Director's growth history

3993 Chapter 2680, who is the master of the party committee

In the morning, while Fang Yuan was having breakfast at home, he received a call from Sun Hongjun: "Director Fang, can you arrive earlier? There are some things I want to talk to you about again." Fang Yuan said, "No problem."

Fang Yuan rushed to the Education Bureau, and Sun Hongjun was already waiting for him.The two entered Sun Hongjun's office, and Sun Hongjun handed Fang Yuan a copy of the agenda of the party committee.In the agenda, the adjustment of the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School was not listed, but such a meaningful sentence was written: "Research personnel and other matters."

Fang Yuan smiled: "The secretary is also very strong in political strategy now!" Sun Hongjun said: "When it is time to speak, we still have to speak. Sometimes, if we don't talk about such little tricks, we are afraid that we will not be able to withstand the pressure from all directions. To achieve our goal quickly, we must be flexible in the method." Fang Yuan nodded: "The secretary said well."

Sun Hongjun said: "I invite you to come here because I have a few things to exchange opinions with you. If you nominate Yao Changqing as the principal of Experimental Middle School and Zhao Zidong as the principal of No. 3 Middle School, who will replace the principal of No. 11 Middle School?" Fang Yuan thought for a while, but Can't find a suitable candidate among familiar people.Fang Yuan asked: "Is there a suitable candidate for the secretary?" Sun Hongjun smiled mysteriously: "I will not nominate. Yao Changqing can be the principal of the experimental middle school, and this big peach is enough for me to digest." Fang Yuan said: "Then Just nominate Dong Mei, the vice-principal of 68 High School. She has served as the vice-principal for more than 2 years, and she has a good character. From a certain point of view, she is not suitable for the working atmosphere of 68 High School. I want to renovate 68 High School. Dong Mei is obviously not suitable for becoming an excellent middle school like the No. 5 Middle School." Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, I will nominate Dong Mei when the time comes. It's the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Statistics. No matter how you look at it, it's beneficial to promote Dong Mei."

Fang Yuan said: "Dong Mei's husband used to be the chief of the General Section." Sun Hongjun said: "The General Section is the material section. Only he knows the major issues and development plans of the Statistics Bureau. He is an expert of the Statistics Bureau." Fang Yuan Said: "Okay." Sun Hongjun said: "There is a vacant post of vice-principal in '68 High School, who will fill it?"

Fang Yuan gritted her teeth and said cruelly, "Let's promote Fang Shujuan, the current dean of No. 68 High School. Qiu Zhengxuan thinks highly of Fang Shujuan. Fang Shujuan has a work style like that of Saburo, and Qiu Zhengxuan thinks highly of her." Sun Hongjun said: "All those promoted are from 68, will it cause dissatisfaction in other schools?"

Fang Yuan thought that he might leave Dongzhou Education soon, so he couldn't care so much at this time.Fang Yuan said: "You don't avoid relatives by internal promotion, and you don't avoid virtuous persons by external promotion. As long as you are a comrade who can do things and wants to do things, we should reuse them, regardless of whether she has anything to do with her or not. Fang Shujuan is from Jiangxi, in Dongzhou. She has no relatives. She has the first prize in the municipal class and is also the school's teaching director. She is familiar with the situation in Dongzhou No. 68 Middle School. We use talents, not relationships. For the development of No. 68 Middle School, it is best to nominate from the school, which is beneficial to the school unity."

Fang Yuan spoke in a high-sounding way, but Fang Yuan knew in his heart: this is probably considered as his betrayal of Fang Shujuan, and he could not marry Fang Shujuan, so he should give her some compensation!After becoming the vice principal, Fang Shujuan's political and economic benefits will be significantly improved, and her life will be better in the future.Although Fang Shujuan is not a woman who has slept with herself, she has washed her underwear and taken care of her life. Even that night, her pajamas slipped off quietly... Fang Shujuan is a good woman, but it is a pity that she can't make love again. Some of these are enough to trouble yourself.

The party committee was held on time at 9 o'clock, and Sun Hongjun, secretary of the party committee, presided over the meeting.Sun Hongjun said: "Comrades, the central topic of today's meeting is to study the next step in the competition for the director of Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten; in addition, we will also study and pass individual personnel adjustments."

