Director's growth history

3949 Chapter 2636 Fangyuan became a bun

Fang Yuan returned to the Education Bureau.At the end of the year, it is the critical time for summarizing various tasks and planning for the new year's work, and the workload is abnormally large.Although Fangyuan was also anxious, the news of Confucius Tian going to Dacheng Company would bring great distress to Song Sisi and Zhu Rui, but at this time, there was no time to take care of it.There are many materials to read, many people to meet, and many things to talk about.Being an official will have corresponding benefits, but the responsibilities are also heavy, and the workload is far more than that of being a section chief or a section member, and the work pressure is unimaginable to the section chief and section staff. of.In the entire Education Bureau, the only one who can match Fang Yuan's workload is Zhang Yuanqing, the director of the office.He assumed the responsibility of pre-triage. Whether a lot of materials should be reported to Fangyuan, and whether many people can see Fangyuan, Zhang Yuanqing had to pass through.In the past, Wang Xingbang was not as tired as Zhang Yuanqing, but Fangyuan obviously had far more social entertainment than Zhai Xinwen. As a last resort, he had to divert some materials and people who wanted to see Fangyuan.

An Dongsheng, chairman of Dongsheng Group, called: "Xiao Fang, we will be at the Shangri-La Hotel at 6 o'clock in the evening. See you soon."

Fang Yuan said: "I will definitely arrive, maybe a little later. Brother An, please understand, I have too much work now." An Dongsheng was also polite: "You are my honored guest, I will wait for you downstairs, don't you Come, the reception will not start."

Well, this responsibility is too heavy, right?

An Dongsheng added: "Xiao Fang, your father-in-law will bring more than 30 county party secretaries here tomorrow, which is of far-reaching significance to Dongsheng Group. I discussed it with my subordinates. This is a good opportunity for Dongsheng Group to merge the bankrupt sewing machine company. So, some things , I want to discuss it with you tonight."

Fang Yuan said, "I don't understand business management."

An Dongsheng said: "But you understand the twists and turns in the officialdom. I don't understand this, or I don't know much about it. And I can't just ask someone who understands the joints here, after all, it involves Dongsheng Group. For secrets, I must find someone I can absolutely trust who understands the rules of officialdom to communicate with. And you are precisely the person I trust the most, and you are my good brother."

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Brother An for your trust. You trust me, I know everything."

An Dongsheng said: "I have something to tell you. Cen Baiqiang, secretary of the Yanping County Party Committee, has been inviting me to invest in Yanping County, and the conditions offered are very favorable. Even my former female secretary, Chi Liping, who is now the vice president of Shuaihao Clothing , and also returned to Dongsheng Company as a lobbyist. After discussing with my subordinates, I also think that it is indeed profitable to establish Dongsheng Company's industrial park in Yanping County. However, this face cannot be sold to Chi Liping, but to Fang Brother. My wish is to invest, but if you don’t agree, I will first push Cen Baiqiang. At that time, Cen Baiqiang can only let me make a decision to invest in it by begging you.”

Fang Yuan said, "Brother An doesn't need to make things so complicated, does he?"

An Dongsheng said: "When it should be complicated, it must be complicated. If I agree easily, it will be difficult for me to get a good external atmosphere for my investment in Yanping; and as the introducer, I believe that Cen Baiqiang will definitely treat Dongsheng Group better. , and not setting up thresholds or barriers, Dongsheng Company has encountered too much trouble. You know, now on the ground in Dongzhou, there is almost no one who is willing to offend you on the surface. I hate you secretly, There is no way to do this; but no one wants to offend you in person, let alone let you know that he has set a trap or set a trap for you in some way."

Yes, businessmen are shrewd, and they must borrow if they can.In the eyes of the leaders, he was just a pawn, but now he has become a force.Fang Yuan didn't want to be kidnapped by An Dongsheng, but thinking of the 200 million that An Dongsheng donated to Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, he also took 3 from An Dongsheng, what else could Fang Yuan do besides agreeing?The mouth of others is short, and the hand of others is short.Fang Yuan now understands why some corrupt officials are kidnapped by many real estate companies. 200 million is public money, although 3 is not much, it was called an idea fee at the time, but it was actually bribery in disguise!

