Director's growth history

Chapter 3991 2678 Vivid Lesson 1

For Ding Xiaohua, Fang Yuan's heart is full of complex feelings, some hate, but also admire; want to stay away, but always close.Now, there is a substantive relationship with Ding Chuke again. For a person like Fang Yuan who confesses, the substantive relationship has changed from the relationship between godfather and godson to the relationship between father-in-law and son-in-law.

Fang Yuan sighed, and said, "Brother, it doesn't matter if you are kidnapped or I am willing. Now, Ding Xiaohua is my godfather, and I am Ding Xiaohua's godson. I'm afraid everyone in Dongzhou should know about this relationship." Alright." Wang Chuyin looked at Fangyuan with the scrutiny of a criminal policeman.

Fang Yuan was very calm: "Does someone think that I am from Wang Guodong's camp, and it is inappropriate for me to hang out with people from Song Yunsheng's family?"

Wang Chuyin said: "That's right. In the officialdom, very few people can get things right and wrong, and few people can step on two boats. In reality, even if they step on the wrong boat, many people have to go all the way to the dark side. This is politics. I don't understand you doing this. I believe Secretary Wang doesn't understand either."

Fang Yuan said: "I have already explained to Secretary Wang. I can't guarantee whether Secretary Wang's misunderstanding of me can be eliminated." Wang Chuyin said: "But things are always so coincidental. It's about to end." Fang Yuan asked in amazement: "What's wrong? Are you going to be transferred?" Wang Chuyin said: "Yes. I heard that the provincial party committee questioned Secretary Wang's ability to control him. He presided over the Dongzhou Municipal Committee for two years. In addition, he was the mayor for 4 years before, and in 6 years, Dongzhou City’s political and social order has not been able to run smoothly. Moreover, Dongzhou’s economy has also exposed some problems in the past two years, especially this year. One year, as the international financial crisis led by the United States intensified, Dongzhou City, a city dominated by foreign trade and export, suffered a fatal blow to the foreign trade industry. A large number of private export companies closed down, and individual bosses ran away ', exacerbated the petitioning sentiment of unemployed migrant workers. The province is quite dissatisfied with this. Secretary Wang is a good official, but Secretary Wang is indeed a bit weak in grasping the overall situation. Fangyuan, if Secretary Wang is transferred from Dongzhou, our what to do?"

Fang Yuan was shocked: "Is Secretary Wang really going to leave? Secretary Wang is a clean official!" Wang Chuyin said: "In this world, honest officials or corrupt officials, who can promote the progress and development of society? This has been proved by history. , but there is no resources in hand, who would follow him? What great things can he accomplish? Since ancient times, there have been no honest officials at all. If you want people to listen to you, if you want people to follow you, you will feel that there is a future. Then there must be resources, and then people must feel that it is beneficial to work with you. If you are clean and let the people below drink clear soup, who has such a high level of consciousness?"

Fang Yuan was silent.

Wang Chuyin said: "Let's talk about you brother, maybe you really want to be an upright official. But are you still an upright official now?"

Fang Yuan said, "I'm not greedy for a penny from the public."

Wang Chuyin smiled: "But have you received money from the company? But have you kept a mistress?"

Fang Yuan was speechless for a moment.

Wang Chuyin said: "Brother, don't think too much. In whatever position, do more good things for the common people, and do some practical things, even if you are worthy of your conscience. Just like me, in the position of the police chief, I also work to the end every day. In the middle of the night, there are no weekends at all. It doesn’t matter whether the common people know or don’t know about such dedication, but I must be worthy of my conscience and the trust of the organization. However, if I want thousands of policemen in the city to do their jobs seriously, I will Without resources, who the hell will do it with me? In the end, even if I am a police chief, if everyone doesn’t follow me, I will be a poor commander, and I can’t do anything well. Therefore, I must have certain The resources must be given to the comrades who work with me. Hope, future, and benefits that can be seen and obtained. This is the real way of being an official. Nothing can be given to others. Occasionally, one or two loyal people, It may be stupid with you. But the vast majority, pay attention, this word is the vast majority, who will follow you, who will follow you to drink the northwest wind?"

This is the real way to be an official!Fang Yuan sighed, why are honest officials so rare in ancient and modern China and abroad, and corrupt officials are like the sands of the Yellow River?Why in the thousands of years of feudal history, there were only a few honest officials such as Hai Rui?In fact, it indirectly proves that the progress of history is promoted by capable officials, not by honest officials.And these competent officials, in order to promote the success of reforms and social development, must have a large number of followers, and must have enough resources, and it is impossible for a large number of followers to drink clear soup and eat few noodles.And in my work, although I am relatively clean, don't I also give comrades who are loyal to me and want to do things a better future?In order to make Dongzhou Experimental Middle School develop well, he reluctantly accepted Yao Changqing as the principal, isn't it just for Huang Jiawei to have a good future?In order to let the development direction of Dongzhou education follow the direction he set, isn't he also planning to let Wang Xingbang be the more lucrative deputy director in charge of vocational education?The position of the deputy director cannot be changed, but there is no lucrative job in security work, only responsibility; but the job of vocational education is a lot of lucrative, isn't this a benefit?Although I have always refused to admit it, but I have to say that I have been subtly doing things to create benefits for friends and subordinates.It's just that Fang Yuan was psychologically reluctant to accept Wang Chuyin's naked words.