Teng Feiyue, head of the political engineering section, reported the current status of registration and qualification review of the principals of the experimental kindergarten.The meeting voted by a show of hands and passed the party committee's decision: on January 1th, the list of applicants who passed the qualification examination will be officially announced; on January 4th, a written test will be held at Dongzhou 1 High School.The meeting determined the list of invigilators. In the first examination room, Zhang Yuanqing, the deputy investigator and director of the office, and Xi Chunhua, the director of the nursery office, were in charge; in the second examination room, Xie Bingguo, the deputy director supervisor, the chief of the education section, and Shen Jun, the chief of the policy and regulation section, were in charge. .Party committee secretary Sun Hongjun, deputy secretary and deputy secretary Fang Yuan served as the chief examiner, and members of the party committee of other bureaus served as deputy chief examiners. After the written test was over on January 5, the test papers were immediately sealed up, and experts hired by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Municipal Education Bureau reviewed the papers and graded them blindly.The meeting decided that objective test questions such as filling in the blanks, choices, and judgments should be marked by one person and reviewed by one person; all other subjective test questions should be marked by three people and reviewed by one person.If there is a large difference in the marks scored by the three reviewers, the reviewer will report to the chief examiner, and the judges will be awarded collectively. It is necessary to ensure the fairness and justice of the marks.The whole process of marking the papers is recorded, and the controversial markings are recorded one by one, and the whole process is kept to make the whole process open and transparent.After the results of the written test come out, they will be jointly confirmed by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the Municipal Education Bureau, and will be stamped by the three parties and announced to the public.

Sun Hongjun said: "About the competition for the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten, I would like Director Fang to tell you a few words."

Sun Hongjun applauded first, and the others had to applaud.Fang Yuan waved his hand: "Comrades, this competition for the director of the Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten is an experiment in the reform of the selection method of the Education Bureau's cadres. The experiment is to cross the river by feeling the stones. Under the current situation, it is impossible to use all the education bureau The positions are all put up for competition. However, we can sum up and accumulate experience through the competition for the head of the experimental kindergarten, and lay the foundation for gradually expanding the scope of job competition in the future. This competition has attracted the attention of the municipal party committee and many leaders in the province. We can only Success cannot fail. In fact, I am thinking that it is not difficult to succeed. The most important thing is to be fair, just and open, so that the results can stand the test and stand doubt. Therefore, whether it is our invigilator or the marking of test papers , the specifications are unprecedented. I hope that everyone will unite as one, eliminate the noise, and jointly make this reform experiment a success.”

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang put forward a clear request, and the discussion was in place. I hope that everyone will perform their duties and take responsibility according to Director Fang's request, and do their job well. Now, we are studying individual personnel adjustment issues. Comrade Fang Yuan has formally proposed to me that he will no longer concurrently serve as the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, and we will vote at today's meeting. If you agree that Comrade Fang Yuan will no longer concurrently serve as the principal of the Experimental Middle School, please raise your hand!"

Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan raised their hands first.The others, including Fang Yuan's iron rods, all opened their eyes wide.However, when everyone saw Fang Yuan's smiling face, and thought that Fang Yuan was really busy with work in the Education Bureau, Xie Bingguo, Cao Bensong, Wang Xingbang, Heping, and Kong Lili all raised their hands quickly.The party committee has de facto passed the decision that Fang Yuan will no longer serve as the principal.Han Suzhen and Song Ping quickly raised their hands, as did Geng Qing.

Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, except for Comrade Zhai Xinwen who is recuperating at home, today's meeting was unanimously approved. Now, let's study the candidate for the principal of the new experimental middle school. Comrade Fang Yuan, as the former principal of the experimental middle school, knows the school's situation best. Now , I invite Comrade Fang Yuan to speak."

Geng Qing raised his hand: "I object! The principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is an extremely important position. How can he conduct a forced vote so rashly? Even the principal of an experimental kindergarten has been recruited openly, and it has been going on for so long; the importance of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School , Far more than the Experimental Kindergarten, I disagree with today’s vote on the principal of the Research Experimental Middle School. At least a suitable candidate should be conceived and reported to the Municipal Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee for approval, and we will study it at the meeting.”

Sun Hongjun despised Geng Qing extremely.Geng Qing's sarcastic remarks last night also deepened Sun Hongjun's dislike of Geng Qing: "Director Geng, when does the research of a department-level cadre need to be reported to the Municipal Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee? In the past, the Education Bureau studied so many principals. Do all adjustments need the approval of the Municipal Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee?"

Geng Qing blushed a little: "The key is that the position of the principal of the experimental middle school is too important."

Sun Hongjun said: "No matter how important it is, the appointment of the principal is also within the purview of the party committee of the bureau, and no one can interfere. Director Fang, please nominate the candidate you think is suitable."

