Director's growth history

401.117, a sensation in the whole city

Han Suzhen coughed softly, and Ma Shuntian immediately understood: Damn, I'm afraid I'll tell you everything, you don't have a chance, right? 【@】

"Now, let's ask Director Han to tell everyone about Mayor Deng's instructions."

"Okay, now I will tell my comrades about Mayor Deng's instructions. Just now, Secretary Ma and I went to Mayor Deng's office. Mayor Deng praised our Municipal Education Bureau for winning glory for Binhai City and gave important instructions. He said Three points, first, we must quickly sort out the materials of the whole process of winning the provincial first prize No. Give it to Secretary Cui, give it to Mayor Wang, and give it to him. Second, the education bureau should consider setting up a model of Teacher Fangyuan, who should be promoted if he should be promoted, should be reused if he should be reused, and should be rewarded if he should be rewarded. , in order to motivate the cadres and teachers of the city's education system to strive for excellence, and asked him to report to him a copy of the research opinions of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau and to Secretary Zhai of the Municipal Party Committee before leaving work today. Third, Fang Yuan's personal situation Report to Mayor Deng, and explain that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you will go to 1 Middle School to see Teacher Fangyuan."

"Okay, everyone now understands that the city leaders attach great importance to this matter. Now we have a formal meeting to study how to implement the spirit of the leadership's instructions, do good things well, and create typical role models." Ma Shuntian saw Han Suzhen finish speaking , pick up the conversation immediately.

The venue was silent.Zhai Xinwen didn't know if the teacher Kong Zitian played any role in this, but he thought that if Ma Shuntian took away all the functions of this matter, wouldn't it be troublesome if he extended his term of office by breaking the rules?But what should we do about this matter?How can the resources I have now let the teacher know that I am helping Fangyuan?Looking at Ma Shuntian's excited look, Zhai Xinwen felt very uncomfortable, and also very strange: You are not going to retire right away, what are you busy with?Zhai Xinwen felt that the matter was very strange, so he decided to tell Confucius about the situation after the meeting to hear what he thought.

"Okay, now we start to study how to implement the spirit of the instructions of the municipal party committee and the municipal government leaders. Today we will study the following issues: First, the comrades in the teaching and research section should prepare the materials for the process of striving for No. 1 in Xiangjiang Province. Please Director Zou is the one to check the office. How to write the materials and to what extent will be studied in a short time. Second, Secretary Zhai of the Municipal Party Committee instructed to publicize and praise comrades with achievements, and Mayor Deng instructed that they should be reused and promoted. Promotion, today we will also discuss and discuss how to do it more in line with the procedures, and can implement the important instructions of the leaders of the municipal party committee and the government. The third is that Mayor Deng will go to 68 Middle School tomorrow to meet with Teacher Fangyuan What kind of preparations should we make for the discussion with cadres and teachers? The fourth is the basic personal information of Fangyuan. , Put forward a preliminary opinion on emphasizing talents and promoting talents, first report to the party committee, and study it later. Alright, now let’s study the first question first.”

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