Director's growth history

396.116. Reporting class

Han Suzhen's words were powerful and inspiring. The directors of the district and city culture and education bureaus and the principals of the schools were gritted their teeth and made up their minds to make a new model of education in their districts or schools; Fangyuan compares and fights, and looks forward to creating brilliant results like Fangyuan; the impact on the department heads may be far less than the impact on the school and teachers, but they are a little younger The section chiefs also have the urge to do something. 【 】

There was warm applause at the venue.After the applause, Ma Shuntian said: "Comrades, we have gained a lot from today's party member learning day activities! Teacher Fangyuan gave us a good Chinese lesson rich in advanced ideas of quality education, and Comrade Guoqiang gave us a lesson. Quite a wonderful comment. Director Han made an important speech. I believe that our party members, cadres and teachers here must have felt a lot. After the meeting, the party committees of the district and county culture and education bureaus, and the general party branches or party branches of each school will report today The learning experience of the class has been sorted out, and it will be reported to the Political and Engineering Department of the Municipal Education Bureau before work tomorrow." Ma Shuntian suddenly seemed to remember something, and said: "By the way, each school has two reports, one to the Political and Engineering Department of the Education Bureau, and the Party Committee Or the chapter of the branch, one report to the Office of the Education Bureau, and the chapter of the Education Bureau or the school. Finally, I hope that comrades will seriously study and understand the spirit of Director Han’s important speech, implement it into specific education and teaching practices, and guide All districts, counties, and schools strive for innovative achievements in the education work, and then create new brilliance!"

Han Suzhen was extremely dissatisfied with Ma Shuntian's speech today. Although he mentioned from time to time in his speech that he should implement the spirit of his speech, the whole activity was originally an administrative matter. things.She was sitting next to Ma Shuntian, expressionless, and a little helpless: Tell me about you, Ma Shuntian, who will be retiring from the second line in September, why do you want to compete with me?I really don't know what you think?

But Han Suzhen's mood soon improved, because after Ma Shuntian announced the end of the meeting, reporters from the TV station and the party newspaper immediately found her and conducted a special interview with her for more than half an hour.Han Suzhen seized the opportunity to talk about the first prize in Fangyuan's class, and reviewed the progress of education in Binhai City in the past five years.She said: This progress is inseparable from the support of the people of the city, the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and the government, the joint efforts of school cadres and teachers working on the front line, and the propaganda of the news media. Here, on behalf of the Municipal Education Bureau, she would like to thank the people of the city, the municipal party committee, the municipal people's congress, the municipal government, and the CPPCC for their leadership, support and supervision, the cadres and teachers in the education system, and the news media for their support of Binhai's education cause over the years. , Help and support to Binhai Education Bureau.

At the end of the interview, Han Suzhen said: "Thank you reporters, you have worked so hard." Han Suzhen called Wang Xingbang, the director of the office, and whispered something in Wang Xingbang's ear.Wang Xingbang said: "Reporters, now, please take the Jinbei van of our Municipal Education Bureau and come with me to the Municipal Education Bureau. Please receive 300 yuan for your writing fee."

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