Director's growth history

3987 Chapter 2674, the opposite is effective

Lace news is always what readers are most interested in; romantic scandals have never lacked a wide audience.And if the gossip's male protagonist tells the gossip, it will definitely be full of wit and wit, and it will even stimulate the curiosity and strong curiosity of the audience and listeners.And now, Fang Yuan, as the deputy director in charge of the administrative work of the Education Bureau, is personally speaking about the scandal that happened to her. This kind of thing is unprecedented and unheard of in ancient times!

The entire banquet hall was completely silent at this moment, it could be said that a needle dropped to the ground could be heard.All eyes were on Fang Yuan's face, but everyone's mentality was different.Some people were worried about Fangyuan; some people were really curious about the truth of the incident; some people wished they could find another way to catch Fangyuan;

Fang Yuan scanned the audience with a calm face.Some things are useless to avoid, the more you avoid, the more suspicious you become.Especially for scandals between men and women, this is a fatal blow to many leading cadres.If you say it clearly, some people will not believe it; if you don't say it clearly, it will only spread more and more mysterious, and the final result will be that everyone's mouth is worthless.This is not the ending Fang Yuan expected to see.

Fang Yuan said: "This morning, I held an executive meeting at the municipal government to report on the completion of the year's work and the work plan for the next year. Suddenly I heard that a beautiful female officer from the Education Bureau came to find Director Fang. I believe that the overall Comrades are very concerned and interested. Some comrades may even think that this time they have finally found a way to attack Fangyuan. So, I attended the executive meeting of the municipal government, and several leaders of other bureaus mysteriously asked me who that beautiful female officer was. Before the official meeting, Mayor Song Yunsheng also asked me what happened to this beautiful female officer This reminds me of an old Chinese saying: Good things don’t go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. So, who is this beautiful female officer? What is the relationship between her and me? Now I will tell everyone.”

Fang Yuan's tone was very calm, but Fang Yuan's words were very lethal.What is Yangmou?This is!Fangyuan planned to take advantage of the New Year's Eve dinner of the Education Bureau, an opportunity where all the Education Bureau personnel were present, to fight a counterattack, so that those with ulterior motives would withdraw their small thoughts, and those with a curiosity-seeking mentality would lose interest completely.Before he knew it, Fang Yuan felt that he was a bit like Ding Xiaohua, who didn't play the cards according to the rules, only wanted to win the cards, and worked hard towards the predetermined result.Is it really black who is close to ink?Hehe, being Ding Xiaohua's black son-in-law is not necessarily a bad thing!

Fang Yuan looked at the audience very gently: "The beautiful female officer who came today is called Shen Yue, and she is a company officer in the security area. I was just discussing the cooperation between the Education Bureau and the security area with the head of the security area this month. , she had a meal with her once. I didn't know who she was before, let alone this person in the security area. This company commander Shen is probably quite beautiful, but I didn't pay much attention to me at the dinner table She. I talked about important matters with Commander Min Jian, Deputy Commander Huang Run, Director of the Political Department of Yan Meng, etc., even if I still have to pay attention to her? Talking about this kind of military-civilian cooperation is very brain-intensive, everyone knows On such an occasion, we can't fight wits and bravery, but we must always keep an open mind. We must treat each other sincerely, and we must not harm the interests of the Education Bureau. It is best to pursue a win-win situation for the Education Bureau and the security zone. It’s not enough at all, who cares about a female officer who is drinking with you? Maybe someone said it, and some people care. But I want to say, that’s your idea, you can’t judge a gentleman’s belly with a villain’s heart.”

The banquet hall was still very quiet.Si Yushi stood in the queue of waiters, looking at Fang Yuan with complicated eyes.No matter what others think of Fang Yuan, Si Yushi believes that what Fang Yuan said is the truth.Does Fangyuan lack women?With a girl as beautiful as Song Sisi, how could other beautiful girls be so beautiful?What's more, is there any difference between the female officer who accompany the drink in the army and the female artist who sings in the army?The captured deputy commander of the navy, Wang Shouye, has mistresses all over the art troupes of the major troops. The art troupe of this army, hehe...