Fang Yuan nodded: "Director Geng is right. Dongzhou Experimental Middle School is indeed a school that attracts the attention of the society. The principal must be chosen carefully. As the former principal, I am full of affection for Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. I am the most I don't want any problems in the development of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School; I most hope that Dongzhou Experimental Middle School will develop better and faster under the leadership of the new principal. Therefore, I dragged the principals of the whole city here and there. , I found two more suitable candidates. Now, I propose these two candidates, everyone discusses and discusses, and see if my nomination is selfish? Is it out of public interest? The first candidate, Zhao Zidong, originally The vice-principal of teaching at Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, and now the principal of No. 11 Middle School; the second candidate, Yao Changqing, is now the principal of Dongzhou No. 3 Middle School."

Fang Yuan scanned the audience, with Ding Xiaohua's sharp eyes, seeing everyone's expressions clearly, and putting a lot of pressure on everyone.

Fangyuan said: "Zhao Zidong is very familiar with the old No. 5 Middle School of the Experimental Middle School. Everyone here knows whether he is strong in business. No. 11 Middle School with the worst teaching in the city, under the leadership of Zhao Zidong, has undergone earth-shaking changes in two years. It has become a mid-level junior high school in the city. What a remarkable achievement! Everyone should think about the foundation of the students in No. 11 Middle School and the mental state of the teachers in No. 11 Middle School. Yao Changqing, who has been the principal of No. 3 Middle School for two years , the school develops steadily and orderly. It is one of the most stable schools in Dongzhou. There has never been any incident that worries or worries the leaders of our education bureau. From this point of view, Yao Changqing's ability to control large and prestigious schools is extraordinary For the sake of the stability of the experimental middle school, Yao Changqing went to the experimental middle school to ensure the stability of the experimental middle school. Secretary Sun and I checked all the middle school principals in the city and felt that these two candidates are suitable. It is definitely not like Director Geng What I said was frivolous. It’s just that Secretary Sun and I are in the process of deliberating candidates, so it’s inconvenient to let everyone know in advance. When we deliberate candidates, we are very cautious. We consider the overall situation of Dongzhou’s education development. Consider from the standpoint of who can lead Dongzhou Experimental Middle School well in the future."

Sun Hongjun said: "That's right. Director Fang and I are considering the candidate for the future principal of the experimental middle school. Of course we won't disclose it in advance."

Han Suzhen said: "I support Zhao Zidong. Although Zhao Zidong made me so angry that I had a heart attack and eventually left the post of director of education. But from the perspective of the future development of the experimental middle school and from the perspective of Zhao Zidong's personal ability, I think Zhao Zidong is better than Yao Changqing. Even better. Before Yao Changqing became the principal of the No. 3 Middle School, he had been working in a junior high school and had only 2 years of experience in high school. I think experience is still lacking in a school like the Experimental Middle School. Yao Changqing has a special shortcoming, that When Yao Changqing was the vice-principal, he focused on moral education. How to focus on teaching, Yao Changqing has not shown his due ability.”

Sun Hongjun was a little anxious.Han Suzhen can actively recommend Zhao Zidong who makes her angry, which shows her fairness.Of course, it is not ruled out that Han Suzhen knows that Yao Changqing is Zhai Xinwen's direct descendant, so he must prevent Yao Changqing from being the principal of the experimental middle school.But someone took the lead, and Yao Changqing's disadvantage became more obvious.If Zhao Zidong served as the principal of the experimental middle school, it would not be in his own interest.

Sun Hongjun said: "Stability is the foundation of development, and stability is the premise and foundation for doing all the work well. Yao Changqing's ability to grasp stability has been quite outstanding in the past few years. Yao Changqing's greatest advantage is knowing people and doing well. A principal , You can’t handle everything by yourself. An excellent principal should give full play to the strengths of everyone around him. From this point of view, it’s good for Yao Changqing to be the principal of the Experimental Middle School. "

The secretary and the chief inspector have different opinions.All eyes were on Fangyuan.Fang Yuan said: "Every member of the party committee should have an independent judgment."

Sun Hongjun was a little anxious.Fangyuan, what is this for?Are you going to let yourself dove?If Fang Yuan used his power to convene the party committee to force Zhao Zidong's appointment, then he would be used by Fang Yuan.

In the end, there were fewer big scenes to experience, and Sun Hongjun was a little restless.The appearance of Fang Yuan sitting on the fishing boat made the party committee members present, Zhang Yuanqing, and Teng Feiyue secretly sigh: This is the demeanor of a general.Compared with Fang Yuan, Sun Hongjun was more than ten years older, but his ability to control the big scene was indeed weak.

