Director's growth history

4015 Chapter 2702, how can there be time to drink tea and read newspapers

Faced with Zhou Peng's invitation, Fang Yuan also had a terrible headache.Last time, after listening to Kong Shuanghua's introduction to the meeting with Zhou Yujie, and knowing that Chunxiao's capital increase and share expansion would lead to the shrinking of the Zhou family's shares, Fangyuan felt something was wrong.Originally, I planned to buy shares through the Zhou family to consolidate my substantial relationship with Zhou Peng, but if the shares of the Zhou family shrink, can Zhou Peng have no objections?Ji Ruyun's shares, 10%, didn't take a penny; Zhou Peng's shares, 20%, were real money invested 200 million!In a blink of an eye, it will shrink to 14%. What's the matter?Isn't this plundering the Zhou family's wealth?Fang Yuan was a little afraid to face Zhou Peng now.

However, even if you are timid, you must bite the bullet and go to Zhou's house.Before it's time to rip your face off, Fang Yuan has to actively and proactively restore the current embarrassing situation, and try his best to restore the interest alliance between himself and Zhou Peng to its previous state.Right now, education still needs to be dealt with.

Wang Xingbang followed Fang Yuan into the office, a little cautiously: "Director, shall I report back later?"

Fang Yuan said, "Let's talk now. I'm afraid that when I get busy, I won't have time to listen to your report."

Wang Xingbang said: "Thank you to the director for giving me such a rare opportunity. I will definitely do a good job in the new job."

Fang Yuan said: "I chose Director Wang because he is capable, and also because he does the job, which makes me feel more at ease."

Wang Xingbang knew very well: the latter is probably more important.

Wang Xingbang said: "Yes. I will report my thoughts on vocational education in the last three days to the director."

Vocational education, in a complete way, its functions are divided into three parts: vocational education, adult education and community education.The Ministry of Education established the Department of Vocational and Adult Education in the Ministry of Education. Its original intention is to hope that vocational education can be implemented in all stages of middle school, university and society, and can run through a person's life.One of the key points of adult education is employment training; while community education is more inclined to guide everyone to establish the concept of lifelong education, and its connotation is also broader.In many cases, community education also takes targeted education for some zero-employment families and laid-off people in the community as an important content, so as to help these people with employment difficulties obtain employment opportunities.Therefore, it cannot be understood one-sidedly that vocational education is a vocational high school or a vocational technical college.

Vocational education in schools is mainly to cultivate skilled laborers suitable for all walks of life under the current market economy conditions, and should be closely integrated with the needs of current economic development and the market.It should be said that the vocational high schools in Dongzhou City can still adjust their majors according to the needs of the market. However, due to the relatively low quality of education, many vocational high school graduates have to add two years of junior college education to their three-year high school. If you don't work hard or work hard in your studies, you won't be able to master the skills and expertise, so you will encounter many difficulties in getting a job in the market.Even if you are employed, it is still the job at the bottom of society.In vocational and technical colleges, many majors are set with reference to majors that are common in other universities, and some outdated majors still occupy a considerable number, resulting in a disconnect with the market.There are many problems in vocational education.

This is the first time for Fang Yuan to systematically understand Dongzhou's vocational education.Wang Xingbang's report was very serious. Although it was rough, Fang Yuan still had a basic understanding of the current situation of vocational education in Dongzhou City.

Fangyuan interjected: "Xingbang, it is said that most of the students admitted to vocational high schools and vocational technical colleges are not very good at their studies. If they can learn and master a technology in vocational colleges, their future employment prospects will be brighter. The remuneration will not be lower than that of college students, master students, and doctoral students.”

Wang Xingbang said: "Yes, Director. However, many of these children are children who don't like to study. During the vocational high school, how many of them can concentrate on learning skills and mastering skills? Therefore, the children of Pugao are busy studying for the university entrance exam. , and the children of vocational high schools are busy falling in love. How can they learn real skills like this? In the past few days, I deeply feel that there are many urgent problems in our vocational education.”