Fang Yuan said: "Is it possible for Song Yunsheng to be the secretary of the municipal party committee?" Wang Chuyin said: "I can't accept Song Yunsheng as the secretary of the municipal party committee. Song Yunsheng and I couldn't urinate in the same pot, in the past and now. Brother, you and Song Yunsheng , is basically an enemy. Think about it, about the Dongzhou Railway, you blocked Song Yunsheng and his people from making money, how can Song Yunsheng not hate you? In the last few meetings, you have contradicted Song Yunsheng in public. Song Yunsheng sees that you are pleasing to the eye ?If Song Yunsheng becomes the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, I’m afraid I can only apply for a different place. There are requirements for the Minister of Organization, the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. In many places, the chiefs of public security also work in different places. I have submitted this application to the Provincial Public Security Bureau, and it should be approved.”

Fang Yuan said, "Then what should I do?"

Wang Chuyin said: "You can go to many places. Even if you stay in Dongzhou, Song Yunsheng can't do anything to you for the time being. One is that your father-in-law Kong Zitian has a special position now, and Song Yunsheng must take this into account; two. It’s because there are many members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee in Dongzhou City who support you, and it’s not easy for Song Yunsheng to move you; third, your current cheap godfather, Ding Xiaohua, has an irresistible relationship with Song Yunsheng, and Ding Xiaohua will not agree with Song Yun’s moving you. You It is safe, but it is possible that Song Yunsheng does not dare to touch you, but secretly asks you to take more responsibility. If you are not happy in Dongzhou, you can also go to Hangjiang. Governor Liu Bin does not want you to be his Secretary? Also, isn’t there a deputy director of the Education Bureau in Hangjiang City waiting for you? Being a deputy director of the Education Bureau in Hangjiang City is a real job, after all, Hangjiang is a deputy provincial City."

Fang Yuan basically agrees with Wang Chuyin's analysis.But in a new environment, is it easy to fight again?Without so many followers, without so many resources, it is not easy to win an alliance!Of course, if you can't get along in Dongzhou, it's okay to go to Hangjiang.Hangjiang has Zhao Tengyuan, a deputy mayor who admires him, and Lei Hengliang, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau in Hangjiang City. To a certain extent, Tang Rong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, also has an impression of him. .

Fang Yuan said: "I feel that Song Yunsheng is not the secretary of the listing committee. Song Yunsheng is a big corrupt official, and the provincial committee will not ignore it."

Wang Chuyin smiled: "Song Yunsheng is a corrupt official, but he is also a capable official. Aren't you a corrupt official? Am I not a corrupt official? A corrupt official who can do things and accomplish things is needed in any era. Like us, work hard, The day’s rest time does not exceed six hours, and the rest of the time is spent on doing things. If there is no benefit, who will do it? Even the president of the United States, with an annual salary of 40 US dollars, but the potential benefits of being the president of the United States are almost More than ten million. The White House, the staff who serve the president’s family, not counting government officials, there are as many as 700 people, all of which are financial burdens and taxpayers’ money. Look at how much former President Clinton lives now Moisturizing, I went to give speeches in countries all over the world, and I got hundreds of thousands of dollars for one session. After a few years, not only did I pay off the hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees spent in the Lewinsky lawsuit, but now I have organized a session for my daughter that cost more than [-] dollars. Billion dollar wedding. This is why so many countries and so many people are trying their best to run for president, governor, and congressman. If there is no interest, who the hell would run for president, governor, and congressman? Say yes Serving the country is just an official statement. Its root lies in interests! Interests are the key factors that determine human behavior."

The naked analysis shows that Wang Chuyin has a deep understanding of society.

Fang Yuan said: "The common people hate corrupt officials very much. Just look at the comments on the Internet and you will know how much the common people hope that every official is a clean one."

Wang Chuyin gave a "cut" and said, "That's right, when I can't eat, I'm always jealous; if one day, these people who post and criticize corrupt officials really become officials, I'm afraid they will be even more greedy than the current officials." Powerful! This is why so many angry college students criticize corrupt officials while desperately trying to take the civil service exam. In fact, this is self-contradictory."

So sharp, so deep!While scolding corrupt officials, they go to examine officials. Who can guarantee that they will be admitted to the official? Can they be a clean official?If there is no interest, will these college students still go to the whole country to take the civil service exam desperately?

Fang Yuan felt that compared with Wang Chuyin, his understanding of society was too superficial.Today, it was really a vivid lesson!

Wang Chuyin said: "When we do things, we must think about victory before failure, and plan ahead. I have already thought about it. If Wang Guodong is transferred and Song Yunsheng succeeds as the secretary of the municipal party committee, then I will apply for transfer. I need to explain many things to you in advance, and you will take care of them for me. Especially your little sister-in-law, she is capable but without my care, there are many people who want to harm her. If the new municipal party secretary Come here, Song Yunsheng will continue to serve as the mayor, then I will pay homage to the new secretary of the municipal party committee immediately and form a political alliance with the secretary of the new municipal party committee. Fangyuan, are you ready?"

Fangyuan said: "I heard voices saying that I want to be transferred from education to work in the county. The basic position given to me at present is the deputy county magistrate of the Standing Committee, and I may also become the executive deputy county magistrate. What do you think my brother thinks that I will leave education to work in the county? Sample?"

Wang Chuyin said: "Everyone has its own advantages and disadvantages. For a public security officer like me, the only way to go is the Political and Legal Committee, so it is very likely that you will work in the police all your life, at most as the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Your education is not many. From the director of the Education Bureau It is very unlikely to be transferred to the deputy mayor in the post. It is a good new way to enrich your experience by working in the county. But, have you thought about it? If you serve as the deputy county magistrate, the county government and the city government will be counterparts, Song Yunsheng It's the mayor, isn't it too easy for you to put on a little shoe and get you in trouble?"

Fang Yuan never thought of this, and was stunned for a while.

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