Xie Bingguo raised his hand: "Secretary Sun, Director Fang, let me share some opinions. I support Yao Changqing as the principal of the Experimental Middle School. My reason is: Dongzhou Experimental Middle School already has a very powerful vice-principal Huang Jiawei in charge of teaching. Like Director Han said that Zhao Zidong understands teaching, and Huang Jiawei understands teaching. If the two people disagree, then the teaching model that Huang Jiawei is now implementing is likely to be overthrown by Zhao Zidong. But it turns out that Huang Jiawei is engaged in Dongzhou Experimental Middle School One of the important reasons for the greater improvement in teaching performance. Of course, all this is inseparable from the correct leadership of Director Fang and the full authorization of Director Fang to Huang Jiawei. Director Han said that Yao Changqing does not understand teaching. Yes, this is Yao Changqing’s disadvantage. But in Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, in order to do a good job in teaching, Yao Changqing must fully authorize Huang Jiawei to let Huang Jiawei continue to focus on teaching according to the established ideas. Instead of two experts, Zhao Zidong and Huang Jiawei, it is better to let one expert play It works. That's my attitude."

Xie Bingguo has never been interested in Zhao Zidong. The last time Fangyuan took him to No. 11 Middle School, Xie Bingguo felt angry when he saw Zhao Zidong's supercilious look.Xie Bingguo would never agree to let Zhao Zidong be the principal of the experimental middle school, even if it offended Fang Yuan.However, Xie Bingguo was still a little guilty, and after finishing his speech, he secretly looked at Fangyuan.

Geng Qing said: "Director Xie is right. I vote for Yao Changqing!"

The rest of the party committee members kept their mouths tightly shut.Sun Hongjun felt a little more at ease, and his idea had been supported by 3 votes.However, Fang Yuan's attitude is still the key.It can be seen that the remaining few will never speak.Fangyuan's attitude is their attitude.

There was silence in the conference room.Everyone ignored Sun Hongjun's official position and all eyes were on Fang Yuan's face.

Fang Yuan knew that these party committee members would not speak anymore.This is his control over the true capabilities of the Education Bureau.Xie Bingguo has independent claims.It can be seen that his relationship with Zhao Zidong is not good.From the overall situation of education, having a party committee member like Xie Bingguo is a good thing for education; however, Fangyuan still feels a little uncomfortable if he does not act according to his own will, even though Xie Bingguo's ideas are exactly the same as his own.Fang Yuan said: "I appreciate Huang Jiawei's professional ability very much. Huang Jiawei will definitely be an excellent principal in the future and will become an important backbone of Dongzhou's education development. For such a vice principal, he should be fully authorized to let him Those who show their talents and exercise their growth. I agree with Director Xie’s point of view.”

Xie Bingguo let out a long breath.I'm most afraid of having a different opinion from Fang Yuan's. Now that I see it, it's good to be the same!Otherwise, I will definitely suffer in my heart!Even at the final show of hands, it is possible to change your mind.

Fang Yuan said: "Experimental Middle School is very important, and Dongzhou No. 3 Middle School is also very important. Here, I would like to express my opinion. Yao Changqing is the principal of Experimental Middle School, and Zhao Zidong is the principal of No. 3 Middle School. Let's also have a Tian Ji horse race, and take a look at Yao Changqing's leadership With the help of Huang Jiawei and other comrades, will the experimental middle school under the leadership continue to develop rapidly, or will it be overtaken by the No. 3 middle school under the leadership of Zhao Zidong? I wonder if my proposal can get everyone's support?"

Cao Bensong said: "Director Fang is very considerate, and I fully support it."

Wang Xingbang said: "Director Fang's opinion not only allows the Experimental Middle School to have a suitable principal, but also No. 3 Middle School to have a suitable principal. I agree."

Heping said: "Director Fang's opinion is the best opinion."

Song Ping said: "I support Director Fang's opinion."

Kong Lili said: "I support Director Fang."

Sun Hongjun let out a long breath.Everything is under Fang Yuan's control, and all goals have been achieved!Sun Hongjun said: "Do other comrades have different opinions?"

Han Suzhen looked at Fangyuan thoughtfully, and lamented that if she returned to serve as the director of the bureau and Fangyuan did not leave, she would not be able to control the Education Bureau at all!

Xie Bingguo was reluctant for Zhao Zidong to be the principal of No. 3 Middle School, but what else can he do under the current bundled mode?Xie Bingguo said: "I agree with Director Fang's opinion."

Geng Qing was also happy to see Yao Changqing as the principal of the experimental middle school, saying, "I agree too."

Sun Hongjun said: "Okay. Then appoint Yao Changqing as the principal of Experimental Middle School and Zhao Zidong as the principal of No. 3 Middle School."

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