936.2611. To be free is only a dream

Competent journalists tend to hit the nail on the head when interviewing and asking questions, and grasp the essence of the problem directly; while a talented and sharp reporter like Ren Xiaoai will only ask the people in the Education Bureau to find it difficult to answer.Fangyuan is no exception.

Ren Xiaoai asked: "Director Fang, I have two questions. The first question is: Although the position of the director of the Municipal Experimental Kindergarten is not high-level, it represents the best preschool education in the city. It is like the Dongzhou Experimental Middle School in the middle school. Average. It can be said that the Experimental Kindergarten is the best kindergarten in the city, and the position of director of the Experimental Kindergarten will be aspired to by all the kindergarten directors or teachers in the city. I estimate that after the registration starts, there will be thousands of people or even students. Thousands of people apply for the exam, and its popularity is not inferior to the most popular position in the civil service exam. Then, will the Education Bureau organize tens of thousands of exams for this position? The cost of tens of thousands of exams is huge, and this piece of expenditure Is it from the taxpayers? The second question: The Education Bureau has taken a gratifying step in the innovation of the personnel system reform, but there are also other departments who sneer at it, thinking that the Education Bureau is trying to show off, and it is self-government. Then, the city experiment The position of kindergarten principal has changed from appointment to open competition. Is it true that the positions of principals of dozens of middle schools directly under the Education Bureau, especially Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, will also be appointed by the bureau's party committee and become open competition? I think , Open competition is indeed able to select the best talents, and it is the direction of personnel system reform. I wonder if Director Fang can make a promise or a clear answer: In the future, grassroots positions in the Education Bureau will be open to competition?"

Sun Hongjun almost collapsed on the chair.If I knew that there would be so many sequelae and political risks in this competition, I would never agree to do it.The big deal is to directly appoint a director, following the tradition, and no one will question it.How is it now, just at the beginning, many unexpected problems have arisen: the brother departments are secretly opposed; The principals of the kindergartens are open to open competition for the principals of all schools, so where is the authority of the party committee of the bureau?Does the bureau party committee still have any role?

Fang Yuan also felt exhausted.I'm young, so I only consider the good side when doing things, and don't expect the bad side.I still have a long way to go before making scientific decisions!All aspects have been considered thoroughly, and then the decision made will be stable.Perhaps, this time the public competition for the director of the kindergarten has taken a bigger step in the reform, and the method has been a little more radical.Not right!How could a plan approved by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security be radical?

Fangyuan pondered for a few minutes before opening his mouth: "Reporter Ren's question made my back drenched. Well, since I was asked, I will know everything. Maybe our starting point is good, but we have With the supervision of journalists and friends, we can avoid making mistakes at the beginning. As for the exam, there will never be thousands or tens of thousands of people taking the exam. First of all, the Education Bureau will have a qualification review process. To conduct an audit. Not everyone can come to take the exam. There must be several prerequisites: first, they must come from public kindergartens within the four districts and five counties of the city; second, they must have been a principal or a teaching assistant for a long time Teachers and researchers of preschool education in the district or county. Temporarily do not accept applications from people from other places other than Dongzhou, do not accept registrations from private kindergartens, and do not accept registrations from ordinary kindergarten teachers in public kindergartens. Those who do not meet the above basic prerequisites will be We were eliminated in the qualification review process. Therefore, it is estimated that there are only one or two hundred people in the city who meet the registration requirements; it is estimated that there are dozens of people who can actually register and pass the qualification review. For the exam of dozens of people, one classroom can Yes. At worst, Secretary Sun and I will personally invigilate the exam to ensure that no one can cheat, and no one dares to cheat."

Ren Xiaoai nodded: "I am quite satisfied with Director Fang's answer to the first question. It seems that I have thought too far. The second question is the key point."

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, reporter Ren. My attitude is as to whether the competition for the principals of grassroots schools will be released after the competition for the principal of the experimental kindergarten. This is the case. The competition for the principal of the experimental kindergarten has been organized by the municipal party committee. We are deeply grateful for the strong support and guidance throughout the whole process from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of the Ministry of Education. This is the first pilot project of the Education Bureau. The significance of the pilot project is to find problems and sum up experience. If it can be proved, the open competition is our choice. Excellent talents will give the experimental kindergarten a new look and achieve new great development. In the future, some grassroots schools will definitely compete for the positions of principals. There is no doubt about this general direction. But there is no specific timetable, only It can be steady progress. After all, stability is the prerequisite for development.”

Ren Xiaoai said: "I think everyone is very concerned about whether the City Experimental Middle School will put up the principal position for public competition in the future?"

Fang Yuan said: "The Municipal Experimental Middle School is the focus school of the people in the city. There are many teachers and students, and the internal situation is also relatively complicated. It is not easy to control such a school; it is even more difficult for newcomers to lead. In the short term Within a short period of time, the Municipal Education Bureau will not put this position up for public competition. Candidates to serve as the principal of this school must have a very important prerequisite, that is, to be familiar with the people and affairs of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. The education system has relatively recognized ability and experience. At present, I am also the principal of the experimental middle school, so the public competition for the principal of this school is not a short-term issue. I have an idea that if the competition for the principal of the experimental kindergarten is successful, the effect will be good. Maybe one or two school principals with relatively poor quality will be selected for open competition to see if we can select an excellent principal who can completely change the appearance of a weak school through the Bole horse selection. This general direction, as long as I am still in Dongzhou Education, we are ready to implement it at the right time. Thank you."

