Director's growth history

3943.2618. Why do you say that?

Wang Guodong looked at Bi Quanli, at Luo Dianzhang wrapped in gauze, and then at Chen Qizhi.Wang Guodong said in a deep voice: "Comrade Qizhi, you have to trust the municipal committee and the organization. Whether it is a punishment or not, and what kind of punishment there is, the municipal committee will definitely make a decision that everyone thinks is relatively fair. You should first report the relevant events after the incident happened. Condition."

Chen Qizhi considered his words in his mind. First of all, the district committee and the district government should put the high priority on the front. He talked about how Bi Quanli coordinated the overall situation, how Luo Dianzhang took the lead, and was even injured and sent to the hospital.Then I would like to thank the Municipal Education Bureau, the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Longwan District Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Health Bureau, and especially the Deputy Mayor Ma Lianghe and the Deputy Director Fangyuan of the Municipal Education Bureau.Talking about Deputy Director Fangyuan, Chen Qizhi said: "Shortly after the incident, Deputy Director Wang Xingbang of the Municipal Education Bureau was appointed by Director Fang and rushed to the scene to help coordinate and solve various problems; I am very grateful for the help provided by the Municipal Bureau of Health. After Mayor Ma arrived at the scene, the wounded were taken away by the ambulance of the Health Bureau. The police force and personnel played an important role in effectively responding to those who were dissatisfied with the society. Mayor Ma showed the compassion and decisive leadership of a party member leading cadre, and persuaded the onlookers. The bad elements who infiltrated the masses severely reprimanded them and took timely measures, even resigning as a guarantee, winning the trust of the people and playing a vital role in calming down the situation. Thank you to the superiors who helped me, thank you all!"

Chen Qizhi burst into tears, is this true or fake?No one can tell.Only Chen Qizhi knew that if Fangyuan and Ma Lianghe hadn't helped him, he might really be doomed.These are tears of gratitude, just like when you are shivering in the cold winter, someone sent you a cotton coat, how can you not be very moved?

Wang Guodong nodded: "Comrade Chu Yin, has the one who was arrested been investigated?"

Wang Chuyin said: "Report to Secretary Wang, it has been investigated. He has been imprisoned three times before, and was sentenced for theft, vandalism, and rape. He is a habitual offender. Now, I also bring this person's criminal record." Wang Guodong said: "Send a copy to each member of the Standing Committee." Wang Chuyin said: "Yes."

Wang Guodong took over the case and said: "The comrades in the Public Security Bureau have contributed to the calming down of the situation today. I heard that the hospitals have also deployed additional police forces, which effectively prevented the occurrence of beatings, vandalism and looting in the hospitals. Good job!"

Wang Chuyin glanced at Fangyuan and was filled with emotion: Originally, he sent the police for Fangyuan's sake, but he did not expect to make meritorious deeds again.Wang Chuyin said: "Thank you, Secretary Wang, for your praise. The Public Security Bureau will definitely make persistent efforts."

Wang Guodong looked at the case record and asked the Standing Committee members: "Do you think it is necessary to announce this person's case record on the "Dongzhou Daily" and Dongzhou TV Station's news program tomorrow?" Dou Shengzhong said: "I think it can be made public. This can effectively avoid rumors and reduce doubts. After all, the more timely we announce, the less passive we will be.”

With no objection, the proposal was adopted.At this time, even if everyone wants to object, they will be very cautious.After all, this is an event that the secretary of the provincial party committee is personally concerned about, and every word of every member of the standing committee may have to be reported to Secretary Zhao of the provincial party committee to know.

Wang Guodong said: "Comrade Lianghe will also report the situation on the scene." Ma Lianghe said: "Okay. When I went to the scene, there were Fangyuan and Wang Xingbang from the Municipal Education Bureau, Li Zhenhan from the Longwan District Bureau of the Public Security Bureau, Longwan District Of course, this is just what I saw. As you can see, District Chief Luo was injured and is still wrapped in bandages. I basically agree with Comrade Chen Qizhi's report on other situations. I resigned to deal with the situation at the scene, but the situation forced me. I just became the deputy mayor and I haven't made any achievements yet. How could I leave my job so easily? However, I dared to arrest people mainly because of several One aspect: First, I have been the secretary of the county party committee for many years, and I have experienced many mass incidents. When I was the secretary of the county party committee, I was never absent from mass incidents. In the complicated response, I have accumulated a certain amount of work Experience. Second, the Municipal Public Security Bureau has done a good job. When I arrived at the scene, Director Li Zhenhan of the Longwan District Public Security Bureau came to report the situation. Good work. When I arrived at the scene, all the injured students were properly arranged for treatment, and the work efficiency was very high. I asked the municipal party committee to praise me. There were no parents at the scene. Fourth, the Municipal Education Bureau did a good job. The first time , the deputy director in charge of safety work rushed to the scene and fought side by side with the comrades in Longwan District. Although this was a safety accident at the school, Longwan District Experimental Primary School is a district-owned school, and it is said that it has little relationship with the Municipal Education Bureau. Comrade Fang Yuan, who was temporarily in charge of the work, not only arranged for the deputy director in charge to go, but also arrived later. I also heard that he actively coordinated with the Health Bureau and the Public Security Bureau, asked for support and help, and showed the overall situation and ability to deal with complicated situations. Leadership is worthy of recognition. The general situation is like this. But I have promised in front of the injured parents that all injured students will receive free medical treatment, and the follow-up compensation will be negotiated with Longwan District after the students are discharged from the hospital. As long as It is a reasonable request, and we should give an explanation to the parents. I hope that Secretary Bi and District Chief Luo will understand and do a good job in follow-up work to avoid intensification of conflicts and bring uncertainties to the incident."