Fang Yuan said: "We are not afraid of problems. When there are problems, we will find a way to solve them. Maybe many problems cannot be solved at the same time, but we can break through bit by bit. If one problem is solved, there will be one less problem."

This is Fang Yuan's attitude towards life.Where is there no problem?If you are afraid of problems and avoid them, can these problems be reduced?Can it be eliminated?

Fang Yuan's emotions affected Wang Xingbang.Wang Xingbang said: "I have a few ideas, and I want to report them to the director. Do you think it is feasible?"

Fang Yuan listened carefully to Wang Xingbang's report, and carefully wrote down some of Wang Xingbang's views.Wang Xingbang talked on and on for over an hour, Fang Yuan nodded frequently.After Wang Xingbang finished his report, he said, "Please give instructions from the director general."

Fang Yuan said: "I have two ideas. First, students in vocational high schools and vocational technical colleges must have regular military training to improve students' organizational discipline. For matters related to the army, let the secretary of peace coordinate first. If he fails to coordinate , I will coordinate again."

Wang Xingbang said: "It is so necessary. These students really need strict management."

Fangyuan said: "Secondly, we can take the lead in making breakthroughs in the cooperation between schools and enterprises. Select those enterprises with good benefits and promising prospects, actively match them, and let vocational schools and these enterprises carry out order-based training. What kind of skilled workers do enterprises need? , we will train what kind of laborers. This way, firstly, it can increase the employment rate, secondly, students have to study, otherwise they will not be able to be qualified for future jobs, and thirdly, enterprises will also benefit, and can directly obtain skilled workers.”

Wang Xingbang said: "Many schools are doing it, but the pace is not big. The main reason is that too few companies are willing to cooperate with schools. Even if there is cooperation, due to the small scale, the development prospects of the companies are not clear, and the students are not very interested."

Fang Yuan said: "Enterprise, let me contact you. How about Nass Group? How about Dongsheng Group?"

Wang Xingbang suddenly thought of the close relationship between Fangyuan and the bosses of the two powerful companies, Nass Group and Dongsheng Group. One is a godfather who donated 220 million to Dongzhou Experimental Middle School; the other is a big brother who donated to Dongzhou Experimental Middle School 200 million.Many people want to work in such a unit, which is stable, secure, and the salary is not low.

Wang Xingbang said: "Director, this school-enterprise cooperation can only be promoted by a leader like you."

Fang Yuan said: "This also requires cooperation with other departments, and strives for their support. Especially the Economic and Information Commission, the Bureau of Commerce, the Service Industry Development Bureau, the Transportation Bureau, and the Construction Committee, etc. The support of brother departments should make it easier to achieve a substantial breakthrough than contacting a single company. Xingbang, you can form a school-enterprise cooperation implementation plan based on your report today and my ideas. It is difficult to think carefully. Think more, take into account the interests of other departments, and let them see the hope of achieving political achievements. Come up with a preliminary plan, and we will study what to do."

Wang Xingbang was a little excited: "Okay, director. My comrades from the vocational education department and I will study this plan immediately. However, the cooperation between departments, the cooperation between schools and enterprises, still depends on your overall leadership and strong support, director. !"

Fang Yuan sighed: "I suddenly realized that I have to have the skills and contacts of the Tathagata Buddha in order to really accomplish anything."

Wang Xingbang flattered: "Director, take a look at the overall situation. Besides you, who else can do what they want? Anyway, I know I can't do it. I come up with ideas for the director, run errands, and implement them. It may be okay to follow the director's instructions and follow the instructions of the director. Who do I know for the coordinating department and the coordinating enterprise?"