After Ren Xiaoai's question, seven other reporters came to ask questions.Zhang Yuanqing mastered the rhythm and tried his best to control the time, but the press conference of the Education Bureau still lasted for more than 2 hours.Without exception, all the reporters' questions were asked to Comrade Fang Yuan, the deputy team leader. Zhang Yuanqing hinted or quoted it, but it didn't work at all. Fang Yuan was so tired that he wanted to vomit outside.Thinking that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done, Fang Yuan is very anxious.And Sun Hongjun, Kong Lili, Teng Feiyue, and Shen Jun all sat beside them, with nothing to do at all.

The press conference finally came to an end after Zhang Yuanqing said that he had answered the ten reporters' questions and that he asked director Kong and the two section chiefs about other questions after the meeting.The reporters felt that at today's press conference, they learned a lot of things they wanted to know, because Fang Yuan spoke very frankly, but he still wanted to ask more questions.Comrade Fang Yuan, the executive deputy team leader, felt weak all over, and worked harder than Sanjiro Yiye. Without Zhang Yuanqing's support, he seemed unable to leave the meeting room.Since he didn't sleep well last night, Fang Yuan's face was pale and his head was sweating. It was obvious that he was exhausted.

It was noon, and before Fang Yuan left, he asked Kong Lili to arrange and accompany the reporters for a meal, and expressed his gratitude to the reporters again, imploring the reporters to support the reform and exploration of the Education Bureau this time, let the Education Bureau do good things well, and let the pilot A complete success.

Ren Xiaoai originally wanted to conduct an exclusive interview with Fang Yuan, but seeing the haggard Fang Yuan, she gave up the idea.She felt sorry for Fangyuan, thinking about how to write this manuscript into a positive and positive news report, which is both high and deep, and also embodies innovation, highlighting Fangyuan's spirit of reform and innovation, in return for Fangyuan's overnight contact with the doctor to give her The love of healing.Ren Xiaoai gave up her sumptuous lunch and rushed back to the "Qingjiang Daily" reporter station in Dongzhou. After eating a little, she began to ponder and conceive this news report.After all, it was just a small competition for a department-level post, and it was a trivial matter in Qingjiang Province.What kind of angle can this report be published by "Qingjiang Daily" and become the focus of a sensational report in the whole province?

Ni Runqing also left Fangyuan in a somewhat complicated manner.She already knew about the discord between Song Yunsheng and Fang Yuan. As Song Yunsheng's woman, Ni Runqing hoped that Fang Yuan would be unlucky; Dongzhou Education needs a cadre like Fang Yuan who works hard.How wonderful it would be if Song Yunsheng and Fangyuan could reconcile!Can I do something beneficial to the reconciliation of two people?

In Fangyuan's office, Sun Hongjun felt very ashamed: "I'm sorry, Director Fang." Fangyuan said: "I'll take a rest now. Secretary Sun, you can proceed with the follow-up work according to the original plan. This press conference is generally better. Yes. The pressure is a little bit higher, but it is also very concentrated. If you accept interviews with one reporter after another individually, the time will be too long if you don’t talk about it, I’m afraid it will be endless. I suggest that if necessary, open an interview every day The press conference was not at the Education Bureau, but at the Education Hotel. Yuan Qing presided over it well. In the next few days, Director Kong, Director Xi, Section Chief Teng, and Section Chief Shen will take turns to announce the progress of the daily work to reporters If the reporters are interested, they will continue to report. If they are not interested, it is just what I want. How about it?" Sun Hongjun said: "Okay."

Fang Yuan said: "Yuanqing, make a list of priorities for the tasks you told me today, and I will deal with them in the same way." Zhang Yuanqing said, "I will bring them up in 10 minutes." Fang Yuan said, "I will skip lunch first. Now, I have to rest. Everyone go about their own business."

A few minutes later, Zhang Yuanqing printed the work list on a piece of paper and handed it to Fangyuan.Zhang Yuanqing said: "Director, I have already explained to the cafeteria that you should rest first, and after the rest is almost finished, let the cafeteria make you some food alone. I won't bother you, you can rest."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you for your hard work, Yuan Qing! You did a great job!"

Fangyuan locked the door and lay down on the sofa.Drowsy and about to fall asleep, the phone rang.Fang Yuan didn't want to pick it up, but he had to.Now, there are fewer and fewer calls to this mobile phone.Anyone who calls, dares to call.Ordinary people, who would dare to call the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau to find something to do?

Fang Yuan picked up the phone, glanced at it, immediately opened his eyes wide, and picked up the phone: "Mayor Ma, what instructions do you have?"

Ma Lianghe said: "Xiao Fang, Liu Bin, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor, Xia Hanchun, deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress and chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, will come to Dongzhou for inspection the day after tomorrow. Song Dacheng has gone abroad with Zhou Pengyou. Mr. Zhu and Xiao Song are not very familiar with the relevant activities of the labor union of Dacheng Company. This scene will be very important, can you go to Dacheng Company and personally promote this matter, and make sure it is completed satisfactorily?"

Fang Yuan found that he had no way to refuse, so he bit the bullet and agreed.Song Sisi's call then came in: "Fangyuan, my dad went abroad by plane, and Mayor Ma asked my mom and I to organize an on-site trade union meeting. Mom and I have never cared about these things, and we don't know what to do. We Wouldn’t it be okay if we didn’t do this scene?”

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