Director's growth history

3938.2613. Favors that should be owed must be owed

When an official is most afraid of problems at the bottom, especially when he is the top leader.

When Wang Xingbang said that something big was going on, Fang Yuan stood up in shock.Originally, my head was a little groggy, but now I am very clear-headed: "Xingbang, what's going on?"

Wang Xingbang was out of breath: "Director Fang, just now I received an emergency report from Longwan District. When the students of Experimental Primary School in Longwan District were going downstairs collectively in the old teaching building, the stairs suddenly broke and collapsed. The students fell in a large piece, and the students behind continued to crowd They climbed up, fell down, and then there was a stampede incident, and more than 50 students were injured." Fang Yuan was not most concerned about this: "Is there a dead student?" Wang Xingbang said, "I don't know yet."

Fang Yuan said: "Let's go, go to the scene now!" Wang Xingbang said: "Director Fang, you can't go now! I just called the Longwan District Education and Sports Bureau, and the scene is very chaotic! The traffic jam! Deputy District Chief Chen Qizhi and District Chief Luo Dianzhang have already gone to the scene. Hundreds of policemen are maintaining order, and the parents are demanding compensation, an explanation, and the return of their children!"

This is really a leaky house and continuous rain, cold weather and northwest wind!Originally, Fangyuan was overwhelmed by the heavy workload of the Education Bureau, and a serious student safety accident happened again, and Fangyuan felt that the internal fire was rising. Tomorrow, it would either be a sore nose or a swollen lip. This is for sure. up.

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Director, I don't think you can go for the time being. You must first understand what happened and listen to the report on the situation in Longwan District. It belongs to the district, but the Education Bureau also needs to have an attitude.”

Fang Yuan calmed down: "Director Wang, on behalf of the Municipal Education Bureau and the comrades from the Safety Section, you will rush to the scene immediately to help coordinate related matters. To show that the Municipal Education Bureau attaches great importance to this matter, we must also rush to the scene as soon as possible. on site."

Wang Xingbang was a bit overwhelmed, but as the deputy director in charge of security work, he was duty bound.Wang Xingbang said: "Okay, I will go there with all the comrades in the safety department now. Do you want to report the situation to the municipal party committee and the municipal government?"

Fang Yuan nodded: "Yuanqing, get in touch with the Education and Sports Bureau of Longwan District immediately and ask them to report a situation first, and we will forward it to the municipal party committee and government."

Sun Hongjun also heard the news and came to Fangyuan's office.

Fang Yuan felt uneasy, so he called Bi Quanquan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Longwan District Party Committee: "Secretary Bi, I heard that there was a campus safety accident in Longwan District."

Bi Lili was also on fire, and when he received a phone call from Fangyuan, he paid attention to etiquette: "Yeah! People are unlucky, and drinking cold water will get stuck between their teeth! I just gave a good meal to criticize the relevant departments." .Why the hidden danger was discovered early, but it was not repaired for a long time. Now that something goes wrong, you push me, I push you, and everyone puts the responsibility on other departments!"

Fang Yuan said: "Now is not the time to ask about responsibilities. The first task is to save people, to save people first, to ensure that there are fewer deaths or no deaths. There are too many deaths. Secretary Bi, you, and I have to bear a lot of responsibility." responsibility.” Bi Quanli said: “Yes! Save people first! District Chief Luo and Chen Qizhi have arrived at the scene, and all the people from the District Public Security Bureau are on the scene. But now, my place is very difficult! The three district-run hospitals have to be integrated Now, the doctors and nurses are simply not working hard, who has the heart to save people?" Fang Yuan said, "I'll contact Chen Haixia, the director of the Municipal Health Bureau! Secretary Bi, what else do you need me to do?" Bi Quanquan said: " Now, the gate of the District Experimental Primary School and the campus have accommodated thousands of parents of students, and the number is still increasing. The scene is very chaotic. I suspect that some people who hate society have also mixed into the team of parents. I urgently need police force Support! Fangyuan, you have a good relationship with Wang Chuyin, let him dispatch police from other places to help maintain order."

Who puts up such a thing, who is not in a hurry, who is not angry?It would be unreasonable if the parents were not emotional.Fangyuan said: "The district finance must prepare some money! Parents should not be able to afford the medical treatment of these children." Bi Quanli said, "I know. The district finance must pay for the medical treatment. I am worried now, this matter The compensation afterwards is a sky-high price, and the district finance cannot afford it!"

Fangyuan couldn't help Bi Quanquan in this matter.Fang Yuan said, "I'll contact Chen Haixia and Wang Chuyin first. Goodbye."

Fangyuan called Chen Haixia, and Chen Haixia said, "Okay, I will arrange for people to notify the major hospitals immediately, and make preparations to receive the injured students from the Experimental Primary School in Longwan District. At the same time, each hospital dispatched all 120 ambulances to the scene, one by one. Xiao Fang, I am looking at your face." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Sister Chen." Chen Haixia said: "What I am most worried about now is that the parents in the hospital are emotional, smashing and looting the hospital facilities, If doctors and nurses fail to treat their children in time, they will go too far. I need a certain number of police officers in every hospital to help maintain order. I need people from Longwan District to be present in every hospital. At the scene, if there are any incidents of vandalism, economic losses caused by the hospital, and physical injuries suffered by doctors and nurses, Longwan District will have to bear the burden."