Fang Yuan pondered for a long time, and reluctantly agreed: "Okay."

An Dongsheng laughed loudly: "One more thing, it doesn't have much to do with us, you should listen to it as a joke. Now Chi Liping and Cen Baiqiang are as close as one person, and now she is Cen Baiqiang's friend."

Fang Yuan vaguely knew about this matter, and hearing An Dongsheng talk about it, his heart ached for a while.Why does it hurt, Fang Yuan can't explain.After all, she and Chi Liping also had a romantic relationship. At that time, she once begged herself to continue such a lover relationship, but she refused.During the few months when Chi Liping was a lover, Song Sisi didn't have so many troubles.Chi Liping speaks when she should speak, shuts up when she should shut up, appears when she should appear, and never appears when she should disappear.Looking back now, Chi Liping is indeed the most suitable woman among the few women Fang Yuan has experienced so far to be a lover.Now, she has become Cen Baiqiang's lover, which makes Fang Yuan feel mixed feelings.

An Dongsheng said: "Tonight, Cen Baiqiang will come, and Chi Liping, as a former employee of Dongsheng Group, will also come."

The news is like a bolt from the blue!Fang Yuan didn't know what it would be like to meet Chi Liping again.Will it be embarrassing?Will you regret it?Fangyuan knew that Chi Liping's beauty would definitely be a beautiful sight at the Dongsheng Group's banquet tonight!In Fangyuan's impression, Chi Liping's beauty ranked fourth after Su Ruihan, Ni Runqing, and Wen Ruoxing.But Dongzhou has a population of 500 million, and being able to rank fourth is also the best of beauty!

This news made Fang Yuan very upset.However, another phone call came, which also made Fang Yuan feel bad.

It was Ma Lianghe who called, and Ma Lianghe's voice was tired: "Xiao Fang, come to drink with me tonight."

Fang Yuan was surprised: "Mayor Ma, what's wrong with you?"

Ma Lianghe said: "I am afraid that my path to be promoted to the Standing Committee is broken."

Fang Yuan said: "Why? Isn't Dacheng's trade union activities very good today? The Nass Group also focused on the report on the development of trade union activities."

Ma Lianghe said: "But now I am the deputy mayor, and I am not in charge of the work of the trade union. More importantly, Secretary Wang is very indifferent to me now, which makes me at a loss. Xiao Fang, I regret it so much now, I regret that I shouldn't promote it. Ding Xiaohua's stinky feet, let alone report to Song Yunsheng. In the officialdom, if you step on two boats, you won't be able to do both sides, but both sides will suffer. I'm done! I can't be a member of the Standing Committee! Xiaofang, drink with me tonight .”

Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Ma, I want to be more open. If you can't be a member of the Standing Committee, you can still be a deputy mayor!"

Ma Lianghe said: "People's hearts are a very delicate thing. On Song Yunsheng's side, he will always use me, and will not include me as the core of his small circle; but there, I have lost the trust of Secretary Wang. , I want to win the trust of Secretary Wang again, it is very difficult, it is difficult to go to the sky! I regret it!"

Fang Yuan was silent: Ma Lianghe only now wanted to understand the joints inside, but his mind was really spoiled by greed.I was going to remind him at that time, but how could I remind him of the situation at that time?However, Ma Lianghe is unlikely to be promoted to the Standing Committee, and the chances of Sheng Jiantao and Liang Zhaopeng have increased.Fang Yuan is already preparing to gradually distance himself from Ma Lianghe, especially Wang Chuyin and Ding Xiaohua's reminders, coupled with Ma Lianghe's performance, all disappoint Fangyuan.Fang Yuan also felt that it was necessary to keep a distance from Ma Lianghe.

Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Ma, the current superiors' evaluation mainly depends on work performance. As long as you make achievements in the work you are in charge of, I believe the provincial leaders will definitely see it. Dealing with the crisis incident at the Experimental Primary School in Longwan District won the affirmation of the provincial leaders and registered with the provincial leaders. As for the next step, I personally suggest not to rely on Song Yunsheng. I can only say so much!"

Ma Lianghe said: "We'll talk about it in detail when we meet tonight, okay?"

Fang Yuan said: "Tonight, Dongsheng Group is going to hold a thank-you reception. Chairman An Dongsheng called me just now, and if I don't go, the reception won't start. If I don't go or go late, it will be a big crime. Dongsheng but We are the largest taxpayer in Dongzhou, how can I dare to trust him?"

Ma Lianghe said: "Xiao Fang, you are indeed a fulcrum that everyone attaches great importance to now! Do you have any plans for the next few days?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes, Mayor Ma, the lineup is very full, a little time None." Ma Lianghe smiled wryly: "Xiao Fang, I am very envious of you. Well, I will have a drink alone at night and think about some things. You are right. Now it is time to evaluate political achievements In this era, political achievements are more important than anything else.”

Fangyuan hung up the phone, unable to calm down for a long time.In the officialdom, one wrong move, one wrong move; one careless move, one is always passive.Ma Lianghe is a clear example!In the morning, it is still spring and the scenery is bright and the sun is shining brightly. In the afternoon, the situation changes suddenly and the clouds are dense.This officialdom is really not something that ordinary people can mess with. Every step of the way, every step is sinister, every step is crisis, can I cope with the more complicated political situation in the future?

Work continues, but new harassment is sure to follow.Ding Xiaohua called: "Xiao Fang, are you going to the Dongsheng Group's reception tonight?" Fang Yuan said, "How does Uncle Ding know?" Now, anyone who sees it wants to take a bite. How could such a cunning fox as An Dongsheng let you go?"

I don't know why, but Ding Xiaohua's words are always particularly unpleasant and unpleasant; but Ding Xiaohua's words are also penetrating, deep and sharp.Fang Yuan said, "I can't reach the level of this cake. It's just a steamed bun at most!"

Ding Xiaohua laughed loudly: "Even if it's Wowotou, it's also Wowotou made with pea noodles and Wowotou made with millet noodles. They are delicious! I want to have a bite too, and my Xiao Ke also wants to take a bite!"

"Okay, quickly divide me into several pieces, each of you will have one bite, eat and eat, and it will be over once."

Ding Xiaohua said: "How can you be willing to do this? It needs to flow slowly, and eat slowly. Sometimes, this wowotou can be eaten slowly and cultivated slowly, and the more you eat, the bigger it will be, and the more delicious it will be."

I'm really a fool.Fang Yuan smiled wryly: What kind of world is this?

Ding Xiaohua said: "Supposedly, the relationship between you and An Dongsheng is not as close as that between you and me! An Dongsheng gave you 200 million, and I gave you 220 million. An Dongsheng has no daughter, and I have a daughter." !"

Where is it all?Ding Xiaohua has such a big mouth, he can really talk nonsense.The first half of the sentence is like human speech, stating an objective fact; but the second half of the sentence is really not what a boss of a large enterprise group or a father said.Is there any difference between having a daughter and not having a daughter?

Fang Yuan said: "Uncle Ding, if you have something to say, don't be mean. I am in front of you, and I am willing to bow down."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Are you full in the next few days?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes."

Ding Xiaohua said: "No matter how full the line is, I have to leave it for one day. I won't invite you to the dinner party, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave. Of course, it's for your consideration. Many of the people who came were from Song Yunsheng's circle, and I know that you are a member of Wang Guodong's circle. Although I do things carelessly, sometimes I have to think about it for you, and I can't make you too embarrassed. In this way, tomorrow Nas Group will hold a board meeting, and you have to come and participate."

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