Hey, this is not only an era of fighting for fathers, but also an era of fighting for connections, money, background, and strength.Is it easy to be a director?If you are the top leader, you don't have many contacts, you don't have much strength, and you want to do a good job, accomplish a few major events and achieve considerable political achievements, is it possible?Everyone envies the position of the top leader, but when it comes to the position of the top leader, it doesn't matter if you want contacts but no connections, it doesn't matter if you want connections, and you need resources but you don't have resources. Can the prestige of the director be established?Can the overall work be effectively promoted?As long as this vocational education wants to make a breakthrough in school-enterprise cooperation, it can feel that there are many difficulties to overcome.There are more than 20 departments in the Education Bureau and dozens of tasks in charge, how difficult it must be!

Wang Xingbang's idea is very simple. The highlight of this innovation is political achievements. If we want to do well, we must hold on to Fangyuan's thighs and let Fangyuan's resources and contacts play a role.Otherwise, let’s talk about ideas, without connections and resources, it’s useless.

Wang Xingbang said goodbye to Fangyuan respectfully, and pushed open the door, ah, the door was already crowded with people!Zhang Yuanqing smiled wryly: "Director Wang, your reporting time is a bit too long."

Wang Xingbang looked at so many colleagues, and felt a little proud: Who made me the confidant of Director Fang?It's just that he still had to put on an embarrassing look on his face: "I'm really sorry. I was in charge of vocational education just now, and I have to ask Director Fang for instructions on many things. Let's not take this as an example."

Zhang Yuanqing entered Fangyuan's office: "Director, there are many people coming to you from outside. I have listed the content they want to report. Please read it."

Fang Yuan said: "Didn't I say that those who can be diverted to the deputy director and section chief will be diverted there?"

Zhang Yuanqing said: "These things seem to require you, the top leader, to make a decision. I have already diverted what should be diverted; after the diversion, there are so many more!"

Fang Yuan couldn't help laughing out loud: "Is this still letting people live?"

Zhang Yuanqing said: "I also understand the director very well, but there is really no way."

Fangyuan looked up at the quartz clock. It was 11:40, and it was almost time for dinner.

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Director, why don't we eat first? These comrades are comrades in education. I will arrange for them to have a meal in the cafeteria; other comrades, let them figure out their own way?"

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "Well, let's go to the meeting room. Let the cafeteria serve two meals, and the comrades who talked first will talk with me while eating. The other comrades can arrange to eat in the cafeteria."

In this way, Fang Yuan did not take a break. While having lunch, he talked with the principals of the school and other comrades in the society.For big things and small things, Fangyuan received a lot of information in just one noon, good and bad, all kinds of information.As a bureau chief, I really have a good heart, can withstand all kinds of pressure, and can maintain a basic stability in my heart when I hear all kinds of things.These people who came to find Fangyuan encountered difficulties that others could not solve, or had to report important matters to the leader.If there is no important job, if it is not for the help of the Municipal Education Bureau, they will not find a leader.When going to work in the afternoon, Fang Yuan finally finished seeing the people who lined up in the morning. Fang Yuan was so tired that she didn't want to say a word, and she didn't want to see anyone.

However, if Sun Hongjun has something to do, let's see him; if the deputy bureau chiefs have something to do, let's see;Many times, it was the deputy director who came to see Fangyuan with the section chief in charge.The things we are talking about are all the work of education.Think about it, in the bureau director's office meeting in the morning, Fang Yuan decided on a few things, which needed to be implemented one by one, especially the end-of-term work opinions, which involved the office and the education department. Xie Bingguo and Zhang Yuanqing had to ask Fang Yuan for instructions; There must be progress in the previous tasks, and every department is involved.With Fang Yuan in charge, who wants to be left behind?Everyone wants to prove themselves with work performance!This requires an all-out effort.But how to do it, you need to ask Fangyuan for instructions.Especially for many jobs, there are many difficulties in the initial stage, and the deputy directors and section chiefs don't know what to do.For example, the infrastructure department undertakes education infrastructure projects, and the preliminary procedures are extremely complicated. First, the project must be approved, which is approved by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission.If the above item is not established, the finance will not allocate funds, and any other follow-up work will be equal to zero.Project approval is the first step in infrastructure work.After that, there are planning approvals, fire protection approvals, budget preparation and budget approvals, and then environmental protection approvals, civil air defense approvals, and many other seemingly small approvals, but without this step, the next step cannot be advanced.After all the approval procedures have been completed, it is necessary to conduct bidding.This is another particularly lengthy phase of the infrastructure project, which will take a month if all goes well.In other words, it will take at least two or three months for the educational infrastructure project to reach the level of entering the site for work.In other words, in the first two or three months, they were all doing paper articles, and there was no movement at the project site.And Fangyuan hoped that all work would progress before the Spring Festival at the director's office meeting today. How could Cao Bensong, the director in charge, and the infrastructure section chief not be in a hurry?