Fang Yuan said: "She wants a business card from me, maybe that's why she came to the Education Bureau to look for me today. Some young girls are always thinking about sugar daddy, marrying a high-ranking official, and wanting to get married all at once. Holding the blue-chip stocks, I want to step into the ** and live a life with money and casual spending. I don’t know what this beautiful female officer thinks, but in short, I am not interested in her at all. I never had anything to do with her Sexual relationship, second, I don’t want to have any ambiguity with her, she is dead, she is good, she is bad, have a shit relationship with me? Now I regret giving her this business card. In the past half month, she often called Harassing me, hoping for this, hoping for that, can their intentions and purposes be hidden from my eyes? Although Fangyuan is young, I have experienced as many things as others. It can be said that I can see through her thoughts at a glance I have seen through it all, will I still be fooled? Will I still put myself in it? Then am I not a fool? Last night, in order to buy a train ticket, she called me several times. Nothing to do with the train ticket, just trying to get me to talk to her more. This annoyed me so much that I directly dragged her phone number into the blacklist. I am not who she is, and I don’t want to be who she is. Her I can clearly see her mentality and her thoughts, and I am not interested at all! Maybe it is because of dragging her phone number into the blacklist that she came to the Education Bureau. My attitude is: whoever causes trouble will come Solve it! I asked Director Zhang Yuanqing to call the head of the security area and ask the security area to solve the matter. If the security area did not allow her to accompany the drink at the beginning, there would not be so many follow-up matters! Therefore, the security area sent people I took her away. I am really sorry, those present and those not present, some people may be disappointed: Why is there no story? How nice to have a story! It is just a chance to discredit Fangyuan, and even make Fangyuan go out in one fell swoop! I'm really sorry, but there is no story between me and this beautiful female officer. There is only so much I can tell. This is all the stories between me and this beautiful female officer. Today I say this in front of all the colleagues in the Education Bureau. If The Commission for Discipline Inspection came to investigate me, so that's all I can say. Let me make up other stories about the beautiful female officer. I can't make up any other stories. Today is a good occasion, and all the comrades from the Education Bureau are here. I also want to say In a word, I, Fang Yuan, have a family now, and I don’t want to let go of my bright future and mess with women. So no matter whether you have any thoughts in your heart, I kindly remind any lesbians who have thoughts to take back your thoughts. First, I don’t accept it; second, it will only make me judge you more negatively; third, I will not do such a stupid thing. I also invite everyone to supervise and see if Fangyuan can really do it; everyone is welcome to report , if you find any clues about me and other lesbians. I also want to say to my unmarried female colleagues, I am not your coffee in your cup, nor your food. Doing some useless work will not hurt me, just hurt You hurt yourself, you just hurt your beautiful love and happy future."

Some people went to see Zhou Yujie.Zhou Yujie's heart was cut like a knife.Originally, she had a thorough understanding and made up her mind not to ask anything about Fang Yuan, but now that she heard Fang Yuan talk about her relationship with the female officer, her heart was shaken again.Zhou Yujie was very dissatisfied with Fang Yuan's last few words.This was obviously aimed at her, Zhou Yujie.Why, an outstanding man like Fang Yuan doesn't belong to me?The idea of ​​not admitting defeat unconsciously occupied the little girl's stubborn heart.The more you can't get it, the more you want it.

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, now, I will give a formal speech."

Fang Yuan picked up the speech draft prepared by Zhang Yuanqing. In the first half, Fang Yuan followed the script.Everyone is listening carefully, looking forward to Fang Yuan's praise.Sure enough, when Fang Yuan finished reading the grades of each department, Fang Yuan interjected: "Here, I would like to especially praise Chairman Song Ping and Vice Chairman Dai Lianghua. The harmony and stability of education has done a lot of work in the ideological work of teachers, with wisdom and sweat. It is not easy to be a human being, and it is not easy to persuade the other party to accept the arrangement of the Education Bureau. Chairman Song and Comrade Dai Lianghua have done a great job , I am very satisfied! Secretary Sun is also very satisfied!"

Everyone thought of Na Hong who was transferred to the Dongzhou Education Development Foundation a few days ago, and Peng Ru who was relieved of all duties. Both of them were planning to make a big fuss.But under Dai Lianghua's ingenious maneuvering, Na Hong has reported to the new post, Peng Ru is also on vacation at home, and the Education Bureau is doing well.

Dai Lianghua was full of gratitude to Fang Yuan.Complaint work is not easy. It is hard work, tiring work, and difficult work. It is not easy to achieve results compared to doing real work.When you can't wipe it clean, you will be scolded and criticized.Fang Yuan can think of what she has done, and that is enough.Dai Lianghua didn't know Fang Yuan's far-reaching intentions, and of course Fang Yuan wouldn't say anything.

On behalf of the leaders of the Fangyuan Bureau, I would like to express my gratitude to all the comrades present!Looking forward to 2009, Fangyuan made a request: we must base ourselves on a new starting point, aim at high goals, conscientiously implement the party's revolutionary spirit, implement the decision-making arrangements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and strive to create a more high-quality, more balanced, and more satisfying public. Dongzhou Education strives to be at the forefront of the province in all aspects.

This is the unscripted content, Fang Yuan can say whatever he thinks.Fang Yuan finally said: "Comrades, in the Education Bureau, whether you are promoted or selected first, we must advocate the establishment of such an atmosphere: compare dedication, contribution, and performance. Who is working hard like an old scalper? Work, selfless work? Who has made great contributions to the development of Dongzhou education? Who has made outstanding achievements in their own jobs? We will reward, promote, and reuse! In the past, many comrades complained about unfairness , unreasonable, then let’s start with Secretary Sun, start with me, and work together to establish a new educational and working atmosphere where everyone is an entrepreneur and everyone is promoted based on performance! Come on, hold your glass, For the happiness of the family, for the progress of work, for the development of Dongzhou's education, and for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, cheers!"

Fang Yuan's speech was high-level and more pragmatic, and it was closely related to the vital interests of everyone present.Who doesn't want an atmosphere of fair competition, and who doesn't want superior leaders to measure and promote cadres based on their performance?Unknowingly, Fangyuan has inspired everyone to work hard, and has received a leopard tail for Dongzhou Education in 2008, and made a good start for Dongzhou Education in 2009.

The atmosphere of the banquet was mobilized, and everyone seemed to have forgotten that a beautiful female officer from the Education Bureau came to look for Fang Yuan in the morning, as if this incident had never happened at all.The uproar that might have been caused was completely resolved by Ding Xiaohua's tactics that Fang Yuan did in the opposite direction.Even though some people are reluctant, if the Commission for Discipline Inspection intervenes in the investigation, the result will be the same. It is better to give up now, so as not to shoot yourself in the foot when it is time.

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