Bi Lili's nose was crooked with anger.However, as the youngest member of the Standing Committee, Wang Guodong did not call his name, and Bi Quanjin could not speak easily.

But all members of the Standing Committee knew that Bi Quanli had failed to show the responsibility of a top leader in this emergency incident in Longwan District, which was obviously a failure.The secretary of the district committee shrinks back, what do you need the secretary of the district committee for?

Wang Guodong said: "Follow-up work is equally important than on-site handling. If Longwan District does not handle it properly and triggers new mass incidents, I am afraid the situation will end badly. Comrade Quanli, you have to express your position on behalf of Longwan District .”

Bi Quanli said: "Yes, Secretary Wang. All injured students will receive free medical treatment. As for compensation, Longwan District will also give parents some compensation within a reasonable range. The school conducts safety inspections, and if hidden dangers are found, they are eliminated one by one to ensure that similar accidents will never happen again."

Shi Mingxiang said: "I suggest a city-wide investigation of school safety. Mayor Ma, you are now in charge of education, urban construction, and safety. Do you have an opinion?"

Ma Lianghe said: "Chairman Shi, on the way to the Municipal Party Committee, I have already discussed with Comrade Fangyuan. This is very necessary. The key point is that if many hidden dangers are discovered and the maintenance funds used exceed [-] million or even billions, the city, Can districts and districts disburse so much money?"

Yeah, Ma Lianghe raised a real question.There are thousands of schools and kindergartens in the city. If you want to check for hidden dangers, private schools and kindergartens can let them solve the hidden dangers by themselves. However, public schools and kindergartens will cost at least hundreds of thousands of yuan for repairs. Larger projects will require several Millions or even tens of millions.If the number of schools cannot be supported, how can the municipal and district governments allocate so much money all at once to repair school buildings that do not see any benefits or returns?

Song Yunsheng said: "The question raised by Mayor Ma is indeed a very realistic question. The government's financial bag is so big. When the National People's Congress deliberated at the beginning of the year, all the uses of every money were arranged. Although I, the mayor There is 5000 million yuan of reserved funds for contingency, but I am afraid it is far from enough."

Shi Mingxiang said: "If these hidden dangers are not ruled out, once a similar accident occurs again, who can bear this responsibility? And who is responsible for the safety of the people, parents, and students?"

Deng Yuncong said: "Chairman Shi, I am in charge of finances, and I know that the government's money is really not enough. Our government is heavily in debt, and tax revenue alone cannot satisfy so many large projects and large constructions. Although socialized financing has been adopted, the government has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars at a time, which is still a drop in the bucket. The city government manages many things, and education should of course be managed, but fiscal revenue is limited, so we must do what we can. I propose this Okay? The city’s school building safety inspection must be carried out, and hidden dangers must be checked out. Then we divide the degree of fundamental hidden dangers into critical hidden dangers, serious hidden dangers, serious hidden dangers, and general hidden dangers. Critical hidden dangers, The municipal government and district governments allocated special funds to eliminate them in the shortest possible time; serious hidden dangers were included in the 2009 budget and resolved within one year; other hidden dangers were resolved year by year.”

Shi Mingxiang said: "Director Deng, if there are general hidden dangers in your house, will you fix it right away, or wait a few years before doing it?"

No one knew why, Shi Mingxiang charged forward as if he had taken some medicine today, regardless of other people's feelings.Song Yunsheng and Deng Yuncong's thoughts are indeed in line with the current situation of the government. They insist on asking the government for money, but the government has no money.But such a small question hit Deng Yuncong's vital point, leaving Deng Yuncong speechless.

Wang Guodong said: "Mayor Song and Mayor Deng have reasonable considerations, and Chairman Shi's suggestion is also very correct. Let's do this, starting tomorrow, we will conduct a large-scale safety inspection of school buildings in the city. Mayor Ma will take the lead, and the Education Bureau, Construction Committee, The three departments of the Security Office work together to find out hidden dangers as soon as possible. Each district and county conducts its own investigation. For serious hidden dangers, hurry up and solve them. For other hidden dangers, I suggest that Mayor Song hold a mayor’s office meeting and come up with an opinion, how about it?”

Song Yunsheng nodded: "Okay, convene a government executive meeting as soon as possible to study this issue. I think this is the case. After the end of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, an executive meeting of the municipal government will be held immediately to bring out the opinions of the city's inspection of school buildings. The investigation will start tomorrow. "This is the government's job, Wang Guodong reached out and Song Yunsheng couldn't give Wang Guodong more opportunities.

Wang Guodong said: "Okay. Let's get down to business. Such a serious safety accident occurred in Longwan District. If some responsible persons are not punished, there is no way to explain to the provincial party committee or the masses. Now, let's discuss and discuss who should be punished. What level of punishment is appropriate?"

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