And Xie Bingguo has the most things.At the teaching institute, the first issue of "Dongzhou Education" magazine has been printed, and I have to report to Fang Yuan.At the same time, the evaluation of teaching and scientific research papers has to come to an end, and Fang Yuan has to set a general direction.Of course, setting the general direction is secondary, the key is that Fangyuan has to sign the wholesale bonus and the money for expert review fees.Jiang Dacheng also wanted to report on the situation of the teacher's reading project, but Xie Bingguo directly denied it: Director Fang is so busy, I just know about such things.In the teaching and research section, the final exam is about to begin, and Li Guoqiang will report to Fangyuan on related work.In addition, Fangyuan wanted to investigate the final exam situation of the relevant school, and the teaching and research section would definitely follow. What the teaching and research section would do was not mentioned at the director's office meeting, so naturally they had to ask for instructions.In addition, the teaching and research section has to print the "Winter Vacation Garden" for each school stage and each subject. Because it involves charging students, it has reported to Zhai Xinwen in previous years, but this year it must report to Fangyuan.The teaching and research section is also planning to use the winter vacation time to organize experts to train teaching and research staff, and organize teaching and research staff to conduct a week-long intensive training for key teachers of various disciplines in the city.Xie Bingguo personally served as the chief of the basic education department. He was responsible for formulating the "Opinions on Winter Vacation Work for Primary and Secondary Schools in Dongzhou City."Especially for the 2009 Educational Work Conference, the general situation will be studied at the next office meeting of the bureau director, but preparations must be made in advance now, and it is even more important to listen to the spirit of the instructions of the top leader, Fang Yuan, so that the preparation process can be targeted.What Fang Yuan said and the points of view mentioned will likely become the main theme and center of this education work conference. When the Education Department, the Office, and the Policy and Law Department jointly organize the education work conference, the general direction will be clear and clear. error.

In this way, after returning to the office, Fang Yuan met the deputy director and section chiefs one after another, and was busy until after 17:2.In the morning, Wang Xingbang took up more than an hour; in the afternoon, Xie Bingguo and the three departments in charge of him took up more than two hours; Cao Bensong and the departments in charge of him also took up almost one hour.Even the chief supervisor, Han Suzhen, and the director of the supervision office were in Fangyuan's office, talking about the year-end education supervision and evaluation work for all districts and counties in the city.

Is it tiring to be a bureau chief? It can be seen that there is no time to drink tea and read newspapers?When Zhou Yujie rushed into Fangyuan's office, Fangyuan was answering a call from Sheng Zhiren, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of Organization.Sheng Zhiren said: "Xiao Fang, many leaders in the province are paying attention to the written test of the principal of the experimental kindergarten tomorrow. We must not be careless. The first few items of the written test are in my desk now, and the last one , I want to ask for your opinion. You come to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee now. Of course, you have to say hello to your family in advance, and say that you will not go home at night. For the last item, you are also temporarily confined." Fang Yuan said, "I completely obey Minister Sheng's arrangement."

Fang Yuan hung up the phone, Zhou Yujie said, "Go to my house, take my car, or take your car?" Fang Yuan said, "I'm sorry, I can't go there tonight." Zhou Yujie's expression changed drastically, and her voice couldn't help but rise A few decibels: "Why?"

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