It's really a chain reaction, and it's really a reasonable request.Fang Yuan said, "I'll call Bi Quanli right away. You make arrangements first." Chen Haixia said, "Okay."

Fangyuan called Bi Quanli again, but he couldn't get in.The line is busy all the time, and the line is still busy when you call again.It can be seen that Bi Quanli is probably in a state of desperation now.

Zhang Yuanqing brought the situation report from the Education and Sports Bureau of Longwan District, Fang Yuan glanced at it, and said, "Report to the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government." Zhang Yuanqing ran downstairs.

Fang Yuan called Wang Chuyin: "Brother Wang, did you know about the campus safety accident in Longwan District?"

Wang Chuyin said: "I know." Fang Yuan said: "Can you deploy more police forces to help maintain order?" Wang Chuyin said: "Brotherhood, I always agree to what you ask me. But this matter, the procedure No! Brother, you shouldn’t be making this call. The person making this call should be someone from Longwan District.” Fang Yuan said, “Brother, when is this, are you still joking with me?” Wang Chuyin said: "I am the chief of the Public Security Bureau, but the transfer of police forces across districts requires the orders of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Political and Legal Committee. The police force has been dispatched, who will be responsible if an emergency occurs in other districts?"

ah?yes!Social security in other districts also needs to be maintained!In the first place, there are many things to do and few police officers, and there are not enough police officers anywhere.Fangyuan said: "Okay, the police force in Longwan District, let Longwan District apply. Now I have one more thing to ask my brother, the major hospitals have to accept a large number of children, Director Chen Haixia is worried that there will be emotional parents in the hospital, she asked me to coordinate Can you arrange some police forces to help maintain order, avoid looting, and avoid doctors and nurses being beaten up by their parents because they did not give timely treatment."

Wang Chuyin sighed: "Brother, the procedures for this matter are also wrong! However, I can help with this. I will deploy the police force, at least 10 police forces for each hospital, to help the hospital maintain order. Brother, I have The number of people available online is also extremely limited. You have to understand my difficulty! The Municipal Education Bureau is not very responsible for this campus safety accident, and the responsibility is all in Longwan District. So my brother advises you, you can command by remote control, but you must not Go to the scene. I heard that Bi Lili did not go to the scene. Why? You have to think about it! Why can’t I send more police to Longwan District? In addition to the needs of the work itself, I am also worried. Because the police maintained order, there was a conflict between the police and the people, and the final result was that the Public Security Bureau took the main responsibility. This is a political consequence that my brother and I cannot afford!"

Fangyuan once again felt the complexity and cruelty of politics.As an old treacherous and cunning official, Wang Chuyin's words are philistine, but they are reality!

Fangyuan called Chen Haixia: "I have discussed with Director Wang Chuyin that each city-owned hospital will send 10 police officers to help maintain order." Chen Haixia said, "What about the money for medical treatment? The hospital can't afford it. Ah!" Fang Yuan said, "Bi Quanli's phone line has been busy, so I'll call him again. Sister Chen, the more people you save at this time, the more you are solving difficulties for the municipal party committee and the municipal government, which is a political achievement!" Chen Haixia said: "The reason is this. The key point is that hospitals are all funded by differential funding. The hospital relies on treating patients to support so many doctors and nurses. If it is free, the hospital can't stand it, and neither can I, the health director!" Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I'll call Bi Quanli again. You save people first! The more people die, the more I feel sad, brother!" Chen Haixia sighed: "It's for your sake, I'll save you first! Arrange to save people. You owe me a favor." Fang Yuan said, "Understood. This favor, I owe my sister, and I will pay it back double."

Wang Xingbang called from the scene: "Report to the director, the parents at the scene are very emotional, and I have been punched several times! District chief Luo Dianzhang was beaten so badly that his head bleeds, and he has been sent to the hospital urgently. You must not come now, even if you do come." It's useless! It's too confusing."

Fangyuan hung up the phone and sighed: "Secretary Sun, District Chief Luo Dianzhang was beaten until his head bleeds and he was sent to the hospital." Sun Hongjun said, "I'm relieved when I leave. District Chief Luo is so smart!"

Just because Sun Hongjun is timid doesn't mean he can't see the essence of the problem.Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly figured it out: Well, Luo Dianzhang, leaving the scene with an injury is enough to prove that you have fulfilled your duties, and that you were injured honorably. I am afraid that there will be no criticism and punishment in the future, only praise and rewards.Why are the old guys in the officialdom more treacherous and smarter than the other?It seems that my official experience is still very lacking!Wang Chuyin, Luo Dianzhang, and Bi Quanli all taught themselves a vivid lesson.Although Zhang Yuanqing just reminded himself not to go to the scene, his official experience was not as good as Zhang Yuanqing's!

Fang Yuan suddenly thought of another question: Luo Dianzhang is gone, is this Chen Qizhi going to be a scapegoat again?

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